Identification and Classification of Disease For Tomato Plant Using IP and CNN
Identification and Classification of Disease For Tomato Plant Using IP and CNN
Identification and Classification of Disease For Tomato Plant Using IP and CNN
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19MY246 72
Volume 4, Issue 5, May – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT19MY246 73
Volume 4, Issue 5, May – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The dataset is divided 70% for the training and 30% The system is capable of detecting the disease at the
for testing. Different models with different architectures earlier stage as soon as it occurs on the leaf. Hence saving
and learning rate are tested. ReLu activation function is the loss and reducing the dependency on the expert to a
used since researches have shown that ReLU result in faster certain extent is possible. It can provide the help for a
training. The result obtained is shown below. person having less knowledge about the disease. The
system periodically monitors the cultivated field. Tomato
plant diseases are detected in early stage by using Image
Processing and CNN techniques. Convolution Neural
Network techniques are used to train the model which helps
to identify the diseases. The remedies are provided to the
farmer to control the disease.
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