Fairness Perceptions of Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Effects On Counterproductive Work Behaviour
Fairness Perceptions of Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Effects On Counterproductive Work Behaviour
Fairness Perceptions of Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Effects On Counterproductive Work Behaviour
This research was funded in large part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada
Doctoral Fellowship, the LSE Basil Blackwell Teaching Fellowship, and the Overseas Research
This study examined the impact of employees’ fairness perceptions regarding organizational
Moderating effects of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism were also explored. Quantitative
data collected from 224 public sector employees demonstrated significant main and moderating
Adaptive perfectionism weakened the link between informational justice and CWB, while
maladaptive perfectionism strengthened it. Qualitative data collected from 26 employees indicate
that both the social exchange and job stress models are useful frameworks for understanding
CWB in the context of work-life balance initiatives; CWB emerged as both a negative emotional
reaction to unfairness, and as a tool used by employees to restore equity in the exchange
relationship with their employer. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Work-life balance
In response to growing workforce concerns regarding work-life balance (WLB),
work responsibilities with their non-work commitments (Kersley et al., 2005; US Bureau of
Labor, 2011). Research shows that providing initiatives valued by employees enhances
reciprocation in the form of increased task and contextual performance (Muse et al., 2008).
However, imperfect implementation of WLB initiatives often results in employees having little
knowledge of the provisions on offer (Bond and Wise, 2003), and/or unequal access to the
programs within organizations (Duxbury, Higgins, and Coghill, 2003; McDonald et al., 2005).
Another unintended effect of initiative implementation is the potential for ‘backlash’ from
childfree employees, who may believe that WLB initiatives target parents and result in increased
workloads for those not using them (de Janasz et al., 2013; Kirby and Krone, 2002; Nord et al.,
commitment, improved performance, and reduced turnover (see review by Beauregard and
Henry, 2009), may only be realized if staff are aware of the initiatives on offer and feel able to
The research reviewed above implies that the ability of WLB initiatives to enhance
employee attitudes and performance depends to some degree on employees’ perceptions of how
fair those initiatives are. As yet, outcomes of such fairness perceptions have been under-
researched. How might perceptions regarding access to and information about WLB initiatives
influence employees’ behaviour at work? Social exchange theory (Gould, 1979) and Spector’s
(1998) job stress framework would suggest that employees perceiving unfairness related to WLB
initiatives might respond with counterproductive work behaviour (CWB). Using a mixed-
methods approach, the present study investigates the relationship between employees’ fairness
perceptions of organizational WLB initiatives and CWB, and explores the moderating role of
The study also contributes to the organizational justice literature by showing that employee
responses to unfairness depend on dispositional proclivities for emotional reactivity when faced
The following sections explain the concept of CWB and its relevance to organizations,
before outlining the theoretical and empirical justification for fairness perceptions of WLB
initiatives as a predictor of CWB, and for personality traits as a moderator of this link.
viewed by the organization as contrary to its legitimate interests” (Gruys and Sackett, 2003, p.
30). It can be targeted at the organization (CWB-O), as in theft, sabotage, or withheld effort, or at
individual members (CWB-I), in the form of hostile interpersonal relations (Robinson and
Bennett, 1995). Both types of CWB can exert significant negative effects on organizational
functioning, through financial costs due to theft and fraud, and in unquantifiable costs to
productivity and performance (Dunlop and Lee, 2004; Hollinger and Davis, 2003; KPMG
The prevailing theoretical framework used to explain CWB is based on social exchange
(Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1960). When treated favourably by others, individuals feel obliged to
respond in kind, through positive attitudes or behaviours toward the source of the treatment.
When treated poorly, employees will reduce or withdraw their positive attitudes and behaviours,
and may instigate negative ones in their place. One of the most prominent social exchange
theories is Adams’ (1965) equity theory, which posits that employees who feel unfairly treated
will seek restitution. This suggests that employees who are dissatisfied with the fairness of their
employer’s procedures for allocating WLB initiatives, or with the honesty or comprehensiveness
of the explanations provided regarding initiative use, may reciprocate with organizationally
oriented CWB such as arriving late for work, reducing effort, and/or taking unauthorized breaks,
or may engage in interpersonally oriented CWB such as making disparaging remarks about their
Another framework used to understand CWB derives from the work stress literature.
Spector’s (1998) model of the job stress process posits that when individuals perceive
environmental stressors (e.g., unfair provision of WLB initiatives), they experience negative
emotions such as anger or anxiety. These are followed by reactions to the stressors:
psychological, physical, or behavioural job strains. Behavioural strains enable individuals to cope
with stressors, either by decreasing the emotions elicited by the stressor (e.g., avoiding work) or
by removing the stressor itself (e.g., talking to one’s manager and creating a solution to the issue).
Behavioural strains such as intentionally slowing down one’s work output, taking longer breaks
than permitted, or cursing at a co-worker can be considered CWB (Penney and Spector, 2005),
and have been found to help employees cope with unfair outcomes at work by reducing the
employees’ emotional exhaustion (Krischer, Penney, and Hunter, 2010). Spector and Fox’s (2002)
model of voluntary work behaviour is based on this model, conceptualizing unfairness as a job
Three major forms of fairness perceptions have been studied. Distributive justice relates
to the fairness of the outcomes employees receive, relative to their own contributions and the
contributions and outcomes of others, while procedural justice refers to the fairness of an
organization’s procedures for making decisions. The third form of fairness, interactional justice,
assessments of the degree of respect and dignity with which employees are treated by authorities
Theoretically, both the social exchange and the job stress frameworks account for a
relationship between fairness perceptions and CWB. Empirically, research results support a
strong link between these variables (see reviews by Berry, Ones, and Sackett, 2007; Cohen-
Charash and Spector, 2001; Dalal, 2005). For example, Colquitt et al.’s (2001) meta-analysis
demonstrated that perceptions of distributive and procedural unfairness were related to work
withdrawal and other negative reactions, and De Cremer and Van Hiel (2010) showed that
by negative emotions.
counterproductive manner if they believe that the procedures in place for allocating WLB
initiatives are unfair (procedural injustice). In such a case, CWB may be a means of retaliating
against the organization or of expressing the strain produced by unfair workplace procedures.
Equally, employees who perceive that they are not being given fair access to WLB initiatives
(distributive injustice) might respond by coming in to work late without permission, taking longer
breaks than is acceptable, or otherwise creating their own flexibility in order to restore equity and
repair the situation. Finally, if employees perceive that their organization is not providing candid
and full explanations regarding the availability and use of WLB initiatives (interactional
injustice), they might be inclined to react negatively toward the organization and/or its members.
The agent–system model of justice suggests that employees target their CWB at the
perceived source of the unfair treatment (Bies and Moag, 1986; Masterson et al., 2000). This
model assumes, however, that the source of informational and interpersonal unfairness is most
often a supervisor (the agent), and that the source of procedural and distributive unfairness is
most often the organization. This may be so when traditional indices of unfairness are studied,
such as pay (see Jones, 2009), but the context of fairness in the present study is quite different.
The perceived source of unfair treatment regarding WLB initiatives cannot readily be
distinguished between the agent and the organization. Line managers often have discretion to
implement WLB policy and allocate initiatives to their subordinates. Procedural and distributive
unfairness are therefore just as likely to be attributed to supervisors as to the organization. For
this reason, it is not hypothesized that particular types of unfairness perceptions would be more or
Not all employees respond similarly to stressors in the work environment. According to
cognitive social theory (Mischel, 1973), personality influences the way in which individuals
interpret and respond to situations, and because CWB is discretionary, personality is likely to
have a strong influence (Martinko, Gundlach, and Douglas, 2002; Mount, Ilies, and Johnson,
predicting employee behaviour, relatively little research explores both personality and justice in
explaining CWB. Some exceptions include Bowling and Eschleman (2010), who demonstrated
that work stressors were more strongly related to CWB among employees low in
conscientiousness, or high in negative affectivity; Henle (2005), who found that socialization and
impulsivity moderated the impact of interactional justice on CWB; and Burton, Mitchell and Lee
(2005), who showed that individuals high in self-esteem were most likely to respond to perceived
Dispositional characteristics appear to have the capacity to modify the social exchange
justice. The standards people set for their behaviour have considerable potential to influence
performance at work; Conscientiousness has consistently been found to predict decreased CWB
(see review by Sackett and DeVore, 2001). Most research investigating main effects of
dispositional variables on CWB has focused on factors from the Big Five personality taxonomy
(e.g., Dalal, 2005; Sackett and DeVore, 2001). It has been argued, however, that using more
specific personality trait measures may offer researchers greater precision and predictive ability
than the use of broader measures based on the Big Five (Hough and Oswald, 2008; Rice and
Stuart, 2010; Scott and Colquitt, 2007). For instance, several studies have found that lower-order
facets of Conscientiousness are equally or more capable of predicting job performance than
composite measures of the construct (e.g., Ashton, 1998; Moon, 2001). This suggests that using
more general measures of personality may obscure potentially meaningful relationships between
dispositional variables and workplace behaviour. The present study therefore examines the
There are two reasons to focus on these traits. First, there is strong theoretical justification
for perfectionism influencing the link between fairness perceptions and CWB. Spector and Fox’s
(2002) emotion-centred model of voluntary behaviour, based on the job stress framework
informing the present study’s hypotheses, specifies that personality helps determine whether job
stressors lead to CWB: given similar perceptions of a situation, some individuals will be more
emotionally reactive than others. Perfectionism thus presents itself as a likely moderator, because
its maladaptive and adaptive dimensions are characterized by their emotional responses to
disappointing outcomes. Second, maladaptive and adaptive perfectionism’s empirical links to
perceptions of stressors and to interpersonal behaviour suggest they have a key role to play in the
prediction of CWB. The next section presents a brief review of these constructs, and explains
how employees’ propensities to set high personal standards for their performance, and to deal
with an inability to meet those standards, may influence their reaction to fairness perceptions
(Oxford Online Dictionary, 2013). Research suggests that perfectionism is best construed as two
chiefly independent dimensions differentiating between positive and negative aspects of the
construct (Slaney et al., 2001; Stumpf and Parker, 2000). These are commonly referred to as
adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism (e.g., Chang, Watkins, and Banks, 2004; Dunn, Whelton,
and Sharpe, 2006). Both adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists set high personal standards for
their work or behaviour, but respond differently when faced with a failure to achieve those
standards. Adaptive perfectionists experience low levels of distress resulting from the
discrepancy between their personal standards and their performance, while maladaptive
perfectionists experience high levels of distress. Adaptive perfectionism has been identified as a
Neuroticism (Hill, McIntire, and Bacharach, 1997; Rice, Ashby, and Slaney, 2007; Roberts et al.,
either to restore equity or to express behavioural strain. CWB is inconsistent with the
performance standards to which those high in adaptive perfectionism aspire, and may therefore
induce psychologically uncomfortable cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1957). From an empirical
standpoint, individuals high in adaptive perfectionism appear less emotionally reactive when
faced with unfavourable outcomes. Adaptive perfectionism has been associated with a more
constructive approach to dealing with potential stressors, with adaptive perfectionists reporting
more persistence in the face of adversity and a stronger belief in their ability to deal with other
people effectively (LoCicero and Ashby, 2000). Individuals high in adaptive perfectionism have
also been found more likely to perceive potential stressors as challenges, rather than threats or
losses, and to prefer active coping strategies such as planning and seeking social support (Rice
and Lapsley, 2001; Stoeber and Rennert, 2008). The achievement striving and resistance to
adversity inherent to adaptive perfectionism may enable employees high in this construct to better
supported by research by Diefendorff and Mehta (2007), who found that personal mastery – a
motivational trait reflecting the desire to achieve, learn, and perform at a high level - was
negatively related to CWB. When faced with unfair access to WLB initiatives, or insufficient
information about them, individuals high in adaptive perfectionism may therefore refrain from
performing CWB.
perceptions of WLB initiatives and CWB, such that this relationship is weaker when
be more negatively affected by life stressors (Mitchelson and Burns, 1998; Wei et al., 2006). In a
study of school teachers, Stoeber and Rennert (2008) found that individuals high in maladaptive
perfectionism were more likely to perceive potential stressors as threats or losses, rather than
challenges to be met, and reported greater use of avoidant coping measures such as
disengagement and alcohol or drug use. Research by Ali Besharat and Shahidi (2010) has linked
maladaptive perfectionism to anger and anger rumination, which are in turn associated with
dysfunctional coping strategies and increased aggression (Bushman, 2002). In a similar vein,
research conducted among university professors found that maladaptive perfectionism was
strongly related to hostility and interpersonal sensitivity (Dunn et al., 2006). Maladaptive
perfectionists may thus be predisposed to anger; they also demonstrate a tendency to perceive
that others are unwilling or unavailable to help them in times of stress (Dunkley, Zuroff, and
Blankstein, 2000). This tendency to perceive and amplify greater pressures in their lives, and to
favour unconstructive coping strategies, may lead them to engage in more CWB as a response to
perceptions of WLB initiatives and CWB, such that this relationship is stronger when
In order to test the ability of fairness perceptions of WLB initiatives and perfectionism to
explain variance in CWB beyond that accounted for by known predictors of CWB, tenure and
perceived organizational support (POS) are also assessed in this study. Tenure and POS have been
established as key predictors of CWB (see meta-analyses by Lau, Au, and Ho, 2003, and Rhoades
and Eisenberger, 2002). In addition, it is possible that low fairness perceptions of WLB initiatives
operate as a proxy for low work-life balance, and that WLB itself predicts CWB. For this reason,
To test the hypotheses and to explore the mechanisms linking fairness perceptions and
CWB, a mixed-methods approach was employed, combining both quantitative and qualitative
methodologies. The study was conceptualized from a pragmatic theoretical paradigm (Teddlie
and Tashakkori, 2009); the primary methodology was quantitative, with a lesser emphasis being
placed on the qualitative component. The qualitative portion was designed to elicit more
unfairness trigger negative emotions (job stress model) and/or a desire to restore equity in the
Quantitative study
Sample. Participants worked for a local government in the United Kingdom, whose
services included tourism, health promotion, housing, economic development, and waste
collection. Seasonal, temporary, and casual workers were excluded on the basis that their
experience of the organization was insufficient to allow them to answer questions about WLB
initiatives (e.g., teenaged lifeguards working at community swimming pools during the summer).
A response rate of 29% was obtained, with an effective sample size of 224. Respondents hailed
from all areas and levels of the organization; job titles included highway inspector, environmental
health officer, graphic designer, and driver. Average tenure was 7.76 years, and participants
The majority of respondents were women (62.3%). Ages ranged from 17 to 68, with the
mean just over 41 years. Sixty-nine men (82.1%) and 108 women (77.7%) lived with a spouse or
partner; of these, 58.3% of men and 71.2% of women were members of dual-earner households.
Sixty-one men (72.6%) and 79 women (56.8%) had children; the average age of the youngest
child was 15.5 for men, and 13.6 for women. Thirteen men (15.5%) and 20 women (14.4%)
The organization offered the following WLB initiatives: flexible working hours, working
from home, job sharing, voluntary reduced hours, maternity returnees policy, and compassionate
leave. At the time of data collection, nearly 53% of respondents were using at least one of these,
Measures. For all measures, participants were asked to indicate the extent to which they
agreed or disagreed with each item on a seven-point scale ranging from “strongly disagree” = 1 to
“strongly agree” = 7.
CWB was measured using Bennett and Robinson’s (2000) self-report measure, which
individuals in the workplace (e.g., “Acted rudely toward someone at work”) and at the
Cronbach’s alpha in the present study was α = .75 for CWB-I, and α = .81 for CWB-O.
organizational justice, adapted for this study to reflect perceived fairness of WLB initiatives
rather than general organizational outcomes. The procedural justice subscale comprised seven
items evaluating the presence of voice, consistency, accuracy, appeal processes, bias, and ethical
treatment in the organization’s procedures for allocating WLB initiatives. Distributive justice was
gauged using four items assessing the degree to which respondents felt that their access to WLB
initiatives reflected their need for and desire to use them (e.g., “My access to work-life balance
initiatives is justified, given my personal or family circumstances”). Deutsch (1975) explains that
need, rather than equity, may be an important determinant of distributive justice perceptions,
especially if personal welfare is at stake. Informational justice was composed of five items
evaluating the extent to which respondents felt they had been provided with thorough and timely
information regarding the WLB initiatives available (e.g., “My organization has explained its
work-life balance initiatives thoroughly”). Interpersonal justice was measured by four items
assessing the extent to which employees received respectful and courteous treatment from
supervisors with regard to WLB initiatives (e.g., “My supervisor has treated me with respect”).
Reliability alphas in the present study were .89 for procedural justice, .91 for distributive justice, .
Adaptive perfectionism was measured with the AP/high standards subscale of Slaney et
al.’s (2001) Revised Almost Perfect Scale. Seven items assessed the extent to which respondents
set high personal standards for their performance (e.g., “I expect the best from myself”). One
item was dropped after factor analysis (“If you don’t expect much out of yourself, you will never
succeed”), as its factor loading was less than .40. The reliability alpha for this scale was .89 in the
present study.
al.’s (2001) Revised Almost Perfect Scale. Seven items assessed the extent to which respondents
experienced distress resulting from the discrepancy between their personal standards and their
performance (e.g., “I hardly ever feel that what I’ve done is good enough”). In the present study,
Control variables: tenure was measured in years. POS was measured with Eisenberger et
al.’s (1997) eight-item scale, which had a reliability alpha of .89 in the present study. WIH was
measured using the six time-based and strain-based items from Carlson, Kacmar, and Williams’s
and without family responsibilities. The reliability alpha for this scale was .92 in the present
Measurement models. In order to examine the distinctiveness of the measures used in this
study, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using Amos software and maximum-
likelihood estimation. Goodness of fit was interpreted using the comparative fit index (CFI) and
root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and commonly accepted cutoff values (CFI
> 0.90 and RMSEA < 0.08) were taken as indicative of poor fit (e.g., McDonald and Ho, 2002).
The hypothesized ten-factor model (in which all measures loaded on distinct factors) was
compared with a one-factor model, in which all items in each of the measures loaded on a
common factor. The hypothesized model produced better fit (χ2 = 2604.48, df = 1607; CFI = 0.90,
RMSEA= 0.05) than the one-factor model (χ2 = 8308.91, df = 1652; CFI = 0.25, RMSEA= 0.13),
Discriminant validity was assessed for the distinction among procedural, distributive,
seven-factor model in which all justice items loaded onto a single factor. The fit of the single
fairness perceptions model (χ2 = 4792.9, df = 1689; CFI = 0.66, RMSEA= 0.09) was poorer than
that of the measurement model. The same held true for two other comparison models, one in
which all CWB items loaded onto one factor (χ2 = 2890.12, df = 1674; CFI = 0.87, RMSEA=
0.56), and one in which all perfectionism items comprised a single factor (χ2 = 3837.66, df =
To explore the prevalence of common method variance in the data, the common latent
factor test (Podsakoff et al., 2003) was conducted. This adds a latent common methods factor to
the hypothesized ten-factor measurement model, enabling the potential increase in model fit
obtainable by accounting for the common methods factor to be identified, as well as the variance
extracted by this common factor. The fit of this model was similar to that of the hypothesized ten-
factor model (χ2 = 2529.85, df = 1558; CFI = 0.89, RMSEA = 0.05), but the average variance
extracted by the common methods factor was only 0.09, which falls substantially below the 0.50
cutoff suggested by Hair et al. (1998) as indicating the presence of a latent factor representing the
manifest indicators. Accordingly, although the possibility of common method variance in the data
cannot be eliminated, it does not appear that common method bias was a serious issue hindering
Analysis. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses. Predictor
variables were centred before forming interaction terms, to reduce the multicollinearity often
associated with regression equations containing interaction terms (Aiken and West, 1991).
Changes in R2 were used to evaluate the ability of the interaction terms to explain variance
beyond that accounted for by the main effects in the equation. Significant interactions were
plotted using the simple effects equation (Cohen et al., 2003), using values for the moderators at
Qualitative study
At the end of the survey, respondents were invited to contact the researcher if they were
Thirty-five participants registered their interest initially, but only twenty-six interviews were
conducted due to difficulties in scheduling and attrition. Semi-structured interviews took place
two months after the survey data collection, and lasted approximately 30 minutes. Eighteen
(69%) of the participants were female, 22 (85%) reported living with a spouse or partner, all of
whom were also employed, and 20 (77%) had dependent children, of which the average age of
the youngest was 8 years. All participants worked in office-based positions, and their average age
The primary purpose of the interviews was to collect more detailed information on
employees’ experiences of the WLB initiatives for the organization’s use in amending its policy
and procedures. Participants were asked to describe the initiatives offered, their personal
experience (if any) of requesting and/or using these initiatives, and their experience (if any) of
working with others who used these initiatives. Probes were used to clarify or to elicit further
information (e.g., “What was that experience like for you?”; “What did you do then?”).
A thematic analysis approach was employed to interpret the interview data, as it allows for
both a realist and a constructivist approach to the variables being explored (Braun and Clarke,
2006). Fairness, emotions, and CWB can be conceptualized as rooted in both a measurable reality
and a socially constructed experience, in which they have personal and social meaning to the
study participants. Thematic analysis consists of a search for themes that are identified as being
important to describing the topic of interest; through reading and re-reading of the data,
researchers engage in a form of pattern recognition in which recurrent themes are identified and
become categories for analysis (Fereday and Muir-Cochrane, 2006). After the interview data
were transcribed, the researcher read through the first transcript and generated initial codes based
on snippets of text that represented a particular construct or idea (e.g., frustration with
supervisor). The second transcript was then read with an eye to recognizing text that fit the same
codes generated from Transcript 1. New codes were also generated from Transcript 2. The third
transcript was then read and coded, using the codes generated from the first two transcripts as
well as new ones based on constructs or ideas not yet encountered in the previous transcripts.
Using NVIVO software, codes were then analysed and sorted into themes, with
(Attride-Stirling, 2001). The primary set of coding categories was based on constructs central to
the social exchange and job stress models, in the context of unfairness (types of injustice;
negative emotions; behavioural responses). Similar statements among the interviews were
identified and used as the basis for a secondary set of coding categories, which were nested
within the first set (e.g., anger vs. disappointment; interpersonal vs. organizational CWB).
Themes were then reviewed for internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity (Patton, 1990),
in an effort to ensure that data within themes fit together in a meaningful way, and that there were
clear and identifiable distinctions between themes. A summary of these themes is presented in
Table 5.
Means, standard deviations, and correlations for each of the study variables are shown in
Table 1, with the results of the hierarchical regression analyses presented in Table 2. Hypothesis
1 was only partially supported: informational justice was a significant, negative predictor of
CWB-I (β = -.39, p < .01). None of the other justice variables had significant relationships with
demonstrates, several were found. Adaptive perfectionism had a significant, negative relationship
with CWB-O, and maladaptive perfectionism had a significant, positive relationship with CWB-I.
Partial support was found for Hypothesis 2: adaptive perfectionism moderated the link
between informational justice and CWB-I, such that low levels of fairness perceptions were less
likely to be associated with high levels of CWB when levels of adaptive perfectionism were high.
This relationship is depicted in Figure 1. Hypothesis 3 also received partial support. Maladaptive
perfectionism moderated the relationship between informational justice and CWB-I, such that
low levels of fairness perceptions were more likely to be associated with high levels of CWB
when levels of maladaptive perfectionism were high (depicted in Figure 2). Simple slopes were
calculated using the web utility described by Preacher, Curran and Bauer (2006) and are shown in
Tables 3 and 4. To ensure that moderation was not taking place only for a small subset of
employees who were both high in maladaptive perfectionism and low in adaptive perfectionism,
and informational justice was also tested; no significant result was obtained.
Support for both theoretical perspectives – the job stress framework, and social exchange -
was derived from the qualitative analyses, which yielded evidence of employees using CWB to
express negative emotions arising from perceived unfair treatment, as well as to restore equity or
referenced instances of informational injustice (not being informed about full range of initiatives;
not having procedures for allocating initiative use and subsequent decisions explained), while
four cited experience of procedural injustice (management prioritizing employees with young
children when approving requests to use initiatives). Only one participant reported experiencing
interpersonal injustice (manager brusque and dismissive during conversation about potential
initiative use by employee). While half the participants were not granted the WLB initiative they
had requested, only one reported this in a way that suggested that distributive injustice was
perceived. The other participants appeared more concerned with the way in which the decision
Behavioural strains. Sixteen interview participants mentioned negative emotions
resulting from perceptions of unfair treatment from the organization with regard to WLB
initiatives. These emotions were largely mild in nature, with thirteen participants citing
annoyance, disappointment, and frustration. One participant described herself as furious, one
described himself as upset, and another described herself as feeling betrayed. The unfair
procedural nature. According to the job stress framework, expression of negative emotional
arousal can take the form of behavioural strains, such as CWB. Not all the interview participants
who reported negative emotions went on to report how, or if, they expressed these emotions.
When probed (“What did you do then?”), one participant (female, accountant, 40) laughed and
said, “I seethed quietly.” Another participant (male, graphic designer, 34) repeated that “it was
very disappointing”, but did not elucidate as to whether this affected his subsequent actions.
result of perceived unfair treatment and the negative emotions this generated. Five of these
managers who had not made employees’ options regarding the initiatives clear. For instance, a
library technician (female, 38) spoke of feeling betrayed by her line manager, who had permitted
two colleagues to work from home on certain days of the week and then told her “the quota is
“If I had known it was first come, first served and there was a quota, I would have rushed
in there the day we got the leaflet [describing the WLB initiatives, included with the
employees’ pay slips]. But [the line manager] didn’t say anything. And she knows I’ve got
the school run and it’s a long commute here. … I do think it’s soured our relationship. I
don’t put in the effort to be pleasant anymore. I used to pop in, we’d have a chat, have a
laugh. Now I can’t be bothered. She can’t be bothered, so why should I?”
response to perceived unfair treatment from a supervisor. One, a parks and countryside service
officer (male, 33), spoke of being treated discourteously when discussing with his line manager
the possibility of taking voluntary reduced hours. In the parks officer’s view, the line manager
cast aspersions on the officer’s ability to withstand the rigours of a full-time job. The parks
officer then stated that he had “got [the line manager] back” by spreading false rumours
concerning his sexual orientation and proclivity for illegal sexual activities conducted in the local
colleague in another department had entered a job sharing arrangement, and approaching her
manager to discuss a similar arrangement for herself. She spoke of being “fobbed off” and
attributed this to her manager’s lack of knowledge regarding the organization’s policies:
“He means well, but he’s not exactly on the ball all of the time, d’you know what I mean?
He didn’t have the faintest [idea].” She went on to describe creating her own schedule
flexibility by extending her break times or leaving early without permission. “It was
basically a case of, ‘If you aren’t going to help me out, then I’ll help myself.’”
This would appear to be a case of CWB-O motivated by the desire to restore equity in the
There were some accounts of behaviours that could be classified both as efforts to restore
equity, as per social exchange theory, and as behavioural strains, as per the job stress framework.
For example, a payroll clerk (female, 38), whose request for flexible work hours was denied by
her supervisor without explanation, reported deliberately working more slowly than necessary.
After describing herself as annoyed by her supervisor’s behaviour, she went on to say that she no
“I do the work, but I take my time about it. I guess I feel like he’s not putting himself out
there for me, so…two can play that game. That sounds really childish, doesn’t it? [laughs]
I’m still getting the job done, let me be clear. But there’s no point in throwing myself into
it if at the end of the day, no one’s going to take a blind bit of notice, is there?”
This response functions both as an expression of the participant’s annoyance with the
informational injustice demonstrated by her supervisor, and as an attempt to restore equity in the
social exchange relationship, where the supervisor’s inputs have been perceived as reduced.
The quantitative and qualitative findings of this study highlight the pre-eminence of
informational justice in predicting CWB (Aquino, Galperin, and Bennett, 2004; Skarlicki,
Barclay, and Pugh, 2008). Informational justice was the only type of fairness perception to
predict CWB, echoing the finding of previous studies that interactional justice was a stronger
predictor of CWB than either distributive or procedural justice (e.g., Aquino, Lewis, and
Bradfield, 1999; Henle, 2005). When deciding whether or not to perform CWB, fair treatment
than the fairness of service allocation or the procedures used to determine that allocation, and this
holds true in the context of WLB initiative provision. Being unable to use a desired service is
undoubtedly frustrating, but a thorough explanation of what services are available, how decisions
regarding use are made, and/or why permission to use a particular service was denied can
partially compensate for unfavourable treatment and forestall negative reactions (e.g., Greenberg,
1993; Skarlicki and Folger, 1997). Not receiving full or honest explanations regarding the
availability of and decisions made about WLB initiatives triggers, according to the job stress
framework, negative emotions that are expressed as CWB. Social exchange theory would posit
that employees receiving this unfavourable treatment respond either with retaliation or attempts
to restore equity. This has important repercussions for organizations providing WLB initiatives;
while they are designed to facilitate employees’ work-life balance, and improve recruitment,
retention, and job-related attitudes, such benefits may be neutralized by a corresponding increase
Although no main effects of perfectionism on CWB were hypothesized, it was found that
perfectionism was linked to greater CWB-I. High performance standards set by adaptive
constructive manner (LoCicero and Ashby, 2000), may be incompatible with the dysfunctional
behaviours that exemplify CWB-O: tardiness, theft, low work effort, and so on. Maladaptive
perfectionists, meanwhile, are disposed to criticize and put pressure upon both themselves and
others (Hewitt and Flett, 2002). This, combined with the perception that other people are
unwilling to provide assistance to them in times of stress (Dunkley et al., 2000), and the tendency
toward both hostility and interpersonal sensitivity (Dunn et al., 2006), places maladaptive
behaviour in the workplace - may come more easily to them. The correlations between
perfectionism and justice obtained in the present study (see Table 1) also suggest that those high
in adaptive perfectionism are more likely to perceive higher levels of fairness, whereas
individuals high in maladaptive perfectionism are more likely to perceive lower levels of fairness;
this is consistent with established links between maladaptive perfectionism and neuroticism, and
with a tendency to perceive potential stressors as threats rather than challenges (Mitchelson and
Burns, 1998; Stoeber and Rennert, 2008; Wei et al., 2006). The perfectionism research reviewed
earlier in this paper suggests that maladaptive perfectionism may have a stronger interpersonal
component than adaptive perfectionism, which helps to explain why there was no main effect of
perfectionism and CWB-I, but significant beta-values emerged after controlling for the variables
included in the first step of the regression equation. It is therefore possible that maladaptive
perfectionism is only associated with CWB when accounting for environmental triggers such as
injustice. Faced with poor information provision concerning WLB initiatives, employees appear
more likely to respond with outbursts of rude or aggressive behaviour toward other organizational
members when the employees themselves score highly on maladaptive perfectionism. These
employees may be more sensitive to situational perceptions, and respond to those perceptions
more vigorously than individuals who experience less distress over failed attempts to attain high
personal standards for performance. Viewed through the job stress framework, maladaptive
likely to engage in CWB under stressful conditions. Because they are both more interpersonally
sensitive and more hostile (Dunn et al., 2006), individuals high in maladaptive perfectionism may
interpret actions made on behalf of the organization in a more negative light, perhaps attributing
to them deliberately harmful purposes. These interpretations then result in greater negative
Individuals high in adaptive perfectionism appear less likely to jeopardize their high
treatment from their employer with CWB-I. As Bieling et al. (2004) suggest, adaptive
perfectionism seems to lead to fewer self-defeating behaviours. In this study, employees high in
adaptive perfectionism appear able to respond to perceived unfairness with greater restraint than
According to Spector and Fox (2002), successful organizations require employees who
perceptions of unfairness often result in CWB, the present study demonstrates that individuals
may react to unfairness in dissimilar ways, depending on their dispositional characteristics. The
study’s results support the position of Colbert et al. (2004), who suggest that the norm of
Practical implications
Understanding predictors of CWB is important for organizations, because CWB has such
negative consequences (see Robinson, 2008). An important lesson to be learned from this study is
that full disclosure of information regarding the availability of and decision-making about WLB
initiatives for employees is essential to avoid increased CWB. Informational justice is a more
attainable goal for organizations than distributive justice; it may be difficult to ensure that all
employees perceive the allocation of WLB initiatives as fair, but it is much less difficult to
explain the availability and distribution of initiatives in a forthright and comprehensive manner.
To this end, a clear policy regarding the availability and allocation of WLB initiatives is
necessary: what initiatives are offered, how do they operate, how will they help employees and
the organization, and which employees will be able to use them? Policies will of course vary by
organization; not only will available initiatives be different, but eligibility to use them will differ
according to job role, organizational culture, available technology, etc. Some organizations may
allocate initiatives on the basis of equality (first-come, first-served); others according to equity
(top performers will be more readily accommodated), or to need (caregivers will receive priority).
In all cases, training for line managers in how to apply the organization’s policy consistently and
Further efforts to reduce CWB may be helped by providing alternative routes by which
employees can express their discontent; for instance, strengthening grievance procedures or
introducing other mechanisms for employee voice. Employees who are able to “speak up”
regarding unfavourable treatment, or who can take a complaint to a higher-level manager, may be
less likely to respond with CWB. This may, however, only be effective in organizations whose
culture does not victimize those who make complaints about their line managers, or where there
is an existing policy regarding WLB initiatives that managers have failed to observe. In any case,
structural changes must take precedence over individual-level solutions; making it incumbent
absolves the organization of responsibility for preventing injustice in the first place, which
CWB. Personality testing can identify individuals high in maladaptive perfectionism, who can be
offered training interventions to help reduce the ruminative thinking on discrepancies between
personal standards and performance common to maladaptive perfectionists. For example, there is
consistent evidence from experimental studies that creating an interruption can divert ruminative
thinking and improve the quality of thinking and problem-solving (see review by Nolen-
Hoeksema, Wisco, and Lyubomirsky, 2008). Employees can be taught to engage in short periods
when they find themselves occupied in ruminative thinking about discrepancies (Melrose, 2011).
Once their moods are improved by these distractions, they may be able to engage in problem
solving or cognitive reappraisal to address the sense of discrepancy they are experiencing.
Mindfulness training (Teasdale et al., 2000) can also be employed to help affected employees
gain attentional control and allow negative thoughts about discrepancies to enter and leave their
consciousness without escalating into maladaptive rumination. Finally, cognitive therapy can help
replaying or accepting them, and to actively replace negative patterns of thinking with more
There are several limitations to the present study. The cross-sectional design of the
quantitative study does not permit firm conclusions regarding causality. Research employing a
longitudinal design would better assess issues of directionality: do perceptions of unfairness lead
to CWB, or does performance of CWB produce, over time, assessments of the workplace
While evidence exists to support the accuracy of self-report measures of CWB, and their
convergence with others’ ratings (e.g., Berry et al., 2007, reported a .89 correlation between self-
and non-self-reported CWB; see also Fox et al., 2007; Mount et al., 2006), it is possible that
CWB was under-reported in the present study due to social desirability bias. Although the use of
supervisor or peer-reports can offset this potential issue, other-reports of CWB generate their own
problems (e.g., Penney and Spector, 2005). Peers’ and supervisors’ assessments are based on
limited information, as they are able to observe only a subset of employees’ behaviour, and social
desirability is likely to constrain the degree to which employees perform CWB in front of others.
In addition, supervisor ratings are frequently influenced by halo effect (Mount et al., 2006;
Limitations of the qualitative data include the sample size, which was only 12% of the
quantitative survey sample. Interview participants were self-selected rather than randomly or
As the design of the present study treated perfectionism as a moderator, adaptive and
maladaptive perfectionism were assessed as continuous variables, using the AP/high standards
maladaptive perfectionism (e.g., Ashby, Rice, and Martin, 2006; Gnilka, Ashby, and Noble, 2013;
Rice, Ashby, and Slaney, 1998). Given that maladaptive perfectionists also fixate on high
standards, which were found in the present study to have positive effects on the link between
informational justice and CWB, further exploration of the depth of the relationship between
maladaptive perfectionism, CWB and informational justice may be warranted. Future research
may wish to employ cluster analysis, categorizing participants as adaptive perfectionists (high
standards, low discrepancy), maladaptive perfectionists (high standards, high discrepancy), and
nonperfectionists (low standards, low discrepancy) according to the technique of Rice and Ashby
(2007) and Wang, Slaney, and Rice (2007). This approach could also be employed in conjunction
with structured interviews; comparing findings from different categories of perfectionist may
yield informative results concerning perceptions of injustice and motivations to engage in CWB.
Future research may also wish to investigate the moderating role of an organization’s
WLB culture in the fairness-CWB relationship. A supportive WLB culture has been linked to
lower levels of employee stress (Beauregard, 2011), and research has shown that informal WLB
support is a stronger predictor of job satisfaction, stress, and turnover intentions than formal
supports such as organizational WLB initiatives (Behson, 2005). To what extent will informal
support counteract the effects of fairness perceptions? For instance, if employees enjoy
considerable job autonomy (an informal support) and are able to create their own flexibility, will
a lack of adequate information provision about WLB initiatives be as salient as it would for
individuals with little autonomy? Knowing where to focus their efforts may assist managers in
injustice more impactful when it concerns benefits an organization is legislated to provide, versus
benefits an organization is only legislated to consider providing (as with flexible working
practices in the UK)? Again, future research in this area may help organizations determine where
they may best focus their efforts to ensure lower levels of CWB.
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Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Interpersonal 2.03 0.81 -
2. Organizational 1.73 0.62 .32*** -
3. Distributive 4.31 1.16 -.06 -.04 -
4. Procedural 4.09 1.08 -.19* -.17 .46*** -
5. Informational 3.73 1.26 -.37** -.22* .48*** .59*** -
justice *
6. Interpersonal 5.56 1.34 -.04 -.08 .17 .16 .20* -
7. Adaptive 5.74 0.81 -.03 -.21** .07 .19* .21* .05 -
perfectionism *
8. Maladaptive 3.46 1.32 .05 .05 .00 -.22* -.01 -.04 .10 -
9. Tenure 7.96 7.49 .04 -.02 .12 -.11 -.11 -.06 -.02 .10 -
10. POS 3.89 1.26 -.08 -.06 .36*** .59*** .53*** .30*** .07 -.16* -.04 -
11. Work 4.01 1.62 .16* .06 .10 -.31*** -.18 -.26*** .14* .30*** .09 -.47**
interference with *
12. Presence of n/a n/a .08 .02 -.07 -.05 -.16 -.03 -.01 -.07 -.03 -.05 .13*
young children
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Tenure .03 .02 .03 -.02 -.09 -.09 -.08 -.08
POS -.12 -.02 .03 .01 -.06 .11 .16 .12
Presence of dependent children .06 .04 .08 -.09 -.02 -.02 .00 .04
Work interference with home .23* .22* .18 .18† .16 .08 .08 .08
AP x DJ .11 .09
AP x PJ -.01 .04
AP x InfJ .44*** .20
AP x IntJ -.03 -.16
MP x DJ .08 .07
MP x PJ -.17 -.01
MP x InfJ -.33* .20
MP x IntJ .05 .04
Note. N = 224. † p < .10. * p < .05. ** p < .01. *** p < .001.
Test of Simple Slopes of Regression for Interaction between Adaptive Perfectionism and
Informational Justice in Predicting Interpersonal CWB
Note. N = 224.
*** p < .001.
Test of Simple Slopes of Regression for Interaction between Maladaptive Perfectionism and
Informational Justice in Predicting Interpersonal CWB
Note. N = 224.
*** p < .001.