Ap Gopo Final Review Key
Ap Gopo Final Review Key
Ap Gopo Final Review Key
1. Which constitutional plan called for a one-house legislature with representation based on equal representation?
A) New Jersey B) Maryland C) Connecticut D) Virginia
3. Which of the following would be the BEST example of a constitutional provision that allows “the government to
control the governed”?
A) Executive Orders B) Controlling the Federal Budget C) Impeachment D)Judicial Review
5. Which of the following statements best summarizes the author’s argument in Federalist #10. What does he suggest is
the best remedy this problem?
A) Factions will develop within the government, thus curtailing special interests is essential to maintaining a
B) Factions are inevitable, yet a natural product of a free society that need to be limited.
C) Factions should be stopped by curtailing freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
D) Factions will not develop in democracies like the United States because Americans can reasonably see the
passions and interests of various social groups.
Several oil companies donate to a pro-fracking interest group after hearing that the federal government plans to pass a law
banning fracking in the United States . The interest group then appeals to members of Congress in attempt to get them to
vote against the bill.
9. Which of the following democratic ideals does this scenario best exemplify?
A) Social contract B) Limited government C) Natural rights D) Republicanism
11. The vice president of the United States is the ceremonial leader of the Senate, but he or she has little real leadership
responsibilities. Who is the true leader of the Senate?
a. majority leader b. president pro tempore c. president of the Senate d. Speaker of the House
For Questions 12-13 Refer to the chart below
12. Based on the chart, which of the following arguments would a Federalist make in support of ratification of the
A) The Articles were a strong form of government because it required all 13 states to amend the document therefore a
consensus was needed to make policy changes.
B) Taxation should be controlled at the state level.
C) Each state should have an equal voice in determining Congressional representation.
D) The lack of a federal court system makes legal jurisdiction between states impossible, thus issues like interstate
commerce are likely to go unresolved.
13. Based on the chart and your knowledge of the Constitutional Convention, how was the matter of congressional
representation resolved?
A) Delegates decided to compromise by adopting a bicameral legislature with each state receiving two Senators and the
House reflecting the population totals of each state.
B) Delegates decided that The Senate is meant to reflect the population totals of each state. While the House consists of
two members from each state.
C) Delegates did not address the matter of congressional representation.
D) Delegates allowed for redistricting every five years to ensure each state had fair representation.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments
are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of
government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
-Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence-
14. Which of the following ideas does the author of the passage advocate?
A) Pluralism B) Popular sovereignty C) Constitutional monarchy D)Checks & balances
“All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and the wellborn, the other the mass
of the people. . . . The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first
class a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot
receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government.”
Alexander Hamilton, "Speech in the Constitutional Convention on a Plan of Government,” 1787
15. Which of the following models of democracy is the author advocating?
A) Direct democracy B) Pluralist democracy C) Elite democracy D) Participatory democracy (Choice D,
16. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution?
Articles of Confederation U.S. Constitution
(A) Unanimous consent needed to amend the 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus ¾ of state
document. legislatures or national convention needed to amend.
(C) Each state received one vote regardless of Each state has votes based on population.
(D) Executive power given exclusively to the Executive branch is headed by the President and
President. Congressional committees.
17. Which of the following statements would the author of Brutus 1 most likely agree with?
a. The United States is too large for all interests to be adequately represented in a single republican government.
b. A strong national government with separation of powers and checks and balances does not threaten liberty.
c. Those who are educated and wealthy should be charged with making most decisions in government.
d. Powerful state governments are the most dangerous threat to individual liberty.
18. Which part of the process of amending the constitution more accurately reflects the participatory model of
(A) Ratification by ⅔ of the states in state ratifying conventions elected by the people
(B) Ratification by ¾ of the state legislatures
(C) Proposal by ⅔ of the Congress
(D) Proposal by a national convention called by ⅔ of the states
21. Which of the following best explains why there is variation among states on the amount of money spent on public
(A) Under federalism people in different states have equal access to services
(B) Education is a reserved power of the states, which allows each state to make its own spending decisions.
(C) States take advantage of the power to make decisions independently.
(D) The federal government ensures that people in every state are treated equally.
24. Which of the following accurately compares the formal and informal powers of the president?
Formal Power Informal Power
(A) Vetoing legislation to prevent a bill from Using a pocket veto to prevent a bill from becoming law
becoming a law
(B) Using the bully pulpit to influence public opinion Appointing ambassadors and receiving diplomats from
other nations
(C) Acting as commander-in-chief of the military Signing an executive order to designate combat roles
during a conflict with Yemen
(D) Using the power of the purse to support Using signing statements to shape legislation
government programs
25. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the House of Representatives and the Senate?
House of Representatives Senate
(A) Only the Speaker of the House can initiate the Only the majority leader can initiate the legislative
legislative process by proposing bills process by proposing bills
(B) Members can delay the policy-making process by Members can delay the policy-making process through
invoking cloture the use of a filibuster
(C) Members are elected by the constituents in a local Members are elected by constituents of an entire state
district based on population
27. Which of the following may the president do to limit the power of Congress?
(A) The president can veto particular items or language in a bill while passing the rest of the bill.
(B) The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed the House and Senate.
(C) The president can refuse to spend the money that Congress has appropriated.
(D) The president can impeach selected members of Congress.
29. Which of the following is a difference between the House and the Senate?
a. The House is based on equal representation by state and the Senate on population.
b. Senators are elected via state legislatures and House members by the people
c. House members serve for two-year terms and Senators for six-year terms.
d. The majority of senators are the same party as the president and the House is not.
30. The House Rules Committee is an important part of the legislative process because it
a. determines ethics rules for members’ conduct
b. determines whether a bill should be referred to a policy committee for consideration
c. determines the terms and conditions of debate when a bill goes to the House floor
d. has the authority to limit the Speaker and Minority leader in their use of patronage
34. To which of the following congressional committees would a proposal to reform the national income-tax system
initially be sent?
(A) House Appropriations Committee (B) House Ways and Means Committee
(C) House Budget Committee (D) Senate Budget Committee
37. Beginning with the case of ________ in 1925, the Supreme Court began to rule that the Bill of Rights applied directly
to the states, as well as to the national government.
a. United States v. Sullivan b. Miranda v. Arizona c. Engel v. Vitale d. Gitlow v. New York
38. In the Engel v. Vitale case of 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that ________ was (were) unconstitutional.
a. prayers done as classroom exercises in public schools c. segregation
b. Connecticut statute barring the distribution of birth control information d. prior restraint
39. Based on the following scenario, which of the following is most likely to violate the 5th Amendment?
A) A Public-school system uses a lottery system based on religious affiliation.
B) A police officer forgets to read a detained citizen their rights upon arrest.
C) A mayor orders officers to wiretap the home of an alleged drug dealer.
D) A lawyer throws a member out of jury selection based on his employment history.
42. In Wisconsin v. Yoder (1973), The Supreme Court ruled that freedom of religious practice was more important than
the right of the government to interfere in deciding in favor of:
a. a Mormon who justified polygamy on religious grounds.
b. the right of Amish parents in to take their children out of public school after the eighth grade.
c. the right of an orthodox Jewish Air Force captain to wear his yarmulke despite the strict military dress code.
d. the Louisiana law requiring schools that taught Darwinian theory to teach the Bibleʹs version of creation as
43. Which of the following is an accurate difference between a liberal and a conservative?
Liberal Conservative
(A) Favors a progressive tax structure Supports government subsidies for healthcare
(B) Favors the death penalty Favors sex offender registration laws
44.Which of the following is an accurate description for both a libertarian and a liberal?
Liberal Libertarian
45. Which of the following represents a common libertarian view on the use of recreational marijuana?
a. It should not be the government’s business if someone wants to use marijuana.
b. Medicinal use only should be what is legal.
c. The government should tax it heavily d. The government should continue to police it.
45. You favor capitalism ,gun control, Medicare for all, and worldwide action on climate change. You are most likely a…
a. Republican b. Unitarian c. Democrat d. Conservative
47. __________ is the distribution of the population’s beliefs about politics and policy issues.
a. Random sampling b. Public opinion c. direct mail d. Political ideology
48. Most Americans learn about government and politics (are politically socialized) through
a. an informal learning process involving complex, sometimes subconscious experiences.
b. high school civic courses. c. university political science classes.
d. direct explanation from only their parents. e. Newspapers.
49. The process through which an individual acquires his or her particular political orientations, including his or her
knowledge, feelings, and evaluations regarding his or her political world, is known as
a. political orientation. b. demography. C. political ideology.
d. political indoctrination. E. political socialization.
50. As one becomes more socialized with age, one’s political orientations
a. become less important. b. change as aging changes their life c. grow firmer. d. lack commitment.
53. The procedure for conducting ____ includes randomly selected voting places around the country and asking every
tenth person how they voted.
a. absentee balloting b. reapportionment c. a referendum d. an exit poll e. preventing voting fraud
56. The regular pattern by which women are more likely to support Democratic candidates than are men is known as
a. affirmative action. b. the gender gap. c. liberal bias. d. reverse discrimination.
58. In a random sample of 1,000 high school students, 29 percent indicated that they had read the Declaration of
Independence at least once, with a sampling error of 4 percent. Which of the following statements is true?
a. It is likely that more than 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence.
b. It is likely that fewer than 25 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence.
c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence.
d. It is likely that 29 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence between 0-5 times.
59. The ways in which people get involved in politics make up their political __________.
a. ideology b. participation c. party d. opinions
60. Which of the following refers to a set of values widely shared within a society?
a. government b. politics c. public policy d. political culture
61. Which of the following is true of how the U.S. government handles ensuring health care to the poor and the elderly?
a. Medicare provides health care to the poor, and Medicaid provides health care to the elderly.
b. Medicare provides health care to the elderly, and Medicaid provides health care to the poor.
c. Medicare replaced Medicaid in order to provide healthcare to poor people as well as the elderly.
d. Medicaid replaced Medicare in order to provide healthcare to poor people as well as the elderly.
63. What would you generally favor if you support laissez-faire economic policies?
a. a reduction in the amount of economic regulation by the federal government
b. an increase in the level of taxes assessed by state governments
c. an increase in the amount of economic regulation by the state governments
d. an increase in the tariffs assessed on goods imported into the United States
65. Which of the following entities is responsible for influencing interest rates in the United States?
a. Congress b. Congressional Budget Office c. Federal Reserve d. Executive Office of the President
69. A person who joins the AARP receives discounts on insurance. What type of incentive are they receiving?
a. material b. solidary c. purposive d. free rider
70. A non profit interest group seeks to block a subsidy to an environmentally destructive project. Which of the following
accurately depicts the free rider problem in this scenario?
a. the public can reap the benefits of blocking the subsidy without contributing any money to the group
b. the public can expect their legislators to vote against the subsidy because the cost outweighs the benefits
c. the interest group can carry out their lobbying at a low cost due to tax breaks given to non-profit organizations
d. a company can buy support from members of the public to persuade their congressmen to vote in favor of the
71. The NRA, an interest group which advocates for gun rights, fit best into which type of interest group?
a. Business group b. Agricultural Group c. Professional association d. single issue group
72. What is the primary method that interest groups use to influence the policy making process?
a. formation of PACs b. campaign contributions to individual candidates
c. lobbying Congress d. raising money for awareness of issues aka going public
73. Which legislation had the largest impact on minority groups’ rights?
a. Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 1890
b. Executive Order to desegregate the military, 1948 d. Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938
74. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the presidential nomination cycle versus the general election?
Nomination cycle General Election
D Early primaries and caucuses get most Swing states get most press and candidate attention
press and candidate attention
75. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Federal Election Campaign Act and Bipartisan Campaign
Reform Act.
76. Since the drafting of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, many underrepresented minority groups have cited the
need for _______________, which are intended for all American citizens.
a. Inalienable Rights b. Property Rights c. Tax laws d. Consumer protection laws
80. America became independent from England’s colonization after which war?
a. French and Indian War b. American Civil War c. American Revolution d. War of 1812
81. “Separate, but equal” (1896) was decided by what court case?
a. Miranda v. Arizona c. Marbury v. Madison
b. Brown v. Board of Ed d. Texas v. Johnson e. Plessy v. Ferguson
85. The Declaration of Independence was our ____________________ to King George III of England.
a. Love note b. poem c. break up letter d. it wasn’t to King George III
86. Who was the first African American President of the United States?
a. Clarence Thomas b. Sandra Day O’Connor c. Barack Obama d. Sonia Sotomayor
87. Who was the first Hispanic person on the Supreme Court?
a. Barack Obama b. Sandra Day O’Connor c. Sonia Sotomayor d. Clarence Thomas
96. What holiday is observed on the last Monday of May every year to remember soldiers who died for our country?
a. Thanksgiving b. Labor Day c. Memorial Day d. Veterans Day
97. What holiday is observed on the first Monday of September every year?
a. Thanksgiving b. Veterans Day c. Labor Day d. Memorial Day
98. What day is celebrated on March 2nd every year, but only in Texas?
a. Founders Day b. Columbus Day c. Texas Independence Day d. New World Day