Polarityintro PDF
Polarityintro PDF
Polarityintro PDF
This workbook has been created to accompany the 3hour
Polarity Therapy workshop that took place on
Saturday 3rd April 2004 at
The Cottage, Babworth, Retford,
with Shlomo Dowen
This workbook is available to download from
www.holonprojects.net or to purchase for £3
The Polarity Therapy workshop is the
first in a series of four that make up the
Vibrational Healing Quartet
For details and bookings for other
Saturday workshops, including:
Bach Flower Remedies (1st May)
Crystal Healing (5th June), and
Vibrational Healing (3rd July)
Contact Carolyn on (01777) 719807
Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy, developed by Dr Randolph Stone (1890 1983), draws on techniques from
East and West to free blockages, allowing the body's energies (chi, prana, vital force) to flow
freely. Polarity Therapy takes into account thoughts, attitudes, and nutritional needs, as well
as physiological requirements, in treating the whole person. The introductory workshop will
focus on a number of simple methods developed to help balance lifeenergy.
"A polarity system is concerned with balancing complementary opposites.
The point of balance is neither one nor the other polarity, and is like a third
and new situation which has a reality and wholeness of its own. It is both at
rest and in constant motion: we call it the zero point."
"This flow between your hands is stronger than any blockage
of energy. It always finds the shortest and quickest way to
restore balance."
From 'The Polarity Handbook' by Wilfied Teschler
History of Polarity Therapy
Dr. Randolph Stone, the originator of the modern polarity system, was born in Austria in 1890.
He immigrated to America with his father, settled in Chicago and became an American citizen.
Dr. Stone became a doctor of osteopathy, a doctor of naturopathy and a chiropractor as well,
maintaining a private practice from 1914 to 1972. Despite all this training, Dr. Stone was
unsatisfied with the Western approach to healing and felt a need to explore other healing
techniques. In China and France he studied acupuncture and herbology. In the Orient, he
learned reflexology and other Eastern massage techniques. In the course of his work, he
stumbled across the ancient Spagyric art of healing as taught by the great Doctor Paracelsus
von Hohenheim, who had studied in Arabia. This provided Dr. Stone with essential knowledge
of subtle electromagnetic fields of the body. Over the course of sixty years, Dr. Stone
integrated this wealth of knowledge into a system he named Polarity Therapy.
The Principle of Polarity
Just as the Earth and Sun have north and south magnetic poles, so do our
bodies. In fact, everything that stands upright on the planet has a positive
charge on top, and a negative charge at the base. For us, the top is said to be ‘positive’
relative to the bottom, the right ‘positive’ relative to the left, and the front ‘positive’ in relation to
the back.
“Every person is complete. This completeness can be experienced. Thoughts, feelings and emotions can be
mistaken, life and the vital force can never be mistaken. Here and now is the path. The end of the journey is
the unity of here and now. Everything is possible. Polarities do not exist. They are the product of our reason.
What does exist is the continual flow of vital energy. Everything comes and goes. The all remains. It is love
which heals, not “I”. Surrender to life which heals…” (Teschler)
Polarity energy balancing is a simple and effective method used to bring on deep healing
relaxation. It is easy to learn, subtle, powerful, safe and fun. By employing the currents of life
energy that naturally flow through everyone's hands, we can release and balance another
person's energy. As long as this energy is flowing freely, we experience peace, joy, love and
LifeForce, or LifeEnergy, is a subtle form of electromagnetic energy. It is the animating current of life
and a physiological reality in the body. Through the centuries, lifeforce has been called different
names by many people. It is not a recent discovery. Christ called it 'light'; the Russians in their
psychic research have called it 'bioplasmic' energy; Wilhelm Reich referred to it as 'orgone energy';
East Indian yogis call it 'pran' or 'prana'; Reichenbach spoke of it as 'odic force'; to the Kahunas, it is
'mana'; Paracelsus called it 'munia'; the usual Chinese term is 'chi' or 'ki'; alchemists' manuscripts
speak of 'vital fluid'; Eeman described it as 'xforce'; Bruner named it 'biocosmic' energy;
Hippocrates called it 'vis medicatrix naturae' (nature's life force). It also has other names like bio
energy, cosmic energy, subtle energy, vital force, ether of space, élan vital, etc.
Lifeenergy flows through the body as if it were following an invisible circulatory system, charging
every cell in its path. This current of energy can become weakened and partially blocked due to
stress. The science of acupuncture involves locating the exact points where blockage occurs and,
using needles, stimulates these points to restore flow.
In polarity lifeenergy balancing, physical and nonphysical touch techniques are used to send energy
through the entire system to open up the blocked points. This reestablishes the proper flow and
alignment of lifeforce throughout the body. Energy is energy. There is no bad energy—only well
directed or misdirected energy. Polarity directs the lifeenergy along its natural pathways to untangle
'energy knots' caused by physical or emotional stress. Polarity brings on deep healing relaxation at all
Experiencing the Force
Many people wonder why they had never been aware of lifeenergy in the past. Imagine a group of
people who, when looking at the colours orange and red, had always called them both red. If
someone came along one day and pointed out the difference between the two colours, suddenly
everyone would see the distinction. Well, the lifeenergy has always been a part of our lives, but as in
the hypothetical example of the colours, we have not bothered to differentiate it from the overall
physical sensations that we are accustomed to experiencing.
Lifeenergy can be easily experienced. Rub your hands vigorously together for a minute. Now hold
them a few inches apart. Move your hands together and apart, between one to six inches, and see
where you feel the strongest energy. It may be felt as a tingling, vibrating, hot or cold type of
sensation, or as a magnetic field.
Have a friend rub his hands together too, and then have him place one hand between your two. Move
your hands in and out, one to six inches from his. Within a few seconds to a minute, you will most
likely be feeling something. If, for example, you experience tingling in a spot by your thumbs when
your friend's palm is directly between yours, your friend will most likely experience tingling in exactly
that part of the hand immediately between the places where you feel it.
When you start using polarity on friends or family members, the experience of the tingling and
vibrating in your hands will at times become far more powerful than the effects you may have just
experienced. I have often held my hands above another person in one of the polarity moves when
suddenly my hands felt incredible rushes of surging and tingling energy. My sensations correspond to
the sensations of the other person, who simultaneously feels the energy surging and tingling through
his or her body.
The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to feel the lifeenergy as it passes through your hands. The
more relaxed your friend is when you are channelling, the more effective the polarity will be, and your
own experience of the lifeenergy will be magnified. Don't be discouraged if you don't feel the life
energy at first, as it isn't always strongly felt. As you continue to work with the lifeenergy you will
become increasingly aware of it.
Sometimes the experience of the lifeenergy is only
slightly perceptible, while at other times it is intense.
If you do not feel it the first time, try again with someone else.
Ground Rules for Healing in Pairs
Intend To Do No Harm
Honour your own Integrity
Honour the Integrity of the person with whom you are working
Trust the process support selfhealing for both of you
Step out of the way to let the healing energy flow
Heal with your hands not your head
Arrive into each new moment
Sense, don't force;
Allow, don't direct
In each session you can only do 'just so much'
How to Stop a Headache
Stopping a tension headache is so easy, anyone can do it!
If you are with someone who has a headache, here's what you can do.
Rub your hands briskly together and feel your own
Next, gently touch the palm of your right hand to the back
of the person's neck. Hold your left hand onehalf inch
away from his or her forehead.
Ask your friend to take ten deep breaths and let each
one out with a sigh.
Your friend's deep breathing will increase the feeling of
lifeenergy that you will feel in your hands. If it doesn't,
have them repeat the breathing again.
Leave your hands in place as long as you can feel a
strong energy transference. You may experience the
tingle of lifeenergy more in your left hand in this position
because it is not physically touching the forehead of your
Within three to five minutes, most headaches will be
gone or greatly relieved.
When you are finished, shake your hands forcefully—as if you were throwing off water—then wash
your hands in cold water to remove static energy.
Types of Touch
Polarity Therapy uses three types of touch:
• deep massage,
• light nonpressure touch, and
• nonphysical touch,
where the hands are placed slightly away from the body.
Lifeenergy flows in a subtle circulatory system throughout the body. When there is stress
because of worry or fear over work or personal problems, the flow of lifeenergy tends to
become congested in various places, leaving the rest of the body without sufficient energy
to function well. Deep pressure can release the blocked lifeenergy. After the energy is
released and flowing freely, light touch and nontouch techniques can polarize the energy
that is, organise and align the lifeenergy along its proper pathways.
When giving a polarity balancing, the best attitude is a relaxed and loving one. Although the
lifeenergy is affected by our thoughts, it is not essential to concentrate, meditate, or try in
any way to do a good job. The energy flows all by itself, of its own doing.
It is helpful to ground (anchor) and center yourself before you give (or receive). This means
getting in touch with your breathing, and with the Earth and Sky Energy flowing through
you. It means gathering your attention and being aware of what you are doing. If you try
hard to do a good job, you will not be relaxed and you will block the flow of lifeenergy. The
best approach is to simply 'be' with the person receiving it. You can like the person, love the
person, or just feel good inside. With any of these attitudes, the lifeenergy will flow freely.
Don't give a polarity session if you feel negatively toward the person who will receive it, if
you are going through severe emotional turmoil, or if you are ill. These are wonderful times
to receive a polarity, however!
Polarity energy balancing is not faithhealing and it works quite well for skeptics.
Disbelieving in polarity will not alter your lifeenergy significantly, provided that you feel good
inside while you do it. Polarity operates according to universal principles of lifeenergy and
electromagnetic attraction, not by our opinions.
When working with the subtle energy it is advisable to take a few ‘precautions’ in order to ensure
that you don't pick up static energy from another person.
First, know that you are not the healer. It is the lifeenergy that is doing the healing, not you as a
person. All we do is put our hands in position and watch what happens. The love within us, in the
form of lifeenergy, does the healing. So a useful attitude to adopt is 'let it happen', or if you prefer,
'Thy will be done'. Just take a position as an observer. Even a sceptical observer will do fine, as
long as you ‘Intend do no harm’ (see Ground Rules for Healing in Pairs).
Second, shake your hands and rinse them in cold water. When you finish giving a polarity, it is
recommended that you shake your hands a few times with a strong downward thrust, as if you
were throwing off water. You may wish to rinse your hands in cold water. These two steps remove
and ground static, nondirected energy that may be on your hands. Static energy may be felt as
heaviness, thickness, or as a swollen feeling in your hands.
Third, do not give a polarity session if you are very tired or ‘spacedout’. Under these conditions
you will be more susceptible to picking up your friend’s energy, a transference which is undesirable
and to be avoided.
Fourth, trust the process. Don't worry if something unusual happens. A person may feel worse
before feeling better, he or she may suddenly go into a deep sleep, perhaps become very cold, or
have sensations throughout the body that have never been felt before. Know that the lifeenergy is
connected with the body's intelligence, or ‘body wisdom’. On rare occasions while giving a polarity
session, you may feel symptoms of the other person in your own body. Do not be afraid! Observe it
happening, and the experience will soon pass.
Starting a Polarity LifeEnergy Balancing Session
Before starting a session, let your friend know that all he or she needs to do is take some deep
breaths, relax, and enjoy the experience. Your friend can discuss what he or she is experiencing,
laugh, cry, or be silent. The more you can help your friend relax, the more easily lifeenergy will
flow through the body. Do whatever feels appropriate at the moment.
You can greatly increase the power of polarity by encouraging the person
on the receiving end to do some deep breathing during a session. Life
energy is in the air, and it can help to recharge the body. Deep breathing also enables a person to
relax and release emotional tightness. You will discover that when your friend is breathing deeply,
you can more dramatically experience the tingle of lifeenergy in the nonphysical moves.
The power of polarity can also be increased by your own breathing patterns. Try deep breathing
yourself as you give a polarity session. It does not have to be synchronized with the other person's
The Cradle
Rub your hands briskly together and cradle the head using no pressure. It's best to not quite
touch the person. Keep your hands relaxed. The index and middle fingers go down the sides
of the neck, while the thumbs rest by the ears.
The Cradle is a very comforting position. It can be of enormous aid in relieving nervousness,
headaches and tension. Be sure your body posture is comfortable in this and all other
positions of the polarity session. Don't strain if your back begins to hurt. Take a break, come
back relaxed and continue. Hold this position for as long as you feel a strong energy
exchange in your hands.
There is no set length of time to stay with any of these positions. You are best to trust your
intuitions and feelings. In some cases, the cradle can be held for half an hour or more. Most
often it is held for a few minutes. Encourage your friend to breathe deeply. It is easier to
experience the lifeenergy when you are not quite touching your friend.
North Pole Stretch
Rest your friend's head on the palm of your right hand, so that your middle finger and thumb
can take a firm hold on the occipital bone. Your left hand rests on the forehead. With steady
pressure, pull straight back with the right hand only. Hold a minute or two.
Encourage your friend to relax and let you do all the work. If you feel up along the sides of the
back of your neck, you will come across the base of the occipital bone. If you push up under
the bone, it will probably be a bit tender. Once having found this place on yourself, it will be
easy to find it on another person. When you feel that the thumb and middle finger of your right
hand have a solid handle grip on the base of the occipital bone, you know you have it right.
Use as much pressure as your friend can enjoy.
If your right hand gets tired, go on to the next move.
Encourage your friend to breathe deeply if he or she is not doing so.
Tummy Rock
Rub your hands briskly together and from your friend's right side rest your left hand on the
forehead, and your right hand just below the navel. Now rock the person rhythmically with the
right hand. Rock for a couple of minutes, then stop, and leave your hands in place. Keep your
hands there as long as you feel that tingling exchange of lifeenergy (at least a minute). Now
lift your hands an inch or two off of your friend and again feel the tingle of lifeenergy in your
Make sure that the rocking is even and gentle, like rocking a baby. The whole torso moves an
inch or two during the rocking. Follow the momentum of the body to keep a smooth gentle
pace. See that your right hand doesn't slide over the surface while the body remains still.
Hand and torso should move together. If your friend doesn't seem to rock, try pressing down
more deeply with the right hand. When you stop the rocking and leave your hands in place,
your friend may feel energy tingling and rushing through his or her body.
This move is simple and powerful. It is recommended as a treatment if you have only a few
minutes. It is wonderful for children before bedtime. Again, deep and even breathing is very
Spinal Charging
Have your friend roll over onto his or her stomach. Rub your hands together vigorously, then
place your right hand on the base of his or her spine, and your left hand at the bottom of the
neck. Rock gently with your right hand a few minutes, then leave your hands in place as long
as you feel the lifeforce.
This move is especially important in this series if your friend has back problems. Rock in the
same manner as in the tummy rock. After a minute or two with your hands in position, lift them
slightly above the person's back and keep them at a level where you feel the greatest charge
in your hands.
Finishing Moves Brushing Off Back
Help your friend sit up when you feel he or she is ready. Gently stroke the back with your
fingers in the following pattern: Start with your right hand on the right shoulder, and your left
hand on the left shoulder. Brush across the back so the hands cross at the bottom of the neck
and continue to the shoulders. Now, bring your right hand down the left side of the body while
your left is going down the right side. Your hands cross over again below the waist. Do this
about ten times.
Start with a firm stroke and get lighter and lighter each time, until you are barely touching.
Continue doing the move without touching. Throw off static energy each time you brush off.
This is a good move you can do on friends when you have only a few minutes.
Finishing Moves Brushing Off Front
Brush from the front, starting from the top of the head. Your right hand will go down the left
side and your left hand will go down the right side of your friend. Do this about ten times.
Use the same touching techniques as in the previous move. At this point, allow your friend to
rest as long as he or she pleases. Rinse your hands in cool water again to remove any static
energy. Be sure to give your friend a glass of water, juice or herbal tea. I recommend that you
practice the three lessons of the general polarity session before going on to the specific
moves. Specific moves work best in conjunction with the general polarity session.
Polarities are created by the limited view of human reason and, therefore, mean a limitation of life. Polarities
do not really exist. They are deceptive, imaginary pictures of reality. Reality is a unity, a steady stream. It is
only in the present that there is no restriction. The present is a stream, comparable to the stream of vital
energy between the hands. Polarities are a means to an ever deeper experience of reality.
Everyone who wishes to develop further must accept polarities; but s/he must not identify with them, but must
rather allow them to operate in order that they may be transcended. The polarity system is consistent in itself,
but always it reflects only a partial reality from its own restricted point of view. Polarity work uses polarities in
order to overcome them in the end. Polarity is a method. Polarity sees a person as a whole...Everything
comes and goes. The all remains. It is love which heals, not I."
From 'The Polarity Handbook' by Wilfried Teschler
A polarity system is concerned with balancing complementary opposites. The point of balance is neither one
nor the other polarity, and is like a third and new situation which has a reality and wholeness of its own. It is
both at rest and in constant motion: we call it the zero point. We either live in and with this polarity and are
thereby in harmony with it, or we simply block it and find ourselves in conflict. By so doing we are blocking the
life force in and around us. Were T for instance to go about in winter dressed in light summer clothes, not
accepting winter as the polarity of summer, it would come as no surprise if I were to catch a cold. The
consequences of stubbornness (a blocking of energy) results in an illness.
Blockages such as discontentment, muscular tension, disease, demonstrate, if we heed life's circumstances,
how we have created an imbalance, how we have lost our unity. Nature's law of polarities demands that we
should be constantly aware, weigh and harmonise ourselves with our environment. If we do not find this
harmony, our very lives and our experience is inhibited, if not absolutely extinguished.
Once more: What is Polarity?
Polarities are created by the limited view of human reason and, therefore, mean a limitation of life. Polarities
do not really exist. They are deceptive, imaginary pictures of reality. Reality is unity, a steady stream. It is only
in the present that there is no restriction. The present is a stream, comparable to the stream of vital energy
between the hands. Polarities are a means to an ever deeper experience of reality. Everyone who wishes to
develop further must accept polarities; but he must not identify with them, but must rather allow them to
operate in order that they may be transcended. The polarity system is consistent in itself, but always it reflects
only a partial reality from its own restricted point of view.
Yet again: What is Polarity?
Polarity work uses polarities in order to overcome them in the end. Polarity is a method. Polarity sees a
person as a whole. Polarity offers a person as the possibility of evolving completely.
"...For there is not a single human being...who is so conveniently simple that his being can be
explained as the sum of two or three principal elements...[A person] consists of a hundred or a
thousand selves, not of two. His life oscillates, as everyone's does, not merely between two
poles, such as the body and the spirit, the saint and the sinner, but between thousands,
between innumerable poles." From Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
Sources for this workbook include:
The Polarity Handbook by Wilfried Teschler (1986, Gateway)
Your Healing Handsby Richard Gordon (1978, Unity)
Illustrations by Meg Studer
Shlomo Dowen is a teacher, facilitator and holistic healthcare practitioner with
more than twenty years experience. He teaches courses that focus on relaxation,
holistic approaches to personal growth and spiritual development, personal
mythology, citizenship and democratic engagement, and a variety of other
subjects, through Adult Community Education, the Workers Education
Association, the National Health Service and the Hospice Movement, Mind, and a
variety of selfhelp groups, in the community and voluntary sector and privately.
As an holistic healer Shlomo works with his clients to support their own process of
selfhealing, helping them to help themselves. Shlomo is a practitioner of
vibrational medicine, also known as energy healing. He works with the subtle
energy systems (meridians and chakras), using massage, flower essences and
Shlomo can be contacted by email using
[email protected]
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