Exploring The Reading Struggles of Grade 9 Integrity Students of Dacanlao Gregorio Agoncillo National High School
Exploring The Reading Struggles of Grade 9 Integrity Students of Dacanlao Gregorio Agoncillo National High School
Exploring The Reading Struggles of Grade 9 Integrity Students of Dacanlao Gregorio Agoncillo National High School
Teaching grammar is one of the important components in learning English for students
at school. The theories and methods of language teaching has developed various techniques of
teaching English. The accuracy in the selection of teaching techniques will support the success
of language learning. The reality in the classroom shows that there are many English language
learners who have difficulty in mastering grammar.
The difficulty is related to the ability to identify and remember English sentence pattern.
The sentence patterns which are different from their mother tongue causes learners often
makes mistakes because of forgetting the arrangement of sentence patterns. When learners
face grammar test form for example incomplete sentences form, they find difficulty to identify
what the missing elements of the sentence and how to complete them. Thus it can be said that
the techniques of teaching English grammar which have been used is not effective.
Based on the writer personal experience and the reality at schools in her region, there
are many English teachers who use lecturing technique when teaching grammar material. In
lecturing, he/she explains the pattern of the sentence and writes it on the board, while the
students are just sitting quietly and listening to the teacher's explanation. Then the teacher
gives an example of each sentence pattern and provides tasks. One of the weaknesses of this
technique is it cannot optimize leaners’ memory. Only 50% of the material will be absorbed and
remembered by learners whose learning process involving hearing and vision alone (Idawati,
2007:3). Another drawback is the passive learners and less learning experience that can be built
in memory.
The problems that the researcher found in the classroom is students cannot identify a
certain sentence pattern. This is supported by the results of the low grade of daily tests for
grammar material. In addition, a low student motivation often becomes the second problem in
the teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
The problem that arises is how teaching technique will be effective for teaching
grammar. The finding will be a solution for the teaching English problem faced in the classroom.
In this study, the writer is interested in finding effective teaching techniques for teaching
grammar. The technique means a teaching technique that can enhance the students’
absorption of the material on English grammar especially passive voice.
The researcher conducted an action research in his classroom of his grade 9 high school
where he works. Target of the action research is a subject as action actors (Arikunto et.al, 2008:
36). In this study, the writer wants to try a collaborative learning technique for teaching English
grammar in passive sentences (passive voice) in order to increase students’ competence in
applying passive sentence and motivation to learn English grammar.
A teacher or a teacher in the classroom has a lot of responsibility. He/she is not only
responsible to deliver the subject matter, but also responsible for the academic progress of
their students. When facing a problem related to academic achievement, certainly many factors
are the causes. As a professional responsibility, the teacher must find root of the problem and
solve it.
One way that can be done by the teacher in the classroom to solve the daily problems of
teaching is by conducting classroom action research. This study not only aims to find solutions
to the problems, but it is also one of the professional developments of teachers. As stated by
Wallace (2004: 14), one of the professional developments of teachers is to carry out action
There are many definitions of action research. According to Suharsimi Arikunto et.al
(2008: 3) "action research is a form of scrutiny on an action learning activities, which
deliberately raised and occur in a class together." In other hand, according to Wallace (2004: 1)
action research is reflection teaching done by systematically collecting data on your everyday
practice and analyzing it in order to come to some decision about what your future practice
should be.
Meanwhile, Aqib specifies definitions of classroom action research in detailed
components, and then summarize it as Arikunto’s. In general, there are three main aspects
from the definition of action research. They are observation, deliberately raised, and occurs in
the classroom (Aqib, 2007: 13). Whatever definition is used, it is important to be aware of the
action research data is collected and analyzed systematically associated with improvements in
several aspects of professional practice (Wallace, 2004: 1).
Classroom action research presented in this paper is the experimental classroom action
research. It means this research is conducted by applying a variety of techniques or strategies
effectively and efficiently in a teaching and learning activities (Aqib, 2007: 20).
Cycles performed in this study is Kurt Lewin model, which consists of four main steps (Lewin,
1990 in Aqib, 2007: 21):
1. Planning
2. Acting
3. Observing
4. Reflecting
In fact, teachers often faces the low motivation of students to the subjects taught. Thus,
teachers need to find ways in motivating student in learning. There are various ways which a
teacher can do to enhance students’ motivation. Harmer describes three ways to increase
students’ motivation (1999: 53-54):
1. Setting goals and objectives.
The goals are classified into short-term and long term goals. For example, when
learning English grammar, the short-term goal is to master the passive voice and long-
term goal is to speak English fluently.
2. Learning environment.
Creating a fun learning environment, including physical condition of the classroom and
emotional atmosphere of the teachers.
3. Interesting classroom activities.
Topics and classroom activities should be interesting.
Based on Harmer’s theory above, one of the goals of this research is to improve
students' motivation. Action research on collaborative learning in teaching of English grammar
is done with some consideration. First, the study was carried out by the class teacher because
teachers are one source of students’ motivation. Second, this study is applying an alternative
teaching technique which is part of a method that can motivate students. Third, this study
examines collaborative learning techniques with the assumption that this technique is
attractive to students so it can increase students' motivation in English subjects.
Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning is not a new thing in the world of teaching. The term is well
known among educators and researchers in the field of teaching. However, there is still
confusion about the understanding of the definition on collaborative learning. The teachers are
often understood a collaborative learning as cooperative learning, but they are different. So
Panitz makes a contrastive study analysis on the definition of collaborative learning and
cooperative learning in his article entitled "A Definition of Collaborative vs Cooperative
In his writings, Panitz stated that,
Collaborative learning (CL) is a personal philosophy, not just a classroom technique. In all
situations where people come together in groups, it suggests a way of dealing with
people which respects and highlights individual group members' abilities and
contributions. There is a sharing of authority and acceptance of responsibility among
group members for the groups actions. The underlying premise of collaborative learning
is based upon consensus building through cooperation by group members, in contrast to
competition in which individuals best other group members. CL practitioners apply this
philosophy in the classroom, at committee meetings, with community groups, within
their families and generally as a way of living with and dealing with other people.
(Panitz, 1996: 1)
Action research in the area of collaborative learning has been done by Anuradha A.
Gokhale in 1995. Gokhale examines collaborative learning to improve students' skills in critical
thinking. Gokhale research is a comparative study between individual learning and collaborative
learning. He examined the significant differences in the acquisition of test scores between
students who studied individually and collaboratively. The test is given in two forms, in the
form of drill-test practice and test in the form of critical thinking. The results of this study
showed that students who learn collaboratively attained higher scores in both forms of the test
than students who studied individually. The research becomes one of the empirical evidence
that collaborative learning is an effective technique. Therefore, this may support the writer’s
D. Research Steps
This research is conducted with the following stages:
1. Students are given a questionnaire to know students' motivation toward English
learning and teaching techniques favored by students.
2. Students are divided into 8 groups, each group consisting of 4 people.
The focus of research in 5 groups: "Help Me", "Crazy Club", "My Name Is", "I do not
know", and "Do It Yourself".
3. Students are given a pre-test to measure the extent of their mastery of the material in
the passive voice.
4. Students are given tasks within the group:
a. Discovering, the students are asked to find a passive verb forms in the text.
b. Guided Sentence, the students identify and write passive sentences in 6
tenses of one active sentence given by the teacher.
c. Unguided sentence, students write their own sentences in passive voice.
5. Students are given a post-test to measure the effect of a class action by teachers.
2. Action I: Discovering
Students are given two pieces of short text in 15 lines, entitled "Quick Work" and "A
Wet Night". Text is taken from Practice and Progress by LG Alexander, Longman publication.
Then, students are asked to underline all the verbs in the text. Furthermore, students are asked
to identify the verb in passive form, and count the number of passive verb is in both of the
texts. Finally, students are asked to determine which text has many passive verbs.
8. Post-test
This test form is similar to pre-test, but with a different sentences.
A.3. Observation
During the research, the writer makes field notes which are the result of observation on
those class actions. The records can be summarized as follows:
d. Final notes:
1) Each end of a teaching session, the teacher draws conclusions on the students' answers.
2) From the observations, there are three students who does not seriously follow collaborative
3) Collaborative Learning is conducted with students who are sitting on the floor, so that there
are positive and negative effects of the learning activities done on the floor. The positive effect
is students are relaxed, less depressed, and can move freely. The negative side is students who
are not serious in the lesson will tend to play with their friends, in this case, they play smack-
B. Research Result
The results are presented in table and in the reflection. Data analysis is performed by
comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test, then used as a basis for making conclusions.
B.2. Reflection
From the above table, it can be seen an increase in the average grade from 32 to 57. It
means there is an grade increase by 25 points after the students did collaborative learning. The
highest grade of post-test is 80 and the lowest is 32, whereas in the pre-test, the highest grade
is 68 and the lowest is 0.8. It is obvious that there is a significant grade increase after the
teacher uses collaborative learning techniques in teaching English grammar. Percentage of
grade increase in average is 43% which means that almost all students have increased their
grade. There is only one person whose grade is stable, and three students who falls in their
grades. Thus, it can be said that this study is successful and shows that collaborative learning
technique in teaching English grammar is effective.
After all the research settings, students are given a questionnaire in the end of the study
to know their response to the techniques tested by teachers. The results of the final
questionnaire indicates that their motivation have increased because 90% of students express
that they like the techniques used by the teacher and get better understanding to the material
by using the techniques. Learning atmosphere that is serious but relaxed makes students enjoy
the process of learning, so they advise the teacher to use collaborative learning technique more
frequent than other techniques.
A. Conclusion
Based on the data analyzed and described above, the conclusions of this study is
collaborative learning techniques is effective technique to improve students' motivation and
ability to master the material in English grammar. It can be an alternative technique for
teachers in teaching English grammar.
B. Suggestion
1) Teachers should use collaborative learning techniques in teaching English grammar and play
games to enhance students’ motivation and achievement.
2) The teacher should make notes of observations during the research process and reflection on
every action.
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