Stock "QD" Bushings: Removal
Stock "QD" Bushings: Removal
Stock "QD" Bushings: Removal
The taper-bored ÒQDÓ sprocket easily fits over the tapered Removal
hub, and tightening of the cap screws produces a tight press
Þt on the shaft. The sprocket part is easily removed from the 1. Loosen and remove cap screws.
hub by using the pull-up bolts as jack screws in the holes 2. Insert cap screws in tapped removal holes.
tapped in the rim of the sprocket. All hubs ÒJAÓ through ÒJÓ 3. Tighten inserted screws until sprocket is loose on shaft.
are drilled for REVERSE MOUNTING. 4. Remove sprocket from shaft.
1. Be sure the tapered cone surfaces of the bushing and the
inside of sprocket are clean.★
2. Place bushing in sprocket, sheave, pulley, or other Martin
QD parts. On M through S bushings, the mating part and
bushing MUST be assembled so the two threaded holes in
the mating part are located as far as possible from the saw-
cut in the bushing.
3. Place cap screws and lock washers loosely in pull-up
holes. Bushing remains fully expanded to assure sliding Þt
on shaft.
4. With key on shaft, slide sprocket to desired position on
shaft. Be sure heads of capscrews are on outside.
5. Align sprocket. Tighten screws alternately and progres-
sively Ð until they are pulled up tight. To increase lever-
age, use wrench or length of pipe (see wrench torque
chart on pg. B-5). Do not allow sprocket to be drawn in
contact with ßange of bushing; there should be a gap of 1Ú8 STANDARD REVERSE
to 1Ú4 inch.
Stock “QD”
REVERSE Mounting Assembly for QD
Sheaves and Sprockets using JA, SH,
SD, SDS, SK, SF, E, F, & J Bushings
These bushings, as well as the sprockets and sheaves
for them, are each drilled with six holes (three drilled
and three tapped) to allow pull-up bolts to be inserted
from either side. This enables variations of mounting
characteristics to suit a particular installation.
1. Assemble sheave or sprocket with bolts
inserted (But not tightened) through
DRILLED holes in bushing ßange into
TAPPED holes in sheave or sprocket.
2. With key in shaft keyseat, slide assembly
into approximate position on shaft with
ßange end of bushing away from bearing.
3. Position QD bushing on shaft by tightening
set screw over key Òhand tightÓ with standard Allen wrench only. Do not use excessive force.
4. Tighten pull-up bolts alternately and evenly to tighteness indicated in torque table below. Do not use extensions on wrench han-
dles. There should be a gap between the face of the sheave or sprocket hub and the ßange of the QD Bushing to insure a satis-
factory cone grip and press Þt. CAUTION: THIS GAP MUST NOT BE CLOSED.
1. Remove pull-up bolts and screw them into
TAPPED holes in bushing ßange and
against hub of sheave or sprocket to break
cone grip.
2. Loosen set screw in bushing ßange and
slide QD bushing from shaft.