Disadvantages of Child Marriage
Disadvantages of Child Marriage
Disadvantages of Child Marriage
Marriage is not just a sacrifice of love between a girl and boy, but it is a long
and challenging journey to go with the couple. In fact, young marriage can affect the entire
life of teenagers. According to the article “Child Marriage: Devastating Consequences” (n.d)
on Unchained at Last, marriage in which one or both parties is under age 18, is a “human
rights abuse” that “produces devastating repercussions for a girl’s life, effectively ending her
childhood.” In the other hand, child marriages can affect the teen’s education and job. This is
the case not only for child brides, but also for their children and for societies overall. There
are many disadvantages of child marriages in education and jobs aspect, namely the teenagers
are unable to pursue higher education, limited work opportunities, lack of skills that will
ensure the teenager can’t take full advantage of future economic opportunities and living in
Firstly, those who marry at a young age, especially women will face the
dilemma of having an incomplete education as they have to take domestic responsibilities
within the household and the family. Indeed, it is basic education that is required early in life.
According to the article “Top 7 Disadvantages of Early Marriage” (n.d) on Instah states that
about 50% of the women who are pregnant in their teens only complete their high school
education in USA whereas 90% women complete it who never got pregnant in their teens.
This shows that the stigma of pregnancy keeps girls from returning to school. Besides,
children must be properly educated at a very young age in order to avoid the complications of
married life. Furthermore, bringing up children may be difficult. Their knowledge of child
care may be limited and parental guidance is also not there because of their young ages. They
may not be able to provide the appropriate care for their child.
The other effect of early marriages in education and job is, limited work
opportunities for the teenagers. Because of their young ages, they cannot apply for any job
vacancies that suitable and worthy of their approval. In addition, job opportunities offered
nowadays are strongly emphasizes on experience and approval to produce quality workers.
Since teenagers are not fully educated, they cannot seize the job opportunities provided.
Moreover, because most from them are not able to complete even their high school education,
so they have to settle with menial jobs which are often not well paid. According to the article
“Disadvantages of Early Marriage” (2 October 2016) on Gistmania states since their
education levels are low, they cannot get highly paid jobs. At this point, they will get busy
and do not have time with their family. As a result, the children and the whole family will not
get enough attention from their parents and there will be many problems also can cause fights
between the family. On the other side, if all woman are not working, it will affect the
country’s economy as in terms of work. For instance, among doctors it is a must to have quite
number of female doctor for the convenience of gynecological or maternity. If there is not
enough number due to the fact that many teenagers are married early and do not work, so it
can affect the country's economy.
Hence, lack of skills that will ensure the teenager can’t take full advantage of
future economic opportunities and living in poverty. Normally, the teenagers are not working
and only depend on their husband. But, there are also some of them have skills that can help
them in doing some part time job such as sewing, rubber tapping, farming and others. In
contrast, they only get a little paid. According to the article “Child Marriage: Devastating
Consequences” (n.d) on Unchained at Last states that women who marry early are more
likely to earn low wages and significantly more likely to live in poverty. It is because they do
not know how to expand their business to another level which will bring great benefits to
them. This is why education is important for everyone because without it, girls and adult
women have fewer opportunities to earn an income and financially provide to themselves and
their children. Furthermore, most of teenagers that marry at the young age are originally from
a poor family. According to the article “Here’s Proof That Child Marriage And Poverty Go
Hand In Hand” (23 July 2014) on The Washington Post states that in all the places where
more than 50 percent of women are married as children, those marriages are more common in
rural communities. Besides, giving a daughter in marriage allows parents to reduce family
expenses by ensuring they have one less person to feed, clothe and educate. Where poverty is
acute, families and sometimes girls themselves believe that marriage will be a solution to
secure their future. But it only just a short and safe way and it can give another bad effect.
Briefly, child marriage will bring more harm than good in teenager’s life.
There are many ways to prevent this child marriages such as by empower the girls. The
responsible party needs to play an important role to ensure every teenager has general
knowledge about pros and cons of early marriages. Next, mobilise the families and
communities. They need to know that marrying their children are not the right way to reduce
burden in their family despite they live in poverty. Last but not least, establish and implement
laws and policies. Any teenager must meet the conditions before they are allowed to marry to
make sure no problems arise after the marriage. According to the article “Child Marriage:
The Harmful Misconceptions” (n.d) on Girls Not Brides, it won’t be easy to end child
marriage around the world, but it is possible. Lastly, teens should go through their
adolescence with pleasure and seek as much knowledge as possible at that time. Marriage is
not a trivial matter, they should think wisely before deciding to get married at early age
because it will affect their lives.