Identification and Classification of Disease For Tomato Plant Using IP and CNN

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Volume 4, Issue 5, May – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Identification and Classification of Disease for

Tomato Plant using IP and CNN
Vrushabh Shende Dr. Mahendra Pund
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
PRMIT&R, Badnera PRMIT&R, Badnera
Amravati, India Amravati, India

Abstract:- Tomato Leaf disease Identification is basically II. RELATED LITERATURE

a system application which uses IP (Image Processing)
and CNN (Convolution Neural Network) techniques. This section of Literature Survey eventually reveals
Image processing is very important part of the system some facts of Tomato Plant Disease Identification System
which includes image acquisition and image conversion. based on the analysis of many authors work as follows:
The convolution neural network is use for classification.
To train the model for the CNN architecture, data is Debashis Ghosh [1], aimed to develop a mobile vision
collected from the authenticated online source. 4000 based plant leaf recognition system which monitor crop
samples leaf images of four classes, including the healthy diseases having different patterns. It classifies its suitable
leaf images are used to train the model. At the end the class which can be used to help the botanical students in
result shows some tomato plant diseases such as Late their research work. The feature factor used in the system
Blight, Yellow Leaf Curl and Bacterial Spot are detected. planned by the author in this work has enormous
computation cost. The quality of captured image is affected
Keywords:- Image Processing, Convolution Neural by the shadow and season.
Network, Late Blight, Yellow Leaf Curl, Bacterial Spot.
S. Bani-Ahmad [2], proposed an improved solution for
I. INTRODUCTION classification of leaf diseases by using algorithms like k-
means and neural networks. Otsu’s method are used in
Agriculture has much more importance than simply a segmentation to mark green pixels and then the boundary
means to nourish ever growing populations. However, plant pixels are removed. In proposed work clustering and
diseases are threatening the livelihood of this important classification of diseases is done.
source. Due to the plant diseases there are major economic
losses in agriculture and forestry. Therefore, early detection S. Arivazagan [3], proposes to develop a system that
and identification of plant diseases plays the utmost automatically finding the solutions for plant leaf disease by
important role to take timely Measures. There are several analyzing the texture of leaf. At the initial stage diseases are
ways to detect plant pathologies. Some diseases are not analyzed. The identification rate is short which needs to be
identify at the early stage. They need some time to identify optimized to avoid the misclassification of the variable
the disease. In these cases, it is necessary to perform symptoms of the plant disease.
sophisticated analysis, usually by means of powerful
microscopes. In some cases, the signs can only be detected III. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE
in parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that are not visible
to humans. We develop a system which helps the farmers to
identify the tomato plant diseases. We are using Image
The aim of this research is to develop a user friendly Processing for extracting the features and Convolution
system for the farmers that will help farmers in finding out Neural Network for classification of the tomato plant
diseases of tomato plant without bringing an expert to the disease. For that purpose we are using the dataset of total
field. We are providing remedies of tomato plant diseases to 4000 images of tomato plant leaf. These 4000 images are
the user. For this purpose we first get the image from user classified in four categories as follows: 1.Late Blight
then perform feature extraction on that image. For extracting Disease 2.Yellow Leaf Curl Disease 3.Bacterial Spot
the features we use conversion of image and resize the Disease 4.Healthy. Each category of disease contain 1000
image. The convolution neural network is use for classifying images.
the diseases. The system can uses one image databases
which contain 4000 images, 70% of the data is use for For classification of images we are using convolution
training the model and 30% of data is use for testing the neural network. For this first we have to train the model then
model. test the accuracy of that model by testing the model. So 70%
of data is use for training the model and 30% of data is use
for testing the model. The main objective of this system is to
identification of tomato plant disease and provide remedies
for that disease.

IJISRT19MY246 72
Volume 4, Issue 5, May – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1:- Image Dataset

 Methodologies: database, higher the size of database higher the accuracy of

the model. There are total seven layers present in this
A. Image Processing for Feature Extraction: convolution neural network. First layer is input layer and
First process after getting the image from camera or the last layer is output layer. There are total five hidden
any other source is to process the image for feature layers present in this convolution neural network. The
extraction. We get the image of different resolution so first output layer has four neuron present in it for classification
we need to resize the image of 50 by 50 pixel. Then of the disease. Each neuron represent the unique disease of
conversion from RGB to HIS model and flood fill tomato plant. Such as one neuron for Late Blight Disease
algorithm is use for feature extraction. and others neurons for different diseases. In this model we
are using the learning rate of 1e-3 that is 1*(10 to the power
 Conversion from RGB to HIS model: -3) for training the model. After finding the tomato plant
Basically the input image is in format of RGB model. diseases, system provides the remedies of this disease.
The RGB model, which encodes by their intensity of color
of Red, Green, and Blue. Each color red, green and blue
defines their intensity of color by an integer value between
0 to 255. The HSI model, which encodes colors according
to their Hue, Saturation, and Intensity. The HIS model is
used by some graphics software and image monitoring
system alongside the RGB Model.

 Flood Fill Algorithm:

For segmentation purposed flood fill algorithm is very
important. Flood fill algorithm is also called region
growing algorithm. At a first view, it looks very simple
algorithm to implement but it has very interesting
implementation for segmenting the image. Flood fill
algorithm finds the same color area from starting point to
last point with same color. Flood fill algorithm includes 4
or 8 direction of neighbors that check for condition to same
area color and perform the operation recursively for
neighbors in case they passed that condition.

B. CNN for Disease Classification:

The classification of disease is depend on the Fig 2:- System Architectural Diagram
model that we are created by training the 70% of the data.
The accuracy of the model is depend on the size of

IJISRT19MY246 73
Volume 4, Issue 5, May – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The dataset is divided 70% for the training and 30% The system is capable of detecting the disease at the
for testing. Different models with different architectures earlier stage as soon as it occurs on the leaf. Hence saving
and learning rate are tested. ReLu activation function is the loss and reducing the dependency on the expert to a
used since researches have shown that ReLU result in faster certain extent is possible. It can provide the help for a
training. The result obtained is shown below. person having less knowledge about the disease. The
system periodically monitors the cultivated field. Tomato
plant diseases are detected in early stage by using Image
Processing and CNN techniques. Convolution Neural
Network techniques are used to train the model which helps
to identify the diseases. The remedies are provided to the
farmer to control the disease.


This research has been considered only for three

diseases and further it can be extended for various diseases.
In future it can be extended to find the percentage of the
infection in accordance with the area affected. In future the
system may be implemented by adding extra services like
nearby government stores, price list for the pesticides,
nearby open market and many more.

Fig 3:- System GUI for Identification of Disease REFERENCES

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