Prestige Institute of Engineering & Science Indore (M.P.)

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Draw the Root Locus of a system using MATLAB.

Root locus analysis is a graphical method for examining how the roots of a
system change with variation of a certain system parameter, commonly the gain of
a feedback system. The stability of a control system is determined from the roots of the
characteristic equation 1+G(s)H(s)=0. For a system to be stable the roots of the
characteristic equation should be located in the left half of the s-plane.
A closed loop control system having forward path gain K is shown in
Figure 1.
The characteristic equation of the system is given by,

1+G(s)H(s)=0 ………..(1)
Any root of equation satisfies following two conditions,
1  G(s) H ( s)  0 ……. (2)
G ( s ) H ( s )  ( 2k  1)180 ………… (3)

Where k=0, 1, 2 …
The root locus method of analysis is a process of determining the points in the s plane
satisfying equation (2) and (3). Usually forward path gain K is considered as an
independent variable and the roots of the equation 1+G(s)H(s)=0 as dependent
variables, the roots are plotted in s-plane with K as variable parameter. Form the
location of the roots in s-plane the nature of the time response and system stability can
be ascertained.

The Procedure for plotting Root Locus:-

The stepwise procedure for plotting the root locus for a given open
loop transfer function is given below.
1. Starting Points:- The root locus starts (K=0) from the open loop poles.
2. Ending Points:- The root locus terminates (K=) either on the open loop zero or
3. Number of branches:- The number of branches of the root locus are,
N=P, if P>Z
=Z, if Z>P
4. Existence on real axis:- The existence of root locus on a section of real axis is
confirmed if the sum of open loop poles and zeros to the right of the section is
5. Break away points:- On the root locus between two open loop poles the roots
move towards each other as the gain factor K is increased till they are coincident.
At this point, the value of K is maximum as far as the portion of root locus
between the two open loop poles is concerned. Any further increase in K, breaks
the root locus in two parts. The breakaway point can be determined by rewriting
the characteristic equation and therefrom solving for the value of s from the
equation below,
6. The angle of asymptotes:- For higher values of K the root locus branches are
approximated by asymptotic lines making an angle with the real axis given by,
(2k  1)  180 
Where k=0, 1, 2 …upto (P-Z)-1
7. Intersection of asymptotes on real axis:- The asymptotes intersects at point x on
the real axis is given by,

 Poles   Zeros
8. Intersection points on the Imaginary axis:- The value of K and the point at
which the root locus branch crosses the imaginary axis is determined by
applying Routh criterion of the characteristic equation. The roots at the
intersection points are imaginary.
9. The angle of departure from the complex pole:- The angle of departure from the
complex pole is given by,
 d  180   ( p   z )

Where  p is the sum of all angles suspended by remaining poles.

and  z is the sum of all zeros suspended by zeros.
The angle of departure is tangent to the root locus at complex pole.
10. The angle of arrival at complex zeros:- The angle of arrival at the complex zero
is given by,
 a  180   ( z   p )

Where  z is the sum of all angles suspended by remaining zeros.

and  p is the sum of all zeros suspended by poles.

The angle of arrival is tangent to the root locus at complex zero.

1. Sketch the root locus for the open loop transfer function of a unity feedback
control system,

Determine (i) The value of K at s=-4

(ii) The value of K for =0.5
(iii) Obtain the closed loop transfer function for K=1.66.
2. Sketch the root locus plot for the system when the open loop transfer function is
given by

Determine (i) The breakaway points.

(ii) The angle of departure from the complex pole.
(iii) The stability condition.
 First solve the problem on the paper and attach it with the Practical.
 Using MATLAB draw the root locus & compare it with your result.
 Take print out of the result and attach it with the practical.

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