GRE Practice Test 01
GRE Practice Test 01
GRE Practice Test 01
Practice Test 1
You will be given a brief quotation that states or implies an issue of general interest and specific instructions
on how to respond to that issue. You will have 30 minutes to plan and compose a response in which you
develop a position on the issue according to the specific instructions. A response to any other issue will
receive a score of zero.
“Governments are justified in circumventing civil laws when doing so is vital to the protection of national
Write an essay in which you take a position on the statement above. In developing and supporting your
position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true.
You will be given a short passage that presents an argument, or an argument to be completed, and specific
instructions on how to respond to that passage. You will have 30 minutes to plan and compose a response in
which you analyze the passage according to the specific instructions. A response to any other argument will
receive a score of zero.
Note that you are NOT being asked to present your own views on the subject. Make sure that you respond
to the specific instructions and support your analysis with relevant reasons and/or examples.
The following is from a recent email from the Diord Corp. Human Resources Manager: “Tobor Technologies
found that mental health problems and mental illness were responsible for about 15 percent of employee sick
days. Tobor amended its employee insurance plan so that workers receive the same coverage for mental illness
as they do for physical illness. In addition, the company hired an on-site psychologist and created a system
that allows workers to schedule confidential counseling appointments. After one year, the number of sick days
used by employees declined by 10 percent. Diord Corp. has had an increase in employee sick days over the
past two years, so we should introduce a similar insurance plan and counseling program. These measures will
surely reduce employee absenteeism and cause an increase in productivity.”
Write a response in which you examine the argument’s unstated assumptions, making sure to explain how the
argument depends on the assumptions and what the implications are if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
Practice Test 1 | 4 0 3
d Quantity A is greater.
d Quantity B is greater.
d The two quantities are equal.
d The relationship cannot be determined from the
information given.
A (−2, −3) D (8, −3)
3 of 20
Quantity A Quantity B
The average (arithmetic mean) high temperature
s t
ABCD is a rectangle for x days is 70 degrees. The addition of one day
with a high temperature of 75 degrees increases the
d Quantity A is greater. Quantity A
average to 71 degrees.
d Quantity B is greater. 𝑠𝑠 Quantity A Quantity B
d The two quantities are equal. Quantity B x 5
d The relationship cannot be determined
𝑡𝑡 from the
information given. d Quantity A is greater.
d Quantity B is greater.
d The two quantities are equal.
d The relationship cannot be determined from the
information given.
4 of 20 6 of 20
d Quantity A is greater.
5 of 20
d Quantity B is greater.
The scores for the 500 students who took Ms.
Johnson’s final exam have a normal distribution.
d The two quantities are equal.
There are 80 students who scored at least 92 points d The relationship cannot be determined from the
out of a possible 100 total points and 10 students information given.
who scored at or below 56.
Quantity A Quantity B
7 of 20
The average (arithmetic 87
mean) score on the final (3x – 4y)(3x + 4y) = 2
exam Quantity A Quantity B
9x2 – 16y2 4
8 of 20
If 8a – 2 = 22, then 4a – 1 =
d 2
d 11
d 12
d 44
Practice Test 1 | 4 0 5
11 of 20
What was the total number of subscriptions
for Newsmagazine x during the year in which
Newsmagazine x accounted for 14.6 percent of
nationwide news magazine subscriptions?
d 1,020
d 1,980
d 6,300
d 7,000
d 7,200
12 of 20 15 of 20
If a = (27)(3–2) and x = (6)(3–1), then which of the
In which of the following years did subscriptions to
1 following is equivalent to (12)(3–x) × (15)(2–a) ?
Newsmagazine z account for approximately of the
6 d 5(-2245)(320)
total nationwide magazine subscriptions?
d 1984 d
d 1981 5
d 1978
d 5(24)(38)
d 1975
d 1972 d 5(2245)(320)
13 of 20 16 of 20
What was the approximate percent increase in Jill has received 8 of her 12 evaluation scores. So
nationwide subscriptions to newsmagazines between far, Jill’s average (arithmetic mean) is 3.75 out of a
1970 and 1971 ? possible 5. If Jill needs an average of 4.0 points to
get a promotion, which list of scores will allow Jill to
d 4% receive her promotion?
d 11% Indicate all such sets.
d 26% W 3.0, 3.5, 4.75, 4.75
d 51% W 3.5, 4.75, 4.75, 5.0
d 73% W 3.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5.0
W 3.75, 4.5, 4.75, 5.0
14 of 20
In 1973, what was the approximate number of
subscriptions to newsmagazines nationwide?
d 3,000
d 13,000
d 16,000
d 20,000
d 67,000
Practice Test 1 | 4 0 7
*****PD: Please format as a numeric entry question*****
17 the
****PD: Please center of text
20 underneath the figure**** 19 of 20
All first-year students at Red State University must
S b c T
take calculus, English composition, or both. If half of
the 2,400 first-year students at Red State University
take calculus and half do not, and one-third of those
d who take calculus also take English composition, how
many students take English composition?
d 400
d 800
a d 1,200
R U d 1,600
d 2,000
In the figure above, if RSTU is a rectangle, what is the
value of a + b + c + d + e + f ?
20 of 20
In the figure above, if RSTU is a rectangle, what is the value of +𝑏𝑏 + 𝑐𝑐 + 𝑑𝑑 + 𝑒𝑒 + 𝑓𝑓 ? 13!
degrees If is an integer, which of the following represents
Click on the answer box and type in a number. all possible values of x ?
Backspace to erase.
d 0 ≤ x ≤ 10
d 0 < x < 9
18 of 20
d 0 ≤ x < 10
If the probability of choosing 2 red marbles without
d 1 ≤ x ≤ 10
replacement from a bag of only red and blue marbles
3 d 1 < x < 10
is and there are 3 red marbles in the bag, what
is the total number of marbles in the bag?
d 10
d 11
d 55
d 110
d 165
Practice Test 1 | 4 0 9
5 of 20 6 of 20
At first, a still-life painting can appear quite The leaders of Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution”
(i)____________ , its focus on such everyday objects were a study in contrasts. At the center of the
as flowers or fruits apparently uninspired. In the political storm stood Viktor Yushchenko, his once
hands of (ii)____________ painter, however, careful (i)____________ face transformed into a monstrous
attention to slight shifts of color and texture can lead mask by dioxin poisoning; but, at his side, no one
to a truly (iii)____________ and exemplary painting. could miss the (ii)____________Yulia Tymoshenko,
soon to become the world’s only prime minister to
Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) adorn the covers of fashion magazines.
vital a gauche unstinting
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
luxuriant an adept sublime
quiescent prepossessing
banal an ascetic prosaic
fatuous decorous
comely felicitous
Practice Test 1 | 4 11
Questions 10 through 11 are based on the following For questions 12 through 15, select the two answer
reading passage. choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit
Among the more interesting elements of the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce
etymology is the attempt to derive the meaning of completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
seemingly nonsensical expressions. Take, for instance, 12 of 20
the increasingly archaic rural phrase “to buy a pig Although she was such a bad-mannered child that she
in a poke.” For centuries, the expression has been was sent to a boarding school, as an adult she is the
used to signify the purchase of an item without full very model of ____________ .
knowledge of its condition. It relates to the common
Renaissance practice of securing suckling pigs for W friendliness
transport to market in a poke, or drawstring bag.
Unscrupulous sellers would sometimes attempt to dupe
W diffidence
purchasers by replacing the suckling pig with a cat, W propriety
considered worthless at market. An unsuspecting or
naïve buyer might fail to confirm the bag’s contents; W reticence
a more urbane buyer, though, would be sure to check W decorum
and—should the seller be dishonest—“let the cat out
of the bag.” W brashness
10 of 20 13 of 20
Consider each of the choices separately and select all Politicians sometimes appear to act in a manner that
that apply. is almost ____________ ; however, when all the
information is released after the fact, it is apparent
Which of the following phrases from the passage
that they were acting according to a deliberate plan.
would help the reader infer the meaning of the word
urbane as used in context? W pithy
W “increasingly archaic rural phrase” W conventional
W “without full knowledge” W conformist
W “unsuspecting or naïve buyer” W whimsical
W flawless
11 of 20 W capricious
Select the sentence in which the author provides
a definition for an antiquated term that may be
unfamiliar to the reader.
Practice Test 1 | 4 1 3
Practice Test 1 | 4 1 5
Practice Test 1 | 4 1 7
1 of 20 d Quantity A is greater.
The circle with center R has a radius of 6 and is d Quantity B is greater.
inscribed inside square ABCD d The two quantities are equal.
Quantity A Quantity B d The relationship cannot be determined from the
The area of the largest The area of the circle information given.
triangle that can be drawn with center R
inside square ABCD
4 of 20
List A: 1, 2, 7, 8, 15, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13
x =6
x is the median of the even numbers in List A.
y = x + 4 y is the median of the prime numbers in List A.
Quantity A Quantity B z is the median of the least and greatest numbers
in List A.
y 10
Quantity A Quantity B
d Quantity A is greater. The median of 2x, y, and z z
d Quantity B is greater.
d The two quantities are equal. d Quantity A is greater.
d The relationship cannot be determined from the d Quantity B is greater.
information given. d The two quantities are equal.
d The relationship cannot be determined from the
7 of 20 information given.
n 9 of 20
Oil is pumped from a well at a rate of 500 gallons
per hour. How many gallons of oil are pumped from
the well in 3 hours and 15 minutes?
A rectangular ribbon of width x is wrapped around
the right circular cylinder with radius n shown
above, encircling the cylinder without overlap. The Click on the answer box and type in a number.
area of the ribbon is equal to the area of the base Backspace to erase.
of the cylinder.
Quantity A Quantity B 10 of 20
Practice Test 1 | 4 1 9
11 of 20 13 of 20
In the coordinate plane, rectangle WXYZ has vertices At Megalomania Industries, factory workers were paid
at (–2, –1), (–2, y), (4, y), and (4, –1). If the area of $20 per hour in 1990 and $10 per hour in 2000. The
WXYZ is 18, what is the length of its diagonal? CEO of Megalomania Industries was paid $5 million
per year in 1990 and $50 million per year in 2000.
d 3 2 The percent increase in the pay of Megalomania’s
CEO from 1990 to 2000 was what percent greater
d 3 3 than the percent decrease in the hourly pay of
Megalomania’s factory workers over the same period?
d 3 5
d 850%
d 3 6 d 900%
d 3 7 d 950%
d 1,700%
12 of 20 d 1,900%
How many three-digit integers can be created from 5
distinct digits?
d 10
d 15
d 20
d 30
d 60
d $2,500,000
9.0 d $250,000
8.0 d $38,000
15 of 20
From September 1985 to December 1989, what was
the approximate ratio of private donations in millions
for homeless aid to private donations in millions for
2.0 animal rights?
d 20 : 9
Animal Disaster Homeless Environmental Child Other d 3 : 2
Rights Relief Aid Protection Safety
d 4 : 3
d 9 : 7
= Jan. 1971 – Apr. 1978 = Sept. 1989
= Feb. 1980 – Oct. 1984 = Oct. 1989 d 6 : 5
= Sept. 1985 – Dec. 1989 = Nov. 1989
= Dec. 1989
16 of 20
Which of the following charitable causes received the
smallest percent increase in private donations from
September 1989 to October 1989 ?
d Animal Rights
d Disaster Relief
d Homeless Aid
d Environmental Protection
d Child Safety
Practice Test 1 | 4 2 1
17 of 20 20 of 20
In the repeating decimal 0.0653906539..., the 34th
digit to the right of the decimal point is
d 9 D
d 6 a
d 5 b
d 3
d 0 A E C
If 3x + 2y = 24, and = 7, then y = a 2 b2
2x d −
2 2
a 2 b2
d +
2 2
a 2 ab
d −
19 of 20 4 2
If the average (arithmetic mean) of 6, 8, 10, and x
a 2 ab
is between 6 and 12, what is the greatest possible d +
integer value of x ? 4 2
d 8
d 11
d 20
d 28
d 44
Practice Test 1 | 4 2 3
3 of 20 6 of 20
Kazan was quickly (i)____________ by many of The Johnsons were not known for their
his contemporaries for his transgression, who saw his (i)____________ ; at the very least, none of the
testimony as treachery, an act of (ii)____________ family members was fearful of (ii)____________ , of
which stained how they viewed him both as an artist appearing or acting differently from other people.
and as a man. It was only by continually making
films that he was able to (iii)____________ Blank (i) Blank (ii)
his perceived sins and achieve some measure of
atonement. candor pettiness
vulgarity eccentricity
Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)
conformity complaisance
rebuked perfidy exacerbate
lauded sophistry deviate
mitigated redemption expiate
A further complication is that galactic distances d the galaxy being measured is moving too quickly
are so great that galactic motion, even if the galaxies d interstellar dust makes the object measured
are moving at incredible speeds, is difficult to appear dimmer than it really is
observe. Scientists must therefore rely on a “standard
candle,” an object of known brightness within the d if the galaxy being measured has a local
galaxy they wish to observe. Using the inverse component of measurement
square law, scientists can then measure how far that
galaxy is away from our own. For instance, suppose a
d the particles being measured do not completely
accord with a linear motion
supernova in galaxy A appears one hundred times as
bright as one in galaxy B. By the inverse square law, d the galaxies being measured move at different
galaxy B is ten times farther away than galaxy A, speeds
assuming, of course, that distance is the only factor
affecting brightness.
10 of 20
According to the passage, if two supernovas are
7 of 20
observed and one of those supernovas is brighter than
It can be inferred from the sentence highlighted the other, scientists can conclude that
in the passage that a standard candle is useful to
scientists for which of the following reasons? d the brighter supernova is moving closer to our
galaxy at a higher speed
d Standard candles do not have their own locus of
motion. d the precise location of the supernova is
d Standard candles more reliably adhere to the law
of inverse squares than do other supernovas. d the brighter supernova may be closer to our own
d Only standard candles provide a known measure
of brightness. d the brighter supernova is farther away from
Earth by a distance that is roughly inversely
d Knowledge of an object’s brightness allows proportional to the dim supernova
scientists to measure the speed at which the
object is moving toward Earth. d the distance between the supernovas and our own
galaxy is inversely proportional
d Knowledge of an object’s brightness allows
scientists to accurately measure its distance from Practice Test 1 | 4 2 5
13 of 20 16 of 20
Plato, an important philosopher, is primarily known He had not always been so callous, but with time he
because he wrote down Socrates’s ____________ became ____________ to the violence around him.
conversations. It is through Plato’s record of these
dialogues that Socrates’s teachings have survived and
W adorned
continue to enlighten seekers of wisdom. W cauterized
W inspiring W sensitized
W edifying W ostracized
W tedious W inured
W grating W attuned
W rousing
W didactic
14 of 20
Even the colossal meal failed to ____________ her
voracious appetite.
W cadge
W exacerbate
W provoke
W satiate
W mendicate
W allay
15 of 20
Slicks of oil on a rain-soaked street are
____________ and beautiful, but the lovely
rainbows they produce on the asphalt can seem rather
ugly when one reflects upon the road hazards they
create and the environmental damage they entail.
W anodyne
W iridescent
W monocoque
W pavonine
W parietal
W saturnine
Practice Test 1 | 4 2 7
For each of Questions 17 to 20, select one answer Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following
choice unless otherwise instructed. reading passage.
While art historians do not necessarily agree on
the date of the birth of modern art, they do agree
17 of 20
that mid-nineteenth century French art shows a clear
When the maker of Megapower, a vitamin supplement, and distinct break from tradition. Pressed to point to
modified its formula two years ago, Tasmania, an a single picture that represents the vanguard of the
island off the coast of New Zealand, suffered a modern art movement, art historians will often point
decrease in its export earnings. Tasmania’s only to Courbet’s The Painter’s Studio.
export, kiwi fruit, constitutes a substantial portion of
The peculiar subtitle of Courbet’s work, “Real
the world supply of that fruit. Researchers concluded
allegory summing up a seven-year period of my life”
that the old Megapower formula contained natural
confirms that Courbet was striving to do something
kiwi extract, but the new formula does not.
strikingly original with his work. The argument has
Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest been made that the painting struck a blow for the
support for the researchers’ claim? independence of the artist, and that since Courbet’s
work, artists have felt freed from the societal demands
d Some South American countries have begun to
placed upon their work. Paintings prior to Courbet’s
grow kiwi fruit successfully.
time were most often focused on depicting events from
d United States chemists have started development the Bible, history, or literature. With his singular
of a synthetic kiwi extract. painting, Courbet promulgated the idea that an artist
is capable of representing only that which he can
d The manufacturers of Megapower chose not to experience through his senses of sight and touch;
renew their contract with the Tasmanian kiwi the true artist will then be compelled to make his
growers. representation as simply and directly as possible.
d Imports of kiwi fruit have fallen in the country
where Megapower is manufactured.
18 of 20
d There was a marked drop in sales of a number Which of the following would most effectively replace
of formerly profitable items that used kiwi as an
the word promulgated as it is used in the context of
the passage?
d Displayed
d Disseminated
d Proclaimed
d Concealed
d Secreted
19 of 20
Select the sentence in the passage that best explains
the effect of Courbet’s work on other artists.
20 of 20
The effect that Courbet had on painting is most
analogous to which situation?
d An avant-garde writer who subverts novelistic
d A machinist who tinkers and improves his
d A watercolor painter who paints in the same
style as his peers
d A scientist who comes up with a unified theory
of several discordant scientific ideas
d A seamstress who makes a ball gown using
several different types of fabric
Practice Test 1 | 4 2 9