Overtime, much has not yet been achieved despite proactive efforts by India at multilateral
nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation advocacy has to be in cognizance of the present
security environment and the challenges that remain with Pakistan’s increasing nuclear
arsenal and capabilities, and China’s increasing superiority and sophistication of its nuclear
capability. However, there are certain efforts that India can make to further its long-
standing goal of nuclear disarmament while also maintaining a credible position of
deterrence in South Asia. India proposes that peace talks should be initiated between
countries to address underlying issues that fuel rivalries between them. Encourage trade
between countries to strengthen trading relationship to encourage economic growth, which
will lead to peace in the region thus reducing military cost.
India would like Pakistan to have talks in order to resolve underlying disputes. Kashmir issue
is only to be resolved when both countries sit down and talk. Establish an economic
relationship between the two countries to ease tensions. Which will hopefully bring down
weapons race in the region, thus discouraging the development of tactical weapons. We
would also like Russia, China and USA to sit together to form a global uniform policy which is
non-discriminatory. Disarmament can only be achieved if major stakeholders at the UN
pursue the suggested policy by India.