June 2017 (R) QP - Paper 1C Edexcel Chemistry IGCSE

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2017

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

in Chemistry (4CH0) Paper 1C
Science (Double Award) (4SC0) Paper 1C

Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificate

Biology (KCH0) Paper 1C
Science (Double Award) (KSC0) Paper 1C

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Summer 2017
Publications Code 4CH0_1C_1706_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2017

General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according
to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may
be limited.
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.

Answer Notes Marks

1 5

atomic number of the atom 3

number of shells shown 2

mass number of the atom 7

number of protons in an isotope 3

of this element

group where element is found in 1

the Periodic Table

(Total for Question 1 = 5 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

2 (a) B (H2) 1

The only correct answer is B

A is not correct because H is the symbol of an

atom of hydrogen not a molecule of hydrogen

C is not correct because H2O is the formula of

water which is a compound

D is not correct because H2O2 is the formula of

hydrogen peroxide which is a compound

(b) D (sodium chloride solution) 1

The only correct answer is D

A is not correct because sodium is an element

not a mixture

B is not correct because chlorine is an element

not a mixture

C is not correct because sodium chloride is a

pure compound not a mixture

Answer Notes Marks
(c) A (chromatography) 1

The only correct answer is A

B is not correct because crystallisation would not

separate the dyes in food colouring

C is not correct because evaporation would not

separate the dyes in food colouring

D is not correct because filtration would not

separate the dyes in food colouring

(d) (i) M1 add (dilute) nitric acid Accept HNO3 3

If no acid then M2 M3 can be scored
If incorrect acid then M2 M3 can be scored

Ignore references to testing for


M2 add silver nitrate (solution) Accept AgNO3

Do not award mark if additional reagent added
Ignore litmus

M3 white precipitate Accept usual alternatives to precipitate

Ignore cloudy/milky
Ignore qualifiers such as pale
Reject all other colours
Reject other observations e.g. fizzing

M3 DEP on mention of silver nitrate/AgNO3


Answer Notes Marks

(d) (ii) diffusion Ignore identity of precipitate


(e) (i) M1 flask 3

M2 column

M3 condenser

(ii) C (g) → (l) 1

The only correct answer is C

A is not correct because change of state from

solid to aqueous does not occur in fractional

B is not correct because change of state from

liquid to solid does not occur in fractional

D is not correct because change of state from

aqueous to solid does not occur in fractional

(Total for Question 2 = 11 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

3 (a) galvanising/galvanisation Ignore sacrificial protection 1

(b) (i) rust 1

(ii) M1 oxygen Accept air / O2 2

Ignore O

M2 water Accept H2O

Allow moisture
Ignore vapour

Accept answers in either order

If name and formulae given both must be

Answer Notes Marks
(iii) M1 Zn/zinc is more reactive than Fe/iron Accept Zn higher in reactivity series 3
Accept zinc reacts in preference to/instead of
Allow zinc is oxidised in preference to iron
Ignore references to sacrificial protection
Reject zinc rusts
Reject use of Zn2+ and Fe2+ in place of Zn / Fe

Accept reverse argument for iron

M2 Zn loses (two) electrons / Zn forms Zn2+ Accept Zn → Zn2+ (+ 2e–)

Reject Fe loses (two) electrons/Fe forms Fe2+

M3 prevents Fe from losing electrons / Accept (so) Fe → Fe2+ (+ 2e– ) does not take
prevents Fe forming Fe2+ place

Accept (so) Fe2+ (+ 2e–) → Fe (does take

place) IF mentioned in correct context of
reaction with zinc/displacement

Accept Fe2+ (ions) gain (two) electrons and

converted into Fe (atoms) IF mentioned in
context of reaction with zinc/displacement

(Total for Question 3 = 7 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

4 (a) M1 (top row) CuCl2 3

M2 (middle row) (NH4)2SO4

M3 (bottom row) Fe2(CO3)3

(b) C (copper(II) sulfate) 1

The only correct answer is C

A is not correct because the name of CuSO4 is not copper(I) sulfate

B is not correct because the name of CuSO4 is not copper(I) sulfite

D is not correct because the name of CuSO4 is not copper(II) sulphite

(c) C (white AND colourless) 1

The only correct answer is C

A is not correct because NH4Cl(s) is not colourless

B is not correct because NH4Cl(s) is not colourless

D is not correct because NH4Cl(aq) is not white


Answer Notes Marks
(d) (i) A (brown precipitate) 1

The only correct answer is A

B is not correct because the product of the test,

iron(III) hydroxide is not a brown solution

C is not correct because the product of the test,

iron(III) hydroxide is not a green precipitate

D is not correct because the product of the test,

iron(III) hydroxide is not a green solution

(ii) M1 iron(III) hydroxide Ignore iron hydroxide 2

Accept ferric hydroxide
Ignore formulae whether correct or incorrect

M2 sodium sulfate Accept sulphate

Accept answers in either order

(iii) to prevent the formation of other precipitates Ignore references to impurities 1

to react with/remove carbonate (ions) Accept so only sulfate (ions) react with
barium chloride/barium ions

Accept to remove sulfite ions

Reject if to remove an incorrect ion

Answer Notes Marks
(d) (iv) white precipitate Reject other colours 1
Accept usual alternatives for precipitate
Reject incorrect extra observations

(e) M1 add (dilute) acid /H+ Accept any named acid 3

Accept correct formulae
OR heat

M2 bubble/pass gas/carbon dioxide into Reject if limewater added to CuCO3


M3 (limewater) turns milky Accept cloudy / white precipitate

M3 indep

(Total for Question 4 = 13 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

5 (a) (i) to (produce) heat (energy) Ignore exothermic reaction 1

Accept to reach/maintain a high temperature
Allow to make the furnace/it hot
Ignore to increase the temperature
Ignore for energy alone
Ignore to make carbon dioxide

(ii) to produce the reducing agent Accept to produce substance needed to reduce 1
iron ore/iron oxide/haematite

Ignore to make carbon monoxide

Allow to make carbon monoxide/CO/substance
which reacts with iron ore to produce iron

(b) M1 CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 Award 1 mark for two correct equations in 2
wrong order
M2 CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3 Ignore state symbols

Answer Notes Marks
(c) M1 iron/iron oxide is reduced AND carbon is In M1 and M2 Accept Fe/Fe2O3/Fe3+ and C 2

M2 (because) iron/iron oxide loses oxygen AND Allow use of O

carbon gains oxygen
Ignore references to electrons

Allow reference to oxidation number of iron has

decreased and oxidation number of carbon has
increased (if oxidation numbers stated must be

(Total for Question 5 = 6 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

6 (a) M1 vaporisation 4

M2 temperature

M3 condensation

M4 boiling point

(b) 3
the molecules that are cracked are

hydrocarbons Award 1 mark for each correct tick
catalytic cracking uses If more than 3 ticks then subtract 1 mark for
iron as the catalyst
each extra tick
cracking is used because of different

requirements for hydrocarbons
cracking reactions are
examples of addition
cracking produces
molecules with shorter 
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O is an
equation for a cracking

Answer Notes Marks

6 (c) (i) CnH2n Accept other letters, such as x, in place of n 1

(ii) M1 propene Accept propylene 2

M2 methane Accept answers in either order

(iii) 1
Must show all atoms and all bonds

(iv) Award 1 mark for each structure 2

Accept answers in either order
Must show all atoms and all bonds

Allow cis/trans isomers

Allow cyclobutane

Answer Notes Marks

(d) M1 product has longer (carbon) chain Must have a comparative statement / a
statement about both reactant and product

Accept reactant has shorter (carbon) chain

M2 only product has (all) single (C—C) bonds Ignore reactant is a monomer and product is
a polymer

Accept only the reactant has a double bond

Allow only the reactant is unsaturated 3
Allow only the product is saturated

Ignore references to alkanes/alkene

M3 only the product is a solid / only the Reject if an incorrect state also given
reactant is a gas

(Total for Question 6 = 16 marks)


Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) reaction faster / takes less time Ignore references to larger surface area 1
Reject references to dissolving

(b) reaction very slow/too slow without water Accept rusting needs water/moisture 1
Allow so that iron can rust
Accept reference to increasing rate of

(c) M1 (at start) 71 Ignore trailing .0(0) in all answers 3

Ignore units
M2 (at end) 16

M3 (change) (-)55 M3 CQ M1 -M2


Answer Marks
(d) D (he uses a smaller mass of iron filings) 1
The only correct answer is D

A is not correct because the change in volume is governed by the mass of iron so to produce a
smaller change in volume the mass of iron present needs to be smaller – increasing the volume of
water would not produce a smaller volume

B is not correct because the change in volume is governed by the mass of iron so to produce a
smaller change in volume the mass of iron present needs to be smaller – leaving the apparatus for
longer would not produce a smaller change in volume

C is not correct because the change in volume is governed by the mass of iron so to produce a
smaller change in volume the mass of iron present needs to be smaller – having the apparatus in
a warmer place would change the rate of reaction – and would not affect the change in volume

Answer Marks
(e) (i) identifies the error e.g. has divided by the Accept has divided by 90 / has divided by the 1
syringe reading at the start wrong number/has not included the volume of
air in the flask and glass tube/has not included the
OR 250

corrects the error e.g. should divide by the Accept should divide by 340 / should include the
total volume volume of air in the flask and glass tube

(ii) M1 70 × 100 (= 20.5882…..) 2


M2 21 Allow any number of sig. fig. but reject 20

Allow 70 x 100 = 28 for (1)

Correct final answer with or without working
scores 2 marks

(Total for Question 7 = 9 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

8 (a) (i) curve from reactant level to product level with 1

peak below that of original (1)
M1 for approximately vertical line/arrow 2
between reactant level and product level
labelled ∆H/enthalpy change/-9 kJ/mol

M2 for approximately vertical line/arrow

between reactant level and peak of candidate
curve labelled Ecat /activation energy

M1 and M2 CQ candidate curve

(b) (i) rate decreases / OWTTE Allow (reaction is) slower 1

Allow reaction takes longer
Ignore references to yield / position of

(ii) M1 (at lower temperature equilibrium position 2

shifts to right so yield of hydrogen iodide)

M2 because (forward) reaction is exothermic Ignore ∆H is negative

Accept backward reaction is endothermic
Ignore because reaction moves in exothermic
Ignore references to Le Chatelier’s principle
e.g. decrease in temperature favours
exothermic reaction

Answer Notes Marks
(c) (i) (rate) decreases / OWTTE Allow (reaction is) slower 1
Allow reaction takes longer (to reach

Ignore references to yield / position of


(ii) M1 (decrease in pressure has) no effect (on Allow no change 2

yield of hydrogen iodide) Ignore has no effect on other factors e.g.
equilibrium (position)
Ignore references to rate

M2 because equal numbers of (gas) Allow (gas) particles for moles/molecules

moles/molecules on both sides

(Total for Question 8 = 9 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

9 (a) the elements can be obtained by electrolysing molten Award 1 mark for each correct tick 3

metal halides
If more than 3 ticks then subtract 1
the elements with paler colours are lower down the mark for each extra tick

the boiling points decrease down the group

the elements form covalent compounds with other


their molecules contain two atoms 

all are gases at room temperature

(b) 2K + I2 → 2KI Accept fractions/multiples 1

Ignore state symbols

(c) (hydrogen chloride) g 2

(hydrochloric acid) aq

Answer Notes Marks

(d) M1 effervescence / bubbles / fizzing Accept gas formed / evolved / given off 3
Ignore hydrogen
Reject extra incorrect observations

M2 (in water hydrogen chloride forms) H+ ions / Ignore dissociates/ionises if no

forms (hydrochloric) acid reference to H+ / acid

M3 magnesium reacts to form hydrogen/H2 Accept chemical/word equation


M1 magnesium disappears/gets smaller Allow dissolves

Reject extra incorrect observations
Ignore magnesium moving

M2 (in water hydrogen chloride forms) H+ ions / Ignore dissociates/ionises if no

forms (hydrochloric) acid reference to H+ / acid

M3 magnesium reacts to form magnesium Accept chemical/word equation

chloride/MgCl2/magnesium ions/Mg2+ M3 DEP M2

Ignore references to solution with HCl

dissolved in methylbenzene before
water added

Answer Notes Marks

9 (e) (i) M1 test 2 Allow description of test 2

M2 chlorine does not react with chloride (ions) Accept chlorine does not displace itself
Allow chlorine does not react with itself

Accept reference to halogen/halide in

place of chlorine/chloride

Ignore chlorine does not displace


M2 DEP on correct M1 or missing M1

(ii) C (solution becomes darker) 1

The only correct answer is C

A is not correct because original sodium iodide solution is colourless but in Test 1 iodine is formed in the
solution so the solution becomes darker (red/brown)– no effervescence is seen as no gas being formed

B is not correct because original sodium iodide solution is colourless but in Test 1 iodine is formed in the
solution so the solution becomes darker (red/brown)– no iodine vapour produced so no purple fumes

D is not correct because original sodium iodide solution is colourless but in Test 1 iodine is formed in the
solution so the solution becomes darker (red/brown)– no white precipitate formed

Answer Notes Marks

(f) (i) Cl2 + 2At– → At2 + 2Cl– Accept fractions/multiples 1

Ignore 2e on both sides of equation
Reject other extra species

(ii) M1 chlorine/Cl2 is reduced AND astatide (ion)/At– is Allow Cl 2

oxidised Reject chloride (ions) reduced

M2 chlorine/Cl2 gains electron(s) AND astatide (ion)/At– Allow Cl

loses electron(s) Ignore references to oxidation

Reject use of astatine in place of

astatide ions once only in (ii)

(Total for Question 9 = 15 marks)


Answer Notes Marks

10 (a) M1 replace — signs by + signs / OWTTE Accept all ions should be cations/positive 2
Reject if state/imply these particles are

M2 replace protons (label) by electrons Allow electrons (not protons) are delocalised

(b) M1 (magnesium) ions in Accept atoms/cations/particles for ions 4

layers/rows/sheets/planes/OWTTE Reject molecules

M2 slip / slide (over each other) Allow OWTTE eg shift/roll/flow

M2 DEP on mention of EITHER layers or

OR mention of ions or equivalent

Do not award M2 if
molecules/protons/electrons/nuclei in place of
ions etc.

If reference to ionic bonding / covalent

bonding / molecules / intermolecular forces,
M1 and M2 cannot be scored

M3 delocalised electrons Accept sea of electrons

Ignore free electrons

M4 can flow/move (through the Ignore carry the charge

magnesium/metal/structure) / are mobile M4 DEP on mention of electrons
(when voltage/p.d. is applied)

Answer Notes Marks

(c) M1 bright / white flame Allow bright / white light 2

(i) Ignore sparks

M2 white solid / powder / ash / smoke Ignore grey

Reject precipitate

(ii) A (it makes a squeaky pop with a lighted splint) 1

The only correct answer is A

B is not correct because hydrogen gas does not relight a glowing splint

C is not correct because hydrogen gas does not turn damp blue litmus red

D is not correct because hydrogen gas does not turn limewater milky

Answer Notes Marks
(d) to evaporate/remove/boil off some of the water Reject to remove (all) the water (stated 1
or implied)

Accept to increase the concentration (of

the solution)
Accept to produce a (hot) saturated
Accept to reach crystallisation point
Allow to reduce the volume (of the
Allow to evaporate/remove some of the
Ignore references to rate of reaction
Reject to evaporate acid

M1 to see if/when crystals form Allow solid for crystals 2

M2 indicates the crystallisation point/when solution is Accept indicates when to stop heating/if
saturated/OWTTE need to continue heating

Any two from 2

M1 MgSO4
M2 H2O Ignore names even if incorrect
M3 H2SO4

Answer Notes Marks

10 (e) M1 calculation of mass of water m(H2O) = (17.2 – 8.3) = 8.9 (g) 4

M2 calculation of amounts of MgSO4 AND H2O n(MgSO4) = 8.3 ÷ 120 OR 0.069 (mol)
Allow any sig. fig e.g. 0.07


n(H2O) = 8.9 ÷ 18 OR 0.49 (mol)

Allow any sig. fig e.g. 0.5

M3 calculation of MgSO4 : H2O ratio 0.069 : 0.49 OR 1 : 7.101449275..

allow any sig. fig.

OR 0.49/0.069 OR 7.101449275.. allow

any sig. fig.

M4 x=7 accept MgSO4.7H2O

Correct final answer with or without

working scores 4 marks

Check for incorrect working

e.g. 120 ÷ 18 = 6.66 = 7

Mark CQ throughout

(Total for Question 10 = 18 marks)


Answer Notes Marks
11 (a) (i) (moles route) 3

M1 n(CaO) = 28000 ÷ 56 OR 500 (mol) Allow 0.5 if final answer given in kg

M2 n(H2O) = 500 (mol) For M2 need to use or state mol H2O

Units not needed for intermediate

M3 m(H2O) = 500 × 18 = 9000 g / 9 kg answers

Do not award M3 if unit missing or

Correct final answer with or without
working scores 3 marks

Mark M2 and M3 CQ on M1
(mass ratios route)

M1 Mr (CaO) = 56 AND Mr (H2O) = 18

M2 m(H2O) = 28 × 18

M3 = 9 kg / 9000 g Do not award M3 if unit missing or

Correct final answer with or without
working scores 3 marks

Mark M2 and M3 CQ on M1

(ii) M1 carbon dioxide is (an) acidic (oxide) 2

M2 calcium hydroxide is a base / an alkali Ignore contains hydroxide/OH– ions


Notes Marks

11 (b) M1 + M2 all six points plotted correctly 3

Deduct 1 mark for each error up to max 2

M3 curve of best fit

Curve CQ on points plotted
Penalise repeated straight line(s) joining points
Penalise more than one curve visible

(c) Ignore move faster 3

Allow more molecules/particles have enough energy for successful collisions OWTTE

Ignore references to probability /chance/likelihood of collisions

M3 DEP on mention of energy in M1 or M2

Penalise use of atoms/ions instead of molecules/particles once only

(Total for Question 11 = 11 marks)


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