Prestige Institute of Engineering & Science Indore (M.P.)
Prestige Institute of Engineering & Science Indore (M.P.)
Prestige Institute of Engineering & Science Indore (M.P.)
Draw the Nyquist Plot of a system using MATLAB.
Nyquist Criterion: - Nyquist criterion is used to identify the presence of roots of
characteristic equation of a control system in a specified region of s plane. From the
stability view point the specified region being the entire right hand side beyond the
imaginary axis of complex s-plane.
Procedure for mapping from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane:-
The first step to understand the application of Nyquist criterion in relation to
determination of stability of control systems is mapping from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane.
“s” is considered as independent complex variable and the corresponding value of
G(s)H(s) being the dependent variable plotted in another complex plane called
Thus for every point in s-plane there exists a corresponding point in G(s)H(s)-
plane. During the process of mapping the independent variable “s” is varied along a
specified path in “s” plane and the corresponding points in G(s)H(s)-plane are joined.
This compltes the process of making from s-plane to G(s)H(s)-plane.
Application of Nyquist Criterion to determine the stability of closed Loop systems:-
The overall transfer function of a closed loop system is given by,
C (s) G ( s)
R ( s) 1 G ( s) H ( s)
G ( s ) H ( s ) is the open loop transfer function and C is the characteristic equation. For a
system to be stable the zeros of the characteristic equation should not have positive real
part. In order to investigate the presence of any zero of 1 G ( s) H ( s) 0 in the right
half of the s-plane, let us chose a contour which completely encloses this right half of
the s-plane.
The closed path is ab bc cd da starting at a ( s j 0)
through b( s j) , along a semicircular arc bc of infinite radius, c ( s j) ,
d ( s j 0) and finally from d to a semicircular arc of radius r in anticlockwise direction
in such a manner that r 0 .
On traversing the closed path for independent variable s in s-plane
as above, the corresponding point to point values of G ( s ) H ( s ) are plotted in
G ( s ) H ( s ) plane and change in argument of G ( s ) H ( s ) is noted.
Where P is the number of poles of G ( s ) H ( s ) having positive real part and is a known
Note that the change in argument of G ( s ) H ( s ) is measured w.r.t. origin (0, 0) in
G ( s ) H ( s ) plane. This procedure calculates the number of zeros of G ( s ) H ( s ) 0 and
not the zeros of 1 G ( s) H ( s) 0 .
However, from the plot of G ( s ) H ( s ) the number of zeros of
1 G ( s ) H ( s ) 0 which have +ve real part can also be determined if the origin of
G ( s ) H ( s ) plane is shifted to the point (-1+j0) and the change in argument of
G ( s ) H ( s ) plot is measured w.r.t. the point (-1+j0) in G ( s ) H ( s ) plane. The number of
zeros thus calculated is also the number of roots of characteristic equation
1 G ( s) H ( s) 0 .
As the s-plane region wherein only poles and zeros of 1 G ( s) H ( s) 0 with +ve
real part is under investigation, the expression relating the number of poles and zeros
present in the R.H.S. of s-plane is written as,
AugG ( s ) H ( s ) 2 ( P Z )
AugG ( s ) H ( s
Or ) ( P Z )
Or N ( P Z )
Where ,
N = Number of encirclements of the point (-1+j0) by G ( s ) H ( s ) plot. The positive
direction of encirclement being anticlockwise.
P+ = Number of poles of G ( s ) H ( s ) with +ve real part.
Z+ = Number of zeros of 1 G ( s) H ( s) 0 with +ve real part.
For a stable system Z+ =0, therefore, the condition for a control system to be stable is
N ( P 0)
For most of the control system P 0 , therefore for such cases the condition of stability
be, N=0
The closing of Nyquist plot from s=-j0 to s=+j0 is given the following table according to
type of G ( s ) H ( s ) :
Angle through which Nyquist plot Magnitude of
n Type of G(s)H(s)
is to be closed from =-0 to =+0 G ( j ) H ( j )
-n= clockwise rotation;
n= type of transfer function;
1. Draw the Nyquist plot for the open loop transfer function given below and
comment on the closed loop stability.
2. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given