Mr. Mitchell Shacter Doolen Middle School 6 Grade Math Class Syllabus

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Mitchell Shacter
Doolen Middle School
6th Grade Math
Class Syllabus
Hello, my name is Mitchell Shacter and I will be teaching the 6th Grade Math
Curriculum at Doolen Middle School. This is my second year teaching at Doolen, but my ninth
year working in TUSD. I grew up in Tucson and attended TUSD schools 1st-12th grade, and
feel privileged to give back to the schools that helped to shape me.
At Doolen our 6th grade students will be focusing on adapting and succeeding at their
transition from elementary to middle school standards. At the middle school math level, students
will focus on an understanding of ratio and proportionality to solve a wide variety of problems.
They will extend operations to all rational numbers. They will also use the arithmetic of rational
numbers as they formulate expressions and equations to solve problems. It is my sincerest goal
that your child develop these tools and learn the skills necessary to be promoted to the next
grade level and have tools to succeed after this year. Math and Language Arts must be passed
in order to be promoted. Math is an integral part of everyday life and if mastered, math can be a
ticket to greater things than you ever imagined for your child. As we begin the year I look
forward to meeting all of you and working together to insure your child has a successful school

A successful student in math should have …
Pencils (no pens)
College or wide rule paper
At least 1 single subject (70 or so page) notebooks or composition books
A small ½ binder specifically for math, or a dedicated section in one of the larger
Ruler/Compass combo
Extra Erasers
I will be supplying some materials to help get students started and adjusted to our class. If you
need help or have questions about these supplies please email me.

Class Rules:
*Students are expected to be in uniform at school, this means students are to be wearing khaki
or navy pants or skirt and either white, gray, or maroon collared shirt.
*Students are not allowed to use cell phones during school hours.
If you would like your student to have a cell phone, it is to be turned off and remain in
their backpack while on campus. Be aware cell phones may be confiscated and returned at the
end of the day (or held for parent pick up) if being misused.
If there is an emergency, please call the school office at the number below.
*Headphone and media devices are not allowed and will be confiscated to be picked up by
parent/guardian at the end of the day.
*Students are expected to be in class on time each day and ready. The policy
regarding tardies is below:
1st- Verbal warning
2nd- Call Home
6th- Detention and Restorative Conference
7th- Parent Teacher Conference
If your child will be late or absent please call the attendance office.
*Before class, students are to line up along the outside lockers and wait to be greeted before
entering the room.
*When entering class, students are expected to take out a pencil, retrieve their math folder
(provided by me to every student), planner, and place their backpacks in the designated area to
begin our day.
*Students will be given four bathroom passes each quarter to use in our class, if they do not use
all four passes, they will be bought back with Thunder Bucks at the end of the quarter If a
student uses all passes before the quarter is up, they may not be allowed to leave the
*As a reward for good work, positive attitudes, and appropriate contributions, students will earn
Thunder Bucks, the school currency, which can be spent on Friday mornings in the “Thunder
Dome.” Classes may also earn rewards for their accomplishments and exemplary behaviors.

The teacher will have a class set of text books in the classroom and, supply permitting, your
student may check out a text book from the library if needed at home for homework. Once the
book is checked out from the library your student is responsible for returning that book to the
Use of Computer & Internet Resources:
Students are surrounded more and more by technology, and as such, we will learn
to utilize some technologies in the classroom. In addition to the amazing resource the internet
can be, we will integrate specific internet resources into our curriculum. Though modern
students do carry around a calculator at almost all times, sixth grade students need to be fluent
in basic mathematic operations, and using a calculator can hinder that. As a result, we will rarely
use calculators in class. Our class will be using an online tool called
Edmodo ( Edmodo is basically a platform for me to organize and
implement my classes online. I can share assignments, conduct polls, give quizzes, provide
links to more resources, communicate with the students etc. Think of this as a private secure
Facebook page for our class that only my students can join. Students will be signing up for
Edmodo within the first 3 weeks of the school year. As a class, I expect us to spend several
days per week utilizing Edmodo and also Khan Academy ( Khan
Academy is another excellent resource that shows students step by step tutorial videos on an
array of topics, not only math. All of these sites/products can be accessed online while students
are away from school and thus provide another layer of support for your child’s learning.

Ways to Promote Mathematical Thinking in your Student:

1. Be positive about math. Mathematics is a part of every aspect of our technological

2. Encourage your children to estimate (how long will it take you to get dressed? How
many people are in this auditorium?)

3. Ask your child to explain his or her thinking process when solving a problem; indicate
you are interested in the strategy he or she used.

4. Involve your child in measuring (the height of buildings, the time it takes to get to the
soccer game, the cups of water needed to make dinner)

5. When shopping, engage your older child in calculating unit pricing (how much per
6. Play games. Cards, board games, and other strategy games develop both simple and
complex counting strategies as well as notions of probability, calculations, and logic.

Grading Breakdown:
Tests 30%
Quizzes 25%
Class Work/Homework 15%
Citizenship 15%
Notes 15%
Extra Credit - up to 5%

Tests – Notes are allowed on tests. Tests can be made up as many times as needed
however the student must attend an after-school study session with me before
retaking a test.
Quizzes – Notes are also allowed on quizzes. All quizzes can be retaken ONCE. The
student must attend an after-school study session with me before retaking a quiz.
Homework – Homework will only be given over weekends as an extension for
students who did not finish classwork during the week, after a week, incomplete
classwork will not be accepted and will be reflected in the homework grade. Unless
otherwise noted in the student's orange folder, homework is for students to
share examples they see of math in the world around them, these contributions will be
the homework grade each week.
Class Work – Will consist of Bell Work, group Work, in-class worksheets, Exit Tickets
out the Door and other activities
Citizenship – This includes active participation, coming to class on time, and following
school/ classroom rules and procedures.
Notes – Students will be required to fill out and turn in a Notes page each week.
Examples from the teacher and khan academy should be copied onto the notes sheet.
Vocabulary for the quarter will also be kept in the student notebooks. If a student runs
out of room on their sheet, they can always add another lined page of paper.
Extra Credit – For having all assignments turned in at quarter students will earn an
additional 5%. Other extra credit opportunities may be offered throughout the year as
well and can be expected on tests and quizzes.
Grading Scale:
90% or more of the total number of points = A
80% to 89% of the total number of points = B
70% to 79% of the total number of points = C
60% to 69% of the total number of points = D
Below 60% of the total number of points = F

Contact Information: When possible please contact me through email. I check email a few
times a day but do not always have time to respond right away, so please allow for 24 hours
response time. If you do not have internet access, I can often be reached by phone during office
hours. I will be setting up a group email with as many parents as possible to warn them about
upcoming tests or important dates. If this is something you are interested in please fill out the
information sheet on the next page and return to me as soon as possible.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (520) 232-6953 (Classroom) (520) 232-6900 (School Office)

Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: Lunch period 11:40-12:10*

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: Afterschool: 3:50-4:15*
*These Times may be adjusted as the year progresses for student needs and
are subject to change*

Mitchell Shacter

Student Name: Period Number: Date:

Parent/ Guardian Name:

Parent/ Guardian Phone:

Parent/ Guardian Email:

Please print legibly: email addresses are notoriously picky!

I have read and understand the syllabus for Mr. Shacter’s 6th Grade Math Class. Please sign

_________________________________ ___________________________________
Parent Signature Student Signature

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