Atkins Physical Chemistry Very D Gained A Place, Following A Last-Minute Interview, at The

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Atkins physical chemistry very d gained a place, following a last-minute interview, at the University

of Leicester.

Atkins studied chemistry there, obtaining a BSc degree in chemistry, and

a PhD degree in 1964 for research into electron spin resonancespectroscopy,
and other aspects of theoretical chemistry. Atkins then took a postdoctoral
position at UCLA as a Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth fund.[1] He
returned to Britain in 1965 as a fellow and tutor of Lincoln College, Oxford,
and lecturer in physical chemistry (later, professor of physical chemistry). In
1969, he won the Royal Society of Chemistry's Meldola Medal. In 1996 he
was awarded the Title of Distinction of Professor of Chemistry. He retired in
2007, and since then has been a full-time author.[2]
He has honorary doctorates from the University of Utrecht, the University of
Leicester (where he sits on the university Court), Mendeleev University in
Moscow, and Kazan State Technological University.
He was a member of the Council of the Royal Institution and the Royal
Society of Chemistry. He was the founding chairman of IUPAC Committee on
Chemistry Education, and is a trustee of a variety of charities.
Atkins has lectured in quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry, and th

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