Product Data Sheet M Series Foundation Fieldbus I o Deltav en 55894
Product Data Sheet M Series Foundation Fieldbus I o Deltav en 55894
Product Data Sheet M Series Foundation Fieldbus I o Deltav en 55894
August 2017
Use DeltaV™ state-of-the-art FOUNDATION Fieldbus redundant I/O for your process control system.
Takes advantage of all smart device capabilities. Increase DeltaV function blocks that run in the DeltaV M-series
your ability to communicate with your devices using DeltaV Foundation fieldbus I/O card are included in the fieldbus
M-series Foundation fieldbus I/O; field device status is updated macrocycle, and their execution is fully synchronized with
continuously. For multi-variable devices, all process variables function blocks running in fieldbus devices on the segment,
are available on the single fieldbus connection. thus minimizing scheduling delays that commonly occur in
control loops in which the control spans the controller and
Facilitates multi-drop 16 devices on one port. Save on wiring
field devices.
expenditures by installing M-series Foundation fieldbus I/O in the
field, close to the actual field devices. Mounting the controller Increase your process control system’s level of sophistication
with the I/O further reduces your wiring costs by eliminating using M-series Foundation fieldbus I/O. You are already aware
the need for long runs of multi-cores. Multi-dropping up to 16 of the increased input/output capabilities and improved
devices on one port reduces your wiring expenses substantially. communication with your smart devices. Now go one step
The integrated design of the M-series Foundation fieldbus I/O can further and use AMS Device Manager with your M-series
eliminate the need for marshaling panels. This saves you even Foundation fieldbus I/O— from the control room or maintenance
more time and money. shop. Using AMS Device Manager, you can access all the
necessary information to configure, commission, monitor,
Features secure uninterrupted control. A DeltaV system
and troubleshoot all your Foundation fieldbus smart devices.
offers back-up link active schedule (LAS) to ensure secure
control when upgrading a card or in the case of card failure. LAS Using AMS Device Manager you can also access status
control is automatically transferred to the backup device when and diagnostic data from smart devices and monitor their
upgrading or experiencing card failure. Control is automatically performance. Increase product quality and minimize unplanned
transferred back to the H1 Interface Card when the system downtime with this dynamic application. Improve the
detects a new card. This process requires no user interaction. productivity and profitability of your process control system.
Provides third-party device support. The DeltaV system Fieldbus devices not manufactured by Emerson Process
provides third-party device support for devices that have Management divisions are categorized as third-party devices.
successfully passed rigorous testing by Emerson Process The DeltaV system provides third-party device support for
Management. This testing ensures reliability and safety and devices that have successfully passed rigorous testing by
allows you to benefit from the open fieldbus architecture when Emerson Process Management and are registered by the
selecting field devices. Fieldbus Foundation. This allows you to benefit from the open
fieldbus architecture when selecting field devices.
1:1 Redundancy for M-series Foundation fieldbus I/O cards.
You can easily add redundancy to an existing system. DeltaV Listed Fieldbus Devices on the DeltaV System: For current
redundant M-series Foundation fieldbus I/O uses the same Series fieldbus information, including device downloads and a list of
2 I/O cards as non-redundant I/O. This allows you to leverage third-party devices that have been tested for interoperability
your investment in installed I/O and in I/O spares. No additional with the DeltaV system, please refer to
configuration is required. and click on Key Technologies/Fieldbus. 2
M-series Foundation™ Fieldbus I/O August 2017
Product Description An alarm on the integrity error for the primary notifies the
operator of a switchover. The backup card is also monitored for
The I/O card is enclosed in a DeltaV-designed common form
integrity alarms. Events that can cause a switchover include.
factor that plugs into the I/O interface carrier. The housing is
clearly labeled with the enclosed I/O card type. Clearly visible yy Hardware failure within the active card.
LEDs on the top of the I/O card display the power, error, and yy Communications failure between the active card
status to the two channels included in the I/O card. and the controller.
The Fieldbus I/O Card meets ISA G3 corrosion specifications by yy Removal of the active card from the carrier.
using superior electronic components and conformal coating. yy Detection of a fault in the field wiring.
Redundancy Made Easy. The active and standby I/O cards are A switchover may also be initiated from the diagnostics
connected to the field at the redundant terminal block. When explorer, and the health and status of both cards and
a fault is detected, the system automatically switches to the theirchannels are available in the diagnostics explorer.
backup I/O card. The reliability rating of the terminal block is
The system automatically commissions a new standby card.
greater than the high reliability of the I/O cards.
In safe areas, failed cards can be replaced under power.
The controller scans each card of a redundant pair. Incremental In hazardous areas, appropriate installation procedures must
controller loading is a function of the number of redundant be followed.
cards. In addition, the redundant cards have dedicated
The M-series FOUNDATION fieldbus I/O subsystem includes:
communication between the pair and the backup card
monitors the health of the active card. yy H1 interface card and simplex terminal block, or
Configuration of redundancy is not required as the DeltaV yy 2 H1 interface cards and redundant terminal block
system automatically recognizes the redundant pair of cards
and assigns a device signal tag (DST) to the channels on the
primary card. 3
M-series Foundation™ Fieldbus I/O August 2017
Hardware Specifications
Environmental Specifications
Protection rating IP 20
Isolation Each channel is isolated from the system and from each other
and factory tested to 1500 VDC
Nominal signal range (span) Fieldbus FOUNDATION IEC 61158-2
Localbus current per card (12 VDC nominal) 200 mA typical, 300 mA maximum 4
M-series Foundation™ Fieldbus I/O August 2017
Ordering Information
Description Model Number
A fieldbus power supply is required for each bus segment.
Each fieldbus segment must be terminated at both ends. A fieldbus brick and terminator for each segment are recommended.
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