E-Mail Security: Issues and Solutions

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International Journal of Computer Information Systems,

Vol. 7, No.4, 2013

E-mail Security: Issues and Solutions

Sarika Choudhary/ M.tech (Network security) Rajesh Ghusinga/ B.tech (Civil Engineering)
School of Engineering and Sciences Indian Institute of Technology
BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya IIT, Bombay
Khanpur kalan, Sonepat (HR.) India Powai, Bombay, India
[email protected] [email protected]

 differentiate between the regular mails and E-mails as the

Abstract— In this paper we’ll discuss about security of e-mails. postal system handles the regular mails and nobody can look
We’ll also investigate how to add confidentiality and integrity inside the letter, this is called by law. We expect high privacy
protection to ordinary email. with regular mails but ordinary E-Mails are not private, they
In everyday life you all use e-mail and think how much you relay are exposed to everyone.
on the accuracy of its contents? Think you receive an e-mail from
your mentor saying that you did so well in your course then you
were excused from doing any further work and what if you know
that message were a joke from your classmate. We always relay
on e-mail’s confidentiality and integrity for important data or
communication. Mostly ordinary e-mails have no confidentiality
and integrity.

Index Terms— encryption, forgery, interception, security,

spam, spoof.

E-mail travels on the web so they are exposed to the intruders.
So, privacy of emails may be compromised b/w sender’s and
receiver’s side without giving any warning. In today’s A. How e-mails go and who can access it?
electronic world, e-mail becomes the backbone of the most Basically, E-Mails are based on point to point communication.
organizations’ daily activity. As we know email becomes most With the help of an example it becomes clear to you that who
frequent in the world so e-mail security becomes more can access the email. If kavita sends an email to Ritika. Then
important. For the security, organizations must control the Kavita’s computer system creates a virtual connection with
situations by taking any approach or invest wisely including Ritika’s system, it is called computer synchronization.
all the solutions. Messages between them are transferred by SMTP (Simple
Let consider the services provided by e-mail to the business, Mail Transfer Protocol). Consider Ritika is not online at the
email storage and management can be broken down into a moment and Kavita wants to send message to her. This
number of components like flow of the mail, storage of the message is stored at the server i.e. called POP (Post Office
mails, how do we exchange public keys, how do we assign Protocol) server. Next time whenever Ritika will be online,
trust and how user access the emails. These issues are the part she can download the message and can read them also.
of total security agenda. Kavita’s message is for Ritika and hence is private. So we
In section II you’ll study about how emails go and who can choose point to point communication but while the message is
access it and some threats to email, spamming, spoofing etc. sitting on the server, it is potentially exposed to everyone.
In section III you’ll study examples of email security means For better understanding we can consider another example i.e.
by taking a technique we can provide security to mails. let Sarika is an employee of large organization, it may be an
industry or any university or any other organization. So she
II. SECURING E-MAIL can’t create an outbound connection by herself. All her
messages are routed through a server and as a result her
E-Mails are most frequently used in today’s commerce. Now-
privacy is compromised. Another complication is aliases and
a-days these are the most convenient way of communication
forwarding agents – who add more mid points. By taking a
for ordinary users. E-Mails are public and can be seen by
simple case we can see that there’ll five points or parts:-
everyone at every point of communication between two users.
Hence, because of their exposed nature we can’t write
sensitive information in ordinary e-mails. We can
i. Kavita and her system
ii. Kavita’s organisation’s SMTP server

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International Journal of Computer Information Systems,
Vol. 7, No.4, 2013
iii. Kavita’s ISP (Internet Service Provider)  SENDER AUTHENTICITY: Means the receiver
iv. Ritika’s POP server knows that who was the sender and receiver is very
v. Ritika and her computer system confident about it.
 NON-REPUDIATION: Means sender can’t deny that
B. Threats to E-mail: he/she has sent the messages.
 So all these requirements must be fulfil for an ideal
There are so many threats to electronic-mail such as:
secure email. About confidentiality, Integrity and
 Message confidentiality
encryption we’ll study in detail.
 Message blocked delivery
 Message content and origin modification 1) Confidentiality
 Message content and origin forgery by outsider or We begin our description about security to provide
recipient. confidentiality enhancement to the several aspects.
 Denial of message transmission To understand this, sender choose symmetric encryption
 Message interception and subsequent algorithm key. By using this key sender encrypts the entire
message to be sent including FROM: TO: subject: etc. then
Encryption is used for confidentiality and data the message sender prep ends plaintext header. The sender
forgery. You can also defense against the replay encrypts the message key by using the recipient’s public key
attack. But in encryption we doesn’t use symmetric for the key management and attaches that with the massage.
encryption because it cannot protect against data Many network e-mail handlers use unprintable characters for
forgery by recipient, in symmetric encryption both control signals in the traffic stream. To avoid the transmission
sender and receiver share a common key. In this problem encrypted email converts the cipher text into plain
situation, you can use public key scheme for security. text characters.
In this, recipient only can decrypt but don’t do Encrypted email standard works most easily by using the both
encrypt. symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Encrypted e-mail
Sender and receiver can’t protect against the delivery standard supports multiple algorithms.
blocking because we have lack control over the For message confidentiality we use DES, Triple DES, and
middle points in the network. AES. For key exchange we use RSA and Diffie-Hellman.
C. What are the requirements and the solution??
Encrypted Message
For protection from data forgery and maintaining the
confidentiality, we create a list of requirements and solutions.
Receiver’s New Header
This list includes all the security and protection for securing
public key
any email.
i. Message Integrity
ii. Message Confidentiality
message data
iii. Message Authenticity
encryption key
iv. Non-repudiation

Public key
Encryption Encrypted


Symmetric Key Encryption

 MESSAGE INTEGRITY: It means what the receiver
seen and what we sent is matched or not. It helps to
maintain the integrity of the messages.
the message is not exposed on any route while it is
Message Header+ Body
going to the receiver. 2) Integrity
Integrity for e-mail security is as important as confidentiality.
Integrity is provided by hash function in the digital signature

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International Journal of Computer Information Systems,
Vol. 7, No.4, 2013
called message integrity check (MIC). It is optional that Some organizations copy all emails sent from org. systems
encrypted email messages can be encrypted for daily as the evidence in legal issues. Many org. or companies
confidentiality. We can integrate original e-mail message or monitor their worker’s e-mail. Network administrator or ISP
encrypted e-mail messages so that a person can send enhanced (Internet Service Provider) also monitor the e-mails for
or non-enhanced messages. If sender sends enhanced message business purpose, traffic or detect spam etc. Org. monitor
so an extra bit of encrypted email processing is invoked on the emails for any legal purpose. So there is no expected privacy
sender’s end. Receiver should also remove the enhanced bits on network of your emails or general computer use.
for getting the original message but non-enhanced messages
E. Malicious e-mails (Spamming, Phishing, Spoofing)
flow through the mail handlers as usual they processed.
3) Encryption In this electronic world, it is very important for everyone to be
In this key management is a major problem. We can remove familiar with three thing i.e. spamming, spoofing, phishing.
this problem or difficulty with the use of certificates. These three terms seem to denote the same thing but they are
Certificates are used for key management, key exchange and different from each other and you should be aware. So let us
for associating an identity with a public encryption key. The take a look at their definitions.
problem with certificate is building a hierarchy. Now-a-days 1) Spam
many organizations have hierarchical structure but some Spam is junk e-mails also known as unsolicited bulk e-mail
organizations don’t have. So because of a problem of message or we can say unwanted messages. They are refers to
imposing a hierarchy on non-hierarchical world then PGP was send email to thousands of users as a chain letters. Mostly we
developed for such organizations. found that spam has also to be compromised of ads for
By using RSA encryption technique with long bit key we can products and services of questionable legality. Spam is
provide strong end-to-end security for e-mail. annoying but it’s not really dangerous. Sometimes, spam e-
mail spamming is combined with the spoofing so it is very
difficult to find out the actual originating email address of the
Compose Message sender. Some e-mail systems like outlook express have ability
View message
to block the e-mail with specified address. But because of
changing email address frequently, it is very difficult to
prevent some spam from reaching to your inbox. There are
two types of spam:
 Intentional spam: it is comes from spammers who are
Yes No Crypto fraud or solicited products.
Encryption processing
 Unintentional spam: it originates from computer
requested? Crypto
o Yes systems that are infected with the virus. Virus or
worms send bulk message from the infected system
Encrypted? without the knowledge of the computer owner.
2) Phishing
No Phishing is a type of spam in which sender enters its
personal account information (banking data) for the
purpose of breaking your account and theft of data
Send message for fraud-ness. Phishers can enhance the credibility
Receive message
by spoofing to convince source address. We can take
an example for better understanding, let you get a
false e-mail and this e-mail appear come from a
legitimate company like eBay, Yahoo, government
D. E-mail Interception universities etc. These messages look like they came
As other web content have privacy concern from interception from original source. These messages ask you to
risk such as e-mail also have the same concern while transmit update your records by entering your Date of Birth,
the message over the internet. bank account number and PIN etc. These sites collect
There are various techniques for encrypting e-mail. PGP and your personal data in order to theft your money,
S/MIME techniques are widely used. These techniques are identity etc.
mostly used in popular email handlers like Microsoft outlook, You just keep in mind that legitimate companies
Eudora, Netscape etc. These products protect emails over the or organisation already have your personal data, so
internet and from midpoints too etc. VPN (Virtual Private they will never ask you to give all this kind of
Network) can also provide data communication security or information. Whenever you think that any e-mail is
protect the data. But it provides limited protection between suspicious then don’t reply and even delete that
client’s workstation and some points. It uses router or firewall email.
at the point to which the sender belongs. For e.g.
communication is protected from a university student to the
edge of the university network.

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Vol. 7, No.4, 2013
3) Spoofing  Generate a hash or message digest for message
When an email appears that it comes from the legitimate integrity or authentication.
source and in actual it comes from an imposter/ fraud.  Sign the hash and encrypt it with sender’s private key.
Basically it is the forgery of email header so that it seems  Then attach the encrypted session key with encrypted
original or actual. It is done by spammers often and it can be message and digest.
accomplished by changing the “FROM:” mail address.  Finally transmit the message to the recipient.
E-mail spoofing can be done by different forms but all have
same result. Spoofing can be used for spreading virus or we When recipient receive the message it reverses these steps to
can say malicious purpose or it is a best trick to make user obtain the original message content.
confident and release sensitive information like password,
account no. or PIN no. of account. Mostly email spammers B. S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail
use spoofing so that receiver can get sender’s address or Extensions)
possibly respond. S/MIME is somewhat like PGP. It is an Internet standard and
To send spoofing email, sender enters command into the tells how e-mail is sent and received. Basic MIME represents
header portion that’ll alter the information. Someone could or describes the format of e-mail and handles e-mail
send spoofed message that appears to be a user with a attachments. The enhanced version of MIME with security is
message that he/she didn’t write. S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
There is no way of prevention from receiving the spoofed e- S/MIME is the Internet standard for secure e-mail
mail. If you get message from any source that ask for attachments. PGP have predecessors that are PEM (Privacy
something personal or confidential information then you want Enhanced Mail) and RIPEM. S/MIME is very much like PEM
to know if it is really from the person it says it’s from you can and RIPEM as PGP too. It is now used in many commercial
look at the Internet Header. It shows that from where the products like Microsoft Outlook etc.
email actually originated.
If your email address is spoofed so that doesn’t mean that Principle difference between PGP and S/MIME is the way of
spammer or spoofer has access your mailbox. key exchange. In PGP each user exchanging keys with all the
trusted recipients and establish a ring of trust. In S/Mime, it
uses hierarchically validated certificate such as X.509 for key
III. EXAMPLES OF SECURE E-MAIL SYSTEM exchange. In this sender or receiver don’t need to have
Many sources provide encryption e-mail programs. Many exchanged keys as long as they have a common certifier or
universities or companies have created or developed their which they both trust. It works with many cryptographic
commercial version of encrypted e-mail. Here we are taking algorithms like DES, AES and RC2. It also performs security
two examples for security e-mail. These are: transformation similar to PGP. PGP only handles plaintext but
S/MIME handles or we can say secure all type of attachments
A. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) like PPT, movies, sound files, graphic files etc.
It was invented by phil Zimmerman in 1991. After bought by S/MIME provides secure e-mail i.e. e-mail security and it is
network associates it became a commercial product in 1996. broadly used by many commercial e-mail packages.
Its freeware version is also available. It is widely used for
exchanging private e-mails.
PGP is used to address the problem of key distributed with IV. CONCLUSION
“ring of trust” or user’s “key ring”. Basically a user can give To secure e-mail there are some steps, in short:
its public key to another or it can take from a server. At the  Generate an Identity
bottom of the message, many people include their PGP public
 Configure secure e-mail software
keys. In this, one person can give second person’s key to
third, fourth, fifth and so on. Thus it creates a key association  Get public keys for software
problem. If you are confident that an e-mail comes from the  Get public keys for recipients
trusted person and there is no tempering, then you can use that  Start sending secured messages
attached public key. If you trust that person then you should
also trust the keys that person gives you for other peoples. There are some tips so that you can save your e-mails:
If you are sending any key to another person then you sign  First of all, backup your keys
each key whenever you give. The keys you send to another  Trusting on a key after the suitable verification with
person may also been signed by other peoples.
the owner
PGP processing performs following actions depending upon
confidentiality, integrity, authenticity or non-repudiation.  Revoke certificates from time-to-time or revoke PGP
 First of all, create a random session key. keys if compromised
 For message confidentiality encrypt the message using  Always save your sensitive information elsewhere.
the session key.
 Encrypt the session key with recipient’s public key. Now-a-days, by e-mail communication is the most common
way of exchanging information in almost every business and

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International Journal of Computer Information Systems,
Vol. 7, No.4, 2013
organization. As all of us have taken e-mails granted, none of
us should neglect that the days of pure and safe internet are far
away so there is no excuse for shortcuts when it comes to
security. For prevention you should take precautions hence for
this you can take advantage of the public available solution
and always encourage our network administrator to
enforce/enhance the security policies.

[1] Book: Security in Computing by Charles P. Pfleger.
[2] www.wikipedia.org
[3] www.CISCO.com
[4] www.purdue.edu/decurepurdue/docs/training/using_secure_email.pdf
[5] www.csrc.nist.gov
[6] www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb/classes/so9/11.org
[7] www.cypherpunles.to/~peter/T5_email.pdf
[8] www.pgp.com
[9] http://www.helpnetsecurity.com/
[10] www.marknoble.com/tutorial/smime/smime.aspx


Sarika Choudhary is pursuing M.tech (CSE)

with specialization in Network Security from BPS
University Khanpur, Sonepat. She has done her
B.tech (CSE) from the same university. At present
she is a student and has great interest in
networking and security.

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