CGT 163 Summer 2019 Syllabus 05-13-2018
CGT 163 Summer 2019 Syllabus 05-13-2018
CGT 163 Summer 2019 Syllabus 05-13-2018
Maymester 2019
“As a Boilermaker pursuing academic excellence, I pledge to be honest and true in all that I do.
Accountable together - we are Purdue.”
Course Director
Professor Craig L. Miller, Ph. D. – [email protected] – 337 Knoy Hall of Technology
Course Description
CGT 163 is an introductory course in computer graphics applications for mechanical and
aeronautical related professions. Experiences focus on visualization, sketching, graphic standards
and problem-solving strategies for engineering design. The course will emphasize the proper use of
parametric solid modeling for design intent.
Course Objectives
Required Materials
Applied Geometry for Engineering Design, Miller, C.L.
Sharpie Pen
.5 Mechanical Pencil
Regardless of the above percentages, any student who fails to submit by the posted
deadlines 13 or more assignments will receive a failure (F) for the course.
Regardless of the above percentages, any student who fails to attend four (4) or more
Laboratory Preparation (LP) lectures will receive a failure (F) for the course.
All email correspondence has the following requirements:
The email subject line must be as follows:
CGT 163 – XX (XX = lab #). If this requirement is not met the email will be
trashed without being read.
Any email correspondence sent to Dr. Miller must be copied to the student’s
laboratory instructor.
Any email that you send that asks a question that the information in your
question can be found in the CGT 163 syllabus will result in ten (10) deduction
from your assignment points. Please read the syllabus before asking a
question that you already have the answer for!
Lecture Expectations
You are expected to attend all lectures, after all you have paid for them!
No electronic devices (laptops, mobile phones, handhelds, etc.) are permitted to be used in
lecture, unless specifically allowed by the course supervisor. A 50-assignment-point penalty
can be accessed per occurrence.
Sleeping is not permitted in lecture. A 50-assignment-point penalty will be accessed per
Assignments are due at the beginning of the next laboratory session. Sketch assignments
will be collected at the beginning of the next laboratory session. CAD assignments should be
submitted to Blackboard Learn before the beginning of the next laboratory session and will
be graded by laboratory instructor in lab.
Late assignments will NOT be accepted (five minutes (5) after the beginning of labs),
unless prior arrangements are made with your instructor.
No assignment due in the labs can be made up for receiving credit unless you hold a
valid reason for absence and prior arrangements are made with your instructor.
No lecture assignment can be made up for receiving credit unless you hold a valid
reason for absence and prior arrangements are made with your instructor.
You must be present in laboratory to receive credit for laboratory assignments. This is
when the most assignments are graded and performance feedback is individually given.
Even if you make the submission deadline on Blackboard Learn you still must come to
laboratory to receive credit for the assignments.
Having someone else turn in any assignment(s) for you so that you do not attend a lecture,
laboratory preparation, or laboratory will result in a grade of zero being assigned to all
assignments that are due.
If you do not agree with the grade that you received from your laboratory instructor the
course director will re-grade your work and you will be assigned the new grade from the re-
grade of your work by the course director.
Any questions regarding the grade assigned on an assignment or a test must be directed to
your laboratory instructor or the course director within two weeks of the assignment deadline
date or the date of the test administration.
Lecture and Laboratory Attendance
You are expected to attend all CGT 163 lectures and your own laboratory sessions.
You are being allowed for five minutes (5) late for laboratory sessions. If you are not able to
arrive at the lab room due to time conflict on a regular basis, you need to make arrangement
with your laboratory instructor.
Being absent for any lecture or laboratory session WITHOUT a valid reason will result
in zero point for any lecture notes or assignments due in that lecture or lab.
If you must miss a lecture, laboratory preparation, or laboratory WITH a valid reason
(attending conference, job interview, military leave, etc.), you need to contact your instructor
PRIOR to your lecture, laboratory preparation, or laboratory in a timely fashion and make
any necessary arrangements.
If you are ill and cannot attend your lecture, laboratory preparation, or laboratory then you
need to contact your instructor via email before the end of the lecture, laboratory
preparation lecture or laboratory for any consideration of a deadline extension.
Academic Honesty/Dishonesty
Students are encouraged to work together but each student is required to do their own
work. Standards set by Purdue University as outlined in the Student Handbook and the University
Regulations (current edition) will be observed in this course. Any student found participating in
cheating, plagiarism, copying material from another person’s disk, using illegal cribs or other
materials forbidden during a written or practical examination, lying to course instructors and/or lab
assistants about his/her work, stealing tests, quizzes, or answer keys, or any such like activities will
be considered in conflict with the printed academic honesty guidelines as set out by Purdue
University, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and Department of Computer Graphics Technology. All
matters that arise in regards to students being found to be in conflict with these guidelines will be
reported to the Office of the Dean of Students, and the appropriate Purdue University administration
officers, for consideration and possible disciplinary action. BOTTOM LINE: IF YOU ARE CAUGHT
TO THE DEAN OF STUDENTS; NO EXCEPTIONS. Incidents of academic misconduct in this
course will be addressed by the course instructor and referred to the Office of Student Rights and
Responsibilities (OSRR) for review at the university level. In addition, all incidents of academic
misconduct will be forwarded to OSRR, where university penalties, including removal from the
university, may be considered. Students may refer to the Purdue University Student Conduct Policy.
Academic integrity is one of the highest values that Purdue University holds. Individuals are
encouraged to alert university officials to potential breeches of this value by either emailing
[email protected] or by calling 765-494-8778. While information may be submitted
anonymously, the more information that is submitted provides the greatest opportunity for the
university to investigate the concern.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Information
Purdue University is committed to advancing the mental health and well-being of its students. If you
or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of support, services are
available. For help, such individuals should contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
at (765) 494-6995 and during and after hours, on weekends and
holidays, or through its counselors physically located in the Purdue University Student Health Center
(PUSH) during business hours.
Indoor Fire Alarms mean to stop class or research and immediately evacuate the building.
Proceed to your Emergency Assembly Area away from building doors. Remain outside until
police, fire, or other emergency response personnel provide additional guidance or tell you it is
safe to leave.
All Hazards Outdoor Emergency Warning Sirens mean to immediately seek shelter (Shelter
in Place) in a safe location within the closest building. o “Shelter in place” means seeking
immediate shelter inside a building or University residence. This course of action may need to be
taken during a tornado, a civil disturbance including a shooting or release of hazardous materials
in the outside air. Once safely inside, find out more details about the emergency*. Remain in
place until police, fire, or other emergency response personnel provide additional guidance or
tell you it is safe to leave.
*In both cases, you should seek additional clarifying information by all means possible…Purdue
Home page, email alert, TV, radio, etc…review the Purdue Emergency Warning Notification System
multi-communication layers at
Reference the Emergency Preparedness web site for additional information:
Intellectual Property (IP)
For concerns about IP, including IP resulting from student participation in course assignments, see
Purdue University’s Policy VIII.4.1, Intellectual Property