Year Level: Early Stage 1 Learning Outcomes
Year Level: Early Stage 1 Learning Outcomes
Year Level: Early Stage 1 Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes:
Key text:
This anecdote is a familiar one: Alfie (who features in a number of Shirley Hughes’ stories)
has been out shopping with his mother and little sister, Rosie, and races to get home first.
But he locks himself inside. He gets lots of advice on what to do but he has his own ideas on
how to solve the problem. A good text to use for predicting events and outcomes of a story,
and thinking imaginatively and creatively.
“Arriving home after shopping with his mom and sister, Alfie rushes inside and slams the
door. Bang! Alfie is stuck inside and his mom and Annie Rose are stuck outside without a
Writing task:
As the writing purpose of this written text is to give a set of instructions or ideas for Alfie
(the character in the book) to solve the problem of being get stuck along then the writing
will aim to the other children from other classes or those who might have been in the
situation of getting stuck at home alone.
Text type category: Expository writing
Text form and purpose: Writing a set of instructions to a story book character (Alfie) to
offer advices and suggestions for help Alfie to get out of the stuck situation.
Story book – Alfir gets in first written by Hughes and Shirley, highlight pen, large paper,
magnet and pen.
First, the teacher will read the story and let the children identify the problem that Alfie
coped with (stuck at home inside alone, can’t do anything to give the key to his mother).
- Before reading: the teacher has to help the children to activate and build the
background knowledge of the situation. The teacher then explain to the class that they
will be heard a story called Alfie gets in first. Show the students the cover of the books
and ask them whether this story could be true in the real life or not. Suggested question
in this part is “Do you think this story could really happen?”. Then the teacher get the
students read with him/her and look for the specific story features.
- While reading: the teacher should stop at each page and ask for the predictions from the
students. The teacher can choose either to ask students individually or discuss in a
whole group. The teacher must spend time for students to examine the story through
each page and then ask if they know the story thoroughly. The teacher could ask
questions to help students summarize the story like:
o Who went shopping with Alfie?
o Where is the key?
o Where is the groceries basket?
o What did Alfie do after coming home?
o Why didn’t Alfie open the door?
Read to the end of the story together the ask the students:
After reading the story together, let the children do learning activity by helping you to
complete the Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then chart.
Somebody What did the But So Then
Who is the main main What is the How was the What was the
character? character problem problem solved? outcome?
Alfie, his mother, Alfie wanted He could not Alfie was Everybody
Annie Rosie, the to be the first open the door opened the door could get in the
window cleaner, to reach his after close it as by himself house and they
the milkman, home the catch was had tea together
Maureen and Mrs too high
Firstly, planning the framework for the topic of “How to prevent you from getting stuck?”
Then, writing the greeting, “Dear Alfie” together with the introduction sentence (for
example: we would like to give you some ideas on your problem so that you could avoid
this situation in the next timw) and then ask the students to give their suggestions in group,
prompt their ideas as the text developed.
What do we do next?
Do we need to give the details of how to do this?
After getting suggestions from all groups of children, we can complete the model and then
let the students individually.
Besides, children can use different familiar words and high frequency sight words like: he,
a, an, help, open, close, check and many more.
Dear Alfie,
I am Anna. I hope these instructions will help you to avoid getting stuck in the next time.
First, if you are the first to get home, wait your mother and let her open the door.
Second, you shouldn’t close the door first if everyone is still outside.
Third, you should check the door carefully before closing the door.
Finally, you need to be with your mother or father when stepping into the house.
Joint construction
In this session of the interactive writing task, the students will learn to write a sentence to
describe weather.
- The teacher will show several images of different types of animals on the board.
- Ask the students to read out loud each of the picture.
- Ask the students to discuss with friend and share with their friends which type of
weather that they like.
- The teacher will write some sentences about the weather.
I like cloudy
During the time writing the sentences on the board, the teacher could pronounce the
main words, the words related to weather so that children could remember them. The
teacher should ask the student to put the punctuation into the text
After writing these sentences, let the children repeat again and then moving to the next
Explanation: The teacher will explain to the students that they only need to write from
2 to three sentences from the flashcard of the weather vocabulary.
After that, the teacher writes modeled sentences again on the board, but this time use
all capital letters and no ending punctuation.
Next step, the teacher can ask the students who can correct the sentences that have just
been written on the board.
The teacher calls a few students to express their ideas and point out, highlight the
mistake then have them correct and rewrite the correct sentences.
The teacher continues writing some more sentences on the board with different types
such as missing one or two things (for example: all lowercase then ask students to show
which sentence must be written in capital, no ending punctuation then ask students to
put the punctuation into the correct position in the sentence) and then have them
rewrite the sentences.
After all, the teachers should remind the students that a sentence needs all three parts
to be complete: capitalization, complete thought and end punctuation.
Finally, the teacher could give the students worksheet so that they can write sentences
on the worksheet. The students must use the vocabulary in the flashcard to write
The teacher gives the students about 15 minutes to write the sentences. When the
students finish, ask them to write additional sentences or develop new ideas related to
the meaning of the first sentence.
For example:
Independent writing:
In this session, the students will learn to write the sentences by themselves. They would
write about their interest of the weather.
In the framework, there will be a greeting sentence. Then the student should write their
name, old and grade.
The teacher gives the students at least 10 minute to fill in the gap by their own
opinion. Besides, after finishing filling the gap, the teacher could ask students to provide
additional sentences which have mean fit with the previous one.
- The teacher creates the comfortable environment for EAL/D students so that
they could easily join in with the others.
- The teacher should go along and work together with the students in the ways
that provide chances to discuss and think about the problems or challenges
when doing the writing or working in team.
- The teacher can model the correct use of language, allow the children to use
language, rephrase for them and useful sentences.
- The teacher encourages the EAL/D students to talk with others in the class. They
can share their ideas with the others so that they could learn more quickly. This
is related to the student’s motivation. Some factors that related to this thing is
o How confident are they
o Are they risk takers or inclined to be tentative?
- Through this, the teacher could help students to join in quality interactions
o Encouraging the students to take their responsibility to take charge of
o Expressing the confidence in the child’s language use, don’t ever let your
students hear about not good words or sentences.
o Making the interaction enjoyable and involving the child’s friends nd
The teacher will observe the process of the students and then assess whether they could
follow these instructions or not.
Assess student’s understanding by checking to see if they were able to include each of the
three parts of a sentence in the work.
Then checking if the students use capitalization for the needed words and end punctuation
or not.
If the students get all the needed information, they could receive a candy for the patience of
Planning framework
Hello everyone
I am ____________
I am _____________ years old
I am in grade _______________
I like ____________ weather first
I don’t like _____________________ weather
When it’s ____________ I can go out with my family
When it’s ___________ I cannot go anywhere
In winter, it’s always ______________