Amendments Comparison Document PDF
Amendments Comparison Document PDF
Amendments Comparison Document PDF
4 – MAY 2013
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free Water, natural or treated, used for mixing and curing shall be
5.4 from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts,
Water organic materials or other substances that may be sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be
deleterious to concrete or steel. deleterious to concrete or steel.
NOTES to Table 5
Minimum Cement Cement content prescribed in this table is irrespective of the Cement content prescribed in this table is irrespective of grades
Content, Maximum grades of cement and it is inclusive of additions mentioned and types of cement and is inclusive of mineral admixtures
Water-Cement Ratio in 5.2. The additions such as fly ash or ground granulated mentioned in 5.2. The mineral admixtures such as fly ash or
and Minimum Grade blast furnace slag may be taken into account in the concrete ground granulated blast furnace slag shall be taken into account
8. of Concrete for composition with respect to the cement content and water- in the concrete composition with respect to the cement content
Different Exposures cement ratio if the suitability is established and as long as and water-cement ratio not exceeding the limit of fly ash and slag
with Normal Weight the maximum amounts taken into account do not exceed specified in IS 1489(Part I) and IS 455 respectively, beyond which
Aggregates of 20 the limit of pozzolona and slag specified in IS 1489 (Part I) these additions though permitted, shall not be considered for
mm Nominal and IS 455 respectively. these purposes.
Maximum Size
3. The minimum cement content, maximum free water-cement
NOTES to Table 5 –
9. Only 2 note items mentioned. ratio and minimum grade of concrete are individually related to
Note 3 added exposure.
b) Use of low alkali ordinary Portland cement having total
alkali content not more than 0.6 percent (as Na2O b) Use of low alkali ordinary Portland cement having total alkali
equivalent). content not more than 0.6 percent (as Na2O equivalent).
Further advantage can be obtained by use of fly ash (Grade Further advantage can be obtained by use of flyash conforming to
1) conforming to IS 3812 or granulated blast furnace slag IS 3812 (Part I) or ground granulated blast furnace slag
10. Alkali-aggregate
conforming to IS 12089 as part replacement of ordinary conforming to IS 12089 as part replacement of ordinary Portland
reaction Portland cement (having total alkali content as Na2O cement (having total alkali content as Na2O equivalent not more
equivalent not more than 0.6 percent), provided fly ash than 0.6 percent), provided fly ash content is at least 25percent
content is at least 20 percent or slag content is at least 50 or slag content is at least 50 percent.
At sites where alkali concentrations are high or may become
very high, the ground water should be lowered by drainage
At sites where alkali concentrations are high or may become very
so that it will not come into direct contact with the
high, the ground water should be lowered by drainage so that it concrete.
11. will not come into direct contact with the concrete.
Drainage Additional protection may be obtained by the use of
Additional protection may be obtained by the use of suitable
chemically resistant stone facing or a layer of plaster of Paris
impermeable barriers.
covered with suitable fabric, such as jute thoroughly
impregnated with bituminous material.
As the guarantor of quality of concrete used in the construction,
the constructor shall carry out the mix design and the mix so
designed (not the method of design) shall be approved by the
As the guarantor of quality of concrete used in the
employer within the limitations of parameters and other
construction, the constructor shall carry out the mix design
9.2 stipulations laid down by this standard. If so desired, the
and the mix so designed (not the method of design) shall be
12. Design Mix Concrete employer shall be provided with supporting data including graphs
approved by the employer within the limitations of
9.2.1 showing strength versus water cement ratio for range of
parameters and other stipulations laid down by this
proportions, complete trial mix proportioning details to
substantiate the choice of cement content, fine and coarse
aggregate content, water, mineral admixtures, chemical
admixtures etc.,
The mix shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete
The mix shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete
having the required workability and a characteristic strength not
having the required workability and a characteristic strength
less than appropriate values given in Table 2. Proportion/grading
not less than appropriate values given in Table 2. The target
13. 9.2.2 of aggregates shall be made by trial in such a way as to make
mean strength of concrete mix should be equal to the
densest possible concrete. The target mean strength of concrete
characteristic strength plus 1.65 times the standard
mix should be equal to the characteristic strength plus 1.65 times
the standard deviation.
In this amendment, M55
Table 8 and M60 has been added
14. Assumed Standard in the amended version to
Deviation the Grade of Concrete.
Also note 2 is added.