Ion Exchange Treatment of Drinking Water: WWW - Des.nh - Gov/organization/commissioner/pip/factsheets/dwgb/index - HTM
Ion Exchange Treatment of Drinking Water: WWW - Des.nh - Gov/organization/commissioner/pip/factsheets/dwgb/index - HTM
Ion Exchange Treatment of Drinking Water: WWW - Des.nh - Gov/organization/commissioner/pip/factsheets/dwgb/index - HTM
As the softener removes hardness minerals from the water, sodium or potassium will be given back
proportionally. Shown below is the concentration of either sodium or potassium that would be added to
the existing raw water concentration if 10 mg/L of hardness is removed.
Water treatment professionals use different terminology to categorize hardness in drinking water, as
shown below. DES uses the terminology used by sanitary engineers.
To convert a hardness concentration from one set of units to the other, use one of the following formulas:
• the concentration in milligrams per liter x 1/17.2 = the concentration in grains per gallon.
• the concentration in grains per gallon x 17.2 = the concentration in milligrams per liter.
One milligram per liter (mg/L) equals 1 part per million (ppm) and 1 mg/L also equals 1,000 parts per
billion (ppb), which can also be expressed as 1,000 micrograms per liter (ug/L).
Eventually the removal capacity of the IE resin becomes exhausted and the resin will need to be
regenerated. The regeneration process typically begins by a rapid backwashing of the resin to remove
fine particles that have been strained out of the water during the production (i.e. service) portion of the
treatment cycle. This rapid backwash provides a physical cleaning of the outside of the media, but does
not regenerate the resin's IE contaminant removal capability.
As the process continues the backwash flow rate is significantly reduced and brine (salt dissolved in
water) is added to the backwash flow. The sodium or potassium from the brine permeates the resin pores
and displaces the previously removed contaminants. After approximately 20 minutes, the remaining brine
along with the concentrated, displaced contaminant ions are flushed out of the resin tank and disposed of
into an approved dry well, septic tank, or sewer.
The control valve(s) then returns to the taller tank(s) to the service production run. In a single tall tank
system the system backwashes late in the evening since raw water would enter the plumbing if there was
customer demand. In a more modern “green” softener there are two treatment tanks so that one can be
treating while the other is backwashed.
Four methods can be used to reduce the amount of salt brine used when regenerating IE resin.
In either case, these modern methods of regeneration will be triggered based on actual exhaustion of the
resin, rather than just triggered by the passage of time. This newer method is called “demand
regeneration.” In the historical case, a time clock backwashes a softener whether it needs regeneration or
not, such as during a vacation period. This excessive backwashing needlessly increases salt use and the
generation of waste brine.
When using demand regeneration, the IE device can begin regeneration at any time of the day even when
water is being actively used in the home. When this happens, the IE device goes into a bypass mode, and
untreated water must be used within the home. This untreated condition, although a disadvantage of the
demand mode, is of short duration. In response to the bypass of treatment, some manufactures are now
producing softeners with dual media tanks. While one tank is being regenerated the other is available to
produce treated water.
The following summarizes the choice relative to the strength of brine versus the size of the treatment
a. The weak brine regeneration alternative – recommended by DES. This method uses
approximately 6-7 pounds of salt to regenerate each cubic foot of IE resin media.
Advantage: Provides a higher efficiency of contaminant removal per pound of salt,
approximately 7 percent efficiency compared to the 2 percent achieved with the strong brine
Disadvantage: Results in lower percent regeneration of the resin, and thus generally requires
some enlarging of the size of the softener if the regeneration cycle durations are going to be
b. The strong brine regeneration alternative - not recommended by DES. This method uses
approximately 12 pounds of salt to regenerate each cubic foot of softener resin media.
Advantage: Results in higher percentage of regeneration of resin media, and thus allow use of a
minimum sized softener.
Sodium is not regulated as a drinking water health contaminant, and thus its presence is only of strict
importance to those on a doctor-mandated no-salt diet.
If a source of untreated water with low sodium is desired in the home, untreated water can be provided to
an additional faucet located at the kitchen sink. Sodium can also be avoided by use of potassium chloride
to regenerate the unit or installation of a point-of-use RO.
1. Affinity Sequence for Cation and Anion Resins.
IE media have an affinity for certain contaminants over others. The strength of this selective affinity is
governed by two factors.
a. The principal factor affecting the strength of the affinity is the valence of the contaminant.
Thus, aluminum with a plus three valence will be more strongly held on the cation resin than
calcium with a plus two valance. The higher the valence of the contaminant ion, the stronger the
affinity of the media for that contaminant.
b. The second and less strong affinity factor is approximated by the weight/size of the
contaminant ion. The higher the weight of the ion, the higher the affinity of the resin for that
4. Dumping
Dumping is a serious limitation of an IE process. Dumping is related to the affinity sequence and to the
relative concentration of the contaminant in the raw water. To illustrate the importance of dumping,
suppose there are two contaminants that are both initially exchanged in the treatment process. As
treatment continues, the more highly favored contaminant will be better attracted to the exchange sites of
the resin than the less preferred ions presently there.
As the service cycle continues, this highest preference contaminant would push off other low affinity
contaminants. As a result, the lower preference contaminant will be dumped and would increase its
concentration in the finished water above the value in the raw water concentration. This concentration of
the less preferred contaminant could exceed a water quality standard near the end of each service run.
Understanding the dumping phenomenon is critical when operating an IE system, and choosing which
contaminants will govern the setting for the initiation of the regeneration step of the treatment process.
2. Solids Pretreatment. Solids will clog an IE treatment media preventing efficient exchange of ions.
Prefiltration may be needed to remove solids.
3. Media Age. Every time the IE media is regenerated the resin is subject to great chemical stress caused
by the high concentration of brine. This constant compression and expansion weakens the IE resin with
time. After many years, the resin may need to be replaced. The resin's remaining capability can be
evaluated by having a water treatment professional determine the whole bead count and the percent of
moisture of the IE media.
4. Anion Exchange Resin. Earlier in this document, we illustrated the process for cation exchange. Many
other contaminants occur as anion, such as nitrates (NO3), sulfates (SO4), and arsenic compounds. To
remove multivalent anions, an anion rather than cation resin is used. Like the cation resin, the anion resin
is regenerated by salt, although the actual regeneration is by the chloride ion rather than the sodium ion.
5. Deionization. In its more general form, IE for both + and - can also be called deionization. This
treatment is a form of IE which typically targets sodium and chloride and other single valence ions from
water. In these cases, acids (H+) and bases (OH-) are typically used as the regeneration chemicals. Any
excess H+ and OH- converts to water. Deionization is used for medical and industrial situations requiring
very pure water. Deionization is not necessarily for drinking water treatment, and would produce very flat
tasting water. Strong acids and bases are dangerous chemicals to use in a residential home.
6. Loss of Media. If the rate of backwash of the device is too high, media may be washed out of the tank.
This loss of media will reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Temperature changes also affect the rate
of backwash that can be used. In some fiberglass tanks, the media depth can be identified by shining a
strong light through the tank in an otherwise darkened room, and noting the shadow that represents the
depth of the remaining IE media.
We suggest that you discuss this brine strength issue and long term salt savings with your equipment
supplier. In general, DES does not recommend the use of softeners to treat only iron and manganese in
non-sewered areas due to brine disposal concerns. Where hardness is above approximately 125-150 mg/L,
or where there are multiple contaminants treatable by softening, an IE processes is supported. For detailed
information concerning iron and manganese treatment, see DES fact sheet WD-DWGB-3-7.
Note: This fact sheet is accurate as of September 2009. Statutory or regulatory changes or the availability of
additional information after this date may render this information inaccurate or incomplete.