Ups SCN 310.2
Ups SCN 310.2
Ups SCN 310.2
Software Change Notice
Revision Date: November 4, 2013
Document ID: UPS3102
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While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and
makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its
In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages.
The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.
Honeywell PlantScape, Experion, and TotalPlant are US registered trademarks of Honeywell
International Inc.
Symbol Definition
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1.2.2 Issues
This patch has the following known issues.
PAR Description
1-PM1WLF Description: UPS is not compatible with Safeview. UPS should not be
installed on a system on which Safeview is used.
Recovery: Uninstall UPS
Workaround: n/a
1-1LCOOC7 Description: Uninstalling UPS R310.2 from a Workcenter 241 system
may cause some Workcenter Graphics features to be broken.
Recovery: Re-install Workcenter 241 client
Workaround: n/a
1.2.3 Limitations Patch removal Localization
[ ] Yes. [ ] No
See Prerequisites
Microsoft .Net Framework 4. This software should already be available on most systems
as it is installed with UPS R310.1. It is also available by default on Windows 7 and later
versions of Windows. Due to the size of this file it is not included with the patch. It can be
downloaded directly from the Microsoft website (dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe)
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5. This should also be available on most systems but can be
downloaded from Microsoft website if required (dotnetfx35.exe)
HMIWeb Graphics Runtime option is no longer installed by default on Windows 7. You need
to explicitly select this feature using the custom installation option.
HMIWeb Graphics Builder and Runtime option is no longer available on Window XP.
If you install UPS R310.2 with the optional HMIWeb Graphics or HMIWeb Graphics Builder
features, the installer will automatically install a minimal version of Experion Station and
Display Builder. This provides the files that UPS requires for the HMIWeb Graphics options.
This also includes the files required for the UPS Graphics Migration feature, so it is not
necessary to install Experion Station and Display Builder before using the Experion to UPS
Graphics Migration tool.
On UPS systems that do not have Experion Station installed, it is not necessary to uninstall
UPS before installing UPS R310.2.
If Experion Station is installed on the same machine as UPS then to upgrade to UPS R310.2
you must:
Note: Existing UPS workspace content will be preserved when uninstalling/re-installing the
To manually uninstall UPS R310.1 (not required unless Experion Station has been installed on
the same system)
1. Check that no copies of UPS or Microsoft Excel are running (otherwise a reboot may be
required and/or removal of Excel Companion may not succeed)
4. Click Change
7. Click Remove
Note: you may be prompted by Windows to confirm un-installation of each of the major UPS
components individually.
2. Follow the steps described in UPS R310.1 Installation Guide. If you are applying this
patch to a system which previously had UPS R310.1 installed you will normally not need
to make any changes to the installation defaults.
3. If you wish to install HMIWeb Graphics Builder you must select it through the custom
install option as per UPS R310.1.
The following sections provide examples of the commands to silently install the typical set of
pre-requisites plus the individual UPS components required.
Note that not all the provided pre-requisites are listed. Some systems may require additional
files. Contact Support if you are having trouble identifying or installing other pre-requisites.
The UPS components can be found in the Components folder of the installation files.
UPS Core > msiexec /i “Uniformance Process Studio Required for all UPS
(required) Core.msi” /qb INSTALLDIR=”C:\Program installations.
Files\Honeywell\Uniformance\Process Studio”
PHD_HOST=”name of PHD host machine”
Uniformance > msiexec /i "HMIWeb Station and Display Run both commands
Process Studio Builder.msi" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress
> msiexec /update
Runtime and
“Experion.PKS.R410.HMIWeb.Patch.3.msp" /qn
Display Builder REBOOT=ReallySuppress
Refer to UPS R310 Installation Guide for more information on available parameters for each
component. This includes parameters to set many of the UPS core configuration options.
Configuration of previous UPS versions will also be preserved as per upgrades to UPS R310.1.
2.6 Post-Installation
It is recommended to reboot your system after
installation of Uniformance Process Studio.
This allows for shared and memory-resident
components which have been upgraded during UPS
installation, to be re-loaded.
To remove the patch, uninstall the component “Uniformance Process Studio” from Control
Panel > Programs and Features.