en The Effectiveness of TTW Think Talk Writ
en The Effectiveness of TTW Think Talk Writ
en The Effectiveness of TTW Think Talk Writ
Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340
Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340
Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340
According to Silver and Smith (in made (talk). In this activity, Students
Yohana Faulina Tambunan, 2010) the role discuss the results of a collection of
and duties of teachers in an effort to make ideas that they make in individually in
effective use of strategic think-talk-write is the note about what they know of Lake
filed and provides tasks that allow students Toba. Example of a small note from a
to engage actively thinking, encourage and student in group: Lake Toba has cool
listen carefully presented ideas that water and cool air.
students orally and in writing, to consider 6. After students collect and discuss the
and provide information on what students results of any of their ideas. Students
explored in the discussion, and to monitor, concluded the results of their ideas into
assess, and encourage students to actively a paragraph description and then they
participate. Tasks that prepared students determine where the generic structure
are expected to be the trigger to work of the paragraph that they make (write).
actively. 7. The final activity the Students write
down the paragraph descriptive that
The Procedure of Think-Talk-Write in they make in a paper and from each
Descriptive paragraph group presentation their answer.
According to Silver and Smith (in
Yohana Faulina Tambunan) there are Teacher’s position in Think-Talk-Write
series that should be follow in setting up (TTW)
Think-Talk-Write Strategy. Based on Silver and Smith (in
1. The teachers decided classroom into Yamin and Ansari, 2009:90) teacher’s
several groups. In group consist of 4-6 positions in Think-Talk-Write (TTW)
students. strategy are:
2. Teachers explain about Descriptive a. Ask questions and give assignment
paragraph. (Generic structure and which is engage and challenge the
Languages Features). students to think.
3. The teacher divides the picture relating b. Listen carefully students‟ ideas.
to students' daily environment. c. Ask students to express their ideas in
Example: Picture of Lake Toba form of written text.
4. Students describe the picture in their d. As monitor and give score to the
imagination and make notes students participation in discussion,
Individually small (think). Each student and decided how to motivate the
in group describe the picture of Lake students to be active.
Toba with individually, what they think Based on the statement above, the writer
about lake Toba, This activity is concludes that teacher’s position in Think-
intended for students to distinguish or Talk-Write (TTW) as facilitator. Teacher
bring together the ideas contained in motivated the students to be active in
the readings for later translated into the teaching learning process.
language itself.
5. Students discuss with friends in groups
to discuss the contents of the note they
Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340
The sample used in this research consists stated by James H. McMillan and
of two classes of the second grade of Schumacher (2001: 617) as follows:
UNSWAGATI. Class VII AB was the = 1− 2
experimental group and class VII CD was 1− 2
the control group. Both of classes consisted Where:
of 42 students. The characteristics are: they t = the t test statistic
are native Indonesian, their age is around 1 = the mean of the first group
19 until 20 years old, most of the students 2 = the mean of the second group
learn English just at school, and they are 1− 2 = the standard error of the
lack of English. difference in means
After the data from pre and post
Data Collection Techniques test were counted. It is continued to
The data was collected through three calculate the effect size. The effect size is
instruments of test, pre-test, post-test. used to verify the influence of independent
Pre - test variable and to know how well the
Muijs (2004:18) described that pre test is treatment worked. According to
used to assess the effect of the experiment Cohen.et.al (1988:276) the formula is
(e.g. a test) before the treatment is given. described as follow :
The pre test is given to the experimental
and control group. It is given before the = −
teacher gives the treatment to find out the
students’ scores in learning writing.
Post – test In which :
Muijs (2004:18) also stated that post test is d = Effect Size
usually used on the same instrument, after 1 = Mean of Experimental
the treatment has been given. The post test =Mean of Control
carried out after the treatments of teaching
writing by using TTW (Think-Talk-Write) To know that the effect of
strategy for the experimental group. The treatment weak, modest, moderate, or
test given to both the experimental and the strong, the table below show the
control groups. classification of effect size as follow:
Technique of Analyzing the Data The Classification of Interpretation
Analyzing the data is the most important Effect Size Raw Score
part in research method. The data of pre- Weak effect
test and post-test will be analyzed by using
021,0,50 Modest effect
statistical analysis. To differentiate
0,51-1.00 Moderate effect
whether the students’ result of writing
>1.00 Strong effect
descriptive text using Think-Talk-Writing
(TTW) strategy and without using Think-
Talk-Write (TTW) strategy is effective or
not. The writer used the t-test formula
Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340
Journal of English Language and Learning, Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2015 ISSN : 2354-7340