Anti-Social Elements in Telugu Drama Serials - A Study On Godavari District's Women

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-3, May - Jun, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620

Anti-social elements in Telugu drama serials – A

study on Godavari District’s women
K. Satya Savithri
Asst Professor of English, Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pennada Agraharam, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract— Women are like a fortress to the culture of watching these Telugu drama serials. I want to elucidate the
India. These women, who are supposed to be the protectors impact of these serials on their life style. Moreover what do
of the wealth of Indian culture, it is the women, who gave they think by watching these soap operas constantly.
birth to great people that earned fame across the world. It
is the women, who struggled a lot to lead her life with II. OBJECTIVES STUDY OF THIS STUDY
virtues. 21 st century woman proved herself in all the fields. a) To identify the casting of extra- marital affairs in
She maintains a home and manages an office. She is the Telugu drama serials.
very embodiment of love, care, honesty and chastity. This is b) To find out that these serials are instigating anti-
the greatness of a woman. But the portrayal of woman in social behavior in women
daily serials is quite different. Daily soap operas are c) To examine the cruelty of women in serials.
showing women as a symbol of cruelty, selfishness and as d) To know the influence of these serials in their day
an anti-social personality. Many studies revealed the to day life
impact of the serials but my attempt through this study e) To understand the socio-cultural values in the
analyses how women were portrayed in Telugu daily serials serials.
and the perception of the women especially who are living f) To find out the cause for excessive romance in
in Godavari districts. Telugu serials.
Keywords— Anti-social elements in TV Serials, Telugu
Drama, Godavari Districts women. III. LITERATURE REVIEW
It has been observed that many studies have conducted
I. INTRODUCTION globally and nationally to identify the effect of Television
East Godavari and west Godavari are popularly known as serials on our society irrespective of the age groups. They
Godavari d istricts. These are situated in coastal region and have studied extensively about these serials fro m different
the largest districts in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. perspectives. Some have submitted their thesis on this very
Once successively ruled by Mauryas, Sathavahanas, Vishnu topic. But very few studied about Telugu drama serials.
Kundins, Eastern Chalukyas, Cholas, etc., and then by the Kaluvoya Anitha (2017) fro m St. Francis College for
British. Both districts were rich in culture and heritage. wo men fro m Hyderabad has studied about the Telugu
Godavari districts are populated with 92.22 lack people as serials content and the reason for addiction to these serials.
per the Wikipedia sources. As per the recent statistics Her study revealed that the government should interfere in
4,512,920 females are there in the districts. Indian women this matter seriously and must appoint a regulatory body to
play an important role in forecasting the culture but monitor the content.
Godavari districts wo men has special providence in Humawon Sarkar (2016) researched on the Impact of
fostering the culture, continuing the legacy of family ethics, Serials in our society: perception fro m different age groups .
maintaining the joint families without any conflicts. Even in He found out that watching these serials regularly will have
marriage proposals also most of the bridegrooms and their a bad affect on our values, beliefs, culture and on the total
families look for brides fro m Godavari districts. This is the society.
importance given to these women here. Unfortunately the
value of wo men gradually deteriorated because of daily IV. METHODS AND MATERIALS
serials. Woman became a symbol of cruelty rather than I collected the primary data by conducting a survey through
chastity. Mostly Godavari d istricts wo men are house wives questionnaire with in depth analysis and interv iewed some
they spend most of their time in front of the televisions of them personally for better understanding in the month of Page | 641

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-3, May - Jun, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
May 2019. I browsed the sites, referred journals and Working women = 25
publications for secondary data. Daily wage working women = 25
A survey was conducted on 100 women from Godavari House wives = 25
College going under graduate professional students = 25


5.1 The casting of extra- marital affairs in Telugu drama serials.

20 Yes
going under Daily wage
graduate working House wives Total
professional women
students Page | 642

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-3, May - Jun, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
In total 80% of the result shown that television serials are married man. It is indeed a grave pract ice of inculcat ing bad
casting extra marital affairs. Especially wo man in serials are thoughts into the minds of innocent rural wo men which
attracted to the husband of another wo man. These serials ultimately destroys the family relat ions and societal
are lighting up an unethical concept of fall in love with a conditions.

5.2 Anti-social behavior in women


Around 58% o f the wo men are agreed that it was shown these qualities women ro le in a family plays a vital role but
clearly in the serials that wo men are portrayed in a different the contemporary serials were exaggerating the anti-social
way which is not real in our society. Society has a certain elements and making a wo man is prime villain to another
expectations on women as they manage everything with women.
patience; they are kind, obedient and loving. More than

5.3 Cruelty of women in serials.

30 yes
20 No
10 No Idea
College going Working Daily wage House wives Total
under women working
graduate women
students Page | 643

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-3, May - Jun, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
68% of the wo men agreed that women are shown cruel in plans to marry him again. Director used soliloquies to
the daily serials. Most of the wo men rep lied that a character depict the cruelty of Monitha and her plans to the audience.
named Monitha fro m Karthika Deepam, highest TRP rated Monitha is the main v illain of the plot though we have
serial in MAA TV is the examp le fo r this. Deepa, dark many male characters which shows that a woman is
skinned lady is the main character of the serial karthika portrayed in a way that women cant even trust another
deepam wedded to Karthik whom was deeply loved by women.
Monitha. Monitha get the couple separated with her evil

5.4 The cause for excessive romance in English




influence of Hindi Serials
20 for TRP ratings

10 No Idea

influence for TRP
of Hindi ratings No Idea

Around 58% of the wo men said that it is because of the serials became a favorite pass time fo r many of the wo men
Hindi Serials they are showing excessive romance in and they opt HOTSTAR to continue watching if they miss
Telugu Serials. They even told most of the serials are the episode. This shows the influence of daily serials in the
copyrighted from Hindi serials automat ically they are life of every wo man. 68% out of all the wo men who watch
imitating the same which was shown in the Hindi serials. serials regularly agreed that serials have all the elements
But they are objecting this kind of move in daily serials as which I have stated in my ob jective like cruelty, excessive
these kind of scenes influence the youngsters and even romance, extramarital affairs, anti-social elements. My
children. Most of the women said AGNI SAKSHI is the study revealed that these serials and the above said elements
example for excessive romance. influence our families in a very bad way as Aristotle said
30% of the replies elucidated that Television channels are “what we do regularly is what our personality is” this
mostly concentrating on the TRPs rather than the influence quotes says a lot even in this 21st century. Our mind is an
of those on our society. They are concentrating on the empty vessel what we pour in that will reflect as our
content which can make the serial lengthy by adding behavior and personality. These serials are imposing all
negative shades to women. unrealistic elements in the innocent minds of these
Godavari district women.
Based on my understanding from the in depth interview
techniques on 100 Godavari Districts wo men, I find out that Page | 644

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-3, May - Jun, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
The study needs extensive research on large no of people to
recommend. My finding through this study would be used
as a reference to study further in the same field.

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