Bibliografi Subjek
Bibliografi Subjek
Bibliografi Subjek
I. Penemuan Elektron
Electrons hold the key to almost the whole of chemistry. Protons and neutrons
give atoms their mass, but electrons are the outer part of the atom and only electrons are
involved in the changes that happen during chemical reactions. If we knew everything
about the arrangements of electrons in atoms and molecules, we could predict most of
the ways that chemicals behave purely from mathematics. So far this has proved very
difficult, even with the most advanced computers – but it may yet happen (Ratcliff, et al.,
2008: 7).
Massa suatu partikel sinar katoda tidak dapat ditentukan secara langsung. Namun
dalam tahun 1897 J.J. Thomson menentukan angka banding muatan terhadap massa,
e/m, dengan suatu eksperimen yang melibatkan pembelokan serempak sinar katode oleh
muatan listrik dan medan magnet. Ia diresmikan sebagai penemu electron, partikel sub-
atom dengan muatan negative satu satuan. Angkabanding mutlak e/m untuk elektron
seperti diukur akhir-akhir ini adalah 1,7588 × 10 8 C/g. Dengan menggunakan
angkabanding ini dan harga modern (dari) e, dapat dihitung massa elektron. Massa
elektron itu, 9,1076 × 10-28 g, adalah 1/1837 massa atom teringan, atom hydrogen
(Pudjaatmaka, 1989: 76).
J.J. Thomson (in 1897) found that cathode ray tubes (the early ancestors of
television tubes) produced beams of small particles that could be deflected (bent) by an
electric field. He found that these rays were beams of negatively charged particles, which
were named electrons (Harwood, 2007: 53). Thomson’s experiment used a vacuum tube.
A vacuum tube has had all gases pumped out of it. At each end of the tube is a metal
piece called an electrode, which is connected through the glass to a metal terminal
outside the tube. These electrodes become electrically charged when they are connected
to a high-voltage electrical source. When the electrodes are charged, rays travel in the
tube from the negative electrode, which is the cathode, to the positive electrode, the
anode. Because these rays originate at the cathode, they are called cathode rays.
Thomson found that the rays bent toward a positively charged plate and away from a
negatively charged plate. He knew that objects with like charged repel each other, and
objects with unlike charges attract each other. Thomson concluded that cathode rays are
made up of invisible, negatively charged particles referred to as electrons. These
electrons had to come from the matter (atoms) of the negative electrode. (Glencoe, 1997:
Dalam beberapa percobaan, ditambahan dua lempeng bermuatan listrik dan
sebuah magnet diluar tabung sinar katoda. Ketika medan magnetik dihidupkan dan
medan listrik dimatikan, sinar katoda menumbuk titik A. ketika hanya medan listrik yang
dihidupkan, sinar aka menumbuk titik C. ketika medan listrik dan medan magnet kedua-
duanya mati atau kedua-duana hidup tetapi seimbang sehingga saling menghilangkan,
sinar menumbuk titik B. Menurut teori elektromagnetik, benda bermuatan yang bergerak
berperilaku seperti sebuah magnet sehingga dapat berinteraksi dengan medan listrik dan
medan magnetic yang dilaluinya. Karena sinar katoda ditarik oleh lempeng yang
bermuatan posiitif dan ditolah oleh lempeng yang bermuatan negatif, sinar tersebutt
harusnya terdiri atas partikel-partikel yang bermuatan negatif. Kita mengenal partikel
bermuatan negatif ini sebagai elektron” (Chang, 2005: 31-35).
(McMurry, 2015: 8)
Valence electrons that are not used for bonding are called lone-pair electrons, or
nonbonding electrons. The nitrogen atom in ammonia, NH 3, for instance, shares six
valence electrons in three covalent bonds and has its remaining two valence electrons in
a nonbonding lone pair. As a time-saving shorthand, nonbonding electrons are often
omitted when drawing line-bond structures, but you still have to keep them in mind since
they’re often crucial in chemical reactions (McMurry, 2015: 9).
III. Elektronegativitas
The three particles behave differently in an electric field, because of their relative
masses and charges. Protons are attracted to the negative pole and electrons are attracted
to the positive pole. Because they are much lighter, electrons are deflected more.
Neutrons are not deflected as they have no charge (Ratcliff, et al., 2008: 6).
The tendency of an atom to draw the electrons in a covalent bond toward itself is
referred to as its electronegativity. An electronegative element attracts electrons; an
electropositive one donates them. Electronegativity increases across a row in the
periodic table. The most electronegative of the second-row elements is fluorine; the most
electropositive is lithium. Electronegativity decreases in going down a column. Fluorine
is more electronegative than chlorine. The most commonly cited electronegativity scale
was devised by Linus Pauling (Atkins and Carey, 2002: 7).
The charge distribution in bonds is commonly discussed in terms of the
electronegativity, χ (chi), of the elements involved (there should be little danger of
confusing this use of χ with its use to denote an atomic orbital, which is another common
convention). The electronegativity is a parameter introduced by Linus Pauling as a
measure of the power of an atom to attract electrons to itself when it is part of a
compound. Pauling used valence-bond arguments to suggest that an appropriate
numerical scale of electronegativities could be defined in terms of bond dissociation
energies, D0, and proposed that the difference in electronegativities could be expressed as
(Atkins and Paula, 2010: 389).
IV. Electron Arrangement & Outer Electrons
Hydrogen has the only one electron, so only the first shell is used. Carbon has six
electrons. Two of the electrons go into first shell. The remaining four electrons go into
the second shell. The electronic arrangement or configuration of carbon can be written
simple as 2.4 and its electronic structure, ex. Potassium, with 19 electrons, has an
electronic configuration of (Heyworth and Briggs, 2007:75).
The shell which is farthest from the nucleus is called the outer shell. It is also
called the valence shell. The electrons in this shell are known as the outer electrons (or
valence electrons). These electrons from chemical bond between atoms and are the
important electrons involved in a chemical reaction (Heyworth and Briggs, 2007:75).
Atkins, Peter dan Julio de Paula. 2010. Physical Chemistry (9th Ed.). Great Britain: Oxford
University Press.
Atkins, Robert C. dan, Francis A. Carey. 2002. Organic Chemistry (3rd Ed.). United States:
McGraw-Hill Companies.
Bettleheim, Frederick A. dkk. 2010. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, (9th
Chang, Raymond. 2005. Kimia Daasar Konsep Konsep Inti, Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: Penerbit
Glencoe. 1997. Chemisrty Concepts and Applications. United States: McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.
Harwood, Richard. 2007. Chemistry. Dubai: Oriental Press.
Heyworth, Rex M. dan J. G. R. Briggs. 2007. Science in Focus Chemistry ‘O’ LEVEL (2nd
Ed.). Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.
McMurry, John. 2015. Organic Chemistry (9th Ed.). United States: CENGAGE LEARNING.
Pudjaatmaka, A. Hadyana. 1989. Kimia Untuk Universitas, Edisi Keenam. Jakarta: Penerbit
Ratcliff, Brian, dkk. 2008. AS Level and A Level Chemistry. Dubai: Oriental Press.