Seizure Pathways: A Model-Based Investigation: A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111
Seizure Pathways: A Model-Based Investigation: A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111
Seizure Pathways: A Model-Based Investigation: A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111 A1111111111
We present the results of a model inversion algorithm for electrocorticography (ECoG) data
recorded during epileptic seizures. The states and parameters of neural mass models were
Citation: Karoly PJ, Kuhlmann L, Soudry D,
tracked during a total of over 3000 seizures from twelve patients with focal epilepsy. These
Grayden DB, Cook MJ, Freestone DR (2018)
Seizure pathways: A model-based investigation. models provide an estimate of the effective connectivity within intracortical circuits over the
PLoS Comput Biol 14(10): e1006403. time course of seizures. Observing the dynamics of effective connectivity provides insight
org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006403 into mechanisms of seizures. Estimation of patients seizure dynamics revealed: 1) a highly
Editor: Daniele Marinazzo, Ghent University, stereotyped pattern of evolution for each patient, 2) distinct sub-groups of onset mecha-
BELGIUM nisms amongst patients, and 3) different offset mechanisms for long and short seizures.
Received: February 14, 2018 Stereotypical dynamics suggest that, once initiated, seizures follow a deterministic path
Accepted: July 26, 2018 through the parameter space of a neural model. Furthermore, distinct sub-populations of
patients were identified based on characteristic motifs in the dynamics at seizure onset.
Published: October 11, 2018
There were also distinct patterns between long and short duration seizures that were related
Copyright: © 2018 Karoly et al. This is an open
to seizure offset. Understanding how these different patterns of seizure evolution arise may
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which provide new insights into brain function and guide treatment for epilepsy, since specific ther-
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and apies may have preferential effects on the various parameters that could potentially be indi-
reproduction in any medium, provided the original vidualized. Methods that unite computational models with data provide a powerful means to
author and source are credited.
generate testable hypotheses for further experimental research. This work provides a dem-
Data Availability Statement: Data used for this onstration that the hidden connectivity parameters of a neural mass model can be dynami-
study contain confidential participant information.
The data are available under a Creative Commons
cally inferred from data. Our results underscore the power of theoretical models to inform
licence with restrictions on ATTRIBUTION, NON- epilepsy management. It is our hope that this work guides further efforts to apply computa-
COMMERICIAL use, (DOI:10.26188/ tional models to clinical data.
5b6a999fa2316>). Data access should be
requested from
org/howitworks/#data ("Melbourne Seizure
Prediction Trial Seizure Data"). Users will be
required to create an account and sign a terms of
use agreement that requires no commercial use,
and restricts all works derived from the data to be
Seizure data
Seizure mechanisms were investigated for continuously recorded ECoG from 12 patients with
focal epilepsy monitored during a previous clinical trial [38]. All subjects were implanted with
intracranial electrode arrays with a total of 16 platinum iridium contacts around the seizure
onset zone. The ECoG was sampled at 400 Hz and wirelessly relayed to an external, portable
personal advisory device. Seizure detection was automated and reviewed by expert clinicians.
This study used data from 3010 clinical seizures (average 250 per patient). Seizures were either
associated with confirmed clinical symptoms or were electrographically similar to clinical sei-
zures. Other epileptiform discharges without clinical symptoms were excluded. All seizures
had onset and offset labelled by expert epileptologists. For further details on the data collection
procedures the reader is referred to Cook et al. (2013) [38].
A similar procedure to that outlined by Cook et al. (2016) [37] was used to identify patients
with bimodal seizure durations. Both k-means clustering and Gaussian mixture model fitting
were used to test for bimodality. Clusters were assigned for one, two and three seizure popula-
tions (based on the logarithm of seizure duration in seconds). The optimal number of clusters
was determined using gap criteria [39].
The current study used patients who had at least 20 seizures that had a lead time of one
hour. Recordings were used from five minutes before seizure onset, until one minute after sei-
zure offset. Seizures with telemetry dropouts were excluded from analysis. Data were bandpass
filtered (second-order, zero-phase Butterworth filter) from 1 Hz to 180 Hz with a notch filter
at 50 Hz (second-order, zero-phase Butterworth filter). The energy of the signal was computed
for a 1s sliding window (50% overlap) as energy ¼ n¼1 x2 .
Neural model
The states (mean membrane potentials) and parameters (synaptic connectivity strength) of
neural mass models were fitted to data recorded during epileptic seizures. The formulation of
the neural mass model in the following section is derived from the model introduced by Jansen
and Rit (1995) [8]), and has also been outlined in our previous work [33, 34]. The neural mass
model is suitable to model ECoG measured at this scale (electrodes approximately 5mm in
diameter with spacing on the order of centimeters), in line with similar neural models used to
describe EEG/MEG activity [10, 11, 40]. A single, independent neural model was fitted to each
ECoG channel (16 models in total). Neural models were not coupled between channels; hence,
estimates primarily captured local connection strengths within a single cortical region. The
input parameter, u described non-local inputs to the pyramidal population.
The Jansen and Rit model consists of three neural populations (excitatory, inhibitory and
pyramidal). Neural populations were described by their time varying mean membrane poten-
tial, vn, which is the sum of contributing mean post-synaptic potentials, vmn (post-synaptic and
pre-synaptic neural populations are indexed by n and m, respectively). For the current model,
the index n (post-synaptic) represents either pyramidal (p), excitatory (e) or inhibitory (i) pop-
ulations, as shown in Fig 1.
The post-synaptic potential, vmn arises from the convolution of the input firing rate, f(vn),
with the post-synaptic response kernel,
Z t
vmn ðtÞ ¼ amn hmn ðt t0 Þ�ðvn ðt 0 ÞÞ dt0 ; ð1Þ
where αmn, which are the estimation parameters, represent lumped connectivities that incor-
porate average synaptic gain, number of connections, and average maximum firing rate of the
presynaptic populations. ϕ(vn) is the sigmoid function
� � � �
1 v v0
� ðv Þ ¼ erf þ1 ð2Þ
2 B
where v0 = 6mV, and B = 0.0030 (as defined by Freestone et. al. (2014) [25]).
The convolution in Eq 1 can be written as two coupled, first-order, ordinary differential
¼ zmn
dzmn amn 2 1
¼ � z v :
dt tmn mn tmn mn t2mn mn
where τmn is a lumped time constant. The values of τep, τpe, and τpi were fixed to 10ms and the
value of τip to 20ms, as defined by Jansen & Rit (1995) [8].
Fig 1. Data driven estimation using a neural mass model. A. Histograms of seizure durations (log seconds) for the twelve patients
considered in this study, with examples of ECoG during a long and short seizure from a single patient, S8. B. Schematic of the neural
model. Each synapse is defined by a convolution kernel (converting pre-synaptic firing rates to post-synaptic membrane potentials).
Each population is defined by a sigmoid function (converting mean membrane potential to average firing rate). C. Example estimation
time series of the five connectivity parameters during a long and short seizure for one patient. D. Deterministic forward simulation using
the estimated parameters in C (red lines mark actual seizure onset and offset).
External (non-local) inputs to the pyramidal population are modeled as an additive term
affecting the pyramidal membrane potential,
The recorded ECoG for each channel, i, is derived from the average pyramidal membrane
potential of each independent neural mass model (resulting 16 disconnected models in the
yi ðtÞ ¼ vip ðtÞ ð5Þ
_ ¼ AxðtÞ þ B~
�ðCxðtÞÞ; ð6Þ
where x 2 RNx is a state vector representing the postsynaptic membrane potentials generated
by each population synapse and their time derivatives. There are two states per synapse and Nx
= 2Ns is the total number of states, where, for Ns synaptic connections in the models, the state
vector is of the form,
� �>
x ¼ v1 z 1 . . . vN s z N s :
where H 2 RNx �Ny is the observation matrix, vðtÞ � N ð0; RÞ 2 RNy is the observation noise,
and Ny is the number of observations (here Ny = 1 as each neural mass model describes a single
ECoG channel). As our measurement function is linear, H is simply an index vector of zeros
and ones that defines the average pyramidal membrane potential given by Eq 4.
θ_ ¼ 0: ð8Þ
The state vector x and the parameter vector θ are concatenated to form the augmented state
� �>
ξ ¼ xT θ T : ð9Þ
where wt � N ð0; QÞ. The state vector ξ 2 RNx �1 and matrices Aθ, Bθ, and Cθ are 2 RNx �Nx and
have the form
" # " # " #
A 0 B 0 C 0
Ay ¼ ; By ¼ ; Cy ¼ : ð11Þ
0 I 0 0 0 0
For simplicity we will drop the subscript θ on the system matrices, as the remainder of the
equations refer to the augmented model.
The estimation scheme uses an assumed density filter. This filter provides the minimum
mean squared error estimates for the states and parameters, under the assumption that the
underlying probability distribution is Gaussian (the assumed density). Formally stated, the
aim of estimation is to compute the most likely posterior distribution conditioned on previous
^ξ þt ¼ E½ξt jy1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yt � ð12Þ
^ þt ¼ E½ðξt
P ^ξ þ Þðξ ^ξ þ Þ> �; ð13Þ
t t t
The estimator proceeds in two stages; prediction and update. In prediction, the prior distri-
bution (obtained from the previous estimate) is propagated though the neural mass equations.
This step provides the so called a priori estimate, which is a Gaussian distribution with mean
and covariance,
^ξ t ¼ E½ξt 1 jy1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yt 1 � ð14Þ
^ t ¼ E½ðξt
P ^ξ þ Þðξ ^ξ þ Þ> �: ð15Þ
1 t 1 t 1 t 1
In the second stage, a Bayesian update is performed to shift the estimated posterior based
on the observed data, giving the a posteriori distribution,
^ξ þt ¼ ξ^t þ Kt ðyt Hξ^t Þ :
|fflfflfflfflfflfflffl {zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl }
ECoG prediction error
^ ¼ ðI
P ^ ;
Kt HÞP ð16Þ
t t
where K is the Kalman gain (readers are referred to [27] for a detailed description of the Kal-
man filter). After each time step, the a posteriori estimate becomes the prior distribution for
the next time step, and the filter proceeds.
In general, the Kalman filter equations do not have a solution for nonlinear model or mea-
surement functions. Previous efforts to use Kalman filtering on the nonlinear neural mass
model have relied on simplifying assumptions (either linearization of the model, or sampling
to estimate the posterior distribution). This work applied an exact, semi-analytic solution for
the mean and covariance of a multivariate Gaussian distribution transformed by the nonlinear
neural mass model. This solution provides the a priori estimate of the mean and covariance
(see S1 Appendix for details).
As the observation function is linear, the updated (a posteriori) mean and covariance are
obtained trivially using Eq 16.
The Kalman filter requires ^ξ þ0 and P
^ þ0 to be initialized to provide the a posteriori state esti-
mate and state estimate covariance for time t = 0. The other parameters that must be initialized
are the model and measurement noise, Q and R, respectively. Further details of filter initializa-
tion are given in the S1 Appendix.
Fig 1A shows an overview of the estimation scheme. The following sections present data from
twelve patients with focal epilepsy. The data consist of over 3000 clinical seizures (average 250
seizures per patient). Of these twelve patients, three showed bimodal distributions of seizure
durations (Patient 3, 8 and 11). Note that all patients showed that either one or two clusters
were optimal for seizure durations, and for all patients, k-means and Gaussian mixture model-
ling aligned on the same optimal number of clusters.
Fig 2. Seizure energy. Average signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to
10s after seizure termination (according to clinicians’ marking). Red lines mark the divisions between long and short populations of seizures within
bimodal subjects. Energy for individual electrode channels is provided in the supplementary material.
Seizure trajectories
Fig 3 presents the dynamic estimation results for the five connectivity parameters of a neural
model during every seizure. Seizures followed a remarkably consistent trajectory through the
parameter space of the neural mass models, showing similar patterns across all events for an
individual. This indicates that seizure transitions follow a stereotypical pathway. Note that
transitions during the seizure are locked to the onset time (as demonstrated by the vertical
banding in parameter changes). A higher contrast (normalized) version of these patterns is
provided in S4 Fig, to more clearly expose connectivity patterns.
For all patients, the strongest ictal changes in connectivity strength occurred for in-going
connections to the pyramidal neurons (the first three columns of Fig 3). Conversely, outgoing
pyramidal connections (to inhibitory and excitatory neurons) were more stable over the dura-
tions of the seizures, demonstrated by values which were closer to zero (reflecting no change
from baseline), and less vertical patterning (reflecting no stereotypical transitions during sei-
zures). Patient 6 was one possible exception, showing some decrease in outgoing pyramidal
connections (6D and 6E).
Note that although neural models were fitted independently to all 16 electrode channels,
Fig 3 shows results for a single example channel per patient. The data associated with every
channel generates 60 full page figures, which are provided in an online repository (https:// The consistency of stereotypical patterns
between channels is investigated in the following sections.
Fig 3. Estimated changes in parameter trajectories during every seizure. Each subpanel represents the connectivity strength for all seizures (sorted by
duration) of a single representative channel for each patient (P1: Ch3, P2: Ch1, P3: Ch2, P4: Ch2, P6: 7, P7: Ch15, P8: Ch11, P9: Ch4, P10: Ch13, P11:
Ch9, P13: Ch5, P15: Ch1). Data for all channels is provided online (
connectivity). Parameters are expressed as a percentage change from their pre-ictal background values (where zero reflects no change from the pre-ictal
period). The pre-ictal period was defined from two minutes to one minute before seizure onset. Red lines mark the divisions between long and short
populations of seizures within bimodal subjects.
Fig 4 shows the mean change in connectivity strength during seizures. A consistent motif
was a decrease followed by an increase in ingoing connections to the pyramidal population
(see columns A and C for Patients 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 15). Patient 11 showed the same motif, but
with connectivity strength always above baseline. Patients 7, 10, and 13 showed only decreases
in ingoing pyramidal connections. Patients 2 and 4 demonstrated only strengthened
There were three classes of ictal parameter transitions: decrease, increase, and decrease-
then-increase, where connections into the pyramidal populations were on average weaker,
stronger, or weakened then strengthened (compared to a pre-ictal baseline), respectively.
These classes aligned well with the stereotypical seizure evolution patterns that were identified
based on signal energy (Fig 2). For instance, “decrease-then-increase” patients (1, 3, 6, 8, 9,
Fig 4. Average changes in parameter trajectories. Each subpanel represents the mean connectivity strength (averaged across seizures)
for each patient (grey shading represents the 95% confidence bounds of the mean). For each patient a single representative channel was
chosen (P1: Ch3, P2: Ch1, P3: Ch2, P4: Ch2, P6: 7, P7: Ch15, P8: Ch11, P9: Ch4, P10: Ch13, P11: Ch9, P13: Ch5, P15: Ch1). Data for all
channels is provided online ( Parameters are
expressed as a percentage change from their pre-ictal background values (where zero reflects no change from the pre-ictal period). The
pre-ictal period was defined from two minutes to one minute before seizure onset. Significant (p < 0.05) changes are marked in blue
(decrease from baseline) and red (increase from baseline) at the top of each plot. Bimodal patients are shown with red labels. Columns
from A-E show the connectivity parameters: A) external input to pyramidal neurons, B) inhibitory to pyramidal connectivity, C)
excitatory to pyramidal connectivity, D) pyramidal to excitatory connectiviy, E) pyramidal to inhibitory connectiviy.
and 15) showed long seizures that began with lower energy and evolved into a higher energy
state. The “increase” patients (2 and 4) showed primarily high energy seizures without an obvi-
ous alignment to seizure onset. The “decrease” patients (7, 10, and 13) showed short, low-
energy seizures.
Outgoing connections from pyramidal cells to excitatory/inhibitory populations showed lit-
tle to no change. For some patients (2, 4, 9 and 10), a slight increase in pyramidal to inhibitory
strength was observed.
Fig 5 shows the average seizure trajectory for all channels. Trajectories were qualitatively
similar across channels. Most subjects showed focal patterns in which a subset of channels
demonstrated connectivity changes during seizures while other channels did not have signifi-
cantly increased or decreased connectivity during seizures (compared to a pre-ictal baseline
period). Such patterns were not surprising, given that all subjects had focal seizures, which typ-
ically appear first on a subset of EEG channels before spreading. Apart from focal connectivity
changes, there was some inter-channel variability at the ends of seizures. Subject 6 showed
some channels with increased connection strengths and others with decreased strengths. Sub-
ject 9 showed increased inhibitory connections across most channels but decreased inhibition
on a subset of channels (Fig 5, subpanel 9B), that occurred toward the ends of seizures. Overall,
significant changes in connectivity (above or below baseline) followed the same stereotypical,
patient-specific pattern across all channels. Exceptions to this consistency were observed for a
few subjects in the later stage of seizures (significant changes are shown in Supplementary
Material S6 Fig). In other words, there were no channels with markedly different trajectories;
changes in connectivity were either in the same direction or showed no significant change
from baseline. This consistency supports the finding of characteristic pathways of epileptic sei-
zures, although these pathways were only observed on a subset of (possibly focal) channels,
while other channels did not show altered connectivity patterns during seizures.
Seizure transitions
Overall, there was no difference in the average connection strength trajectories for long com-
pared with short seizures (when connections were averaged across seizures in the long and
short populations, respectively; see S5 Fig for details). Therefore, we hypothesized that short
and long seizures were primarily differentiated by termination (i.e. both types follow a similar
path from onset, with short seizures terminating earlier). This hypothesis was tested by mea-
suring the correlation between connection strength (now averaged across 16 electrode chan-
nels) and seizure duration before onset and offset (correlation results were qualitatively similar
when evaluated for individual electrode channels, and are provided in S7 Fig).
Fig 6 shows that almost no patients showed significant correlation between seizure duration
and onset dynamics. In other words, there was no relationship between average connection
strength and seizure duration at the outset (measured over a 5s window prior to seizure onset).
However, at 5s before seizure offset, there were strong correlations for all connections. In gen-
eral, longer seizures were associated with increased excitatory inputs and decreased inhibition
to the pyramidal cells. Bimodal patients (3, 8, 10, and 11) all showed a similar relationship
between connectivity strength and seizure duration. Four other patients also showed signifi-
cant correlations; therefore, correlations do not arise purely because of the two duration
Analysis of seizure energy (Fig 2) suggests there are two broad categories of focal seizures:
short (low energy) and long (high energy) seizures. Estimation of patients’ seizure trajectories
Fig 5. Inter-channel changes in parameter trajectories. Each subpanel represents the mean connectivity strength (averaged across
seizures) for all channels (y-axis) for each patient. Parameters are expressed as a percentage change from their pre-ictal background
values (where zero reflects no change from the pre-ictal period). The pre-ictal period was defined from two minutes to one minute
before seizure onset. Significant changes are shown in the Supplementary Material (S6 Fig). Columns from A-E show the connectivity
parameters: A) external input to pyramidal neurons, B) inhibitory to pyramidal connectivity, C) excitatory to pyramidal connectivity, D)
pyramidal to excitatory connectiviy, E) pyramidal to inhibitory connectiviy.
Fig 6. Correlation between connectivity and seizure duration. Correlation was measured between seizure duration
and average connectivity strength (averaged across electrode channels) taken 5s before seizure onset (Panel A), and 5s
before seizure offset (Panel B). Only significant correlation values are shown (p < 0.05). A Bonferroni correction for
multiple comparisons was performed before computing significance, where the 0.05 significance level was divided by
60 (12 patients and 5 parameters).
through the parameter space of a neural model revealed characteristic mechanisms underlying
these different energy states (Fig 3). During the low energy phase of seizures, estimation
showed decreased connectivity strength of ingoing connections to pyramidal cells. Seizures
with high energy showed increased connection strength. This pattern was maintained as sei-
zures evolved through time, with several patients showing a motif of decreased then increased
connection strengths, corresponding to low energy seizures that evolved into a high-energy
Based on their characteristic seizure durations three patient subtypes were defined; those
with exclusively short, exclusively long, or bimodal populations of seizure types. Understand-
ing how these different patterns of seizure evolution arise may provide new insights into brain
function, and guide treatment for epilepsy, as specific therapies may have preferential effects
on the various parameters that could potentially be individualized. This study showed that
long and short seizures reflect different underlying mechanisms in a neural model. Mechanis-
tic differences arose almost exclusively before seizure offset, and were not evident prior to
onset (Fig 6). Therefore, we conclude that seizures follow the same trajectory until termina-
tion. Apart from a bimodal distinction, connectivity patterns were strikingly similar during
the evolution of each patient’s seizures; although highly patient-specific. This suggests that,
once initiated, seizures follow an individualized and deterministic path through the parameter
space of a neural model. It is remarkable to see these parametric pathways maintained across
hundreds of seizures (see Fig 3), and over many years recording duration.
Seizure mechanisms
Patients were classified into three groups of connectivity patterns during seizures (seen in
Fig 4): increased, decreased, and decreased-then-increased strength of ingoing connections to
pyramidal cells. These parameter shifts may relate to distinct mechanisms of seizure onset. For
the decrease, and decrease-then-increase patterns we speculate that seizures arise from either
under-regulation or disinhibition of pyramidal neurons. The corresponding rebound of con-
nection strength (in the decrease-then-increase group) may be linked to a regulatory mecha-
nism that was not triggered for patients with shorter seizures (in the decrease group). Previous
work using the neural mass model confirms that inhibitory populations are likely to play a role
in generating epileptiform activity, with the time scale of inhibitory dynamics also highly rele-
vant [10]. There were also two patients who showed only increased connection strength to
pyramidal cells (in Fig 4, Patient 2 showed all connections were increased and Patient 4
showed an increase of excitatory inputs). For these patients, seizures may have been driven by
over-excitation of pyramidal neurons.
There is a lack of consensus as to whether noisy fluctuations (multi-stability) or determin-
istic parameter changes (bifurcations) drive seizure onset/offset [4]. Other mechanisms, such
as intermittency, may also be involved in seizure transitions [41, 42]. This study demonstrated
that the transitions of connectivity parameters were locked to the onset of seizures, and not the
offset (i.e. the patterns in Figs 3 and 2 arise when the seizures are aligned by start time, rather
than end time). This finding suggests that there is a deterministic process conditioned on the
start time of the seizure, whereas the lead up to seizure offset showed more stochasticity. Based
on these results we speculate that seizure onset is more likely to occur through a deterministic
process (as in a bifurcation), where the brain state is driven across some ‘point of no return’.
Offset is more likely to result from noisy fluctuations. Other studies have hypothesized that sei-
zures terminate as the result of a bifurcation [43, 44]. However, the brain’s state during a sei-
zure may merely approach a critical transition, without crossing over [45]. Therefore, it is
possible to observe signs of critical slowing (as in (Kramer et al., 2012)) yet still have seizure
termination driven by noise [4, 46, 47].
The presence of characteristic seizure durations should inform theoretical approaches to
modeling seizure transitions. For instance, in a bistable regime, where noisy fluctuations drive
the transition between a fixed point and oscillatory (‘seizure-like’) state, characteristic dwell
times can emerge for the different states [4, 46, 47]. Dwell times provide one candidate mecha-
nism for characteristic seizure durations. Bimodal populations in some patients suggest that
the brain can support two distinct seizure trajectories (short and long). It has been shown
experimentally that different durations of seizures may arise as the result of distinct onset sti-
muli [48]. Explanations for multiple seizure types can also be derived from computational
models. For instance, different background stability properties in a cortical model can result in
two distinct types of seizures [49]. Multiple seizure trajectories can also arise from different
onset bifurcations [43]. Similarly, multiple offset bifurcations could terminate seizures earlier
or later, giving two populations of duration. The results of this work suggest that long and
short seizures arise from distinct mechanisms of seizure termination. This hypothesis is sup-
ported by a recent study from Payne et al. (2018), which found that long and short seizures
were associated with different durations of post-ictal suppression [50].
Clinical implications
Knowledge of parameter transitions within neural models can increase the information
extracted from EEG, informing new hypotheses of seizure mechanisms and guiding clinical
practice. There is some evidence to suggest that the clinical classification of a seizure is predict-
able soon after its onset [51], in other words, the evolution of a seizure may be somewhat pre-
determined. Our results support the existence of predictable seizure types, and provide
additional metrics (based on the parameters of a neural model) that may extend our under-
standing of traditional seizure types. The consistency of neural model parameters over many
seizures suggests that, for some patients, seizure trajectories are established via repetition. The
notion of ‘learned epilepsy’ [52], is an interesting interpretation of epileptogenesis whereby the
abnormal process is learning and spontaneously repeating a pathological sequence, rather than
the sequence itself (all brains can support seizures). For some patients, successful treatment
strategies may involve disrupting or even reversing memorization of the seizure, rather than
addressing an underlying cause [52]. On the other hand, the current results (Fig 3) also showed
that seizure pathways were highly patient-specific and not all subjects’ trajectories were con-
served over time.
Neural mass models have the potential to highlight the relative contributions of excitatory
versus inhibitory connections during seizures. This information can guide whether GABAer-
gic or glutamatergic drugs are required. Previous studies using neural mass models have dem-
onstrated alterations in the balance of excitation and inhibition estimated from data recorded
during seizures [40, 53, 54]. The current estimation technique enables previous efforts to be
extended to investigate a large number of seizures. Some patients showed decreased inhibition
at seizure onset, whereas others demonstrated increased excitation (Fig 4), potentially warrant-
ing different therapies. Furthermore, patients with two duration populations may require dif-
ferent strategies to terminate their seizures. Knowing in advance when two adjunct therapies
are needed is an important clinical insight that can provide crucial benefits to patients with
drug refractory epilepsy. This study found that long seizures were correlated with lower inhibi-
tion and higher excitation (in one patient, the reverse was the case), which can guide electrical
stimulation designed to precipitate early termination of seizures.
The presented model inversion technique and results have wide-ranging applications. The
parameter estimates were consistent across many seizures. Until now, it has not been possible
to show consistency of models of seizure transition in ECoG due to the limited availability of
long-term seizure recordings. Results also generalized across patients. Although the cohort of
12 patients was not large, prior studies have restricted model inversion of seizures to only one
or two patients [13, 55–58]. Another important aspect is that the techniques can be generalized
across models. The estimation filter is not specially formulated for the Jansen and Rit model
used in this study but can be generalized to any model that uses the basic matrix representation
provided in the derivation (see Supplementary Materiall S1 Appendix). That is, the approach
can be applied to any combination of coupled neural populations or indeed any network
model that can be represented by a linear component and a non-linear sigmoidal (error func-
tion) coupling term.
effects were described by the lumped input parameter, u, rather than explicitly by inter-model
connections. It is possible that long and short seizures could be differentiated earlier based on
inter-channel connectivity patterns. Future work will focus on extending the estimation algo-
rithm for non-locally connected neural regions. An inverse solution to the time-varying,
multi-scale network problem is not trivial and is likely to require additional constraints. For
example, structural MRI data may inform prior probabilities of connection strength [58]. Indi-
vidual neural models can also be coupled within a larger scale network [15]. The approach
taken by Schmidt et. al. (2016) can be adapted to set prior probabilities, or otherwise constrain
the propagation of an assumed density (Kalman) filter.
The challenge of large-scale model inversion is relatively well understood [4, 26]. A more
recent problem in EEG analysis is the challenge of dealing with very high dimensional data.
This study involved separate dimensions for model parameters, seizures, patients, electrode
channels, and time. Distilling insights from such a large dataset is computationally intensive.
To provide some insight into this problem, the estimation results presented were 1.5TB in size.
Generation of each figure can take up to a week to complete for all patients. The use of “big
data” techniques for EEG are becoming more relevant to the study of epilepsy [62]. It is impor-
tant that tools for large scale analysis of EEG are made clinically available. The model inversion
technique presented in this work is generalizable and freely available (
It is important to note that the presented results are only valid insofar as the connectivity
parameters of a neural model capture the relevant dynamics underlying seizure transitions.
The use of neural mass model to investigate seizures has gained wide acceptance among epi-
lepsy researchers [11, 63–65]. Tracking excitatory and inhibitory strengths within a network is
considered highly relevant to understanding and treating seizures [66]. The ability to infer
directional connections (differentiate between in-going and outgoing pyramidal connections)
is also an important feature of model inversion compared with alternative graph inference
measures. The estimation method was previously validated on simulated data [25]. Neverthe-
less, it is highly challenging to quantify the accuracy of the model reconstructions from real
data, where there is no ground truth. The results showed that the difference between recon-
structed and actual ECoG was small (Supplementary S1, S2 and S3 Figs). The consistency of
results across many seizures provides evidence that the estimation can give overarching insight
into mechanisms of patients’ seizures. It is our hope that this study provides a stepping stone
towards a fully validated model inversion framework to guide the clinical management of epi-
lepsy. Future experimental work should investigate whether modulating connectivity strengths
in a stereotypical fashion does lead to different energy and/or duration of seizures, as predicted
by the current analysis.
This work provided a demonstration that the hidden local connectivity parameters of a neural
mass model can be dynamically inferred from ECoG. Our results showed that seizures follow
stereotypical pathways through parameter space. It is apparent that once a seizure has begun, a
predefined sequence of states must be traversed before termination. For a subset of patients,
there were two routes (short and long) to seizure termination. Short and long seizures began
the same way but showed distinct offset mechanisms. Finally, the connectivity patterns at sei-
zure onset showed common motifs across patients. These distinct sub-groups of onset mecha-
nisms may suggest targeted treatment.
Techniques that unify neural mass models with data provide the means to address some of
the unanswered hypotheses pertaining to epileptic dynamics. For example, theoretical studies
have hypothesized that seizure trajectories are “innate”, or “repeatable” [13, 52]. The current
results confirm that seizure pathways are indeed patient-specific and highly stereotyped. It has
also been suggested that there are limited classes of onset mechanisms for seizures [43]. The
current results show that there does appear to be a limited number of seizure onset “motifs”
among patients. Finally, our group had previously hypothesized that long and short seizures
reflect distinct cortical mechanisms [37]. The current results demonstrate that long and short
seizures follow the same pathways but have different termination mechanisms. These results
underscore the power of theoretical models to shed light on seizure mechanisms. It is our hope
that these insights guide further modeling studies and may even prove to be directly translat-
able into clinical practice.
Supporting information
S1 Appendix. Neural model estimation.
S1 Fig. Mean squared error between measured and estimated ECoG. Distribution of average
(across 16 channels) mean squared error of the estimated ECoG for all patients. Box plots
show mean (circle), inter-quartile ranges (black square), 5%-95% ranges (black line), and outli-
ers (black dots) over all seizures for that subject. Mean of the error distributions ranged from
0.2 to 0.9 mV (note that the mean amplitude of the measured ECoG signal ranges from
approximately 25—100mV).
S2 Fig. State estimation covariance. Distribution of average (across 16 channels) estimation
error for the post-synaptic potential state variables. Covariance is expressed as a percentage of
the estimate value. Each subplot shows the results for a given subject. Box plots show mean
(circle), inter-quartile ranges (black square), 5%-95% ranges (black line), and outliers (black
dots) over all seizures for that subject. Mean of the covariance distributions ranged from 2% to
S3 Fig. Parameter estimation covariance. Distribution of average (across 16 channels) esti-
mation error for the synaptic connectivity parameters. Covariance is expressed as a percentage
of the estimate value. Each subplot shows the results for a given subject. Box plots show mean
(circle), inter-quartile ranges (black square), 5%-95% ranges (black line), and outliers (black
dots) over all seizures for that subject. Mean of the covariance distributions ranged from 0.1%
to 10%.
S4 Fig. Estimated changes in parameter trajectories during every seizure. Each subpanel
represents the connectivity strength for all seizures (sorted by duration) from each patient.
Parameters are expressed as a normalised percentage change from their pre-ictal background
values (where 0 reflects no change from the pre-ictal period). Values are normalised, so -1 and
1 represent the minimal and maximal change for each individual parameter (i.e. absolute value
comparisons between parameters cannot be made). The minimal and maximal parameter val-
ues were computed across all seizures for each individual patient. The pre-ictal period was
defined from 2 minutes to 1 minute before seizure onset.
S5 Fig. Average changes in parameter trajectories for long and short seizures. Each sub-
panel represents the mean connectivity strength (averaged across long and short seizures
separately) from each patient (shading represents the 95% confidence bounds of the mean).
Parameters are expressed as a percentage change from their pre-ictal background values
(where 0 reflects no change from the pre-ictal period). The pre-ictal period was defined from 2
minutes to 1 minute before seizure onset. Significant (p < 0.05) differences between long and
short trajectories are marked in black above each plot.
S6 Fig. Significant changes in average parameter trajectories for all channels. Each sub-
panel represents the significance of changes in mean connectivity strength (averaged across
seizures, x-axis) for all channels (y-axis) from each patient. Parameters were expressed as a per-
centage change from their pre-ictal background values (shown in Fig 5). Significant (p < 0.05)
increase in connectivity strength is shown in red, and significant decrease is shown in blue.
Columns from A-E show the connectivity parameters: A) external input to pyramidal neurons,
B) inhibitory to pyramidal connectivity, C) excitatory to pyramidal connectivity, D) pyramidal
to excitatory connectiviy, E) pyramidal to inhibitory connectiviy.
S7 Fig. Correlation between connectivity and seizure duration. Correlation was measured
between seizure duration and average connectivity strength taken 5s before seizure onset
(Panel A), and 5s before seizure offset (Panel B). For each patient and parameter one coloured
vertical bar is shown per channel (16 electrodes). Only significant correlation values are shown
(p < 0.05). A Bonferonni correction for multiple comparisons was performed before comput-
ing significance, where the 5% significance level was divided by 60 (12 patients and 5 parame-
S8 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 1. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S9 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 2. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S10 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 3. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S11 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 4. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S12 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 6. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure
termination (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window
(50% overlap).
S13 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 7. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S14 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 8. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S15 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 9. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S16 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 10. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S17 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 11. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S18 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 13. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
S19 Fig. Seizure energy for Patient 15. Signal energy during evolution of seizures, sorted by
duration, from 10s before seizure onset (marked by arrowhead) to 10s after seizure termina-
tion (according to clinicians’ marking). Energy was computed for a 1s sliding window (50%
The authors thank John Terry and Wessel Woldman for their helpful insights and review of
the manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Philippa J. Karoly, David B. Grayden, Mark J. Cook, Dean R. Freestone.
Data curation: Philippa J. Karoly, Mark J. Cook, Dean R. Freestone.
Formal analysis: Philippa J. Karoly, Daniel Soudry, Dean R. Freestone.
Funding acquisition: David B. Grayden, Mark J. Cook, Dean R. Freestone.
Investigation: Philippa J. Karoly, Dean R. Freestone.
Methodology: Philippa J. Karoly, Levin Kuhlmann, Daniel Soudry, David B. Grayden, Dean
R. Freestone.
Project administration: Philippa J. Karoly, David B. Grayden, Mark J. Cook, Dean R.
Resources: David B. Grayden, Mark J. Cook, Dean R. Freestone.
Software: Philippa J. Karoly, Dean R. Freestone.
Supervision: David B. Grayden, Mark J. Cook.
Validation: Philippa J. Karoly, Dean R. Freestone.
Visualization: Philippa J. Karoly, David B. Grayden, Dean R. Freestone.
Writing – original draft: Philippa J. Karoly, Dean R. Freestone.
Writing – review & editing: Philippa J. Karoly, Levin Kuhlmann, David B. Grayden, Mark J.
Cook, Dean R. Freestone.
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