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50 Modern Card Tricks

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50 Modern Card Tricks

Card Tricks


Glenn Gravatt

50 Modern Card Tricks

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Ambitious Card No Sleight Method .......................................

............... ............................................
............ 7

The Professor’s
Professor ’s Card Trick ............................................
..................... ............................................
...................... 7

Cards and ice ......................................

..................... ...................................
....... !

"osk#’s Automatic Placement ......................................

............... ............................................
...................... $

Marlo’s Automatic Placement ...................................................................................................... %&

Mathematical Card Trick ............................................................................................................... %%

Mathematical Card Trick No. ' ..................................................................................................... %%

Add a Pair ........................................................................................................................................ %'

Perfect (orce ..................................................................................................................................... %'

Numerolog# .................................................................................................................................... %)

*efore +our ,#es ............................................................................................................................. %)

,as# -eerse .................................................................................................................................... %/

Think of An# Card .......................................................................................................................... %/

,as# (ollo0 The 1eader ................................................................................................................. %5

No 2uestions Asked ....................................................................................................................... %3

ecks4ert ......................................................................................................................................... %3

Congregation of The Aces ............................................................................................................. %7

The Sith Card ................................................................................................................................. %!

(ind +our 60n Card ...................................................................................................................... %$

Australian Aces ............................................................................................................................... %$

50 Modern Card Tricks

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Ambitious Card No Sleight Method .......................................

............... ............................................
............ 7

The Professor’s
Professor ’s Card Trick ............................................
..................... ............................................
...................... 7

Cards and ice ......................................

..................... ...................................
....... !

"osk#’s Automatic Placement ......................................

............... ............................................
...................... $

Marlo’s Automatic Placement ...................................................................................................... %&

Mathematical Card Trick ............................................................................................................... %%

Mathematical Card Trick No. ' ..................................................................................................... %%

Add a Pair ........................................................................................................................................ %'

Perfect (orce ..................................................................................................................................... %'

Numerolog# .................................................................................................................................... %)

*efore +our ,#es ............................................................................................................................. %)

,as# -eerse .................................................................................................................................... %/

Think of An# Card .......................................................................................................................... %/

,as# (ollo0 The 1eader ................................................................................................................. %5

No 2uestions Asked ....................................................................................................................... %3

ecks4ert ......................................................................................................................................... %3

Congregation of The Aces ............................................................................................................. %7

The Sith Card ................................................................................................................................. %!

(ind +our 60n Card ...................................................................................................................... %$

Australian Aces ............................................................................................................................... %$

50 Modern Card Tricks

Ne0 Australian eal ...................................................................................................................... '&

The Perfect Self8orking iscoer# ............................................................................................ '&

Contried Coincidence .................................................................................................................. '%

Contried Coincidence No. ' ........................................................................................................ ''

Adding The igits ........................................................................................................................... ')

*erg’s -eelation ............................................................................................................................. '/

iining The Number of Cards In Pocket ................................................................................... '/

Combination of Chosen Card and Cards In Pocket ................................................................... '5

Matching Card *# Numerolog# ................................................................................................... '3

9-a# ,#es ....................................................................................................................................... '3

*ack In Place .................................................................................................................................... '7

Perfect 1ocation ............................................................................................................................... '7

Im4rom4tu Card To Pocket ........................................................................................................... '!

Im4rom4tu etection ..................................................................................................................... '$

Im4rom4tu 6ut of This 8orld ......................................................................................................'$

:raatt’s Miracle Card Trick ......................................................................................................... )&

aen4ort’s ,traordinar# iination ........................................................................................ )%

(aces ;4 and (aces o0n ............................................................................................................. )'

Im4roed Clock ............................................................................................................................... )'

Matching Card for Card ................................................................................................................. ))

Per4leit# ......................................................................................................................................... )/

50 Modern Card Tricks

Im4rom4tu Prediction ................................................................................................................... )/

iination Su4reme ....................................................................................................................... )5

Curious *rudge <and ..................................

.............. ...........................................
.............. )3

Trans4osition In -eerse ............................................................................................................... )3

6ut of This -oom ............................................................................................................................ )7

(antastic -eelation ........................................................................................................................ )!

T0o Minds *ut 8ith a Single Thought ....................................................................................... )$

T0o Card iscoer# ....................................................................................................................... )$

:raatt’s etectie Card ................................................................................................................ /&

50 Modern Card Tricks

In an earl# issue of The *at the 4ublisher= 1lo#d ,. >ones= 0rote? @There are fello0s 0ho 0ould
like to do a fe0 card tricks= nothing elaborate= but sim4le tricks that can be done at an#
time. There are so man# good tricks aailable that it seems a shame that most 4eo4le 0ho like
to do tricks and een those 0ho call themseles magicians are at a loss 0hen handed a strange
4ack of cards. The# fumble= the# hem and ha0= 4erha4s the# cant think of a single thing to do=
4erha4s the# hae no time to 4re4are their es4eciall# 0onderful trick= 4erha4s the# hae left
that 4re4ared deck at home.B

<ere then is the ans0er= card tricks that 0ork themseles= no set u4s= no sleights= no fake cards=
tricks that are reall# im4rom4tu= so that #ou can borro0 a deck= ask someone to shuffle the
cards and start right in doing tricks. -ecentl# I read a book labeled @Im4rom4tu Card Tricks@
but some de4ended u4on decks that 0ere 4rearranged= some reuired forcing= 4alming
and other sleights= some reuired 0aed cards and needle 4unctured cards= one een reuired a
ne0s4a4er 0ith a secret 4ocket. This is not m# idea of @im4rom4tu.@

<ere is a feast for the card gourmet. In the nearl# /& #ears that hae gone b# since I 0rote the
original @,nc#clo4edia of Card Tricks@ I hae made notes of tricks that hae come to
m# attention from man# sources and in a ariet# of 0a#s= so that sufficient material has been
accumulated to fill another ,nc#clo4edia. The best im4rom4tu effects 0ere dra0n from that
material for this book.

<ere are some of the finest creations of such noted magical inentors as :erald "osk#= *ob
<ummer= ,ddie >ose4h= Ste0art >ames= ,d Marlo= -al4h <ull= >ack Miller= (rancis
Carl#le= (rank :arcia= :eorge ean= Sid 1a0rence= Scalbert= Tom Sellers= Ned -utledge= Perc#
*ee= -ufus Steele= Paul "ahn= and others= including of course some of :lenn :raatt.

Sometimes t0o originators get the same idea. There is no 0a# to 4roe 0ho thought of it first=
so 0hile assignment of credits cannot be guaranteed to be correct= credit has been gien
0here kno0n. <o0eer in man# of these cases I hae taken the libert# to make changes= ho4ing
that m# efforts might im4roe the original.

In 4re4aring this book I tried out all the tricks to see if the# actuall# 0orked as the# 0ere
su44osed to. The# 0orked but I 0as amaDed to discoer ho0 effectie the# 0ere= more
0onderful than the# sounded b# Eust reading them. In man# cases sim4le mathematics are
conerted into little m#steries= disguised 0ith misdirection= and the magician has little to do but
direct the 4roceedings.

Too man# socalled self0orking card tricks call for long dra0n out 4rocedures inoling
endless counting and dealing. The# ma# be m#stif#ing but the# can be er# boring= and
#our 4rimar# 4ur4ose is to ,NT,-TAIN. I hae tried to aoid this fault. There is of necessit# a
certain amount of counting and dealing but this has been ke4t to a minimum and is er#
limited. No counting is length# and no dealing is ecessie. So 0hile some of this is ineitable
onl# tricks hae been used that are not too time consuming.

50 Modern Card Tricks

There are a great man# card tricks that are so old and hae a44eared in 4rint so often that man#
la#men are familiar 0ith them. These hae been omitted. 1ike0ise man# hae been 4ublished
a44arentl# for the beginner or rankest amateur because the# are eas# to do but are so sim4le
#ou could hardl# ho4e to fool an#one 0ith them is these so4histicated times. These also hae
been omitted.

No one likes to read long 0inded descri4tions so those in this book are 4ur4osel# brief= the
0a# in 0hich the trick is 4resented being left to the good Eudgment of the 4erformer. The 0ise
magician 0ill use sho0manshi4 to 4ut an effect oer and cloak it 0ith suitable 4atter= some of
0hich is designed to mislead the onlooker a0a# from the real method em4lo#ed. Also a good
4erformer 0ill not Eust sim4l# run through the deck to find a chosen card= but reeal it is some
dramatic manner. It hardl# needs to be mentioned that in all cases 0here #ou reeal a chosen
card #ou kee4 it face do0n until the s4ectator names his card= then #ou turn it oer.

6ut of all the tricks that follo0= there are onl# one or t0o 0here 4erha4s it is not feasible to use
a borro0ed deck. There are onl# four or fie 0here a s4ectator cannot shuffle the 4ack at
the start= and een a shuffle is 4ossible 0ith these fe0 tricks if #ou are able to sight the to4 or
bottom card after0ards. +ou 0ill find all of them reall# im4rom4tu= eas# to do= no skill needed=
m#stif#ing and entertaining.


50 Modern Card Tricks

Ambitious Card No Sleight Method

Eect? A card is sho0n= then 4laced in the middle of the deck 0ith half of it left 4rotruding. The
card is then 4ushed flush 0ith the deck and a moment later is sho0n to hae come to the
to4. This effect is usuall# accom4lished b# sleight of hand but (rank :arcia has deised a er#
cleer method= one that is so eas# an#one can do it= #et beautiful to 0atch and er#
confusing een to 4rofessional card men.

Take the deck and state that #ou 0ill remoe a card. 8hat #ou do is to fan the 4ack before #ou=
suare u4 an# ' cards in 4erfect alignment= and remoe them as one. +ou can remoe the to4 '=
the bottom '= or 0hateer ha44ens to be easiest for #ou.

No0 this is far different from the sleight commonl# kno0n as the @ouble 1ift=@ 0hich reuires
4ractice and is difficult for some. +ou merel# remoe ' cards from the deck kee4ing
them eened so that the# a44ear as one. This is uite eas#. +ou hold these in #our right hand
0hile retaining the 4ack in the left. 8ith the right hand dis4la# the ' cards as one= asking
them to 4a# 4articular attention to it Gfront one of the 'H so that the# 0ill recogniDe it 0hen the#
see it later= that it is er# im4ortant for them to remember it.

Place the card GcardsH on to4 of the 4ack= immediatel# 4ushing the to4 card for0ard so that it
4roEects a cou4le of inches from the narro0 edge of the deck. The 4lacing of the cards and the
4ushing out of the to4 card is all done in one action= and 0ithout hesitation. The 4roEecting card
is of course the indifferent one but is 4resumed to be the one Eust sho0n. <old the deck slanting
do0n0ard so the# cannot see the face of the 4roEecting card. No0 comes a beautiful moe. Cut
the deck about in half= bringing the T6P half of the deck= in the right hand= oer and on to4 of
the 4rotruding card. About half of this card etends from the center of the deck at the outer

The 4rotruding card= buried half 0a# do0n in the deck= is 4ushed home b# the left inde finger
so that it is flush 0ith the rest of the cards. The 4ack is suared u4. The magician sna4s
his fingers= then turns oer the to4 card to sho0 that the card he inserted in the center of the
4ack has come to the to4 in a m#sterious fashion. Fer# effectie.

The !roessor"s Card Trick

Start b# sa#ing? @I once kne0 an old 4rofessor 0ho did a trick that 0ent like this? (irst he had
someone shuffle the deck. G<ae a s4ectator do this.H Then he turned his back because if
he didnt he might be accused of 4eeking. GTurn #our back.H No0 turn oer the to4 card and la#
it face u4. If its a 4icture card= discard it. The# drag the 4roblem out too much.B

50 Modern Card Tricks

No0 notice the number of s4ots on the card. eal that man# face do0n on each side of it. (or
instance= if its a )=s4ot= deal 3 cards= ) on each side. The face u4 card in the middle is #our
des= tin# card. Please remember it. Turn it face do0n and deal $ cards on to4 of it. Nine is a
number of great 4ortent. Pick u4 that center 4ile and gie it a good shuffle. No0 4ick u4 the
other ' 4iles= 4ut them together= and shuffle them. Put all the cards together and shuffle the
0hole batch.B

This done= #ou turn around and take the cards. Continue? @The 4rofessor 0ould look oer the
cards= looking for one= #our destin# card. <e al0a#s gae the im4ression he 0as hard at
0ork on a tough 4roblem. @ +ou imitate the 4rofessor looking at the cards. 8hat #ou actuall#
do is to count them.

educt %& from the total. <alf of the result gies #ou the alue of his card= that is= the number of
s4ots. (or instance= if %! cards= %! less %& leaes !. <alf of ! is /= indicating a /= s4ot. If there is
but one /s4ot in the grou4= toss it out face do0n. <ae him name the card he remembered.
Turn it u4 to sho0 #ou hae discoered it= not0ithstanding all the shuffling.

If there are ' fours= or 0hateer= 4ut one on to4 and one on bottom. Suare the 4acket. 8hen he
names his card sho0 the correct one. ,ither is euall# effectie. If there are ) of the
same Gunlikel# in a small grou4H 4ut one on to4= one on the bottom= and turn the other face u4
in the center. 8hile doing this= turn #our back= stating that #ou hae found his card and are
4lacing it in a distinctie 4osition.

(inish b# sa#ing G0ith tongue in cheekH ? @I sure 0ould like to kno0 ho0 the old 4rofessor did
that trick. I could neer figure it out.B

Note? +ou ma# 4refer to hae 7 cards dealt on the @destin#@ card instead of nine. This number
fits in 0ell because= as #ou tell the s4ectator= the number 7 has al0a#s been considered a
m#stical number= in all ages= and es4eciall# in biblical times= and has been thought of as a
@luck#@ number. In such case= subtract ! from the total number of cards and diide the
remainder b# '= giing #ou the correct number of s4ots on the @destin#@ card.

Cards and #ice

A s4ectator= after shuffling his 4ack= is handed a 4air of dice. 8hile #our back is turned he
makes a 4ile of %) cards= discarding the rest of the 4ack. <e is then to roll the dice= add the '
numbers on to4= count that far do0n in the '&@card hea4= and to note and remember the card at
that number.

<e then totals the ' numbers on the bottom of the dice= counts to this second number from the
to4 of the 4ile and notes that card. Thus he has selected ' cards b# chance= his choices
goerned b# the roll of the dice. <e then conceals the dice or changes them so #ou 0ill hae no
clue 0hen #ou turn around.

50 Modern Card Tricks

If desired ' s4ectators ma# take 4art. 6ne notes a card as far do0n in the hea4 as the total of
s4ots on to4= the other does the same 0ith the total of s4ots on the bottom of the dice.

+ou turn= take the cards= and 4lace them behind #ou. State that #ou 0ill diide the cards into '
4iles= find both cards= 4ut one in each 4ile and at eactl# the same 4osition= all 0ithout
looking at the cards.

Count off 3= reersing them in the 4rocess= that is= reersing the order b# 4utting one ato4 the
4receeding and so on. *ring these 3 for0ard and 4lace on the table. *ring forth the 7th card and
la# it beside the 3...card 4ile. *ring forth the remaining 3 cards G0ithout reersing their orderH
and la# them beside the others so that #ou hae t0o 3card 4iles 0ith a single card in the center.

Ask him to name his cards. This done #ou turn u4 the ' to4 cards= both at the same time= using
both hands. Place them belo0 the other hea4s= face u4. Turn u4 the net 4air= and continue
until his ' cards a44ear. The# 0ill both turn u4 at the same time= erif#ing #our statement #ou
0ould 4ut each one at eactl# the same 4lace in its res4ectie 4ile.

Should the to4 numbers of the dice be 7= the bottom 0ill also be 7. Thus he 0ould onl# note %
card instead of '= but he sa#s nothing about this to #ou. In such case his card 0ill be the
center one= the single one bet0een the ' 4iles of 3. 8hen #ou hae turned u4 all 3 of both 4iles
and haent seen his card= it is the single one in the center. <o0eer= before #ou start turning
cards #ou ask him to name them. Since he can name but one #ou immediatel# turn u4 the single
center card 0hich is still more 0onderful since #ou hae a44arentl# se4arated it from the other

+ou ma# 0ish to use ) dice. In such case use '& cards. The 4rocedure is much the same ece4t
that 0hen #ou 4ut the cards behind #ou= #ou count off the to4 %&= reersing their order=
bring these out and 4lace on the table. 1a# the other %& do0n beside them 0ithout reersing
them. Thus #ou hae ' 4iles of %& cards each. Since the number of cards used is een= there is no
center single one.

$osky"s Automatic !lacement

:erald "osk#s method of automaticall# bringing a noted card to an# 4osition in the deck #ou
0ish= originall# issued under the title? @No Clue.@

A s4ectator shuffles his 4ack and 0hile #ou turn #our back he remoes a small amount of cards=
an# number u4 to= sa#= about %5. <e counts them= 4uts them in his 4ocket= counts do0n
from the to4 of the deck to that number and notes and remembers the card at that 4osition.

<e then deals from the to4 of the deck= a card at a time= (AC, ;P= merel# calling out 0hether
the card is red or black. <e does this until #ou sto4 him. The dealt off face u4 4ile is turned
face do0n and the rest of the deck 4ut on to4. +ou kno0 0here his card lies and can reeal it in
an# 0a# #ou 0ish.

50 Modern Card Tricks

To bring his card to an# desired 4osition subtract the number #ou 0ant the card to be at from
5'. Su44ose #ou 0ish his card to be )&th from the to4. Subtract )& from 5'= @giing ''.
Therefore #ou hae him deal off '' cards from the to4 of the 4ack into a face u4 4ile= at the
same time calling out their color. 8hen he has dealt ''= sa# @sto4.@ The ''card 4ile is turned
face do0n and the cards left in the hand 4laced on to4 of that. The calling of the colors is sim4l#
misdirection and a ruse to hae him cut or transfer '' from the to4 to the bottom of the 4ack.

Marlo"s Automatic !lacement

There are a number of 0a#s 0hereb# #ou can automaticall# bring a card noted b# a s4ectator to
an# 4osition in the deck #ou 0ish. "no0ing its location #ou can then reeal or 4roduce it in an#
manner #ou 4lease. This is ,d Marlos ersion.

A s4ectator shuffles his deck and 0hile #ou turn #our back remoes a bunch of cards 0hich he
silentl# counts. <e 4ockets these or 4uts them out of sight as the# are to be discarded and
no longer used. <e then notes the card as far do0n from the to4 of the deck as the number of
cards he remoed. If he took %&= then he looks at the %&th card from the to4.

+ou turn and take the cards. ,m4hasiDe that #ou hae no idea as to ho0 man# he discarded=
therefore #ou cannot 4ossibl# kno0 0here his card lies in the 4ack. Neertheless #ou intend
to find it.

<olding the deck facing him= sho0 him the to4 card= asking him to 0atch for his card but to
gie #ou no indication 0hen he sees it= Eust 0atch for it= and 4erha4s #ou 0ill get the 4ro4er
ibrations. Pass the net card to the other hand= then the net= and so on. In doing this do not
reerse the order of the cards. That is= each successie card as it is 4assed from the to4 of the
deck to the other hand goes in front of the 4reious card= maintaining the original order.

8hen #ou hae sho0n him the faces of '' cards G#ou count silentl# as #ou 4ass themH ask if he
has seen his card. 6f course he has because originall# he 0as asked to remoe a @small@
bunch= to count them= and look at the card at that number. Put the '' cards at the bottom of the
deck. In other 0ords #ou hae sim4l# cut '' off the to4 and transferred them to the
bottom. <aing him look for his card is Eust an ecuse to transfer the 4ro4er number.

The card he noted 0ill no0 be )&th from the to4. +ou can reeal it in an# 0a# #ou 4lease. It 0ill
be )& because #ou cut ''= and since there are 5' cards in the 4ack= '' from 5' leaes )&.

In the same 0a# #ou can automaticall# bring his noted card to an# 4osition in the 4ack=
de4ending u4on the number of cards #ou transfer from the to4 to the bottom. To 4ut his card
)'nd= cut off '&. 5''& euals )'. To 4ut his card '7th= transfer '5. And so on.

,ddie >ose4h has a similar method called @umfounder.@ S4ectator first calls an# number
bet0een '5 and /&. The trick 4roceeds as aboe. +ou then cause his noted card to a44ear at
the er# number he called. +ou sim4l# subtract that number from 5'= and cut the resulting

50 Modern Card Tricks

number from to4 to bottom= using the ruse of running the cards from hand to hand 0hile he
0atches for his.

Mathematical Card Trick

Admittedl# old= in fact so old as to be brand ne0 to the 4resent generation. It is too good a feat=
considering the ease 0ith 0hich it can be accom4lished= to be lost to 4resent da# 4erformers. As
another ecuse for describing it here= a fe0 uniue t0ists hae been added.

1ike man# good tricks man# hae tried their hands at deising ariations to make this one still
better= and s4lendid methods hae been 4ublished b# 1lo#d ,. >ones= :. 8. <unter= and
others including Professor <offman GAngelo 1e0is.H

(irst remoe 3 cards from a 4ack= 0ithout reealing their number= and 4lace them in #our
4ocket. 8hile #ou turn #our back hae a s4ectator shuffle the deck. Tell him to deal ) hea4s
of cards= an# number he 0ishes= Eust as long as the hea4s hae the same number of cards. In
order not to 4rolong the trick he should not deal too man#= neither too fe0= sa# an# number
from 5 to %'.

<aing done this= #ou tell him to take ' cards from each outside 4ile and 4ut them on the center
4ile. This done= he is to return the entire left hand 4ile= 0hat is left of it= to the main deck. <e
is no0 to count the cards in the right hand 4ile and remoe that number from the center 4ile=
4utting them back 0ith the main deck. 1astl# he 4uts 0hat remains of the right hand 4ile
back 0ith the main deck.

+ou state that #ou hae no 0a# of kno0ing ho0 man# he dealt in the first 4lace= or ho0 man#
he returned to the deck= so there is no 0a# to tell ho0 man# he still has on the table before him.
<o0eer= if he 0ill hand #ou the deck 0hile #ou still kee4 #our back turned to him= #ou 0ill
sho0 him and the rest of the audience ho0 uickl# #ou can tell ho0 man# are missing from
the deck.

<e hands #ou the deck. Take it in one hand. <old it close to #our ear= and riffle the corner 0ith
a riffling sound audible to all. Sa# @there are 3 missing= therefore #ou hae 3 cards on the
table.@ This action 0ill inariabl# 4roduce a laugh= as it al0a#s did in connection 0ith another
trick b# the er# funn# @AmaDing *allantine. @

The s4ectator must admit #ou are correct. +ou then state further that #ou kne0 in adance Eust
0hat he 0as going to do and to 4roe it #ou 4ull out the cards #ou 4laced in #our 4ocket and
count them aloud for all to see. There are 3.

Mathematical Card Trick No%&

*ruce ,lliott credits this to >ack Miller. A s4ectator shuffles his deck and 0hile #ou turn #our
back he deals ' small 4iles of cards= not so man# as to 4rolong the trick= but as man# as

50 Modern Card Tricks

he 0ishes= and silentl# so #ou can hae no 0a# of kno0ing the number dealt. ,ach 4ile must
hae the same number.

Ask the s4ectator to return one card from the left hand 4ile to the main deck. Ask him ho0
man# he 0ould like to discard from the right hand 4ile. Su44ose he sa#s ). -emember that
number. S4ectator returns ) to the main deck from the right hand 4ile. No0 tell him to take as
man# cards as are left in the right hand 4ile from the left hand 4ile and 4ut them back 0ith the
main deck.

This done= #ou remind him #ou did not kno0 ho0 man# cards he dealt in the first 4lace so
could hae no idea ho0 man# remain. +et #ou call the correct number= in this case= '. Sure
enough= he has ' cards left.

The ans0er must al0a#s be one less than the number he called out. In the case assumed he
called )= so the ans0er is ' cards left.

Add a !air
<and 4ack to s4ectator. Turn #our back to him. Tell him to remoe an# ' s4ot cards and add
the s4ots together. A 7 and a 5 0ould total %'. So he 4uts his ' chosen cards to one side 0hile
he deals a 4ile of cards eual to the total of their s4ots= in this case= %'. <e then deals another
hea4 of the same number.

<e assembles these ' hea4s into one= then 4uts his ' chosen cards on to4 of the combined hea4.
(inall# he 4uts the balance of the 4ack on to4 of all. Cards are face do0n at all times.

+ou turn= take the cards= stressing that #ou do not kno0 the ' cards chosen= therefore #ou could
not kno0 the number dealt. 1ike0ise #ou could not kno0 0here his ' cards lie in the deck.
<e must agree.

(an the 4ack face u4 in front of #ou= 4assing the cards from one hand to the other= counting
from the face of the deck. *egin #our count at 6. Count the first ' cards as &= the second 4air
as G/%=@ the )rd 4air as @'=@ the /th 4air as @)@ etc.

-emoing them ' b# '= 0hen #ou arrie at a 4air of cards= the s4ots on 0hich total the same as
#our mentall# counted number= those 0ill be the ' selected cards. In this case the s4ots on a
4air of cards 0ill total %' as #ou mentall# count %'. Credited to Torn Sellers.

!erect 'orce
8orlds easiest force. 6nl# trouble= #ou need more than one s4ectator. To4 card is the force card.
Put 4ack on left fingers= out near fingerti4s. 8ith left hand held out flat= go to @A.@ Ask him to

50 Modern Card Tricks

cut the deck. <e cuts offthe to4 4ortion. +ou motion 0ith #our right hand for him to 4ut the
cutoff 4art on #our 4alm= Gback of bottom 4ortion.H

Moe on to @*=@ 4icking u4 the bottom 4ortion at the fingerti4s 0ith the right hand. <old left
hand out= 0ith to4 4art on its 4alm= sa#ing @8ill #ou 4lease take the card that Mr. A cut toJ@ *
takes to4 the force card= This is the force used b# Perc# *ee in ,ngland but is not generall#

*egin b# telling a s4ectator that in numerolog# eer#ones 4ersonalit# is re4resented b# '
numbers= the numbers being different in each instance. Sa#? @>ust b# looking at #ou= I 0ould
guess that #our numbers are 5 and ). 1ets see if Im right.@

Ask him to count off an# ! cards. <ae him hold these ! behind his back in order to shuffle
them behind him. Sa#? @Shuffle these 0ithout looking at them.@ As #ou 4ut the cards in his
hands held behind him= Eust turn the bottom card face u4. oing this behind his back= he cant
see it.

Sa# @After #oue mied the cards behind #ou= turn the to4 and bottom cards face u4. Net=
shuffle them again= and again reerse the to4 and bottom cards. -e4eat this as often as
#ou 0ish. 8hen #ou finish s4read the cards on the table. Since #our numbers are 5 and )= #ou
should hae 5 cards facing one 0a# and ) the other.

Note? <ae #our s4ectator sto4 at either )rd= 5th= or 7th time the# do this= as it is not 4robable= it
is 4ossible to undue #our 5K) s4read and #ou 0ill end 0ith a 7K% s4read= as #ou did at the start
of the routine. The chances of it ha44ing are lo0= but it can ha44en.

+our 4rediction 4roes correct. The trick 0orks automaticall#. This is credited to *ob <ummer.

(eore )our Eyes

A s4ectator cuts off a small bunch of cards= sa# a doDen or so and retains them= discarding the
rest of the 4ack. <e fans the small 4acket of cards before him and decides u4on one certain card=
remembering it= and also counting ho0 far it lies from the to4 of the 4acket= meaning of course=
0hen the cards are face do0n.

+ou take the 4acket and sa# #ou 0ill cut the cards to lose the one he chose so that neither of #ou
0ill kno0 0here it lies in the small bunch of cards. +ou cut a small bunch off the *6TT6M and
4lace them on T6P of the 4acket.

50 Modern Card Tricks

It makes no difference ho0 man# #ou cut off ece4t #ou must kno0 the number. 1et us
su44ose #ou cut / cards from the bottom and transferred those / to the to4 of the 4acket.

<and back the 4acket to him. Ask him to 4ut the cards behind his back 0here #ou cannot see
them and to transfer his number from the to4 to the bottom= that is= the same number his card
0as from the to4 of the 4acket 0hen he first decided u4on it.

This done= he returns the cards to #ou. 8ithout looking at their faces #ou immediatel# find his
card. It 0ill be as far do0n from the to4 of the 4acket as the number #ou cut from the bottom to
the to4. If #ou cut / cards= then his card 0ill no0 be /th.

Easy *everse
A s4ectator shuffles his deck and deals ' 4iles of %& cards each. <e 4icks u4 either 4ile and from
it chooses a card 0hich he 4uts on the table face do0n. <e then deals this 4ile on to4 of his
card= dealing the first card face do0n= the net face u4= the third face do0n= and so on=

<e deals the other 4ile on to4 of those %&= dealing the first card face u4= the second face do0n=
and so on. <e cuts the '&card 4acket to lose his card= then hands the 4acket to #ou behind
#our back.

+ou 4ut the to4 card bet0een thumb and first finger= the second card bet0een first and second
finger= the third card bet0een thumb and first finger= and so on 0ith all '&. (inall# #ou take
one grou4 Geither oneH and turn it oer= then combine the t0o grou4s into one.

*ring the cards into ie0 and ribbons4read them across the table. All cards 0ill be facing one
0a# 0hile the chosen card 0ill be reersed in the s4read.

Think o Any Card

A s4ectator shuffles his deck= then thinks of an# card. +ou take the deck and state that #ou 0ill
match the suit and the alue of the card he is thinking of b# dealing ' face u4 4iles and
finding ' cards to match his= one face u4 on each 4ile= leaing the 4ackEust as he has shuffled it
and 0ithout changing the order of the cards.

<e no0 names his thoughtof card. Su44ose it is the 7 of <earts. +ou start dealing and before
all the cards hae been dealt= there a44ears a 7s4ot of some suit at the face of one 4ile= and a
heart at the face of the other.

50 Modern Card Tricks

No matter 0hat card he ma# mentall# choose= #ou succeed in matching it 0ith the ' significant

Secret? There is nothing for #ou to do. The trick 0orks b# itself. It might fail once in a hundred
times but it seldom ha44ens. +ou do not claim that the first card dealt to a 4ile= sa# that on #our
left= 0ill combine 0ith the net card dealt= that on #our right. 8hat neer occurs to the
s4ectator Gand might not occur to #ouH is that #ou hae ' chances for eer# card dealt.

eal slo0l#. Su44ose= as before= the 7 of <earts is thought of. Su44ose= further= that some0here
in #our deal= a heart is dealt onto one hea4. The card on the other hea4 ma# be a 7= and #ou are
through. *ut assume it is not a 7. +ou deal a card on it Gdealing to each hea4 in turnH and
4erha4s a 7 0ill then a44ear. +ou therefore hae had ' chances instead of one. And so on
throughout the deal.

Easy 'ollo+ The ,eader

No Sleights
There is an old trick usuall# kno0n as @(ollo0 The 1eader@ 0herein one red card and one black
are laid out face u40ard to be used as @leaders@ or guides. A 4acket of red cards is 4laced
under the red leader= and a 4acket of black under the black. No matter ho0 often the leaders or
the 4ackets are echanged= the cards follo0 the leader= the blacks al0a#s turning u4 0here the
black leader is= and the reds 0here the red one is.

A number of different methods hae been 4rinted but the# reuire sleight of hand and a degree
of skill. The method to be described is sim4le and eas#= using no sleights of an# kind= #et er#
effectie. This once a44eared in a magaDine= usuall# the burial ground of much 0orth0hile
material. Its name= and that of the originator is omitted here= not intentionall#= but because
of lost notes.

eal 3 black cards face u4 to #our left and 3 red ones to #our right= o4enl#. Put the left GblackH
4ile on the right hand 4ile. <old the %' cards face do0n in the left hand. -un ! cards from the
left to the right hand= counting aloud as #ou do so @%= '= )=@ etc.

After ! hae been counted= s4read the / in the left hand= sa#ing @and / makes %'.@ Casuall# add
the / to the bottom of the 4ile in the right hand. Thumb off the to4 3 0ithout reersing
their order= turn the 4acket face u4= suared= and 4lace it at #our left. Sa# @the blacks go here.
The red ones go here.@ Put the others face u4 at #our right.

-emoe the to4 card of each 4ile as a @leader@ card= 4lacing it face u4 aboe its o0n 4ile. Turn
the ' fie...card 4iles face do0n under their leaders. State #ou 0ill sho0 ho0 the cards 4la#
the game= @(ollo0 the 1eader.@

Trans4ose the ' face do0n 4iles= 4utting each 0here the other 0as. -emoe the to4 card of each
4ile= sho0ing it has follo0ed its leader. Place them face u4 on to4 of their leaders. Trans4ose

50 Modern Card Tricks

the face do0n 4iles again. This time remoe the bottom cards of the 4iles and add them to the
leader 4iles face u4.

Again trans4ose the face do0n 4iles. -emoe the to4 cards and add to the leader 4iles. The net
time= instead of moing the face do0n 4iles #ou trans4ose the ' face u4 leader 4ilesL Turn
the to4 cards of the face do0n 4iles and add them to the leader 4iles.

(inall#= trans4ose all cards Gall / hea4sH criss cross or diagonall#= interchanging the left hand
face u4 cards 0ith the face do0n card at the right= and the face u4 cards at the right 0ith
the face do0n one at the left. Turn oer the remaining face do0n cards.

Thus= in s4ite of the continual changing= all cards hae follo0ed the leader.

No -uestions Asked
A :lenn :raatt sim4lification of an inoled ,ddie >ose4h creation. A s4ectator shuffles his
4ack= and 0hile #our back is turned= deals %5 cards in a 4ile (AC, ;P. <e is to select an#one of
the %5 cards and remember it. Also he must silentl# count the cards as he deals and remember
both the card and its number.

<e then deals a 4ile of cards to the right of the face u4 4ile= this time dealing them face do0n.
This 4ile is to contain his secret number= that is= as man# cards as the number on 0hich his
chosen card fell. The rest of the cards are 4laced do0n at the left.

<e has ) 4iles= his card being in the center one. <e takes this center 4ile= turns it face do0n= and
4uts it on the 4ile at his right. <e then 4uts the 4ile at his left on to4 of all. Thus the deck
is com4lete once more.

+ou turn and take the 4ack. Stress the fact that #ou do not kno0 his secret number or the card
he looked at= and 0ill ask no uestions. Put the deck behind #our back turn it face u4=
and count to the %3th card from the (AC,. That 0ill be his card.

The aboe saes time but if #ou 0ant to do it another 0a#= 0ithout 4utting the deck behind
#our back or turning the cards face u4= his card 0ill be )7th from the to4. G2uite naturall#=
since it is %3th from the bottom.H +ou can therefore locate it 0ith the cards face do0n= silentl#
counting to the )7th card. In such case it should not be obious to the s4ectator that #ou are
counting. +ou can use an# 4retet for 4assing the cards from hand to hand= such as feeling the
s4ots 0ith #our @sensitie fingerti4s@ or an# other ruse.


50 Modern Card Tricks

6ne of Ste0art >ames creations. A s4ectator shuffles his deck= and 0hile #our back is turned=
cuts off about a third or so of the cards. <e then makes ' 4iles of the ones cut off= and 4uts one
of these 4iles in his 4ocket. <e counts the cards in the other 4ile= then counts to that same
number in the main deck= noting and remembering the card that far from the to4.

+ou turn= take the main deck= and assert #ou 0ill tr# to locate the card he looked at 0ithout
once looking at the cards. Put the deck behind #our back 0here #ou a44ear to be feeling for his
card. 8hat #ou actuall# do is to count the cards= easil# done b# sliding them off 0ith the thumb
from the to4 into the other hand.

*ring forth the 4ack= stating #ou hae found his card and 0ill no0 do a sur4rising thing 0ith it=
that #ou 0ill 4ut it as far do0n in the 4ack as the number of cards in his 4ocket= een @though
neither he nor #ou kno0 ho0 man# he 4ut in his 4ocket= as he did not count those.

Mentall# subtract the number of cards #ou counted from 5% Gnot 5' as #ou might think.H If the
result= sa#= is %5= #ou reerse the order of the to4 IS cards= sim4l# running them off from
one hand to the other= each going on to4 of the 4receding one= until #ou hae reersed the order
of the reuired number. Then restore this 4acket to the to4 of the 4ack. This is done o4enl# as
#ou are a44arentl# 4lacing his card G0hich #ou 4retend to kno0H at a s4ecified 4osition.

It is no0 a fact that the card he noted 0ill be at the same number do0n in the 4ack as the
unkno0n number of cards in his 4ocket. +ou can reeal it b# haing him count the cards in
his 4ocket= then count to that number in the deck. Perha4s a more dramatic reelation is for #ou
to hae him remoe the bunch from his 4ocket= and slo0l# deal cards on the table 0hile #ou
deal off the 4ack in unison. 8hen he is all out of cards= #ou turn oer the last one dealt from the
4ack= sho0ing that it is the er# card he noted.

Congregation o The Aces

This book 0ould not be com4lete 0ithout a @four ace trick.@ There are a great number of these=
4racticall# all of them de4ending either u4on sleight of hand or fake cards. The follo0ing=
deised b# -al4h <ull= is ridiculousl# eas# to 4erform= 4acks a terrific 0allo4= and strangel#=
seems to be er# little kno0n.

-emoe from a 4ack the / aces and an# other %' cards= doing this uite o4enl#. iscard the rest
of the 4ack. Place ) indifferent cards face u4 and an ace on to4. -e4eat 0ith the other cards
so that #ou hae / 4iles of face u4 cards= an ace on to4 of each. No0 4lace all / 4iles together
into one.

Stress the fact that there arc %3 cards and that eer# /th one is an ace. Therefore= 0hen #ou deal
the cards face do0n into / 4iles= the four aces 0ill be in the fourth 4ile. Turn the 4acket of %3
cards face do0n and deal the first / in a ro0= counting aloud? @%= '= )= /.@ -ight hand takes the
net card from the 4acket in the left and starts to 4lace it &%% the card to #our left= sa#ing @%@
as if starting to count to / again. <esitate. :esture 0ith the card in #our hand to the fourth card=
the one at #our right. @-emember= the aces 0ill go in this 4ile.@

50 Modern Card Tricks

Ill sho0 #ou=@ #ou continue= re4lacing the card in #our right hand at the *6TT6M of the
4acket in #our left= and immediatel# turning the ace at the end of the ro0 u4= sho0ing it= then
turning it do0n again. This is misdirection= but no sleight. S4ectators attention is focused on
the ace turned u4 and does not realiDe the to4 card in #our left hand has been transferred to
the bottom. +ou merel# act as though tr#ing to conince #our audiecnce the aces actuall# do go
onto the 4ile at #our right.

Sa#? @%=@ 4utting the to4 card of the 4acket on the card at the left. Sa# @'=@ 4utting the net on the
second from the left= and soon= counting @)@ and@/@. -e4eat the %= '= )= / count untill all %3 cards
hae been laid out into / 4iles.

Sa#? @Since the aces are in the fourth 4ile= there 0ill be none in this one.@ Turn the first 4ile Gthe
one to #our leftH face u4 and s4read out on the table. @And of course there 0ill be none in
this 4ile.@ Turn the second 4ile face u4. Sa# @that leaes one 4ile of aces and one 4ile of odd
cards. Ill turn one of each face u4 so #ou 0ont forget 0here the# are.B

-each under the third 4ile= remoing the indifferent card from its face= and 4lace it face u4= Eust
aboe that 4ile. o the same 0ith the fourth 4ile= remoing its lone ace from its face and
4lacing it face u4 Eust aboe that 4ile.

Continue? @No0 here is the strange thing. If I echange these ' face u4 cards= their com4anions
0ill follo0 them. Inisibl#= of course. +ou cant see them go.@ Place the face u4 ace aboe
the original third 4ile= moing the odd card oer to 0hat 0as originall# Pile No./. All that
remains is to turn the ) face do0n cards of both 4iles face u4= sho0ing that the other ) aces
hae follo0ed their com4anion= the fourth ace.

The Si/th Card

After a s4ectator shuffles his deck= turn #our back so as not to 0itness the 4roceedings and tell
him to deal ' small 4iles of cards= the same number in each= and to sae time= not to deal
too man#= sa# from 5 to %5. <e deals silentl# so #ou can get no clue as to the number dealt.

This done the s4ectator is to take ) cards from the right hand 4ile and 4lace them on the left
hand 4ile. <e counts the number remaining in the right hand 4ile and returns them to the
main deck= after 0hich he remoes the same number from the left hand 4ile= also restoring
them to the deck.

<e shuffles the remaining cards= looks at and remembers the one at the face of the 4acket 0hen
the shuffle is com4leted= then 4laces the 4acket on the deck. The 4erformer turns= takes
his cards= and reminds the s4ectator that since at no time did he kno0 the number of cards used
in the arious transactions he could not kno0 the 4osition of the noted card.

+ou can reeal the card in an# manner #ou 0ish= as it 0ill al0a#s be the sith card do0n in the
4ack. +ou could sim4l# run off the to4 5= toss the 3th face do0n on the table= ask him to
name his card= then turn it oer.

50 Modern Card Tricks

A more dramatic finish is to s4read about a doDen of the to4 cards in a ro0 or ribbons4read
across the table. <ae the s4ectator hold out a hand 0ith his inde finger etended. Take hold
his hand and run it back and forth oer the s4read= finall# dro44ing his finger do0n@ on the
back of the 3th card. <e names his card= then turns it oer.

'ind )our +n Card

*ob <ummers ersion of the @Australian eal@ from the land of @o0nK ;nder.@ A s4ectator
shuffles his 4ack and remoes %& cards. <e fans the deck before him and decides u4on a
4articular card= noting the number at 0hich it lies from the to4 of the 4acket. 8e 0ill su44ose
he chooses the Ace of S4ades and that it is third from the to4.

+ou take the 4acket= telling him #ou 0ill cut the cards so he nor an#one else 0ill kno0 0here
his choice is= as #ou 0ill bring it to a ne0 4osition. S4read the cards face do0n and transfer /
form the bottom to the to4.

<and him back the cards and hae him transfer= one at a time= cards from the to4 to the bottom
eual to the number his card 0as originall#. Since in the assumed case it 0as third= he
0ould moe ) cards singl# from to4 to bottom.

+ou e4lain that he is to do the @Australian eal=@ that since Australia is commonl# kno0n as
the land of o0n ;nder= he is to deal the to4 card of the 4acket 68N= that is= do0n on
the table= the net one ;N,-= that is= underneath the 4acket he holds= and to continue in this
manner until he has but one card left.

To kee4 all straight he is to call @do0n@ 0hen he deals to the table and @under@ 0hen he deals or
transfers the to4 card to the bottom. 8hen but one card remains in his hands he turns it u4. It is
the er# card he selected. <e has found it himself.

Australian Aces
6riginated b# :lenn :raatt. The / aces are laid out on the table. +ou sa# that from the earliest
of times the number 7 has been considered a m#stic number= that it a44ears doDens of times in
the *ible. There 0ere dreams of 7 lean #ears and 7 fat #ears= the rier >ordan 0as crossed 7
times= etc. Therefore 7 cards are dealt on to each ace

These / 4iles are combined into one. A false cut at this 4oint= 0hile not necessar#= increases the
m#stification. Ask the s4ectator to take the 4acket of cards and to do the @Australian eal.@ Tell
him it is sometimes kno0n as the @o0n ;nder@ deal= that if he isnt familiar 0ith it it is sim4l#

50 Modern Card Tricks

<e la#s do0n the to4 card of the 4acket on the table= sa#ing @o0n.@ <e transfers the net card
to the bottom of the 4acket= sa#ing @;nder.@ <e la#s the third card on the table= sa#ing @o0n.@
<e 4uts the net card at the bottom= sa#ing @;nder.@ <e re4eats this until he has but / cards left.
The# are turned oer= and 4roe to be the / aces.

Ne+ Australian #eal

6riginated b# :lenn :raatt. A s4ectator shuffles his o0n deck= then= 0hile #our back is turned=
deals cards in a face u4 4ile= counting and sto44ing on an# card. To s4eed u4 things and not
hae a long dra0n out 4rocedure= he should not deal more than %'. <e notes the card he sto4s
at= and remembers the number.

(or instance he might deal 5 cards and sto4. The 5th card might be the Ace of Clubs. So he
remembers the Ace of Clubs= and the number= 5= after 0hich he returns the 5 cards to the to4 of
the deck.

+ou no0 turn and hae him deal off %' cards on to #our 4alm. Since he sto44ed 0ith %' or less=
the 4acket 0ill contain his card= but #ou hae no idea 0here it is or 0hat it is.

Cut 5 cards off the to4 and transfer them to the bottom. This is easil# done b# s4reading the
cards slightl#= and sim4l# remoing the to4 5. No0 his card is lost some0here in the 4acket.

<and him the cards and ask him to transfer his number Gthe number he dealt off in the first
4laceH from the *6TT6M to the T6P of the 4ack. Then ask him to do the @Australian
eal.@ ,4lain that this is sometimes called the o0n ;nder deal.

So he deals the to4 card do0n. G6n to the table.H <e deals the net one under. G;nder the 4acket
he holds.H <e deals the )rd do0n= the /th under= and so on= until he is left 0ith but one card. It
is the er# card he noted.

The !erect Sel12orking #iscovery

A uick and eas# reelation of a chosen card. A s4ectator shuffles his o0n 4ack= then la#s out )
hea4s of 3 cards each. It doesnt matter 0hether the# are dealt= 4ushed off in a 4acket= or ho0.
Magician stresses he doesnt kno0 an# of these %! cards and 0ill not look at them at an# time.
<e thereu4on turns his back.

S4ectator then chooses an# % of the ) 4iles= 4icks it u4= fans it before his e#es= and merel# thinks
of an# card in the fan. <e closes the fan= then combines the ) 4iles into one= sand0iching
the 4ile 0ith his card bet0een the other ' 4iles= so it 0ill be buried some0here in the middle.

50 Modern Card Tricks

The magician turns around= takes the l Scard 4acket= and deals them into ) 4iles= %= '= )= and
oer these /= 5= 3= and so on. <e 4icks u4 each hea4 in turn and fans them 0idel# before
the e#es of the s4ectator= 0arning him to gie him no indication of the card itself but merel#
telling him 0hether or not the 4ile contains his card.

The magician combines the ) 4iles into one= 0ith the 4ile containing the s4ectators card on to4.
<e asserts that 0ithout further ado he 0ill find the card the s4ectator thought of= and 0ithout
looking at an# of them.

<e remoes the to4 card and transfers it to the bottom. <e remoes the net one from the to4
and 4laces it at the bottom <e takes the third one from the to4 and 4uts that also at the bottom.

8ell= that does it. Ie come to #our card= the one #ou thought of= and 0ithout a single
uestion=@ sa#s the 4erformer. At the same time he tilts the 4acket in his hand so he can see
the bottom card.

@8hat 0as #our cardJ@ asks the 4erformer. 8hen the s4ectator names it= the card is tossed out
on the table face u4. It 0ill al0a#s be either the to4 or bottom one. If he names a different card
than the one #ou noted at the bottom= take off the to4 card and sho0 that #ou found it= haing
remoed the correct number of cards to come to it. If he names the one at the bottom=
sim4l# turn the 4acket face u4 to sho0 #ou 4laced it at the face of the 4acket. 8hether to4 or
bottom= the finish is euall# effectie= as it a44ears #ou found it and 4ur4osel# 4laced it at that

(or those 0ho dislike dealing= all dealing ma# be omitted. After s4ectator shuffles= take deck=
uickl# 4ush off the to4 3= then the net 3= then the net. 8hen he has noted a card
and combined the hea4s= take 4acket in right hand= 4ush off to4 card bet0een thumb and
forefinger of left= second bet0een first and second fingers= the third bet0een second and third
fingers. Start oer= 4utting the fourth card bet0een thumb and first finger= and so on= 0ith all
the cards. No0 the 3 cards bet0een each ' fingers are sho0n se4aratel# to ascertain 0hich
grou4 contains his. This can also be done behind #our back. >ust state #ou are miing the cards
a bit or that #ou are 4utting his card in a certain 4osition 0hich he 0ill see shortl#.

Contrived Coincidence
S4ectator shuffles his deck. +ou take the deck and state #ou 0ill do a trick in reerse= that
instead of #ou guessing a card a s4ectator might choose #ou 0ill tr# to hae him guess one of
#our choice. +ou sa# #ou are thinking of one 4articular card and that #ou 0ill 4lace it aside for
future erification.

(an the deck faces to #ou to look for #our thoughtof card.8hat #ou do is to note the to4 and
bottom cards. If= for instance= one is the ' of Clubs and the other the 5 of <earts= #ou uickl# run
through the 4ack to locate 0hicheer comes first= the ' of <earts or the 5 of Clubs. In other
0ords #ou find a card of the same suit as one and the same alue as the other.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Should the to4 and bottom cards ha44en to be of the same suit or the same alue= close u4 the
4ack and hae it cut= a44arentl# as an afterthought. 8hen #ou find the card #ou 4lace it on the
table face do0n 0ithout sho0ing it.

Ask s4ectator if he can name it. 6f course he cant. +ou tell him 4erha4s he ma# be able to
reeal it in a 0a# he neer dreamed of. State that #ou 0ant him to insert a finger= a knifeblade=
a nail file= or something similar an#0here bet0een the cards.

This done= #ou lift off the cards aboe the se4aration 0ith the right hand= holding the lo0er 4art
of the 4ack in the left. Stretch the arms far a4art= asking him to notice that #ou se4arate the deck
at the er# s4ot chosen b# him and that there are no uick moes to deceie him. A slight 4ause
and a little talking at this 4oint causes him to forget 0hich half is 0hich.

Place the to4 half in the right hand face do0n on the table and la# the other half across it cross
0ise to mark @the 4lace in the deck he selected.@ This is the basis of an old force. The 4reious
to4 and bottom cards are thus brought together. S4ectator neer notices the dece4tion but
thinks the se4aration marks the 4lace he cut to.

No0 sho0 #our card for the first time. Then se4arate the t0o hales of the deck 0here the#
criss cross= turning the to4 4art face u4 and the to4 card of the bottom half face u4. Sho0
the s4ectator that he has unconsciousl# designated #our card in this manner. If #our card 0as
the 5 of <earts= #ou sa#? @See= #ou cut the deck at a 5s4ot and at a <eart.@

A similar effect 0ith a 4rearranged deck called @Controlled Coincidence@ 0as inented long ago
b# Fictor (arelli. The aboe im4rom4tu method 0as deised b# :lenn :raatt= although others
hae been mistakenl# credited 0ith it.

Contrived Coincidence No% &

S4ectator shuffles his deck. +ou take back the cards and state that #ou are thinking of a certain
card 0hich #ou 0ill remoe before the trick starts. (an the faces of the cards to0ard
#ourself= noting the to4 ' cards= the suits and alues of 0hich should be different. I f alike hand
deck back to be cut= as if b# an afterthought.

If for instance the to4 ' should be the ) of Clubs and the 5 of iamonds= look for either the ) of
iamonds or the 5 of Clubs= 0hicheer ha44ens to come first. -emoe it and la# it on the table
face do0n 0ithout sho0ing it.

<and the 4ack to s4ectator= asking him to deal off cards into a 4ile and to sto4 0heneer he
4leases. This done= he is asked to 4ick u4 the small hea4 dealt off and to deal it into ' 4iles= a
card at a time alternatel#. This 0ill result in 4utting the ' cards #ou first noted at the to4 of the
res4ectie hea4s. GCards of course are dealt face do0n.H

+ou no0 dis4la# the card #ou chose. Su44ose it is the 5 of Clubs. Ask him to turn u4 the to4
cards of the ' 4iles. <e does so and finds one is a 5s4ot= the other a Club. :lenn :raatt.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Adding The #igits

A s4ectator cuts the deck into ' 4arts= haing been told to cut fairl# near the center although the
4arts do not hae to be eual. +our obEect is to hae him take at least '&. <e is no0 to
choose either 4ortion and count to see ho0 man# are in it. Su44ose he counts '). <e adds the '
digits= in this case ' 4lus ) makes 5.

<e turns his chosen 4ortion face u4 and counts to that number from the (AC, of the 4acket. In
the assumed case he 0ould count to the 5th card and remember it. <e 4laces the 4ortion
cantaining his card on the unused 4ortion= thus assembling the com4lete deck. +ou can find his
card because it 0ill be %$th from the to4.

Another 0a# of using this 4rinci4le of adding digits is to use ' decks. The s4ectator shuffles
them and retains one= giing #ou the other. *oth do the same thing. ,ach of #ou cut off about
a third of the 4ack. That is to kee4 the number under '&.

,ach counts his cards and adds the digits. Mean0hile #our back is turned. If the s4ectator holds
%7 cards= he adds % and 7= making != and deals ! from his 4acket onto the table= or in his 4ocket.
<e looks at the face card of those remaining in his hands= then 4uts the 4acket on the main deck.
All the 0hile #ou 4retend to be doing the same thing but #our actions are for misdirection onl#.

+ou echange decks 0ith the s4ectator= asking him to find the du4licate of the card he noted io
#our deck= and #ou 0ill find the du4licate of the one #ou noted in the same 0a# in his deck.

8hen the ' cards are remoed and sho0n the# 4roe to be identical. A44arentl# #ou both
chose the same card. 8hen #ou take the s4ectators 4ack #ou note the $th card= 0hich 0ill be
the one he noted. <e remoes its du4licate from #our 4ack.

Still another method of the digit adding deice is this? (rom his shuffled 4ack s4ectator remoes
a number of cards from %& to '&. <e counts them and adds the ' digits. If he has %7= he adds
% and 7 making !. So he returns ! to the deck. All this time #our back is turned. No0 #ou hae
him start at the to4 and call out the names of the cards. "ee4 track of the number. 8hen the
$th is called sto4 him. <is card is al0a#s $th. Should #ou hae him cut off a batch containing '&
or more and the same 4rocedure undergone= his card 0ill be %!th.

Another trick using this 4rinci4le is this? 1a#out an Ace and an !s4ot face do0n 0ithout
sho0ing them. S4ectator makes the deck into ' 4iles and takes one. <e counts the cards in his
chosen 4ile= adds the digits and deals the number of cards so arried at on the other 4ile. Thus
he 0ill be left 0ith either $ or %! cards in his hands= de4ending u4on ho0 man# he took
originall#. If he took %5= added % and 5= and remoed 3= he 0ould be left 0ith $. If he took ')=
added ' and )= and remoed 5= he 0ould be Ieft 0ith %!. <ae him count the cards remaining=
then sho0 #our ' 4ro4hec# cards to 4roe #ou kne0 this in adance. If he has $= add the Ace
and !s4ot to make $. If he has %!= sho0 that the Ace GoneH and the eight= re4resent the figure= %!.

50 Modern Card Tricks

(erg"s *evelation
The old 4rinci4le of counting a batch of cards= adding the digits= etc. is cleerl# used b# >oe *erg
as follo0s? 8hile #our back is turned a s4ectator cuts off a bunch of cards from a deck he has
 Eust shuffled= an# number at all. <e counts ho0 man# cards he has= adds the ' digits and
discards that number of cards from the bunch= 4utting them back 0ith the deck.

(or instance= if he has '/= he adds ' and /= totaling 3. So he remoes 3 cards. <e is no0 asked to
think of an# number from % to $= and again discard some cards= returning to the deck a
number corres4onding to the number he decided u4on.

This done= he counts to his thoughtofnumber Gfrom % to $H in the 4acket of cards remaining in
his hands= and looks at and remembers the card l#ing at that 4osition. <e then hands #ou
the cards 0hich #ou kee4 behind #ou as #ou turn to face him.

8ithout disturbing their order count them behind #our back. 8hateer their number= subtract
that number from the net highest multi4le of $. The result gies #ou the 4osition of his card.

If #ou hae %% cards= subtract %% from %!= the net multi4le of $= giing #ou 7. Thus his card lies
7th in the hea4. If there are '/ cards= subtract '/ from '7 Gthe net highest multi4le of $H
giing #ou ). So his card lies )rd in the hea4. If there are 7 cards= subtract 7 from $= giing '. So
his card is second.

,m4hasiDe the fact that at no time hae #ou asked a single uestion. At the start he hel4ed
himself to an unkno0n number of cards= that is= unkno0n to #ou. <e added the ' digits and
discarded that number unkno0n to #ou. And finall# he discarded some more= this time haing
free choice of the number discarded= a number 0hich 0as neer announced. <e then noted a
card at this freel# chosen number.

-emoe the correct card and 4lace it face do0n on the table. Ask him to name his card. <e does
so. +ou turn it u4. MarelousL

#ivining The Number o Cards In !ocket

A :erald "osk# im4roement on a subtle mathematical 4rinci4le used in seeral tricks. A
s4ectator shuffles his deck and 0hile #our back is turned= cuts off a bunch of cards= an# number
at all. +ou do not kno0 the number cut off= and #ou neer ask= but he counts them to himself to
ascertain the number he cut off. The balance of the deck is discarded.

<e then adds the ' digits of the number counted. <e remoes that man# from the cutoff
4ortion and 4laces them on the table. If he cut off %7= then % 4lus 7 makes != so he 0ould 4ut ! of
the cards he holds on the table. If he cut off '&= then ' 4lus & euals '= so he 0ould 4ut ' on the

(inall# he remoes an# number of cards from % to %&= and 4uts those in his 4ocket. +ou= 0ith
#our back still turned so #ou can see none of his actions= ask him to call out the colors of the

50 Modern Card Tricks

cards he has left from the 4acket he originall# cut off= some of 0hich hae been 4laced on the
table= and some of 0hich are in his 4ocket. 6ne b# one he calls out red or black.

This done= #ou immediatel# tell him ho0 man# cards he 4ut in his 4ocket= 0hich is amaDing
because at no time did #ou hae an# idea of ho0 man# cards he 0as 0orking 0ith.

+ou 4a# no attention to the colors called. This is a subtle deice originated b# :erald "osk# for
the 4ur4ose of misdirection onl#. 8hat #ou do is sim4l# to kee4 track of the number of
cards. 8hateer that number is= subtract it from its net highest multi4le of $= and the result
gies #ou the number of cards in his 4ocket.

(or instance= if he calls out the colors of 7 cards= 7 from $ leaes '= so he has ' in his 4ocket. If he
calls the colors of %/ cards= %/ from %!= the net highest multi4le of $= gies /= so he has / in his
4ocket. Should he call out the colors of '& cards= then '& from '7 Gthe net highest multi4le of $H
0ould gie 7= therefore he 0ould hae 7 cards in his 4ocket.

Throughout #ou stress the fact that #ou did not kno0 ho0 man# cards he cut off the 4ack in the
first 4lace= therefore it follo0s #ou could not kno0 ho0 man# he laid out on the table=
andfinall#= #ou could not kno0 the number he selected to 4ut in his 4ocket. The outcome
therefore is the result of #our 4o0ers of diination.

Combination o Chosen Card and Cards In !ocket

A good mathematical 4rinci4le Gor an# other 4rinci4le for that matterH ma# be disguised and
used in different 0a#s so that man# tricks= all a44arentl# different can eole from the same
base. The counting of a grou4 of cards and adding the ' digits resulting from that count has
been used to diine ho0 man# cards a s4ectator has concealed or hidden in his 4ocket. It has
also been used to name or reeal a card noted and remembered b# a s4ectator.

In this trick= the t0o effects are combined= resulting in a double clima= although no more effort
is needed than 4erforming Eust one of the t0o. <ere #ou not onl# tell a s4ectator ho0
man# cards he has remoed and 4ut in his 4ocket= but #ou also locate a card he has looked at.

*egin b# haing a s4ectator shuffle his 4ack. Turning #our back= inite him to cut off a uantit#
of cards= count them sccretl#= add the digits and discard that man# cards. Thus= if he cuts off ')=
he totals the ' digits making 5= and remoes 5 cards and 4uts them back 0ith the deck.

<e is then to think of an# small number and to remoe that number of cards from those in his
hands and 4ut them in his 4ocket. If he thinks of the number 7= he 4uts 7 cards in his 4ocket.

Tell him to count do0n to the card at this same number among the cards remaining in his
hands and make a mental note of the card. In this instance he 0ould remember the 7th card.

+ou turn around and take the 4acket of cards from him. 8ithout glancing at their faces= slo0l#
4ass the cards one b# one before his e#es= asking him to 0atch for his card but to gie #ou no

50 Modern Card Tricks

indication 0hen he sees it= #ou 0ant to catch his mental ibrations= m#sterious 0aes
emanating from the brain 0hich ma# ti4 #ou off. 8hat #ou reall# do is count the cards.

Su44ose there are %%. Subtract the number from the net highest multi4le of $= 0hich 0ould be
%!. If the number is less than $= subtract it from $. A remainder of 7 is left. This is the number at
0hich the noted card 0ill be found from the to4 of the 4acket. It is also the number of cards he
4ut in his 4ocket.

Toss out his card Gthe 7th in the case assumed? and dramaticall# announce that he has 7 cards in
his 4ocket.

Matching Cards (y Numerology

:lenn :raatt uses an old 4rinci4le to 4roduce an entirel# ne0 effect? A s4ectator shuffles his
o0n 4ack. +ou take the cards= assert that #ou are thinking of a 4articular card= 0hich #ou
0ill first remoe frorn the deck.

(an the cards before #ou and ra4idl# count Gsilentl# of courseH to the tenth card= noting it.
Su44ose it is the 7 of Clubs. "ee4 on until #ou find its mate= the 7 of S4ades= that is= the card
that matches it in color and alue.

-emoe the matching card. Place it face do0n on the table 0ithout sho0ing it. Ask the
s4ectator to call out an# number bet0een %& and '&. <e does so. 8e 0ill assume he calls %).
eal off %) cards. This Eust to reerse their order. Put them back on the deck.

Tell him that in the science of numerolog#= 0ith 0hich he is doubtless familiar= a lo0 number is
al0a#s arried at b# adding the t0o digits of a higher number. In this case he selected %)= so %
and ) make /. Therefore he 0ill get the /th card? eal to the /th card and toss it out face do0n.

Turn u4 the card. It 0ill be the one that 0as originall# %&th= in this case= the 7 of Clubs.
-eminding him that he might hae chosen an# number= turn oer the card #ou remoed @before
the trick began? It is the 7 of S4ades. @The t0o black seens=@ #ou sa#= @0hat a strange

31*ay Eyes
Secretl# glim4se the bottom card of the 4ack. <and 4ack to a s4ectator. Ask him to suare u4
the deck face do0n on the 4alm of his hand. Tell him to 4ull out the center third of the deck
and dro4 it on to4 of the 4ack. Ask him to mark his .initials lightl# on the back of the to4 card
Gthe to4 one of the middle section he 4ulled out.H <e is not to look at its face.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Ask him to gie the 4ack a single cut= then another one or t0o. <e then ribbon s4reads the cards
in a long s4read on the table= face u4. +ou note the card immediatel# aboe the bottom card #ou
noted earlier. Mark #our initials on its face. Ask him if he can find his card. 6f course he cant
because he neer looked at its face.

Tell him that if he cant find his o0n card= there is no 0a# that #ou can find it ece4t to look at
their backs and locate the one 0ith his initials. Turn oer the cards. Pick out the one 0ith
his initials on the back. Sho0 that it is the er# card on 0hich #ou 0rote #ours on the face.
Credit to Ned -utledge.

(ack In !lace
A s4ectator shuffles his deck= thinks of a number bet0een % and %&= then looks at the card at that
number from the to4. <e no0 transfers the Same number of cards from the bottom to the to4.
+ou sec none of this as #our back is turned.

+ou no0 take the deck and 4lace it behind #our back. +ou stress the fact that since #ou do not
kno0 the number he thought of= and since it is no longer at that number inasmuch as some
0ere transferred from the bottom on to4 of it= #ou 0iII attem4t the im4ossible. That is= 0ith no
kno0ledge of his number #ou 0ill find it and restore his card to its original 4osition.

*ehind #our back count off '& from the to4= 4lacing the first bet0een a thumb and first finger=
the second bet0een the first and second finger= the third on the card bet0een thurnb and
first finger= the fourth under the card bet0een first and second fingers= and so on= until #ou
hae dealt '&. No0 4ut the %& that are bet0een the first and second fingers on the %& that are
bet0een thumb and first finger= then 4lace all '& on to4 of 4ack.

*ring 4ack into ie0. State that #ou hae located his card and 4laced it back in its original
4osition. Ask him his number. Su44ose he sa#s 7. Count do0n to the 7th card and toss out.
Ask him the name of his card. <e sa#s= for instance= the ) of clubs. Turn the tossedout card face
u4. Sure enough= it is the ) of clubs.

!erect ,ocation
Perha4s the closest a44roach to the 4erfect card location= as the s4ectator does eer#thing 0ith
the deck in his o0n hands. <and deck to s4ectator. <ae him shuffle. Ask him to remoe
an# card= to note and remember it= then 4ut it face do0n on the table. Tell him to cut the rest of
the deck into ) 4iles A*6;T ,2;A1.

Tell him to 4ut his card on an#one of the ) 4iles= then take the 4ile 0ith the chosen card on to4=
turn the 0hole 4ile oer and 4ut it face u4 on either of the other ' 4iles. <e then 4uts the

50 Modern Card Tricks

remaining 4ile face do0n on to4 of all. Thus the 4ile 0ith his card 0ill be face u4 sand0iched
bet0een ' face do0n 4iles.

Ask him to gie the deck one riffle shuffle. After this he ma# gie the 4ack a com4lete cut or
t0o. The cards 0ill conseuentl# be 0ell mied= some face u4= some face do0n. Take the deck
and turn it oer. -un through the deck and #ou 0ill find a fe0 face u4 follo0ed b# a fe0 face
do0n cards= then a 0hole batch of face u4 cards. The rest of the 4ack 0ill consist of small
batches of face u4 and face do0n cards.

The first face do0n card after the big batch of face u4 cards 0ill al0a#s be the selected card.
+ou can then reeal it in an# manner. In seeking his card= 0hat #ou do is to look for the
longest run of face u4 cards. <is card 0ill be the one immediatel# follo0ing this run.

Pointers? Make sure the ) 4iles are nearl# eual. (or the riffle shuffle= make sure the 4ack is cut
as nearl# in the center as 4ossible= then riffled.

Im.rom.tu Card To !ocket

No Sleights
<and a s4ectator the 4ack and turn #our back to him. <e is asked to cut a small 4acket of cards
from the to4 of the 4ack. <e counts his cards silentl#= then 4uts them in his 4ocket. <e
then turns the deck (AC, ;P and looks at the card from the face of the deck corres4onding to
the number 4ocketed. Thus if he remoed 5 cards= he 0ill note the 5th from the *6TT6M.

S4ectator cuts the 4ack so that his noted card 0ill be brought to a no0 unkno0n 4osition.
8hen #ou turn around #ou take the 4ack and ra4idl# deal '3 cards onto the table= e4laining
#ou intend to use onl# the half containing his card. S4reading these '3= ask the s4ectator to see
if his is among them= and sim4l# to sa# #es or no 0ithout indicating the card. It is not there.

+ou sa# then the other half obiousl# must contain it. +ou fan the rest of the 4ack face u4 but
he still doesnt see his card. +ou then 4roduce it from #our 4ocket. And no sleight of hand
is inoled.

The method 0as deised b# the reno0ned Scalbert. The onl# 4re4arationin adance is to
shorten one card Gan# cardH b# taking scissors and sni44ing off a er# tin# stri4 clear across one
end. This short card is 4laced '7th from the to4.

At the 4oint described aboe 0here #ou turn to take the deck= #ou sa# @#ou lost #our card b#
cutting the 4ack= didnt #ouJ@ and 0hile talking= gie it a cut #ourself. 8hat #ou actuall# do
is to cut at the short card 0hich is eas# because 0hen #ou riffle the end the deck 0ill sna4 o4en
there. Cut the short card to the to4.

I hae omitted stating that after s4ectator cuts the deck and before #ou turn around to take it
from him= he returns the cards in his 4acket to the to4= so that the 5' card deck 0ill be com4lete.

50 Modern Card Tricks

6nce #ou cut the short card to the to4= the chosen card becomes '7th from the to4. As outlined
aboe= #ou sa# #ou 0ill diide the 4ack in half. So #ou deal off '3= This leaes his card right on
to4 of those left in #our hands.

<old these in #our left hand 0hile #ou lean for0ard to turn those on the table face u4 and
s4read them 0ith #our right. The balance of the 4ack comes naturall# oer the o4ening of #our
left coat 4ocket. At the moment #ou turn oer the cards on the table #ou thumb the selected one
into the 4ocket. Thumb Eust slides it off from the rest. This misdirection is absolutel# 4erfect.

8hen s4ectator cannot find his card= #ou turn oer the other 4ile. 8hen he ainl# seeks it there=
#ou 4roduce it from #our 4ocket for a sur4rise clima.

Im.rom.tu #etection
A s4ectator shuffles his o0n deck= thinks of a card= remoes the thoughtof card= and 4uts it
face do0n on the table. Take the deck and 0ithout looking at the cards= 4ut them oer the
chosen card= sa#ing? +our card is at the bottom of the deck. >ust cut the deck so that #our card
0ill be lost some0here in the middle of the 4ack.@

The s4ectator does this. +ou suare the cards and sa# #ou 0ill tr# to find the card 0hile holding
the deck behind #our back. +ou 4ut the cards behind #ou and soon bring forth one. <e names
his card. +ou sho0 the card #ou hae brought forth. It is his.

8hile he is looking for a card to remoe from the deck #ou turn #our back to him @so #ou 0ont
get an accidental glim4se of the card.@ This gies #ou a chance to 4ut the ti4 of #our
right forefinger to #our mouth and obtain a little salia.

8hen chosen card is 4ut on table= turn around= take the rest of the cards= and 0hile 4utting
deck on to4 of chosen card= 4ass the moistened fingerti4 across the bottom card of deck.
8hen deck is cut and suared the t0o cards stick together.

It is eas# to find the chosen one behind #our back b# feeling for t0o cards stuck together.
Se4arate the t0o and bring the chosen one for0ard. Attributed to Paul "ahn.

Im.rom.tu ut o This 2orld

No Set 4.
-emoe ' red and ' black cards from a deck and la# them on a table face u4= from left to right=
black= red= black= red. -emoe %5 red and %5 black cards= and gie them to a s4ectator to
shuffle thoroughl#= so that the reds and blacks 0ill be 0ell mied.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Take back this )& card 4acket. Call attention to the / cards on the table face u4 0hich #ou sa#
arc guide or marker cards. +ou 0ish to tr# a little e4eriment. The obEect is for the
s4ectator= 0ithout seeing an# of the cards= to tr# to guess 0hich is red and 0hich is black= and
at the finish #ou 0ill see ho0 successful he has been.

S4read the cards 0ith their faces to0ard #ou and a0a# from s4ectator. -emoe a black card
from the fan and holding it face do0n= ask the s4ectator to guess 0hat color it is. If he sa#s
black 4lace it on the first black guide card= the one at the etreme left. G+our left.H If #e sa#s red
4lace it on the first red guide card= the one second from the left.

-emoe another black card and 0ithout sho0ing it 4lace it on either No. % red= or No.' guide
card= according to 0hich color he calls. It might be mentioned that #ou dont coer the guide
cards= but 4lace cards on them so the# oerla4 half 0a#= and one half the guide cards can be
seen at all times. 6r if #ou 4refer= sim4l# 4lace cards *,168 the guide cards.

Continue until blacks are ehausted. The same 4rocedure continues but no0 #ou use the )rd
and /th guide cards= 4lacing all %5 reds on either the )rd guide= 0hich is black= or the /th
guide= 0hich is red= according to the color named.

8hen all the cards are on the table= 4ick u4 the / hea4s in the follo0ing order= but leae the
guide cards 0here the# are. Pick u4 No.' 4ile and 4ut on to4 of No.) 4ile. Put these ' combined
4iles on No.%. (inall# 4ick u4 No./ 4ile and 4ut on to4 of the other ).

S4read the guide cards= 0hich are in a ro0= farther a4art. Turn oer the 4acket in #our hands=
and s4read them face u4 in a ribbons4read underneath the guide cards. It 0ill be seen that
a grou4 of black cards is under the first black guide card at the left= follo0ed b# a grou4 of red
cards beneath the second red guide card= then the remaining black cards in a grou4 under the
)rd black card= and finall# the last of the red cards under the /th red guide card. Miraculousl#
the onlooker is 4roed to be %&& 4er cent 4erfect in his guesses.

Gravatt"s Miracle Card Trick

6riginated b# :lenn :raatt. S4ectator shuffles his o0n deck and hands it to #ou. Place a small
4iece of note 4a4er on the deck= using the latter for a backing= and 0rite the follo0ing
4rediction? @+ou 0ill think of a card 0hich 0ill be as far do0n in the deck as an# number of
cards #ou ma# 4ut in #our 4ocket.@

8hile 0riting= make a 4encil dot on the to4 card of the 4ack at one corner. (old the sli4 of 4a4er
and la# it aside or gie it to someone to hold. Ask the s4ectator to T<IN" of an#one card and
remember it 0hile #ou sho0 the cards to him.

-un cards one at a time from one hand to the other or sim4l# deal them face do0n on the table=
sho0ing each to him as #ou do so. +ou can turn #our head a0a# so there is no chance of
#our seeing an# of the cards. In running the cards from hand to hand= each successie card goes
behind the 4receding one.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Count silentl#. After counting '' ask if he has thought of one. <e surel# has b# no0. Put these
'' back on the deck. This brings the dotted card ''nd from the to4. <and him the deck. Turn
#our back to him. Ask him to remoe his card and 4lace it on the table face do0n. This done=
the dotted card 0ill no0 be '%st from the to4.

8ith #our back still turned and the 4ack face do0n on the table in front of the s4ectator= ask
him to cut off some cards from the to4= 4referabl# not more than a doDen or so= and 4ut them
in his 4ocket. Neither of #ou kno0 ho0 man# at this stage.

<e then cuts a fe0 cards from the bottom of the deck and 4laces them aside. No0 that cards
hae been remoed from both to4 and bottom= there can be no such thing as @ke#@ card=
some= thing some la#men are familiar 0ith.

<e no0 4uts his card on to4 of the deck= then cuts the deck to lose it. +ou turn around and take
the deck. (an the cards back u44ermost= uickl# locating the 4encil dot. Cut the deck so
the dotted card becomes the face card of the 4ack.

Tell him #ou 0ill sho0 him the cards again and he is to 0atch for his card but to gie #ou no
sign of an# kind 0hen he sees it. <old the deck 0ith faces to0ard him and 4ass the bottom
cards one at a time into the other hand= beginning 0ith the face card of the deck. The second
card is 4laced behind that card so that the order of the cards remains unchanged= and so on=
until #ou hae silentl# counted off '% cards.

Place these '% on to4 of the deck. No0 ask him to read #our 4rediction. No0 for a most
remarkable coincidence and clima. <e remoes the cards he has in his 4ockets and counts
them. (or the first time their number is kno0n. <e then counts do0n that number in the deck=
as mentioned in the 4rediction= and turns u4 the er# card he thought ofL

#aven.ort"s E/traordinary #ivination

The secret of this trick= once sold b# aen4orts of 1ondon= is no longer dealers item and is
aailable for 4ublication here.

Eect? A s4ectator takes the 4ack and 0hile #our back is turned deals as man# cards as he likes
face do0n= sto44ing 0heneer he 4leases. <e looks at and remembers the card on 0hich
he ha44ened to sto4= then re4laces the dealt off cards on to4 of the 4ack. <e then cuts the 4ack.

+ou take the 4ack= fan it= and remoe ' cards= 4lacing each face do0n. S4ectator chooses either
of the '= turns it u4= and sees it is his card. +ou ask him ho0 man# cards he dealt off. <e
re4lies= for instance= %&. +ou turn u4 the second card and it is a %&s4ot.

Method? *efore handing s4ectator the deck memoriDe the to4 and bottom cards. S4ectator deals=
counting to himself the number of cards he deals. 8hen he decides to sto4 ask him to 4ick
u4 the 1AST CA- ,A1T and remember it. <e 4uts this card on to4 of the remainder in his
hands= then 4uts the dealt off 4ile on to4 of all.

50 Modern Card Tricks

8hen #ou take the 4ack #ou uickl# run through it= faces to #ou. (irst= locate the former to4
card. The one in front of it 0ill be the chosen one. -emoe it and 4ut it face do0n on the table.

No0 silentl# count all the cards behind the former to4 card until #ou come to the former
bottom card. Include both in #our count. Su44ose #ou count %&. -emoe a %&s4ot and la# it
0ith the other card. Ask him to choose either card.

If he takes his o0n card 4roceed as aboe. Should he take the other= sho0 it to re4resent the
number of cards he dealt= then sho0 the remaining one as his card.

'aces 4. and 'aces #o+n

;sed successfull# b# :eorge ean although he does not claim to be the originator. +ou must
kno0 0hat the to4 card is. <and deck to s4ectator. 8hile #our back is turned he cuts the
cards and turns the to4 4ortion face u4.

<e notes and remembers the card to 0hich he cut= that is= the card at the face of the to4 4ortion.
No0= kee4ing the cards Eust as the# are= some face u4 and the rest face do0n= he shuffles the
' 4ortions together= shuffling them 0ell= so that there is a resulting miture of face u4 and face
do0n cards. Make sure= incidentall#= that he riffle shuffles. If he doesnt= ask him to.

<e then gies the 4ack as man# com4lete cuts as he cares to. +ou turn and take the deck=
s4reading or fanning the cards to look for the one originall# on to4= #our @ke#@ card. It 0ill be
face u4 among the face do0n ones. The net face u4 card 0hich ma# ha44en to follo0 after
seeral face do0n ones 0ill be the s4ectators card. -eeal it in an# manner #ou choose.

:eorge ean s4reads the cards across the table in a 0ide ribbons4read. <e has the s4ectator
etend his inde finger. <e takes the s4ectators hand and guides it back and forth across
the s4read to get the 4ro4er ibrations and finall# brings his finger do0n u4on the correct card.

Im.roved Clock
A selection of @The Club@ 4resented b# Magic 1imited. ,ffect? An# hour on the clock is thought
of. S4ectator transfers that number of cards from the to4 of the deck to the bottom
0hile 4erformers back is turned.

Performer no0 takes deck and deals %' cards to form a clock dial. <e asks s4ectator to note card
at the hour he mentall# thought of. No0 the cards= 0hich hae blue backs= are 4icked u4 one at
a time and 4laced aside. 6nl# one card is left on the imaginar# clock dial. This is the card and
hour s4ectator is thinking of. (urther= 0hen turned oer it has a -, back= the onl# redbacked
card among all the other blue backs.

50 Modern Card Tricks

!re.aration? In a blue backed deck 4lace a red card %3th from the to4= remoing of course the
du4licate of that card from the deck. S4ectator moes his number of cards. +ou take the
deck and in asking if he did as directed= #ou transfer ) cards from to4 to bottom.

No0 slide off %' cards in a bunch= turn them face u4 and deal them to form a clock dial. +ou
kno0 the name of #our card 0hich 0as originall# 4laced %3th= so #ou note 0here it falls in the
clock dial.

+ou therefore kno0 the number GhourH he thought of= and #ou also kno0 0hich card he 0ill
select. <ence a double clima 0hen #ou remoe the cards= leaing 6N1+ the one at the hour
he thought of= and in conclusion turn it oer to sho0 that its back is a different color from the

Matching Card or Card

Chic Schoke once called the attention of magicians to the fact that a fe0 cards 4laced at the
bottom of the deck 0ould sta# in eactl# the same order in 0hich the# 0ere 4laced een
though the deck 0as gien ) genuine riffle shuffles.

:lenn :raatt thereu4on 0rote an article= 4ublished in :enii magaDine= his idea being to use '
decks= 4lacing the / aces in the same order near the bottom of each deck. T0o s4ectators
assisted. ,ach riffle shuffled his deck= turned it face u4= and dealt off cards= tossing out the aces.

8hen one man found an ace= he 0aited until the other found one. *oth 0ere the same. This
continued 0ith all / aces= each time the cards matching. A hitherto un4ublished idea= based on
this 4rinci4le is as follo0s?

;se ' decks. Stack the / "ings at the bottom of one and the / 2ueens at the bottom of the other=
4lacing and indifferent card at the face of each 4ack. The "ings and 2ueens are arranged in the
same order according to suit.

T0o s4ectators assist. ,ach is gien a 4ack and asked to gie it ' or ) riffle shuffles. The fact that
the s4ectators shuffle their 4acks themseles makes the final outcome seem miraculous.

+ou state that the# are to assist in 4la#ing a little game kno0n as @The -o#al Marriages.@ The
4ur4ose of the game is for Mr. A to deal the "ings Eust as he comes to them and for Mr. * to
deal the 2ueens Eust as the# lie in his shuffles deck. The obEect is to see if the# can match one
4air out of four.

*oth turn their shuffled decks face u4. 8hen the first man deals and comes to his first "ing he
4laces it aside face u4. The other doeJ the same 0ith the 2ueen. Strange to sa#= on their
er# first attem4t= Mr. A la#s out the "ing of Clubs and Mr. * la#s out the 2ueen of Clubs.

The deal continues until all / "ings and 2ueens hae a44eared. The mating of the "ings and
2ueens is %&& 4er cent 4erfect= all / of the -o#al Marriages coinciding. The
4erformer congratulates them on accom4lishing such an unheard of feat.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Sa# #ou 0ill use onl# '& cards. eal that man#. Mr. A looks through them and notes a card= also
its number from the to4= for instance the ) of iamonds= !th. Mr. * does the same= noting= sa#=
the / of S4ades= %5th. +ou then take the cards.

8hat #ou intend to do= #ou tell them= is to find both cards and reerse their 4laces= that is= #ou
0ill 4ut Mr. As card at Mr. *s number= and ice ersa. -un the cards from hand to hand= each
card going on the 4receding one= thus reersing their order= ece4t for the last card= 0hich is left
on the bottom 0here it 0as.

No0 ask for the ' numbers. If the# total more than '& o4enl# deal the etra amount from the
4ack onto the '& cards. I f the ' numbers total less than '&= sa# %%= remoe $ cards from the
'&= so that the number left euals the total of the ' numbers of A and *. If the ' numbers total '&=
go ahead 0ithout further ado.

In the aboe instance As number is ! and *s is %5. Since ! and %5 total ')= #ou deal ) more on
the '&. Count to the !th card and turn it u4. It 0ill be Mr. *s= the one originall# %5th. Continue
counting until #ou reach %5. Turn u4 that one. It 0ill be Mr. As.

A44arentl# #ou hae located the cards of each and 4ut them in each others 4osition= a little
miracle. Trick is automatic and self 0orking.

Im.rom.tu !rediction
S4ectator shuffles his deck and gies it to #ou. +ou state #ou 0ill make a 4rediction b#
remoing a certain card= the significance of 0hich 0ill become a44arent later. (an the faces of
the cards to #ourself and note the to4 card.

Su44ose it is an !s4ot. The suit is immaterial. 2uickl# count from the bottom GfaceH of deck to
the !th card. Su44ose it is the 5 of Clubs. -un through the deck to find its mate= the 5 of
S4ades Gsame alue= same color.H

-emoe the 5 of S4ades Gor 0hateerH and 4lace it face do0n on the table 0ithout sho0ing it.
Turn the deck (AC, ;P and start dealing off cards into a 4ile. 8hen #ou hae dealt= sa#= 7 or !=
ask the s4ectator to sto4 #ou 0heneer he feels like it. Continue dealing.

8hen he sto4s #ou= #ou turn both sections face do0n= that is= the dealt off grou4 and the main
deck. <ae s4ectator turn oer the to4 card of the deck. It is an !s4ot= so he is to count do0n
to the !th card in the 4ile dealt off. IIe does so and remoes the 5 of Clubs. +ou turn u4 the
card #ou took at the start= the 5 of S4ades= sho0ing a magical coincidence= both matching in
color and alue.

The aboe is -ufus Steeles ersion. (ollo0ing is (rank :arcias method for accom4lishing the
same effect.

50 Modern Card Tricks

The same 4rocedure is follo0ed u4 to the 4oint 0here the magician remoes his card. eck is
then gien to s4ectator for him to cut it in half. The bottom half is turned face u4 0hile the to4
half is left face do0n.

S4ectator is asked to look at the to4 card of the face do0n 4ile. <e does so and finds it= for
instance= to be an !s4ot. So he counts do0n to the !th card in the face u4 4ile and comes to=
sa# the 5 of Clubs. +ou sho0 that he has matched #our card b# turning it face u4 and reealing
the 5 of S4ades.

#ivination Su.reme
+ou must kno0 the to4 card of the 4ack. +ou can ascertain this uite o4enl# and 0ithout
sus4icion merel# b# fanning the cards face u4 for a moment @to sho0 that it is a regular=
ordinar# 4ack 0ell mied=@ etc. <and 4ack to s4ectator and turn #our back to aoid seeing his

Tell him to deal off a small 4ile of cards= but silentl# so that #ou cannot kno0 their number= and
to aoid 4rolonging things= not too man#= sa# an# number u4 to %5. This of course 0ill
bring the card #ou noted to the face of the dealtoff 4acket.

So far this is an old subterfuge. *ut no0 comes a 4rocedure= the idea of 8alter :ibson=
designed to cause the s4ectator to forget this= taking his mind off it altogether. <e is asked to
diide the rest of the deck into ' nearl# eual 4iles= then to shuffle each of these ' 4iles

This done= he is to 4ick u4 the dealt...off hea4= suare it= look at and remember the bottom card=
then sand0ich it bet0een the ' shuffled 4arts of the main deck. In this manner #ou hae
@forced@ the to4 card of the 4ack= the one #ou noted.

No0 #ou tell him to shuffle the entire deck. Man# la#men kno0 the 4rinci4le of the @ke#@ card=
the card l#ing net to a noted one= and this shuffle 0ill be sure to thro0 them off.

+ou can no0 finish in an# manner #ou choose= naming the card b# #our 4o0ers of diination=
or #ou can locate it in the 4ack.

Note? At the start #ou ma# 0ish to hae him first think of number= sa#= bet0een 5 and %5= then
hae him deal that number of cards. This 0ill 4lant the suggestion that the number dealt
has something to do 0ith it and that #ou intend to ask for that number later on. 6f course #ou
neer do.

Sim4le as this a44ears to be= the solution neer occurs to the s4ectator.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Curious (ridge and

This is based on the fact that the A= )= 5= 7= != $ of Clubs= <earts and S4ades= 4lus the 7 of
iamonds= can be turned to 4oint one 0a#= u4 or do0n. Thus if all are arranged to 4oint
the same 0a# and one card is turned end for end= it can be 4icked out at once. The 4rinci4le is
old= haing been e4lained b# :lenn :raatt in his original ,nc#clo4edia of Card Tricks.

The beaut# of the 4resent trick is that it needs no 4rearrangement= no adance se4aration of the
cards and the turning of them in one direction. Sim4l# take an#ones shuffled deck and
state that it contains %) cards that com4rise a curious bridge hand= a hand that once a 4la#er
receies it= he can do 0onderful things 0ith it.

+ou sa# #ou 0ill demonstrate. (an the deck to #ourself to find this @curious bridge hand.@ >ust
run through it and remoe the first %) cards #ou come to that 4oint in the same direction= that is=
the first %) of the @4ointer@ cards. 6r if #ou like= %' 4ointer cards and % court card.

S4ectator shuffles the %) cards. Such a small 4acket can onl# be shuffled oerhand so there is no
danger of his reersing an# of the cards. <e then fans the cards before him and selects
an#one= 0hich he 4laces on the table. 8ith the rest of the cards still held fan0ise= hae him
4lace thefan of cards on to4 of the chosen one= coering it.

+ou no0 een u4 all the cards= the chosen one being at the bottom of the 4acket. <ae him 4ick
u4 the cards and again shuffle them. +ou then take the 4acket and remoe the chosen card.
;nder the conditions it seems im4ossible.

*ut the s4ectator has automaticall# done it all. 8hen he remoes a single card from the fan and
4uts it face do0n on the table= he reerses it end for end. 8hen the fan is laid on to4 of it= these
cards sta# as is. Therefore= using the @4ointer@ 4rinci4le= his card is eas# to locate.

If using %' 4ointer cards and % court card= and #ou find none of the %' reersed= then naturall#
he chose the court card.

Trans.osition In *everse
Probabl# the easiest and most effectie of all @reerse card tricks@ is this one originated b#
(rancis Carl#le. The secret 0as once sold b# dealers and later a44eared in a magic book or
t0o. The trick is so good it 0as felt it must be included here.

A s4ectator shuffles his 4ack= cuts it into ' fairl# eual 4ortions= retains one half and gies #ou
the other. +ou tell him that 0hile #our back is turned he is to look at his cards and decide u4on
one= and #ou 0ill do the same. <e is to hold his chosen card face do0n in his right hand= his
half 4ack in the other.

+ou turn #our back and uickl# take the bottom card of #our 4ortion= look at it= remember it
and re4lace it (AC, ;P at the bottom of #our face do0n 4acket. The right hand takes off
the to4 card of the 4acket and holds it aside 0hile the left hand turns oer the entire 4acket so

50 Modern Card Tricks

that the noted card is on to4 of all the others 0hich are face u4= the noted card no0 being face
do0n. +ou need not look at the card #ou hold in #our right hand as #ou need not kno0 it.

8hen the s4ectator has chosen a card and is holding it se4arate from the rest of the deck= turn
to face him. Insert the indifferent card in #our right hand into the center of his 4acket. Take the
card he is holding and insert it into the center of #our 4acket. ,en it u4.

Place half of his 4acket face u4 on to4 of #our 4acket= the other half face u4 at the bottom of
#our 4acket= so that #ours is sand0iched bet0een the ' hales of his 4acket. ,en all the
cards. Sa# #ou 0ill gie the 4ack the magic turn= 0hich consists of turning it ) times. Turn it
oer ) times= 0hich 0ill bring all the cards face do0n ece4t his and the one #ou noted.

Call out the name of #our card. Ask him to call out his. :ie the 4ack a 0ide ribbons4read
across the table. It is seen that all the cards hae righted themseles= all no0 being face do0n
ece4t the ' chosen cards= #ours and his= 0hich are face u4= a dramatic reelation.

It is 0ell to use cards= the backs of 0hich hae 0hite borders so that 0hen #ou insert his card
among #our face u4 cards no accidental glim4se of 0hite background 0ill reeal that the
cards are not face do0n.

ut o The *oom

Tell a s4ectator #ou 0ill ste4 out of the room to aoid the sus4icion of seeing 0hat he does= but
0ill sta# 0ithin s4eaking distance so #ou can gie him instructions.

Ste4 out of sight. Tell him to shuffle the 4ack and to deal cards face u4 into ' 4iles= a card at a
time alternatel#= but not to deal oer a doDen or so= in order to sae time. <e is to sto4
0heneer he 0ishes= ending on either 4ile.

8hile he is doing this #ou take 4encil and small 4ad from #our 4ocket read# to Eot do0n a fe0
notes. That is the real reason 0h# #ou adEourn to the net room. Tell him to cut as man# cards
as he 4leases from the to4 of the face u4 left hand 4ile= and to 4lace them on to4 of the right
hand 4ile= first noting and remembering the card at the bottom of the cut...off 4ortion Gthe first
card to go on the right hand 4ile.H

This 4rocedure ma# also be handled in another 0a#. <e can choose an# card he 0ishes from
the left hand 4ile= 4lace it on the right hand 4ile= then coer it 0ith as man# cards as he cares
to from the left hand 4ile.

In either case his card is buried some0here among the cards in the right hand 4ile and #ou
remind him there is no 0a# #ou can 4ossibl# kno0 0here it lies= that is= ho0 man# cards are
aboe it.

State that #ou 0ill ask him no uestions at an# time= but #ou must kno0 0hat cards he is using.
Ask him to first read #ou the names of the cards in the left hand 4ile= starting at the one at a
time. <e does so.

50 Modern Card Tricks

+ou need not kno0 their names. This is misdirection. *ut #ou kno0 ho0 man#= 0hich is
im4ortant. Su44ose there are ). do0n the figure= ). No0 hae him do the same thing 0ith the
left hand 4ile. This time Eot do0n their names in order= using initials= as 7C for seen of clubs=
AS for Ace of S4ades= etc.

Almost as soon as he has finished #ou call out the name of the chosen card. +ou merel# add the
number in the left 4ile G)H to the number in the right 4ile= sa# %). iide the total G%3H b# '=
0hich tells #ou the location of his card. Since= in the aboe case= there 0ere ) in the left hand
4ile= and %3 diided b# ' euals !. Therefore his card is 5th in the right hand 4ile. That is to sa#=
the ) cards in the left hand 4ile subtracted from ! gies #ou 5.

If the number of cards in both 4iles together is an odd number= sim4l# add I= and diide b# '.
Su44ose at the finish he has ) cards in the left 4ile and %' in the right. *oth together hae
%5. Add %= making %3. iide b# '= leaing !. Subtract the number of cards in the left 4ile G)H
from != signif#ing the chosen card is 5th from the to4 of the right hand 4ile.

Since #ou Eotted do0n the names of the cards in the right hand 4ile #ou hae onl# to consult
#our list= find the correct 4osition= and name the card at that number.

'antastic *evelation
A sim4lification of a rather com4le trick b# *ob <ummer. A s4ectator shuffles his deck= after
0hich #ou ask him to call out a number= sa# from %& to '5= or if #ou 0ish from %5 to )&.
8hateer he chooses= he deals off that man# cards.

<e 4uts the rest of the deck to one side. (rom those dealt off he takes a bunch and 4uts them in
him 4ocket. Neither #ou nor he kno0 ho0 man# he has in his 4ocket= as he does not bother
to count them.

<e shuffles the cards he dealt off= notes the bottom or face card of the 4acket= then 4uts these
cards on the main deck= remembering the noted card. +ou remind him that since he has
an unkno0n number of cards in his 4ocket neither of #ou can kno0 ho0 far do0n his card is.

+ou take the deck and reerse the order of a number of the to4 cards b# 4assing them one at a
time off the to4 of the deck into the other hand= each card going on to4 of its 4redecessor so
that the order is reersed. The number #ou reerse de4ends u4on the number originall# called
out b# the s4ectator. The onl# reuirement is that #ou reerse enough to include his card.
Therefore if the number '& 0as called= reerse '& cards.

This 4rocedure should not be obious= the best method being to sho0 him each card in turn=
asking him to 0atch for it but gie #ou no sign 0hen he sees it= that #ou merel# ho4e to catch
the 4ro4er mental ibrations 0hen he sights it.

This 4uts his card at a kno0n location Gto #ouH 4roiding #ou 4ut the batch of cards #ou
reersed at the *6TT6M of the deck. In other 0ords #ou hae not onl# reersed a bunch but
hae cut them from to4 to bottom. This trick 0as originall# sold as a dealers item and as far as

50 Modern Card Tricks

is kno0n has onl# been 4ublished once= but due to a 4rinters error= the im4ortant 4oint of
4utting the bunch at the bottom 0as omitted= so the trick as 4rinted did not 0ork.

In an# eent= 0hateer number 0as originall# chosen= subtracted from 5) Gnot 5'H gies the
location of the noted card. If the s4ectator decided u4on ')= his card 0ould no0 be )&th
from the to4 G5) minus ') leaes )&.H -eeal it as #ou 4lease.

It is the 4lacing of an unkno0n number of cards in the 4ocket= leaing a different number to
0ork 0ith than the number originall# called= and the fact that neither the s4ectator nor the
magician hae to kno0 ho0 man# are left after some are 4ocketed= that thro0s een 0ell
informed magicians off the scent.

T+o Minds 2ith (ut a Single Thought

This has been credited to Sid 1a0rence. T0o s4ectators assist. ,ach cuts a small 4acket of cards
from a shuffled deck. +our back is turned to them. ,ach counts the number of cards in his
hea4= after 0hich the# 4ut their cards together combining them into one bunch.

+ou turn and take the combined hea4= stressing the fact that 0hile #ou could ascertain the total
number taken b# the ' men sim4l# b# counting the cards= there is no 4ossible 0a# #ou
could kno0 the eact number each took.

+ou 4ass the cards from hand to hand one at a time sho0ing their faces to Mr. A. <e is to
silentl# count and 0atch for the card that a44ears at his number and remember it= but to sa#
nothing 0hen he sees it. +ou run through the entire 4acket.

The same 4rocedure is follo0ed 0ith Mr. *= 0ho notes the card 0hich falls at his number. Mr. *
remoes his card and 4uts it face do0n on the table. Mr. A then names his card. Mr. * turns u4
his card. It is the same as Mr. As. The same card turned u4 at each ones number
not0ithstanding that each had a different number. A strange coincidence.

Method? Packet is held in one hand 0ith faces to0ard s4ectator. Transfer the cards slo0l# from
one hand to the other to sho0 them to Mr. A. The cards are 4laced one behind the other in the
other hand ,9C,PT (6- T<, 1AST CA- 0hich is 4ut in front of the 4acket. The trick is
automatic and self 0orking.

T+o Card #iscovery

6ne of numerous tricks based u4on an old 4rinci4le. Mr.A and Mr. * assist. ,ither shuffles a
4ack= then= 0ith the cards in their o0n hands= each selects a card and la#s it aside. +our back
is turned so #ou see none of the action.

50 Modern Card Tricks

Ask Mr. A to remoe a small bunch of cards= 4referabl# not more than a doDen so as to s4eed
u4 things. <e is to count them= then remoe a similar number of cards and gie them to Mr. *.

Mr. A 4laces his chosen card on to4 of the 4ack. Mr. * does like0ise. Mr. A 4uts his small
4acket on to4 of the ' chosen cards. Mr. * 4ockets his cards or kee4s them hidden so #ou cannot
kno0 the number.

Turn and take the deck. Stress the fact that since #ou dont kno0 ho0 man# cards 0ere taken
off and ho0 man# 0ere 4ut back on to4 of the chosen ones there is no 0a# #ou can find
them ece4t 4erha4s b# magic.

Sa# #ou 0ill attem4t to find the ' chosen cards 0ithout looking at them= in fact= 0hile the# are
out of sight. Put the 4ack behind #our back and uickl# run off %' cards Gthe maimum
#ou designated at the startH= one at a time= thus reersing their order= each going on its
4redecessor. Then restore them to the to4 of the 4ack.

*ring forth the deck= sa#ing #ou beliee #ou hae discoered them and 0ill conseuentl#
4roduce them. To make the deck com4lete= hae Mr. * 4ut his small 4acket on it.

8ith cards face do0n uickl# run them off the to4= silentl# counting as #ou do so= but the
counting should not be obious. Toss out the %%th card in front of Mr. A. Toss out the net
one= the %'th= face do0n in front of Mr. *. Ask each to name his card. 8hen he does so= turn
them u4 to sho0 that #ou are correct.

Gravatt"s #etective Card

:lenn :raatt considers this as one of the best im4rom4tu card tricks he has deised. This
o4inion is concurred in b# seeral magical authorities= including Tem4le C. Patton= author of
@Card Tricks An#one Can o.@ It uses a 4rinci4le that is not ne0= that of the '3th card in the
4ack sering as a @ke#@ card= but in such a 0a# that no other trick based on this 4rinci4le can
remotel# a44roach for ease of 0orking and effectieness.

<eretofore #ou had to 4lace a certain card '3th in the 4ack= therefore the trick 0as not
im4rom4tu. (urther= the 4ack could not be shuffled. Some such tricks de4ended u4on #our
ascertaining the identit# of a card in the middle of the 4ack 0hile in full ie0 of the audience.
 >ean <ugard recommended this be done @0hile to#ing 0ith the cards.@ *ut it is feared the
audience 0ould 0onder 0hat #ou 0ere doing.

The @detectie@ card furnishes a logical subterfuge making it 4ossible for a s4ectator to shuffle
his o0n deck= then 4roceed at once to doing the trick 0ithout recourse to sighting a card

8hen the s4ectator has finished shuffling the deck= the 4erformer takes it and e4lains that it
contains a certain card 0hich he has dubbed his @detectie card@ because it 4ossesses an
uncann# abilit# to track do0n and detect other cards. <e sa#s? @Ill sho0 #ou the card= and
demonstrate ho0 it 0orks.B


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