Nikolo Makijaveli

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The Prince................................................................................................................................................5


One of the most influential people in history is probably an Italian philosopher, poet, diplomat,
historian, playwright and a writer, Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli. His influence was so
widespread in the Italy during the period of renaissance and it is even seen in today’s politics and
can be seen in our relations with other people. Machiavellian influence can be seen in many
politicians of today, from a psychological side of view, but also from a political and ideological
point of view. When we listen to the news or read media portals and websites, we hear about
politics of most influential leaders of today, such as Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin,
Donald Trump, Xi Jiping, and many others. Each of these leaders is driven by ideas from
Machiavelli, those he wrote in his works, such as his masterpiece called The Prince, but in also
many of his discourses.
As mentioned, psychological point of view is a trait developed from his own behavior called
Machiavellianism. To explain the meaning of this word, Machiavellianism is a personality
characteristic in a human whose main goal is going to be accomplished no matter what, including
manipulation, tricking, betraying, cheating, and even killing. This term developed originates
from Niccolo Machiavelli, as he wrote about his views on how to lead a country, on how to be an
effective leader, by being cruel and advocating for having a strong, invincible state, no matter the
means of how to fulfill that, setting moral values aside. These topics, how Machiavelli influenced
the world and how he and his work The Prince leave mark will be further discussed.

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was born in Florence, on 3rd May 1469, during Italian
period of Renaissance, or rebirth of the society. With this period of rebirth, many new ideas
flourished and had the space to be spread along. Exactly this individual, Machiavelli, used it and
became one of the most influential character of today. He is often called Father of Modern
Political Science.
In his life, he spend many years as a senior official in the Florentine Republic with
responsibilities and close ties to diplomatic and military affairs, which was the connection on
how he had the inside information and how he was able to create a theory and ideas which would
work perfectly and bring strength and glory to Florence, as he lived in the period of great power
struggle and warfare amongst the various city-states of Italy and their powerful nation-state
allies. Machiavelli wrote comedies, carnival songs, and poetry, as well as books, later in life. He
was also employed as a secretary to the Second Chancery of the Republic of Florence. His main
interests were in politics and political philosophy, military theory and history. His ideas were
similar to those of Thucydides, Greek philosopher, who also emphasized power and politics, and
some say that his ideas and similar ones from previous leaders may have influenced
Machiavelli’s thinking.
Machiavelli’s idol was Cesare Borgia, the one who directed his thoughts and he later developed
his ideas. Borgia was a virtuous leader and a bloodthirsty and rapacious military commander.
Cesare Borgia was considered cruel, but it was his rule and his behavior and personality who
ended to the issues in the Romagna, and brought and unification.
Even though Machiavelli does mention religious prophets in his works, he does not see religion
as important and believes it makes men weak and inactive, and that religion, Christianity to be
more specific, leads politics into the hands of cruel and wicked people without resistance or a
fight. He also believes fear of God may be replaced by the fear of the ruler, if he is strong and
smart enough.


As previously defined, Machiavellianism in psychology refers to a personality trait which sees a

person so focused on their own interests they will manipulate, deceive, and exploit others to
achieve their goals. This is exactly what Machiavelli was like. Even though this trait is referred
as one of the three from the dark triad of bad traits a person has, back in the day, Machiavelli was
revolutionary with the selfish politics and cruel one, which was very good for his people. The
term also indicates cynical attitude, according to which a politician is justified to do any tort if
the end requires it.
A ruler who possessed this trait is selfish, only focused on their own ambition and interests,
prioritizes money and power over relationships, exploits and manipulates others to get ahead,
lacking in principles and values and morality. Rulers do not necessarily need to be good, as a
person, but they have to do anything needed to protect their people and land and to keep his
glory. Rulers need to set aside ethical concerns of justice, honesty, and kindness, and practice
power and brutality.
Leaders as such, who possess this Machiavellian trait are Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin,
Xi Jiping, etc. but the one who has to be separated from other is Donald Trump. Trump is
everything Machiavelli describes as a leader, a liar, manipulator, and a bully. Leadership of
Donald Trump is exercise of power, not morality, with a goal to create a strong state, not
necessarily a “good” one. This reminds of the Machiavellian principle of “Politics have no

relation to morals” (89). A quote from The Prince describes Trumps rule very specifically: “A
man who wishes to always do good will surely be ruined among so many who are not good.
Thus it is necessary for a prince wishing to retain power to learn how not to be good, employing
this art or not according to need.”

The Prince

The book The Prince was a gift from Machiavelli to Lorenzo De Medici, a ruling family of
nobles in Italy, on how to effectively maintain and expand their territory. Machiavelli was
pessimist towards human nature and wanted to emphasize the survival of the fittest as he seen the
people as the target to be controlled to reach final goal. On the other hand, Medici family refused
his gift as they seen the book as a mean on how the people can see the manipulation of the rulers
and how they would understand what is happening behind the curtain which leads to
Machiavelli’s banishment from the city affaires. One of the most influential and most famous
quotes of his is “It is far better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both” (132). This was
meant to be aimed at rulers, and that it is far better for people to fear him in order to respect him.
This is the case with Donald Trump, previously mentioned. Machiavellian principle was also
may be used to acquire rule but not glory” (66), showing again the same principle of gaining
power and reaching goal without support or love from the people.
The main Machiavelli’s point was to help rulers in getting what they want and to get that no
matter by which means. Some think Machiavelli was amazing, and they were amazed by his
knowledge of ruling a state. Others, such as French writer Denis Diderot saw Machiavelli as a
tyrant. Liberal and democrat Friedrich Schiller said The Prince was more of a satire against the
princes. David Hume, who was known for his scepticism, referred to Machiavelli as a great
genius with very defective reasoning. On the other hand, Bertrand Russell, philosopher said that
Machiavelli was only being honest but also very wise in choosing his words, wrapping them up
to make a better impression.
What Machiavelli thought for the opposition is that “If an injury has to be done to a man it
should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”(66). He believed that men are
twisted and that the wish for revenge is too strong, so in order not to fear it, killing might be
necessary. Exactly ideas like this were the reasons why people considered Machiavelli as evil.
And also, another view of it is seen in the quote “Those may be called properly used, if of evil it
is lawful to speak well, that are applied at one blow and are necessary to one’s security, and that
are not persisted in afterwards unless they can be turned to the advantage of the subject.”(110)


One of the most important influences from Machiavelli on politics is the term derived from his
ideas called Realpolitik. Realpolitik, as defined, is politics or diplomacy based primarily on
considerations of given circumstances and factors, rather than explicit ideological notions or
moral and ethical premises. It was a Theory behind power governance, which was aimed to
Medici family to rule like that. His cynical view of mankind that displays the power of the
primitive and undemocratic side of humanity, “of mankind we may say in general they are fickle,
hypocritical, and greedy of gain. (54). But this view would make a perfect leader.
Realpolitik has roots and ideas implanted in philosophical theories and approaches such as
realism and pragmatism. When describing Realpolitik in practice, is it coercive, amoral, or
Machiavellian, which is why it is closely connected to the Machiavelli. The term was not
invented by Machiavelli, nor was it used by him, but it is just derived from his views and
writings, as the term was firstly invented by Ludwig von Rochau, a German writer and politician
in the 19th century during the Enlightenment period with a rise of power politics and politics
There is its significance in international relations and theories of it. The one such is the political
realism as it sees that states are the main actors in the international relations and processes and
that one way on how to practice politics and gain power and fulfil the goals is by Realpolitik, as
it is the exercise of policies that are parallel to theories of political realism.


Machiavelli was a really influential individual, who was politically, socially and naturally
intelligent and he imposed that the aim should be achieved either lawfully or violently. And this
man’s aims and views live through history and many great leaders looked up to Machiavelli and
followed his principles, such as today’s world leaders Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin or Recep
Tayyip Erdoğan, who all lead a very strong state, and people consider their policies to be bad in
ethical sense. So Niccolo Machiavelli had a great impact on people by many means, in multiple

To start with, Niccolo was the first political thinker who had the idea to separate moral prinicples
from politics. In his work, which is often called the book in the genre of fiction, he put the main
key problem with realizing the reality, rather than to differentiate the things of being good or bad,
or separating the actions on the right ones or wrong ones. Being the first one in the 16th century
who was looking on the world and every spect on the world through the glasses of reality made
him today, without no doubt, the most influental political thinker in the world.
In the book he stated the differences between principles of political manipulation and abuse of
power, also, he gave the studies of character and priciples of ruling and dictincly pointed in
which way is the political power going. He explained that there are only two ways for the state
goals to be realized, and that is law and power (in the maeing of force). Because of the fact that
laws are inherent to humans, and the force is inherent to beasts, he thought that the ruler can use
evey funds in state interests. He stated that the nature of humans is unstable, or that it does not
exist, and that is very easy to convice people in one thing, but it is really hard to make them live
forever in that belief. That is why it is needed to be ready for everything, when they do not trust
rulers anymore, to force them to believe.

A lot of people are analizing this book as the book which implies to political goal, among other
things conquesting and duration of ruling, and that every funds are acceptable for efficiently
achieving targeted goal. From there it is made new ideology, as I mentioned before, which is
called " Machiavellianism " from where " End justifies the mean" .
And this is all something we could than Niccolo for interprating in this way.

Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince. Penguin, 2003. (12 May 2019)
Prins, Nomi. “Donald Trump Is Running America Like It's a Casino.” The Nation, 25 Sept. 2017,
(12 May 2019)
“What Is Machiavellianism in Psychology?” Harley Therapy™ Blog, 30 Dec. 2017, (12 May 2019)
“Machiavelli and the Concept of Realpolitik.” Logicalrepublic, 19 Apr. 2013, (12 May
Tim. “Machiavelli Quotes.” Philosophy & Philosophers, Philosophy & Philosophers, 26 Nov.
2012, (12 May 2019)
“Niccolo Machiavelli Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore, (12 May 2019)
“What Is Machiavellianism in Psychology?” Harley Therapy™ Blog, 30 Dec. 2017, (12 May 2019)
The Washington Post, WP Company,
2005Feb24.html?noredirect=on. (12 May 2019)

Ignatius, David. “Donald Trump Is the American Machiavelli.” The Washington Post, WP
Company, 10 Nov. 2016,
utm_term=.7be4333a8fe1. (12 May 2019)
Meany, Paul. “What Most People Don't Understand About Machiavelli | Paul Meany.” FEE,
Foundation for Economic Education, 29 Mar. 2018,
machiavellian/. (12 May 2019)

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