Mohalla Clinics Delhi PDF
Mohalla Clinics Delhi PDF
Mohalla Clinics Delhi PDF
The mohalla or community clinics ne of the challenges in health and with the intention to set up 500
run by the Delhi government services delivery in India pertains such clinics in the first year. The first
to poor performance by periph- such mohalla clinic was inaugurated
could be termed populist but have
eral health facilities or the primary health- on 19 July 2015 in Peeragarhi area of
the potential to meet the needs of care system. Unpredictable availability North-west Delhi. The government has
the people, make basic healthcare of providers, lack of services, medicines promised to set up 500 to 1,000 clinics
accessible and decongest higher and diagnostics and poorly functioning (or 14 clinics per assembly constituency).
referral linkages are the key challenges. The Peeragarhi mohalla clinic is situated
level health facilities. These could
A large proportion of patients, even in a jhuggi jhopri (slum) cluster. The two-
also prove to be a landmark in those with common illnesses seek treat- room clinic, made of prefabricated mate-
health service delivery in India. ment at the secondary and tertiary care rial (porta-cabin), has been constructed in
facilities/institutions. This leads to over- an area of approximately 50 square yards.
crowding, long waiting hours, poor It has access for an ambulance to approach
quality of service delivery and patient and open space around the clinic with
dissatisfaction. Many of these patients green surroundings. The clinic has a
thus end up accessing either non-quali- doctors’ room, a pharmacy, laboratory
fied providers or private providers, even testing kits and there is also a provision
at out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure. for a token vending machine. There is a
The bigger health facilities are always television set with cable connection, a
attractive to patients and politicians drinking water dispenser, and a fully air-
alike. The former want to go to them for conditioned waiting area with chairs.
even common illnesses and the latter The clinic reportedly cost the govern-
wish to set up big institutions such as the ment Rs 20 lakh.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
(AIIMS), without realising that unless the Will It Work?
primary healthcare system is totally The mohalla clinic concept could be easily
functional, AIIMS-like institutions would dismissed as a mere political initiative by a
have neither the time nor the resources new government and it could be argued
to treat cases requiring specialist care if that existing facilities should be strength-
they tend to every common illness. ened before going in for a move such as
It has been recognised since the late this—at best a fragmented approach.
1970s that a functioning primary health- However, these arguments are not backed
care system, which is accessible within a by a thorough examination of the concept.
reasonable geographical distance, is likely This article proposes to do just that.
to take care of the majority of the health The concept of the mohalla clinic has a
needs of the people. This was acknow- number of potential ingredients needed
ledged at the global level by the Alma- for successful strengthening of health
Ata declaration in 1978 and accepted in service delivery. A few of these strengths
India’s National Health Policy, 1983 and include:
2002 as well.
Increasing Geographical Access to the
Mohalla Clinics in Delhi Health Service: The major challenge in
The Delhi government has decided to set India in accessing health services is long
up mohalla (community) clinics with each travel followed by waiting time at the
clinic being staffed by a doctor, a nurse, a health facilities (both of which have
Chandrakant Lahariya (c.lahariya@gmail. pharmacist and a laboratory technician. opportunity costs). These clinics would
com) is a writer and public health specialist, These units will provide a package of definitely increase the geographical access
based in Delhi.
services which include outpatient to health services and reduce time and
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JANUARY 23, 2016 vol lI no 4 15
cost involved in the transport and waiting water, token vending machines and TV (doctors, nurses, pharmacists and lab
period. The access to health services in a sets with cable connection reflect the de- technicians, etc), needed to run these
local setting would encourage people to tailed considerations in designing these facilities. However, Delhi has more num-
access the facilities at an early stage of clinics. The automated token generation ber of per capita doctors, nurses and other
the illness, which would indirectly re- system may be initially difficult to use category of staff than other states and it
sult in reducing the cost of the treatment. but it would ensure that no one receives should not be a challenge to recruit the
preferential treatment. additional manpower.
Making Health Services Acessible: The The underserved settings with high
idea of setting up these clinics in under- Highly Cost-effective Intervention: The population density and migrant popula-
served localities such as the jhuggi jhopri one-time cost of these 1,000 clinics (ap- tions, which are apprehensive about
clusters, resettlement colonies and where proximately Rs 200 crore) would be less attending other facilities, make such clinics
most of the migrant population lives has than what is needed for setting up a sec- viable and potentially popular. Much of
far-reaching potential. A majority of this ondary hospital. Approximately, 2,500 this population would go, otherwise, to
population, being new to the city, feels mohalla clinics could be opened in the nearby unqualified providers. This idea
uneasy going to the bigger health facili- amount required to set up an AIIMS-like perhaps would not work in rural areas
ties until the illness turns serious. They institution. which have low population density.
also tend to go to unqualified providers. These clinics would be set up on gov-
These clinics have the potential to alter Likeliest Success in Delhi ernment land, thus cutting down on the
health-seeking behaviour. Some of these attempts have been made in cost of land which a private provider
different settings; however, Delhi per- would have to shoulder. Moreover, hav-
Reducing the Cost of Care: The cost of haps has a number of unique reasons why ing such clinics within a community gives
medicines and diagnostics amounts to these mohalla clinics would succeed. the members a sense of ownership and
nearly 70% of healthcare expenditure. The Aam Aadmi Party’s key electoral empowerment. Community ownership
The provision of free medicines for com- promises related to provision of water would also bring in the much-needed
mon illnesses and that of 50 diagnostics and electricity and also improvement in the transparency, accountability and im-
with linkages to the centralised govern- education and health delivery sectors. proved efficiency in the health sector.
ment laboratories would make accessing These intentions are reflected in the
public health facilities attractive and ser- budgetary allocation where the educa- Possible Complementary Solutions
vices affordable for the poor. In addition, tion budget has been increased by 100% This is not a perfect concept and should
easy access would reduce cost of trans- and health by 50%. At least, in intention not end up as merely a populist solution.
portation, and waiting time (opportunity the government appears determined to The initiative should be supplemented
cost of missing work). attend to its core constituency of the poor by effective monitoring mechanisms.
and marginalised. Government health facilities often suffer
Counselling and Referral Services: The Unlike other states which may find it from poor quality due to heavy patient
emerging burden of non-communicable difficult to garner financial resources, Delhi load and the mohalla clinics would need
diseases in all subsets of the population, has the advantage of higher budgetary sustained attention and focus. Attention
including the poor, needs a lot of preventive capacity to allocate additional resources for should not waver from the core issues to
and promotive services. Hypertensive and this allocation. Most of the time in India, non-core ones like smart cards or elec-
diabetic patients, for example, in addition the policy intentions are not always well tronic health records or even political
to free medicines need counselling as well. supported by financial allocation. Howev- bickering. Every other state will be watch-
The counselling would be adhered to more er, in this initiative there is apparently a ing the progress of this experiment and
when access to clinical services is coupled higher planning to intention linkage as re- even though it is most applicable to urban
with it. An effective referral from these flected in the fact that the state govern- settings and aimed at the marginalised
clinics, which is accepted at the higher ment has increased budgetary allocation sections of society, it is one that should
level of facilities, would be a big attrac- to health by nearly 50% in the budget for receive attention and resources.
tion for people to attend these facilities. 2015–16. There is line item allocation of While additional budgetary allocation
nearly Rs 125 crore for mohalla clinics. would be needed, it could be supple-
Appropriate Technology to Meet Local The state has a robust network of well- mented by seeking voluntary work from
Health Needs: The use of the token functioning secondary and tertiary care a trained workforce. The government
vending machines’ system for patient health facilities to absolve any amount could utilise services of interns, post-
queues and electronic data record for of referral (such clinics would reduce the graduate students and senior registrars
health records are examples of low-cost patient load at these facilities), which if in government health facilities for these
technology that serve people. properly respected would mean that clinics. Many of the health functionar-
people will increasingly use these clinics. ies working in secondary and tertiary
Meeting the Non-medical Needs of The challenge in setting up such clinics care set-ups are often not fully exposed
the People: The provision of drinking is finding additional human resources to the trials and tribulations suffered by
16 JANUARY 23, 2016 vol lI no 4 EPW Economic & Political Weekly
common people and this would be an The mohalla clinic initiative is better These clinics should not be seen
opportunity to expose them to such expe- designed than many earlier health as ends in themselves but as a new
riences. In fact, considering that these interventions. It needs to be better im- beginning in the journey to find workable
clinics are only outpatient services, flexi- plemented as well to ensure success. solutions to improve healthcare in
ble timings and evening shifts should Rudolf Vircho said that “Medicine is a India. This concept could ultimately
also be considered to optimally utilise social science and politics is nothing lead to universal health coverage at
the resources. else but medicine on a large scale.” affordable cost.