Objective:: Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition

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The objective is to experimentally verify the parallelogram law of vector addition by

using a force table.


A force table, a set of weights, a protractor, a metric ruler, a scientific calculator, and
graphing paper


Concurrent forces are forces that pass through the same point. Resultant is a single
force that can replace the effect of a number of forces. "Equilibrant" is a force that
is exactly opposite to a resultant. Equilibrant and resultant have equal
magnitudes but opposite directions. Review the introduction section of Experiment
2 for additional information on the graphical method as well as the analytical method
of finding a resultant, if necessary.


Obtain a force table and set it up as shown in the following figure with its three 50.0-
gram weight hangers as shown by F1, F2, and F3 .

Figure 1: The schematic diagram of a force table

Observe the following points while using a force table:

1) The direction of the forces must be set by adjusting the strings at the desired
angles. When reading or adjusting an angle, one must look straight down onto the
string corresponding to that angle. Doing this minimizes or eliminates parallax error.
2) Each string represents the line of action of a force.

3) Each grooved collar may be slid around the circular platform (that looks like a
360o protractor) to adjust the desired angle for each force. The groove of each slider
is curved internally with a curvature that matches the curvature of the circular
platform. When mounted, its internal curve must be flush with the edge of the
circular platform for the correct reading the angle it is set at.

Take the following steps for each vector addition. Complete the rows of Table 1 one
at a time. Do not start the next case until the % errors in each case (row of Table 1) is
determined and recorded.

a) In each case, place weights F1 and F2 on two of the weight hangers in accordance
with Table 1 at the specified angles. The ring at the center can be treated as the
object under study.

The forces that you create by placing weights on the weight hangers act on the
same object (the ring) and are indeed concurrent forces. Place enough weights on
the third cord (Force F3) and adjust its angle until the system is in equilibrium. At
equilibrium, the ring is exactly at the center of the circular platform as can be judged
by the stud at its center. Force F3 that brings the ring to equilibrium is called
the "equilibrant." Record the angle and magnitude of F3 .

b) The goal is to find R (the resultant of F1 and F2 ). Having found F3 is like you
have found R. Note that if you add 180o to, or subtract 180o from the angle of F3, it
gives you the angle of R. Do this addition or subtraction of 180o and record the
values so found for R in Table 1. The magnitude of R is exactly equal to the
magnitude of F3 (the equilibrant), but the angle of R is 180o different from the
angle of F3 . The last two values you obtain for Rare your experimental values or
the measured values for R.

c) Now, find the magnitude and direction of R by calculation (the analytical method)
as well. First find Rx and Ry, then R and θ. These calculated values are
your accepted values for R.

d) Calculate a %error on each of R and θ, and record them in the last columns
of Table 1.


Given: The magnitude and direction of each set of vectors to be added are given
in Table 1.
Measured: Record your measured values in Table 1 in the space provided.

Table 1

Trial Measured Measured Calculated

Given %erro
F1 F2 F3 R R
Magn.(g Angl Magn.(g Angl Magn.(g Angl Magn.(g Angl Magn.(g Angl on
f) e f) e f) e f) e f) e θ
1 200 35.0 300 115
2 150 350 210
3 100 0.0 100 120
4 150 40.0 150 -40.0


Provide a full calculation for one case here, but only show the results for other
cases in Table 1.

Comparison of the results:

Provide the percent error formula used as well as the calculated values of
percent errors in this section as well as Table 1.


State your conclusions of the experiment.


Provide a discussion if necessary.

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