Degloving Injury To The Penis
Degloving Injury To The Penis
Degloving Injury To The Penis
Case Report
CASE REPORT Penile soft tissue injuries can result through multiple
mechanisms, namely infection, burns, human or
An eight-year-old boy presented with a degloving animal bites, and degloving injuries that involve
injury of his penile skin, following a dog bite, nearly machinery. Although not life threatening, such lesions
eight hours ago. The entire penile shaft was exposed, are incapacitating and psychologically devastating. [1]
with penile skin dangling from the glans via a thin Avulsions vary from simple lacerations to virtual
vascular pedicle [Figures 1,2]. Without further ado, he emasculations.[2]
was taken to the operation theatre, where under spinal
anaesthesia, a primary repair was done without the Examination of the penis reveals soft tissue loss.
Those who have undergone laceration secondary to a
Department of Surgery, 1Division of Paediatric Surgery, MGM Medical human or animal bite, usually present late because of
College and MYH Group of Hospitals, Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452 embarrassment of the injury. This results in increased
001, India risk for infection, which may be seen in the form
Address for correspondence: of abscess, cellulitis, or tissue necrosis; and further
Dr. Raj K. Mathur, worsens the postoperative prognosis.
Department of Surgery, MGM Medical College and
MYH Group of Hospitals, Indore, Madhya Pradesh-452 001, India.
E-mail: [email protected] The anatomy of the penis and scrotum accounts for the
Figure 1: Preoperative photographs revealing the avulsed penile skin Figure 2: Preoperative photographs revealing the avulsed penile skin
dangling from the edge of the glans dangling from the edge of the glans
Figure 3: Postoperative photographs demonstrating the regloved penis Figure 4: Postoperative photographs demonstrating the regloved penis
with adequate skin viability with adequate skin viability
be stretched to cover the defect and any subsequent antibiotics similar to those used in animal bites, despite
defect from the expansion of the posterior scrotal skin, the fact that bacterial cultures may differ.
to cover the injured area, can be skin-grafted anteriorly.
When scrotal remnants are available, the results are Surgical repair of soft tissue loss to the penis should
optimal as far as size, cosmetics, and function measured be undertaken quickly. Prolonged exposure of the
by sperm count, are concerned.[2] Other techniques, denuded penis increases the risk of secondary infection
such as banking of the testicles in the inner thighs or as well as significantly compromise the vascularity.
reconstruction of the scrotum by tissue expansion, as The most frequent complication of avulsion injuries
described by Still and Goodman,[4] bear the disadvantage is postoperative infection. If the graft does not take in
of time delay. Conley[5] has recognised the disadvantages patients who undergo split-thickness skin grafting, the
that accompany multistage operations, namely, the consequences can be devastating and complications
negative psychological effects experienced by the such as erectile dysfunction, curvature, and fistula are
patient of losing his sexual apparatus. associated risks.
Industrial machines, such as pulleys, chains and rotary Thus, the crux lies in considering the fact that in
discs, are responsible for genital injury, when they young children, taking into account the age, better
snag the operators’ clothes and pull out the skin of vascularity, negligible disadvantages and in order to
the penis. Although, not common, this kind of injury avoid future psychological problems, a single attempt
occurs occasionally; particularly in the farm industry. at penile reconstruction without a graft or a flap can
Mechanised farming is involved in a majority of these be attempted.
injuries. In 1958, Kubacek presented the first case report
of this type of injury.[6] REFERENCES
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Human bites are considered infected by definition
and should not be closed. They can be treated with Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None.
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