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Is 2403 1991

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 2403 (1991): Short Pitch Transmission Precision Roller

Chains and Chain Wheels [PGD 31: Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606 : 1982

( Reaffirmed 2006 )

( sm s;T*m1
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )
First Reprint NOVEMBER 1996

@ BIS 1991


NEW DELHI 110002

October 1991 Price Group 7

IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606 : 1982

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) which is identical with IS0 606 : 1982 ‘Short pitch
transmission precision roller chains and chain wheels’, issued by the International Organization
for Standardization ( IS0 ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on therecommen-
dation of the Transmission Devices Sectional Committee ( LMD 10 ) and approval of the Light
Mechanical Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1964. It was revised in 1975 taking assistance from
IS0 606 : 1982. This second revision has been harmonised with IS0 606 : 1982.
In the adopted standard certain terminology and conventions are, however, not identical to
those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:
a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they
should be read as ‘Indian Standard’.
b) Comma ( i ) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current
practice is to use point ( . ) as the decimal marker.
In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which
Indian Standards also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted
in their place are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of

Standard Equivalence
*ISO 286/l : 1988 IS 919 ( Part 1 ) : 1963 Recommendations for Technically
limits and fits for engineering : Part 1 eqivalent
General engineering
*ISO 286/2 : 1988

*Revision of earlier vemion.

r- r
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606 : 1982

0 Introduction The dimensions of chain specified ensure complete inter-

changeability of any given size and provide interchangeability
The provisions of this International Standard have been arrived of individual links of chains for repair purposes.
at by including sizes of chains used by the majority of countries
in the world, and by unifying dimensions, strength and other
data in respect of which current national standards were diifer- 1 Scope and field of application
ing and at the same time eliminating certain side ranges listed in
some national standards for whch it was considered a universal This lnternrtional Standard applies to short pitch precision
usage had not heen establishetl. roller chains of simple and multiplex construction suitable for
the mechanical transmission of power and allied applications,
The whole applicational field open to this medium of transr is together with the tooth gap forms and rim profiles of their
sion has been covered hy the ranges of chains already estab- associated chain wheels. It covers dimensions, tolerances,
lished. To achieve this the sizes of 12.7 mm (0.5 in) to 76.2 rn; j measuring loads and minimum breaking loads.
(3.0 in) pitch inclusive have been duplicated by the inclusion of
chains derived from standards originating in the western
hemisphere and centred around ANSI (suffix A) and, on the 2 Reference
other hand, by chains representing the unification of the prin-
cipal standards originating in Europe and centred around BSI I SO 28611, IS0 system of limits and fits - Part 1 : General;
(suffix B), the two being complementary for the coverage of tolerances and deviations. 1)
the widest possible tield of application.

3 Chains
The part of this International Standard covering chain wheels
represents the unification of all the relevant national standards
in the world and includes, in particular, complete tolerances 3.1 Nomenclature
relating to tooth forrn which are absent from most current
national standards. Figures 1, 2 and 3 do not define the actual form of the chain

Roller chain, simple Roller chain, multiple itriplex)

Figure 1 - Roller chains

It At present at the stage of draft. (Revision of ‘ISO/R 286-lSZ.1

inner plate

Roller -- Roller

Inner plate

Inner link

Outer plate plate

Bearing pins

Bearing pins

Outer plate a

Outer link simple

Outer link duplex

Spring Detachable
fastener plate

Connecting link with spring fastener

Plate with
Fixed riveted
connecting connecting
pin pin



Other detachable connecting links

(Fasteners may be of various designs. Drawings indicate only their position. 1

7 elate

Cranked plate
.Bush connecting
Cranked plate Fastener
pin riveted

Cranked link single Cranked, link double

Figure 2 - Types of links

NOTE - Dimensional definitions are contained in the key to tables 1 and 2

IS 2403.:l!&l
IS0 606: 1982

3.2 Designation 3.5 Proof loading

Transmission precision roller chains shall be designated by the It is recommended that all chains should be proof loaded to
standard IS0 chain number given in tables 1 and 2, one-third of the minimum tensile breaking load given in tabIes
the first two digits expressing the pitch in sixteenths of an inch. 1 and 2.
The IS0 chain numbers in tables 1 and )M are supplemented by
a hvohenated suffix 1 for simole chain. 2 for dublex chain, 3 for
triplex chain, etc., for examdIe lSB-1; 168-2, i6B-3, et&
3.6 Length accuracy

3.3 Dimensions Finished chains shall be measured after proof loading Where
applicable) but before lubricating.
Chains shall conform to the dimensions given in tables 1 and
2. Maximum and minimum dimensions are specified to The standard length for measurement shall be a minimum of :
ensure interchangeability of links as produced by different
makers of chain. They represent limits for interchangeability,
but are not the actual tolerances that should be used in a) 610 mm (24 in) for IS0 chain numbers f&B to 128 and
manufacture. 661 to 085 inclusive,

3.4 Minimum ultimate tensile strength b) 1 226 mm (46 in) for IS0 chain numbers 16A to 728 in-
3.4.1 The minimum tensile strength is the minimum strength
of samples tested to destruction in tensile loading, as defined in and shall terminate with an inner link at each end.
3.4.2. This strength is not a working load. It is intended primar-
ily as a comparative figure between chains of various construc- The chain shall be supported throughout its entire length and
tions. For application information, the manufacturers or their the measuring load in tables 1 and 2 shall be applied.
published data should be consulted.
To comply with this International Standard, the length shall
be the nominal length subject to the limits of tolerance :
3.4.2 A tensile load, not less than that specified in table 1,
is applied slowly to the ends of a chain length,
+ $16 96
or 2,
containing at least five free pitches, by means of shackles per-
mitting free movement on both sides of the chain centre line, in The length accuracy of chains which have to work in parallel
the normal plane of articulation. shall be within the limits above but matched in agreement with
the manufacturer.
Failure shall be considered to have occurred at the first point
where increasing extension is no longer accompanied by
increasing load, i.e. the summit of the load/extension diagram.
3.7 Marking
Tests in which failures occur adjacent to the shackles should be
disregarded. The chain shall be marked with :

3.4.3 The tensile test shall be considered a destructive test. a) the manufacturer’s name or trade mark;
Even though a chain may not visibly fail when subjected to the .~
minimum breaking load, it will have been stressed beyond the bj the IS0 chain number (see column 1 of tables 1 and 2.
yield point and will be unfit for service.

IS 2403:1991

Outer Inner
plate plate

Cranked link

Dimension c represents the clearance between the cmnked link plates and the straight plates available during articulation.

Plain pin Shouldered pin

Sections through chain

The chain path depth ht is the minimum depth of channel through which the assembled chain will pass.

Simple Duplex Triplex

The overall width of a chain with a joint fastener is equal to the width over the bearing pins 64, & or be plus b for riveted pin end (or + 1.6 3 for
headed pin end) if fastener is on one sic only, or + 2 b if fastener is on both sides.

The width over bearing pins for chains vvtder than triplex is equal to bq + p, (number of strands in chain - 1).

Figure t- Key to tablm 1 and 2

Table 1 -Chain dimensions, meawring loads and breaking loads of base chains

1 2 3 4.. 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 a 2l P 23 24 26

Outer ional
Width Bearing
Roller Chain Inner inter- Cranked link Tran, yv,” beyw;n width
Pi” Bush Width over
.. Pitch dla”+ baw& path plate mediate dimensions “Bred ior Measuring load Breaking load
inner body bore inner outer benrIng pins
ster depth depth plete II pitch jbint
IS0 plates danwts link plates
depth femener
- Simple DUpleX Triplex - Simple DUpleX Triplex Simple DUpkX Tnplex

P 4 4 4 4 4 hz ha ‘1 ‘2 c P, 9 k, b, 4 4 b - - min. min. min.

max. min. max. min. min. max. max. min. min. max. min. max. max. max. max. -
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm nim mm mm mm mm da N da N da N da N da N da N

65B 8.00 5.00 3,00 2,31 2.36 7.37 7.11 7.11 3.71 3.71 0.06 5.64 4,JJ 4.90 8.6 14.3 19.9 3.1 5 10 15 440 783 1 110
066 9,525 6.35 5.72 3.28 3.33 8.52 8.26 8,m 4.32 4.32 0.08 10.24 8.53 8.86 13.5 23.8 34.0 3.3 7 14 21 890 1690 2490
08A 12.70 7.9i 7.85 3.96 4.01 12.33 12.07 10.41 5.28 6.10 0.08 14.38 11.18 11.23 ,17,8 32.3 46,7 3.9 12 25 37 1380 2760 4140
ll8B 12.70 8.51 7.75 4.45 4.50 12.07 11.81 10.92 5.66 6,12 0.08 13.92 11.30 11.43 17.0 31.0 44.9 3.9 12 25 37 1580 3110 4450

1OA 15.8J5 lo,16 9.40 5.08 5.13 15.35 15.09 13.03 6.60 7.62 0.10 18.11 13.84 13.99 21.8 39.9 57.9 4,1 m 39 59 2180 4369 6540
IOB 15,875 10.16 9.65 5.08 5.13 14.99 14.73 13.n' 7.11 7.62 0.10 16.59 13,28 13.41 19.6 36.2 52.8 4.1 m 39 59 2 220 4 450 6670
12A 19.05 / 11,91 12.57 5.94 5.99 18.34 18.08 15.62 7.90 9.14 0.10 22,78 17,75 17,81 26.9 49.8 72.6 4.6 28 56 !34 3110 6230 9340
126 19.05 12,07 11.68 5.72 5,JJ 16.39 16.13 16.13 8.33 8.33 0.10 19.46 15.62 15.75 22.7 42,2 61.7 4.6 28 56 84 289. 578) 8610

16A 25.40 15.88 15.75 7.92 7.97 24.39 24.13 20.63 10.54 12,19 0.13 29.29 22.61 22.66 33.5 62.7 91,s 5.4 50 loo 149 5 560 11 120 16 680
16B 25.40 15.68 17.02 8.28 8.33 21.34 21.08 21,06 11,15 11.15 0.13 31.86 25.45 25.58 36.1 68,O 99.9 5.4 50 lo0 149 4 230 8450 12 680
20A 31.75 19.05 18.90 9.53 9.58 X,48 30.18 26.04 13,16 15.24 0.15 35.76 27.46 27.51 41.1 77.0 113.0 6.1 78 166 234 8670 17350 26o20
208 / 31e75 19,ffi 19.56 10.19 10.24 26.68 26.42 26.42 13,89 13.89 0,15 36.45 29,Ol 2S,l4 43.2 79.7 116.1 6,J 78 156 234 6 450 12900 19350

24A 1LB,10 22.23 25.22 11.10 11.15 36.56 36.20 31.24 15.80 18.26 0,18 46.44 35.46 35.51 50.8 96.3 141.7 6,6 111 222 334 12460 24910 37 370
248 38.10 25.40 25.40 14.63 14.66 33.73 33.40 33.40 1755 17.55 0.18 48.36 37.92 38.05 53,4 101.8' 150.2 6.6 111 222 334 9790 195Jo 29360
28A 44.45 25,4O 25.22 12.70 12,75 42.67 42,24 36.45 18.42 21.31 0.20 48,87 37.19 37.24 54.9 193.6 152.4 7.4 151 302 464 16900 33810 50.710
268 44.45 27.94 30.99 15,90 15.95 37.46 37.08 37.08 19,51 19.51 0.20 59.56 46.58 46.71 65.1 124.7 184,3 7.4 151 302 454 12 So0 258170 38700

32A Y&80 28.58 3156 u.n 14.32 46.74 48.26 41.66 21.03 24.33 0.20 58.55 45.21 45.26 65.5 124.2 l&2,9 7.9 MO 400 601 2224o 4448) 66720
32B 50.60 29.21 30.99 17.81 17.96 42.72 42.29 42.29 22.20 22.20 0.20 68.56 45-57 45.70 67.4 126.0 164,5 7.9 'ioo 400 601 16900 33810 50710
4OA 63.50 39.68 37.65 19.64 IS.89 60.93 60.33 52.07 26.24 30.35 0.20 71.65 54.89 54,94 80.3 161.9 223,5 10.2 311 623 334 34700 69390104090
408 63.60 39.37 38.10 22,89 22.44 53,49 52.96 52,96 27,76 27.76 0,m 72.29 55.75 65r6.88 82.6 iv.9 m.2 10.2 311 623 934 26246 52490 78730

46A 7ti.m 47.63 4735 23.83 23.65 73,13 72.39 62.48 3:,45 36.43 0.5 87.83 67.82 67.87 95.5 163.4 n1,3 10.5 445 890 1334 50040 looceo 150130
488 76.20 48.26 45.72 29.24 29.29 64,52 63.88 63,s 33,45 33.45 0.20 91.21 70.56 JO.69 99.1 190.4 281.6 10.5 445 890 1334 4oao 80070 1m1rJo
56B 88.90 53.S6 53.34 34.32 34.37 78.64 77.66 77.85 4O,61 40.61 0.20 106.60 81.33 81,46 114.6 221,2 - 11.7 609 1219 - 54270 108540 -
648 101,&l 6x50 60.96 39.40 39.45 91.08 90.17 90.17 47,07 47.07 0.20 119.69 92.02 92.15 130.9 250.8 - 13.0 7961!iS2 - 71 170 142 340 -
J2B 11430 72.39 68.58 44.48 44.53 104.67 103.63 103.63 53,37 53,37 0.20 136.27 103.81 103.94 147.4 283.7 - 14.3 1010 2019 - 89650 179710 -.

1) Cranked links are not recommended for use on chains which are intended for onerous applications.

21 The actual &tensions Will depend on the WPe of fastener used but theyshould not exceed the dimensions in this column, details of which should be obtained by the purchaser from the manufacturer

NOTE - There are narrow versions of the simple chain. &B and 106 respectively. havinq widths between inner plates of 5,21 mm (0.205 in) min. and 6.48 mm (0.265 in) min. which are used for motorcycle
Table 2 - Chain dimensions, measuring loads and breaking loads of cycle and moped chains’)

1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 7 1 8 1 9 ) IO 1 1~ I 12 I 13 ( 14 ( 16 ( 16 ( 17 i 18 1

I I I I I I I I I I I I I Addi- I I I
Width Bearing Width Width Width
Chain Inner Outer width Mea-
Roller between pin Bush Cranked link dimensions OVB, between aver Breaking
Pitch path plate plate 2) for awing
diamster inner body bore inner cuter bearing load
depth depth depth joint load
plate-a diameter link platea pins

( ! max. j max. / 1 _ 1 max. 1 ( ,.,..,.

max. min max. min. min. min. 1 min. min. max. I mex. 1
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm I daN 1 daN I

OBl 12.70 7.75 3.r) 3.66 3.71 10.17 9.91 9.91 5.36 5.36 0.0s 5,@3 5.93 10.2 1.5 12.5 600
062 12.70 7.75 2.36 3.66 3.71 10.17 9.91 9.91 5.36 536 0.06 4.60 4.73 6,2 4) 12.5 980
063 12.70 7.75 4.69 4.09 4.14 10.56 10.30 10.30 5.36 5.36 0.06 7,90 6,B 12.9 1.5 12.5 1160
064 12.70 7.75 4.66 4.09 4.14 11.41 11,15 11.15 5-n 5.77 0.08 6.60 6.93 14.6 1.5 12.5 1560
666 12.70 7.77 6.36 3.59 3.63 10,17 9.91 9.91 5.26 6.10 0.06 9,07 9.20 14.0 2.0 12,5 670

II These chains are recommended in the single version only.

21 Cranked links are not recommended for use on chains which are intended for onerous applications.

31 The actual dimensions will depend on the type of fastener used but they should not exceed the dimensions in this column, details of which should be obtained by the purchaser from the manufacturer.

4) It is recommended that the joints for derailleur chain should always be riveted.
IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606 : 1982

4 Attachments 4.3 Dimensidns

Attachments shall conform to the dimensions given in table 3,

4.1 General

Except when otherwise stated, the characteristics, dimensions 4.4 Manufacture

and tests for the chain with attachments shall conform to the
requirements of clause 3. The actual form of the attachment plates is left to the discretion
of the manufacturer, but the attachments are normally of in-
tegral construction whereby the chain plates are extended and
bent over to make the platform, as shown in figure 4.
4.2 Designation
The length of the attachment plate is also left to the discretion
Two types of attachments are given, having the common of the manufacturer, but it should be sufficient to accom-
dimensional basis as detailed in table 1 (columns 2, 3
modate the two attachment holes longitudinally in the case of
and 4); their designation and distinguishing features are as type K2, and not interfere with the working of the adjoining
follows : links. A common length is normally adopted for both type Kl
and K2.
- Kl : with one attachment hole centrally disposed in
each platform; 4.5 Marking

The marking shall be the same as would be shown on the chain

- K2 : with two attachment holes longitudinally disposed plates replaced by an integral construction attachment (see
as shown in figure 4. 3.7).
IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606: 1982

1h4 --LJl--
On inner fink

See note

On outer link

Figure 4 - K attachments lkey to table. 3 1

NOTE - K2 attachment plates each-have two attachment holes. Kl plates are similar except that they have one hole, centrally diwd
kee 4.2).

IS 2403 : 1991

5 Chain wheels

5.1 Nomenclature

The nomenclature for basic chain dimensions on which all

wheel data are based is given in figure 3. Chain wheel nomen-
clature is covered under the respective headings.

5.2 Diametral dimensions of wheel rim

5.2.1 Nomenclature

Even numbers Odd numbers

of teeth of teeth

p = chordal pitch, equal to chain pitch

Table 3 - Dimensions of anachments da = measuring pin diameter

(1) I I (3) I (4)

2 = number of teeth
IS0 Platform Hole distance
chain height diameter between d = pitch circle diameter
number hole centres
h4 4 min. f
06A 7,92 3.3 dr = root diameter
08B 6.69 4.3
Ma = measurement over pins
10 A 5.1
10.31 31.75
10 B 5.3
5.2.2 Dimensions
12 A 11,91 5,l
12 B 13.46 6.4 Pitch circle diameter
16 A 6-6
15.88 5WJ
16 B 6,4
d= d- Isee the annex for pitch circle diameters in
. _NO0
s,n relation to the number of teeth)
z Measuring pin diameter

da = d, (sea 5.3.1) subject to tolerance limits

+ 0.000 5 in (0,Ol mm)



IS 2403 : 1991
Is0 606 : 1982 Root diameter re = tooth flank radius

dr = d - dt subject to the following tolerance limits : h, = height of tooth above pitch polygon

Upper d, = tip diameter

Root diameter Lower deviation
deviation I I
df < 5 in (127mm) 0 0.010 in (0.25 rqml df = root diameter
5 in cl?3 mm1 -z d, 4 9.95 in (250 mm1 0 0.012in (0.30 mm1
df > 9.95 ir. I250 mm) 0 hll’
2 = number of teeth
l see ISO286. Measurement over pins 5.3.2 Dimensions

Ma for even numbers of teeth = d + dR min. The limits of the tooth gap torm are determined by the
minimum and maximum tooth gap forms. The actual tooth gap
900 form provided by cutting or an equivalent method shall have
Ma for odd numbers of teeth = d cos- + dR min. tooth flanks of a form lying between the minimum and max-
imum flank radii and blending smoothly with the roller seating
curve subtending the respective angles.
The measurement over pins of wheels with even numbers of
teeth shall be carried out over pins inserted in opposite tooth
gaps. Minimum form

The measurement over pins of wheels with odd numbers of re max. = 0,12dlk + 2)
teeth shall be, carried out over pins in the tooth gaps most
nearly opposite. ri min. = 0,505 d,

The limits of tolerance for the measurement over pins are iden-
tical to those for corresponding root diameters. a max. = 1400 -900

5.3 Wheel tooth gap forms Maximum form
63.1 Nomenclature
re min. = 0,008 dl (22 + 160)

ri max. = (0.505 $ + 0.006 fi) in (where dl is expressed in


or = (0,505 d, + 0,069 WI) mm (where dl is expressed

in millimetres)

c( min. = 1200 _f

5.4 Tooth heights and tip diameters

6.4.1 Nomenclature

see 5.3.
Figure 6 - Tooth gap forms

5,4.2 Dimensions
p = chordal pitch, equal to chain pitch
da max. = d + 1,25p -dl
d = pitch circle diameter

d, min.
dl = roller diameter, maximum

ri = roller seating radius It should be noted that da min. and da max. can be applied
arbitrarily both to the minimum and maximum gap forms,
a = roller seating angle subject to the limitations imposed by the cutter on da max.


.__... _.,.~/~.” .>w_ -

IS 2403 : 1991 1
Is0 606 : 1982

To facilitate the constructron of the tooth gap form to a large p > 12.7 mm
S&Z on a drawing board, the tooth height above the pitch (0.5 in)
po@gon can be obtained from the following formulae : b,, for simple chain wheels = 0.95 b, : h14”
03 P b,, for duplex and triplex chain wheels = 0.93 b, : h14’
h,maX. = 0,625p -O,!sd, +-
Z b,, for quadruplex chain wheels and
above = 0.93 b, : h14”
h, min. = 0.5 (p - d,)

Note that h, max. is related to d, max., and h, min. to d, min. NOTE - For chainwheels above 12,7 mm (0.5 in) in pitch, the figures
in the first column may be used by agreement between the user and
the manufacturer.
5.5 Wheel rim profiles
bf2 and be = (number of strands - 1) x pt + bfl (tolerance
5.5.1 Nomenclature h14* on bfl)

For wheel rim in axial plane sectioned through centre of tooth r xn0m = P
ba nom = 0.13 p (for cycle and moped chains banom = 0.06 p)

da = p cot - -1.04 h, -0.030 in

(where p and h, are expressed in inches);


= pcotz -l,Wh, -0,76mm

(where p and h, are expressed in millimetres).

Figure 7 - Wheel rim profiles
5.6 Radial run-out
h = tooth width

bpz and bn = widths over teeth 56.1 Nomenclature

= tooth side radius See 5.2.
b, = tooth side relief
5.5.2 Values
ra = shroud fillet radius
Radial run-out between the bore and root diameter shall not
d!3 = absolute maximum shroud’ diameter
exceed a value for total indicator reading derived from
df = root diameter of wheels

P = chain pitch 0.609 8 df + 0.003 in, or 0.006 in, whichever is the greater
(where df is expressed in inches) up to a maximum of
Pt = transverse pitch of strands 0.039 in;
bl = width between inner plates, minimum
!I~ = inner plate depth, maximum
0,000 8 df + 0,08 mm, or 0,15 mm, whichever is the
greater (where df is expressed in millimetres) up to a
6.5.2 Dimensions
maximum of 0,76 mm.
p < 12.7 mm
(0.5 in)
5.7 Axial run-out (wobble)
bt1 for simple chain wheels = .0,93 b, : h14”
bft for duplex and triplex chain wheels = 0,91 b, : h14’ 5.7.1 Nomenclature
bft for quadruplex chain wheels and
above = 098 b, : h14’ See 9.2.

IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606 : 1982

5.7.2 Values 5.9 Range of teeth

Axial run-out, measured with reference to the bore and the flat This International Standard primarily applier, to a rargs- of teeth
part of the side face of the teeth, shall not exceed a value for from 9 to 150 inclusive.
total indicator reading derived from
The preferred range of numbers of teeth is 17. 19, 21, 23, 25,
O.ooO 9 df + 0.003 in (where dr is expressed in inches) up 38, 57, 76, 95 and 114.
to a maximum of 0.045 in;

5.10 Bore tolerance


Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the #

O,OtIO 9 d, + 0,09 mm (where dr is expressed in millimetres)
purchaser, bores shall be to H8 limits.*
up to a maximum of 1.14 mm.

For fabricated (welded) wheels, 0.010 in (0.25 mm) may be 5.11 Marking
accepted if the above formulae give smaller values.
Wheels shall be marked with :
a) maker’s name or trade mark;
5.8 Pitch accuracy of wheel teeth
b) number of teeth;

Pitch accuracy of wheel teeth is important and chain manufac c) chain designation (IS0 chain number and/or maker’s
turers should be consulted for details. equivalent).

l sf?eIS0 286
IS 2403 : 1991
IS0 606 : 1982


Pitch circle diameters

The following table gives correct pitch circle diameters for wheels to suit a chain of unit pitch (for example 1 in, 1 mm). The pitch
circle diameters for wheels to suit a chain of any other pitch are directly proportional to the pitch of the chain.

Number Number Number

Pitch circle Pitch circle Pitch circle
of teeth of teeth of teeth
diameter diameter diameter
z Z Z

9 2,923 8 57 18,152 9 165 33,427 5

16 3,236 1 58 18,471 0 166 33,745 8
11 3,549 4 58 18,759 2 167 34,064 0
12 3,863 7 66 19,107 3 166 34,382 3
13 4,178 6 61 19,425 5 169 34,700 6
14 4,494 0 62 19,743 7 110 35,018 8
15 4,809 7 63 20,0619 111 35,337 1
16 5,125 8 64 20,380 0 112 35,655 4
17 5,442 2 65 20,698 2 113 36,973 7
18 5,758 8 66 21,016 4 114 36,2919
19 6,075 5 67 21,334 6 115 36,610 2
26 6,392 5 68 21,652 8 116 36,928 5
21 6,709 5 69 21,971 0 117 , 37,246 7
P 7,026 6 76 22,269 2 118 37,565 0
23 7,343 9 71 22,607 4 119 37,683 3
24 7,6613 72 22,926 6 126 38,2016
25 7,978 7 73 23,243 8 121 38,519 8
26 8,296 2 74 23,562 0 122 38,638 1
27 8.613 8 75 23,860 2 123 39,156 4
28 8,9314 76 24,198 5 124 39,474 6
29 9,249 1 77 24,516 7 125 39,792 9
36 9,566 8 78 24,834 9 126 40,111 2
31 9,884 5 79 25,153 1 127 40,429 5
32 10,202 3 86 25.471 3 126 40,747 8
33 10,520 1 81 26,789 6 129 41,066 0
34 10,836 0 82 26,107 8 130 41.384 3
35 11,155 8 63 26,426 0 131 41,702 6
36 11,473 7 84 26,744 3 132 42,020 9
37 11,791 6 86 27,062 5 133 42,339 1
38 12,109 6 I 27,380 7 134 42,667 4
39 12,427 5 87 27,699 0 135 42,975 7
46 12,745 5 86 28,017 2 136 43,294 0
41 13,063 5 69 28,335 5 137 43,612 3
42 13,361 5 96 28,653 7 136 43,930 6
43 13,699 5 91 28,971 9 139 44.246 8
44 14,017 6 92 29,290 2 146 44,567 1
45 14,335 6 93 29.608 4 141 44,885 4
46 14,653 7 94 29,926 7 142 45,203 7
47 14,971 7 95 30,244 9 143 45622 0
48 15,269 8 96 30,563 2 144 45,840 3
49 15,607 9 97 30,8815 145 46,158 5 a
56 15,926 0 98 31,199 7 146 46,476 8
51 16,244 1 99 31,518 0 147 46,795 1
62 16,562 2 166 31,836 2 146 47,113 4
53 16,880 3 101 32.1515 149 47,431 7
54 17,198 4 102 32,472 7 156 47,750 0
55 17,516 6 103 32,791 0
56 17.634 7 104 33,109 3

Printed at Dee Kay Printers, New Delhi-l 10015, India.

r i
BIS 15;I statulo~> institution cstahlishcd under the Buwm oflndian Stmdards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious dc\,clopmcnt of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and artcnding to conncctcd matters in the country.
Copj right

BIS has the: copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enqairics relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amcndmcnts arc issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
revicwcd periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changch arc needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendmcnts’or edition by
rcfcrring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. LMD 10 ( 0068 1 51

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amcncl No. Date of Issue Text Affected



Manak Bhavan. 0 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
Tc!cphones : 323 01 31, 32.; ::3 75, 323 94 02 (Common to all offices)

RcSional Oft’iccs : T&phone

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CALCUTTA 700054 337 X6 26,337 9120

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