Authors: Nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions can be reduced using internal engine technology by cooling
some of the exhaust gas, which is then redirected back into the charge air. This results in
Dr. Johannes Kech the reduction of the combustion temperature and less nitrogen oxide is produced. This
Head of Development, Turbocharging, Fuel process is known as exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and is one of the principal methods
Injection and Components used to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel engines. MTU has been testing this
key technology for years. As a standard feature, it will be included for the first time in
Günther Schmidt Series 4000 engines — starting mid-2011 in oil & gas engines for hydro frac applications to
Team Leader, Component Design and Fuel ensure compliance with EPA Tier 4 interim emission standards, followed by rail applica-
Injection Testing tions who need to meet EU Stage IIIB emission standards which come into force in 2012.
Christian Philipp Ways to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions other words an internal engine solution. Howe-
Engine Concepts, Components and Systems In order to comply with the increasingly tough ver, this means taking into account a basic prin-
emission standards worldwide, engine manufac- ciple that governs the process of combustion
Helmut Rall turers are forced not only to substantially reduce — if the fuel burns at a higher temperature inside
Team Leader, Thermodynamics and Combustion emissions of soot particulates (PM), but also the cylinder, little soot is produced, but a large
Development Series 4000 emissions of nitrogen oxides. The main approach amount of nitrogen oxide. At lower combustion
pursued by MTU is low-emission combustion, in temperatures, nitrogen oxide emissions are low,
but the production of soot particulates is high.
To find the right balance, therefore, all the key
technologies that affect combustion must be
perfectly matched. When combined with fuel
injection and turbocharging in particular, the
use of exhaust gas recirculation results in a
combustion process that produces significantly
lower levels of nitrogen oxide.
Exhaust Gas Recirculation: Internal engine technology for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions | MTU | 2
High and low-pressure exhaust recirculation
Info The exhaust gas recirculation system widely used today draws off part of the exhaust flow upstream of the turbocharger turbine and feeds
it back into the air intake system downstream of the compressor. It works at the level of the boost pressure generated by the turbocharger
and is therefore referred to as high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation. In the case of low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation, the exhaust is
drawn off downstream of the turbocharger turbine and returned upstream of the compressor, so that the pressure level is roughly equiva-
lent to ambient pressure. Compared with high-pressure exhaust recirculation, low-pressure recirculation has serious drawbacks: the com-
pressor has to work harder, with the result that the heat to be removed from the intercooler increases. In addition, the system requires a
diesel particulate filter, as otherwise particulates in the exhaust gas could damage components of he recirculation system or the compres-
sor and intercooler. By comparison, high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation is inherently more robust so that no particulate filter is re-
quired. Low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation could be a means of subsequently upgrading an existing engine design to comply with
stricter emission standards. Due to the considerable drawbacks of the system, particularly with regard to the maintenance requirement
for the customer, MTU is not currently working on this version.
cooled and redirected back into the cylinders the charge air systems leads to gas cycle los- Dirt build-up on components and the amount
(see Figure 2). Although the exhaust fills the com- ses. These factors tend to result in lower engine of servicing required over the service life of the
bustion chamber, it is not involved in the combus- performance or higher fuel consumption. To application are lower with the donor cylinder
tion reaction that takes place in the cylinder due improve the combined effect of exhaust gas concept, as is the case with high-pressure ex-
to its low oxygen content. The speed of the com- recirculation and turbocharging, MTU has de haust gas recirculation: unlike the situation with
bustion process overall is thus reduced, with the veloped what is known as the donor cylinder low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation, the
result that the peak flame temperature in the exhaust gas recirculation system (see Figure 3). exhaust gas is not fed into the intake air until
combustion chamber is lowered. This dramati- immediately before it enters the cylinder, which
cally reduces the production of nitrogen oxides. MTU’s patented system only uses some of the means that only clean air flows through the
engine’s cylinders as the donor for exhaust gas compressor impeller and the intercooler and
Patented solution from MTU: the donor recirculation. An exhaust valve (donor valve) not exhaust gas containing particles as well.
cylinder concept holds back the exhaust gas flow downstream of
Exhaust gas recirculation places higher de- the donor cylinders and thus creates the neces- Cooling system for exhaust gas recirculation
mands on exhaust gas turbocharging, since sary pressure drop between the exhaust and the The exhaust gas drawn off for recirculation has a
higher boost pressures have to be achieved with charge air systems. This means that the tur- temperature of around 650 degrees Celsius. It is
reduced mass flow in the turbocharging system. bocharging system can be optimized to a very therefore far too hot to be fed directly into the
These high boost pressures are required to di- good efficiency level, with gas cycle losses only cylinders; it would increase the temperature of
rect the increased mass flow resulting from the affecting the donor cylinders. Compared with the combustion chamber even further, thereby
exhaust gas recirculation rate into the cylinder conventional high-pressure exhaust gas recircu- defeating its actual purpose — that of reducing
during the gas cycle. In addition, the exhaust lation (as in the case of the Series 1600 engine), nitrogen oxide formation by lowering the combus-
gas can only be redirected back into the cylin- the donor cylinder concept (Series 2000 and tion temperature. For this reason, the exhaust gas
ders when there is a pressure drop between the 4000) achieves lower fuel consumption, since it is first cooled to around 120 degrees Celsius (see
exhaust and the charge air systems. This pres- reduces the gas cycle losses in the engine and Figure 4). In the case of industrial engines with
sure drop must be established with an appropri- permits higher turbocharger efficiency levels. high intake air and exhaust mass flow rates that
ately configured turbocharging system, which For this purpose, an additional donor cylinder requires high cooling capacities, which have to be
results in a reduction in turbocharging efficien- exhaust valve is required in comparison with supplied by high-performance heat exchangers.
cy. The pressure drop between the exhaust and high-pressure exhaust gas recirculation. Basically speaking, standard commercial vehicle
Exhaust Gas Recirculation: Internal engine technology for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions | MTU | 3
Fig. 4: Section through a radiator
The exhaust gas drawn off for recirculation at a temperature of around 650 degrees
Celsius is far too hot to be fed directly into the cylinders. For this reason, the exhaust
gas is first cooled to around 120 degrees Celsius. The cooling system is optimally
integrated into the engine design concept, so that the customer needs only to allow for
radiators can be used in such cases. However, to ne modifications to further reduce emissions de- the need for additional exhaust aftertreatment for