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Sepsis associated acute kidney injury

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Jason T Poston,1 Jay L Koyner2
Section of Pulmonary and Critical
Care Medicine, Department of A B S T RAC T
Medicine, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Sepsis is defined as organ dysfunction resulting from the host’s deleterious response
Section of Nephrology, to infection. One of the most common organs affected is the kidneys, resulting in
Department of Medicine, University
of Chicago sepsis associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI) that contributes to the morbidity
Correspondence to: J L Koyner
[email protected]
and mortality of sepsis. A growing body of knowledge has illuminated the clinical
Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:k4891 risk factors, pathobiology, response to treatment, and elements of renal recovery
doi: 10.1136/bmj.k4891 that have advanced our ability to prevent, detect, and treat SA-AKI. Despite these
Series explanation: State of the
Art Reviews are commissioned
advances, SA-AKI remains an important concern and clinical burden, and further
on the basis of their relevance to study is needed to reduce the acute and chronic consequences. This review
academics and specialists in the US
and internationally. For this reason summarizes the relevant evidence, with a focus on the risk factors, early recognition
they are written predominantly by
US authors
and diagnosis, treatment, and long term consequences of SA-AKI. In addition to
literature pertaining to SA-AKI specifically, pertinent sepsis and acute kidney injury
literature relevant to SA-AKI was included.

Introduction risk factors, early detection, pathophysiology, modifiable

Sepsis is a life threatening clinical syndrome character- risk factors, treatment, and prognosis.
ized by organ dysfunction caused by a patient’s dysregu-
lated response to infection. Septic shock is a subset of Sources and selection criteria
sepsis with increased mortality characterized by hypoten- We searched several online databases from 2000 to April
sion, in which vasoactive drugs are needed to maintain a 2018, including PubMed, the Cochrane database of sys-
mean arterial pressure of at least 65 mm Hg and a serum tematic reviews, and the central register of controlled
lactate concentration above 2 mmol/L despite resuscita- trials. We used keywords and combinations of keywords
tion.1 2 These Third International Consensus (Sepsis-3) such as sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, acute kidney
Definitions published in 2016 mark a refinement of injury, acute renal failure, kidney failure, dialysis, and
the definition of sepsis from the continuum of systemic renal replacement therapy. We prioritized large scale,
inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, severe sepsis, multicenter, randomized trials and large high quality
and septic shock that had guided clinical management epidemiologic studies when available. However, given the
and research for more than two decades.3 4 The Sepsis-3 breadth of this review and the dearth of large studies in
definitions identify the deleterious response to infection some aspects of SA-AKI, we thought that it was important
more specifically, as they were developed in the context of to include observational and pre-clinical studies that are
an enhanced understanding of both the biologic mecha- driving future investigation in this area. We highlighted
nisms of sepsis and the clinical outcomes made evident the limitations of these studies where relevant.
with the advent of large patient datasets.
Concurrently, the past 15 years have been a period Definitions
of important progress in the understanding of the inci- Sepsis
dence, detection, pathobiology, and treatment of kid- Although sepsis been appreciated as a cause of morbid-
ney dysfunction in the setting of critical illness and in ity and mortality for centuries, consensus definitions
sepsis specifically. From the initial RIFLE definition of have been available only for several decades.8 The first
acute renal failure in 2004 through the refined KDIGO consensus definitions defined sepsis on a continuum of
definition of acute kidney injury (AKI), our ability to physiologic and serologic abnormalities that indicated
recognize and characterize changes in kidney function progressive organ failure. The systemic inflammatory
with traditionally available assessment methods (serum response syndrome (SIRS) indicated the potentially
creatinine, urine output) has grown.5‑7 Many serum and injurious inflammatory response, sepsis was defined as
urinary biomarkers allow earlier detection of AKI and SIRS with infection, severe sepsis was sepsis with organ
have the potential to improve supportive care and clini- dysfunction, and septic shock was sepsis with persistent
cal outcomes. hypotension.3 4 These definitions, with only minor revi-
In this review, written for specialists in critical care sion, guided bedside clinical practice as well as clinical,
medicine and nephrology, we critically review the pub- translational, and basic research of sepsis for 25 years.
lished literature for sepsis associated acute kidney injury These definitions were critical in advancing our
(SA-AKI), with a focus on epidemiology, non-modifiable understanding of sepsis, but experience revealed their

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Box 1 | Sepsis-3 definitions and quick SOFA (qSOFA) and a serum lactate concentration above 2 mmol/L despite
criteria1 adequate volume resuscitation, which was associated with

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Sepsis-3 definitions mortality of greater than 40% (box 1).2 The performance of
Sepsis—Life threatening organ dysfunction caused by a the Sepsis-3 definition in clinical practice remains a point of
dysregulated host response to infection discussion and contention, however, as there seems to be a
Septic shock—Sepsis with a requirement for vasoactive loss of sensitivity relative to SIRS and variable performance
therapy to maintain mean arterial pressure ≥65 mm Hg and based on practice setting (emergency department, inpatient
lactate elevation to >2 mmol/L despite adequate volume ward, ICU). Furthermore, other novel models may provide
resuscitation even more accurate diagnosis and prediction.14 15
qSOFA criteria
• Respiratory rate ≥22 breaths per minute Acute kidney injury
• Altered mentation AKI and acute renal failure have long been recognized as
• Systolic blood pressure ≤100 mm Hg a complication of critical illness independently associ-
ated with mortality.16‑18 Similar to sepsis, understanding
limitations as well. One multicenter observational cohort the epidemiology, pathobiology, and treatment of renal
study found that two criteria for SIRS were met in 87% dysfunction in the ICU was predicated on establishing a
of patients at admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), consensus definition.
in 93% during their stay in ICU, and in 100% of patients The first widely adopted definition emerged from the
with infection.9 Another multicenter cohort study iden- Second International Consensus Conference of the Acute
tified infected patients without SIRS, but mortality was Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group in 2004.6 Simi-
the same in this group and in infected patients with SIRS lar to SIRS based sepsis criteria, the RIFLE classification
(hazard ratio 0.94, 95% confidence interval 0.77 to (risk, injury, failure, loss, end stage kidney disease) used
1.15), suggesting that meeting two criteria for SIRS was readily available clinical (decreased urine output) and
not predictive of outcomes.10 SIRS was recognized as a serologic (rise in serum creatinine) markers to better char-
non-specific marker of both infectious and non-infec- acterize what was termed acute renal failure.6 Subsequent
tious inflammation that did not meaningfully predict consensus definitions would use the term acute kidney
clinical outcomes. These observations resonated with injury, a more inclusive term that underscores the impor-
an increased understanding of the response to injury, tance of the injury and consequent change in the renal
whether infectious or sterile. The critical feature that dif- function. Through this lens, the 2007 definitions of the
ferentiates infection from sepsis is organ dysfunction that Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) focused on the initial
results from the inflammatory response.11 injury previously deemed risk, injury, and failure of the
The Sepsis-3 definitions were an empirically based RIFLE classification, terming them stage 1, 2, and 3 AKI.5
response to these limitations. SIRS and severe sepsis were Loss and end stage kidney disease in the RIFLE system
eliminated. Sepsis is defined as “life threatening organ were removed along with the partial reliance on glomeru-
dysfunction caused by the dysregulated host response to lar filtration rate (GFR). Additionally, the AKIN criteria
infection.” Identification of organ dysfunction may be iden- included small changes in serum creatinine (>0.3 mg/
tified as an acute and infection related change of at least 2 dL increase in 48 hours) in the definition of stage 1 AKI.5
points on the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) Several large observational trials confirmed the validity of
score, which is associated with mortality of approximately the RIFLE and AKIN revised criteria, as increasing sever-
10%.1 12 13 Screening for sepsis in infected patients may be ity of AKI was associated with increasing risk of death.19 20
aided by use of the quick SOFA score, in which the presence Despite high incidence (22%) and significant effect on
of two out of three criteria suggests sepsis. Septic shock is outcomes, a concern remained that AKI was underdiag-
defined as sepsis with hypotension requiring vasopressors nosed owing to inconsistent screening practices and the
to maintain a mean arterial pressure at least 65 mm Hg tendency for these criteria to miss AKI that occurs before
arrival at an acute care setting. The Kidney Disease: Improv-
Table 1 | Acute kidney injury (AKI) diagnostic criteria: RIFLE, AKIN, and KDIGO ing Global Outcomes (KDIGO) clinical practice guidelines
Serum creatinine Urine output for AKI present the most recent consensus definitions,
Staging RIFLE AKIN KDIGO (all) which again attempt to refine the sensitivity and specific-
Definition of AKI SCr increase ≥50% within SCr increase ≥50% or SCr increase ≥50% in - ity of the AKI definitions. Table 1 summarizes the RIFLE,
7 days ≥0.3 mg/dL within 48 h 7 days or ≥0.3 mg/dL
within 48 h AKIN, and KDIGO criteria for AKI. The KDIGO definition
RIFLE-risk; AKIN SCr increase ≥50% or GFR SCr increase ≥50% or SCr increase ≥50% in <0.5 mL/kg/h emphasizes AKI risk assessment and evaluation while
stage 1; KDIGO decrease >25% within 7 days ≥0.3 mg/dL within 48 h 7 days or ≥0.3 mg/dL for 6-12 h extending criteria to include a rise in serum creatinine of
stage 1 within 48 h 50% or greater over the presumed baseline within seven
RIFLE-injury; AKIN SCr increase ≥100% or GFR SCr increase ≥100% SCr increase ≥100% <0.5 mL/kg/h
stage 2; KDIGO decrease >50% within 7 days for ≥12 h
days of assessment.7 21 In an international cross sectional
stage 2 study using these criteria, 57.3% of ICU patients met KDIGO
RIFLE-failure; SCr increase ≥200% or SCr increase ≥200% or SCr increase ≥200% <0.3 mL/ criteria for AKI. The adjusted odds ratio for in-hospital mor-
AKIN stage 3; GFR decrease >75% or SCr ≥4 mg/dL (with acute or ≥4 mg/dL or need kg/h for ≥24 tality was 1.68 (0.89 to 3.17) for stage 1, 2.95 (1.38 to 6.28)
KDIGO stage 3 increase ≥4 mg/dL (with rise ≥0.5 mg/dL) or for RRT h or anuria for
acute rise ≥0.5 mg/dL) need for RRT 12 h
for stage 2, and 6.88 (3.88 to 12.23) for stage 3.22
RIFLE-loss Need for RRT >4 weeks - - - Despite this progress, the sensitivity and accuracy of
RIFLE-end stage Need for RRT >3 months - - - AKI criteria have been generally acknowledged to remain
GFR=glomerular filtration rate; RRT=renal replacement therapy; SCr=serum creatinine. l­imited by a reliance on the imperfect assessment methods

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60% of patients with sepsis have AKI.25 27 Independent

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ţ68%&/,1,&$/$.,Ť risk factors or clinical consequences of sepsis and AKI,
1RIXQFWLRQDOFKDQJH 1RIXQFWLRQDO such as hypovolemia or exposure to nephrotoxic thera-
RIIXQFWLRQ pies, have confounded the relation between these enti-
ties.28 29 Although the pathophysiologic mechanism
remains incompletely understood, it seems evident that
the deleterious inflammatory cascade characteristic of
ţ35(5(1$/$=27(0,$Ť ţ,175,16,&$.,Ť
)XQFWLRQDOFKDQJHSUHVHQW sepsis contributes to the AKI as well.30 Patients with sep-
823RUFUHDWLQLQHSRVLWLYH /RVVRIIXQFWLRQ 'DPDJHZLWKORVV sis complicated by AKI have a significantly increased mor-
tality relative to patients without AKI.26 31 32 Furthermore,
patients with AKI associated with sepsis have a signifi-
Fig 1 |  Acute disease quality initiative criteria: incorporating biomarkers into the definition of
cantly increased mortality relative to those with AKI of
acute kidney injury (AKI). Emerging data outside of sepsis associated AKI (SA-AKI) point to the
increased risk for adverse outcomes in patients who do not have a change in functional markers another etiology.31
of the kidney (eg, serum creatinine or urine output (UOP)). This has led to calls for classification
of AKI in terms of changes in function and damage and the resultant 2×2 grid shown. This work Epidemiology
has created a new category of patient with “subclinical AKI,” those with elevated damage Accurate estimation of the incidence and trend of AKI sec-
biomarkers in the absence of a change in renal function (UOP or serum creatinine). This group ondary to sepsis has proved challenging. Even as screen-
can be thought of as akin to those with a change in function without the presence of damage ing programs and data science help to refine our ability to
(traditionally thought of as “pre-renal azotemia”) and separate from those with intrinsic AKI (a define AKI associated with sepsis, strictly characterizing
change in both function and damage). Adapted from Endre et al23
AKI as being attributable to sepsis remains difficult given
the many confounders common in critically ill patients.
on which they are built: urine output and serum creatinine. The incidence of sepsis and related morbidity seems
Some people have called for further refinement of AKI in to be rising, whereas the mortality rate of patients with
terms of these traditional functional markers, as well as sepsis seems to be falling. A comprehensive review of
changes in kidney damage biomarkers (fig 1).23 Although 750 million hospital admissions in the US from 1979
the emergence of data derived clinical risk scores, renal through 2000 found that sepsis increased from 82.7 to
imaging, functional assays, and biomarkers have shown 240.4 per 100 000 population, an annualized increase of
promise, they have yet to become a part of consensus defini- 8.7%.33 In-hospital mortality fell from 27.8% to 17.9%.
tions or guidelines. However, they represent opportunities Analyses of data from the subsequent 10-15 years using
to refine our diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prog- more robust patient level data from England, New Zea-
nosis of AKI.24 land, Australia, and the US have all shown similar trends,
with increasing overall burden of sepsis and decreasing
Sepsis associated acute kidney injury mortality rates.8 34-36 Rates of AKI and sepsis associated
Many patients meet consensus criteria for both sepsis AKI are discussed below.
and AKI and are deemed to have SA-AKI or septic AKI.25 26
Risk factors for development of sepsis associated AKI
Table 2 | Risk and prognostic factors for acute kidney injury Much of our understanding of the risk and prognostic
Factor Effect on risk or prognosis factors in AKI comes from studies of patients in general
Present before acute illness
wards, mixed ICU populations, or patients undergoing
Age18‑38 Developing AKI OR 1.5 (95% CI 1.16 to 1.92) for age ≥65; 1.01 (1.00 to 1.02) for
each year
cardiovascular procedures, in whom the baseline kid-
Death with AKI OR 1.19 (1.05 to 1.33) for age ≥65; 1.13 (1.01 to 1.26) for each ney function and the nature and timing of injury can be
decade well defined. Patients with SA-AKI are often included but
Sex Developing AKI Data inconsistent are not the dedicated or exclusive focus of these studies.
Race Developing AKI Data inconsistent However, we believe that identified risk and prognostic
Chronic kidney disease39 Developing AKI OR 2.9 (2.7 to 3.1) for eGFR 45-59; 6.2 (5.7 to 6.8) for eGFR 30-44; factors for AKI in a general population likely confer an
18.3 (16.5 to 20.3) for eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2
equal or even greater risk in patients with sepsis.
Death with AKI AKI predictive of mortality, but less predictive for patients with more
severe CKD Furthermore, the heterogeneity of both the patient popu-
Diabetes mellitus40 Developing AKI OR 10.3 (7.7 to 13.6) for developing stage III AKI lation and the focus of any given study can lead to inconclu-
Death with AKI OR 1.2 (1.2 to 1.7) sive and occasionally conflicting data about the risk factors
Hypoalbuminemia24 41 Developing AKI OR 2.34 (1.74 to 3.14) with drop 1 g/dL for AKI. The pre-morbid risk factors for AKI most consist-
Death with AKI OR 2.47 (1.51 to 4.05) with drop 1 g/dL ently identified include advanced age, chronic kidney
Chronic liver disease18 Developing AKI OR 2.18 (1.16 to 4.10) disease, and cardiovascular disease. Characteristics asso-
Heart failure18‑40 Developing AKI OR 2.18 (1.12 to 4.44) to 24.0 (18.5 to 31.2) ciated with the acute illness most commonly linked to AKI
Caused by acute illness included cardiovascular failure, liver failure, and sepsis.
Cardiovascular failure18 40 Developing AKI OR 1.84 (1.32 to 2.56) Table 2 summarizes these and other risk factors. Potentially
Death with AKI OR 1.8 (1.2 to 2.9) modifiable risk factors related to the treatment of patients
Mechanical ventilation42 Death with AKI OR 5.1 (2.0 to 12.8) with sepsis are discussed in the treatment section.
Liver failure37 Death with AKI OR 1.90 (1.34 to 2.71)
Finally, observational data suggest that AKI may pre-
Sepsis37 Death with AKI OR 1.87 (1.33 to 2.62) to 2.1 (1.1 to 1.4)
dispose patients to an increased risk of sepsis. In the Pro-
AKI=acute kidney injury; CKD=chronic kidney disease; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; OR=odds ratio.
gram to Improve Care in Acute Renal Disease (PICARD)

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Box 2 | Urinalysis scoring systems

copy score specifically in a cohort with SA-AKI (box 2).51‑53
SA-AKI shows more renal tubule epithelial cells and cast ele-

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Prospective observational cohort studies with discovery ments compared with non-septic AKI. In a small prospective,
and validation cohorts for AKI cast scoring index51
two center study of 83 patients, 43 with SA-AKI, a urinalysis
Grade 1—no casts or RTE
score above 3 was predictive of severe AKI and was highly
Grade 2—≥1 cast or RTE but <10% of LPF
correlated with biomarkers of tubular injury.53 Separately, a
Grade 3—many casts or RTEs (10-90% of LPF)
single center observational study of 423 patients with sepsis
Grade 4—sheet of muddy brown casts and RTEs in >90%
showed that new albuminuria was associated with an odds
of LPF
ratio of 1.87 (1.21 to 2.89) for developing SA-AKI, even after
Prospective observational cohort for development of
adjustment for baseline GFR, severity of critical illness, and
urinary sediment scoring system52
exposure to nephrotoxins.54 These data have yet to be pro-
0 points—no casts or RTE seen
spectively replicated, but routine dipstick albuminuria has
1 point each—1-5 casts per LPF or 1-5 RTEs per HPF
also been shown to be independently associated with lower
2 points each—≥6 casts per LPF or ≥6 RTEs per HPF
rates of recovery from AKI.55
Prospective multicenter observational cohort for derivation Most validated AKI risk scores focus on AKI after car-
of urine microscopy score53
diac surgery or in a general hospital population.37 56-64
0 points—no casts or RTE seen
No widely accepted risk score has been validated for risk
1 point each—1 cast or 1 RTE per HPF
of SA-AKI, and only one validated score predicts mortal-
2 points each—2-4 casts or RTEs per HPF
ity in patients with SA-AKI who need renal replacement
3 points each—≥5 casts or ≥5 RTEs per HPF
therapy (RRT).65 The performances of non-specific AKI
HPF=high power field; LPF=low power field; RTE=renal tubule epithelial cells
risk scores and other critical illness scores have been
disappointing in patients with SA-AKI.66 A retrospective
study, 243 (40%) patients developed sepsis a median study investigated the performance of several risk scores
of five days after the development of AKI. Although the (Liano,63 Simplified Acute Physiology Score II,66 PIC-
pathophysiology and correlation between these two ARD,37 and Demirjan64) to detect SA-AKI in 343 patients
events remain unclear, mounting evidence suggests that requiring continuous RRT, but no score provided an area
AKI increases the risk of sepsis and its associated adverse under the curve (AUC) greater than 0.70.67 A multicenter
outcomes.29 study of 214 pediatric ICU patients with sepsis assessed
the ability of a renal angina index (RAI) and other novel
Early detection of SA-AKI biomarkers to predict SA-AKI.68 The RAI is a tiered score
As both sepsis and AKI are independently associated in which patients are assigned points based on their risk
with increased morbidity and mortality, length of stay, of AKI (due to comorbidities) as well as their degree of
and cost of care, early detection is critical to providing injury (change in creatinine clearance). The RAI provided
opportunities for successful intervention.43‑45 Particularly an AUC of 0.80 (0.75 to 0.86) for KDIGO stage 2 or 3 on
for AKI, the refined consensus definitions have tended ICU day 3 and outperformed several biomarkers includ-
to be more sensitive and allow earlier diagnosis. Regard- ing neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL).
less of the cause and associated comorbidities, all AKI When RAI was combined with NGAL and other biomark-
remains a diagnosis based on increases in serum creati- ers, either individually or in pairs, the predictive perfor-
nine or decreases in urine output. Although useful, these mance for stage 2 or 3 AKI was significantly improved
measures have limitations that underscore the need for (AUC 0.84-0.88; P<0.05).68
newer methods to detect AKI and SA-AKI. Several serum biomarkers that have been shown to be
inversely correlated with GFR may provide an advantage
Limitations of serum creatinine and urine output in detecting AKI in patients with sepsis. Proenkephalin and
The initial limitation of a definition that relies on change cystatin C are both highly associated with AKI and GFR and
in serum creatinine is establishing a baseline serum cre- increase before serum creatinine in critically ill patients
atinine. No consensus method exists to establish pre-AKI with sepsis (table 3).70‑72 One study evaluated the ability of
baseline serum creatinine in the absence of previous val- urinary tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 and insu-
ues (recent or distant).46 47 Furthermore, changes in serum lin-like growth factor binding protein-7 (TIMP2*IGFBP7),
creatinine are often delayed owing to renal reserve and markers of cell cycle arrest, to predict the development
the kinetics of AKI. Urine output is insensitive and is often of stage 2 or 3 AKI in 232 high risk critically ill patients
measured accurately only in the ICU setting. Evidence from with sepsis. Forty (17%) patients developed stage 2 or 3
multiple retrospective cohort studies also suggests that the AKI, with TIMP2*IGFBP7 providing an AUC of 0.84. The
same stage of AKI diagnosed by serum creatinine and urine biomarker performed similarly regardless of severity of ill-
output may confer differential risk. Isolated urine output ness (SOFA score), and a cutoff of 1.0 provided a sensitivity
based AKI carries increased morbidity and mortality (com- of 77.5% and a specificity of 75% for the development of
pared with no AKI), but these risks are lower than those severe AKI.73
conferred by serum creatinine based AKI.48‑50 NGAL, which is commercially available in several
countries, is up regulated along the renal tubule in the
Emerging SA-AKI detection techniques setting of ischemic injury, nephrotoxins, and inflamma-
Urinalysis and urine microscopy may aid identification of SA- tion. Data have been inconsistent in SA-AKI.74 75 Multi-
AKI. Three observational studies evaluated a urine micros- ple studies have shown that plasma NGAL is elevated in

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Table 3 | Biomarkers used for detection of acute kidney injury (AKI)

Type of

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
biomarker Subclass of biomarker Examples of biomarkers Comments
Functional Biochemical markers Serum creatinine, serum Serum creatinine remains the gold standard, but other novel markers
biomarker of AKI of glomerular filtration/ cystatin c, proenkephalin, of glomerular function have been shown to rise earlier and with the
function visible fluorescent injectates69 same accuracy as creatinine. Injectables may represent the future of
GFR measurement, with the injection of small dextrans providing rapid
determination of GFR at the bedside. May be elevated in the setting of CKD
Global assessment of Urine output Urine output detects less severe AKI compared with creatinine and can be
nephron function affected by diuretics and other drugs. Generally needs indwelling catheter
for reliable measurement, with measurements being less frequent outside
Global assessment of Furosemide stress test, renal These tests interrogate the kidney’s capacity for increased function via
nephron capacity reserve testing protein loading (hyperfiltration) or diuretic responsiveness but are not
validated in the setting of sepsis

Damage/injury Global assessment of Urinalysis Urinalysis can detect injury along the entire nephron (from glomerulus to
biomarkers nephron injury tubules); although scoring systems exist (box 2), none has been widely
validated in any setting of AKI.
Biochemical biomarkers of Urinary NGAL, urinary KIM-1, These remain an area of intense AKI research but have yet to be widely
renal tubular injury soluble FAS validated in the setting of human AKI
AKI risk Biochemical biomarkers TIMP2*IGFBP7, plasma NGAL Increasingly available for clinical use, these markers quantify an individual
biomarkers of AKI risk patient’s risk for impending AKI
Biomarkers of AKI risk Electronic alerts, electronic risk Although not specific to SA-AKI, several alerts have shown their ability to
algorithms predict the impending development of sepsis and AKI separately. Using
these alerts in concert with biochemical biomarkers may help to enrich
SA-AKI detection and risk stratification
CKD=chronic kidney disease; GFR=glomerular filtration rate; ICU=intensive care unit; IGFBP7=insulin like growth factor binding protein-7; KIM-1=kidney injury
molecule-1; NGAL=neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin; SA-AKI=sepsis associated acute kidney injury; TIMP2=tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2.

patients with sepsis even in the absence of AKI.76 Other view of multifocal organ injury including macrovascular
studies have shown that elevations of plasma NGAL even and microvascular dysfunction and immunologic and
in the absence of elevated serum creatinine can identify autonomic dysregulation. In depth discussions of these
critically ill patients at risk for severe AKI and inpatient pathways are beyond the scope of this review, but we will
mortality.77 78 Plasma NGAL has also been shown to be highlight the animal models that elucidate these path-
elevated in sepsis regardless of the presence of AKI, but ways. Table 4 summarizes the four most common experi-
a higher cutoff threshold (454 ng/mL) provided a sensi- mental models, as well as their strengths and limitations.
tivity of 72% and specificity of 74% for the detection of In a placebo controlled ovine model of SA-AKI following
AKI.79 Urinary NGAL and urine kidney injury molecule-1 direct infusion of bacteria, renal histology showed patchy
(KIM-1) have been used to try to quantify renal tubular and focal changes with limited tubular injury.89 Animals
damage in SA-AKI; although some association has been with SA-AKI actually had higher renal blood flow (RBF) than
shown, large scale studies have not validated these controls. This differs from the decreased RBF in humans
f­indings.80 with SA-AKI, measured by phase contrast magnetic reso-
Several other novel biomarkers have been investigated nance imaging, thermodilution, and renal Doppler.92‑94
in the setting of SA-AKI, and table 3 summarizes some of This disconnect between human and animal data under-
these findings and uses the framework from figure 1.81 scores the limitations of our understanding of the relation
Finally, an effort is ongoing to take a step back from bio- between RBF and renal function and has led some people
chemical measures such as NGAL or TIMP2*IGFBP7 and to call for an increased role of renal biopsy in the setting of
use real time data from the electronic health record to human sepsis. In the US, the National Institutes of Health
identify patients with either sepsis or AKI, and we antici- have recently begun the Kidney Precision Medicine Project,
pate that automated alerts for these patients will be com- which aims to ethically obtain and evaluate kidney biopsies
bined with biochemical biomarker testing to improve risk from patients with AKI to create a kidney tissue atlas, define
stratification and case detection for SA-AKI. We anticipate disease phenotypes, and identify critical cells, pathways,
that electronic risk score and biochemical biomarkers and targets for novel therapies in the setting of sepsis and
will be incorporated into standard of care over the next other forms of AKI; thus we anticipate advancement of our
d­ecade.82‑84 knowledge in SA-AKI in the near future.95
Disturbances in microcirculatory oxygen delivery may
Pathobiology of SA-AKI include both decreased flow and diffusion limitation in
Recent advances in sepsis related organ dysfunction the setting of organ edema and inflammation.96 Although
have enhanced our knowledge of the pathobiology of the exact ramifications of altered microcirculation are
SA-AKI.8 85-88 Renal hypotension and associated ischemia incompletely understood, sepsis increases expression
had been believed to be the primary lesion in SA-AKI, but of inflammatory cytokines and leukocyte activity, which
more recently several animal models have shown that may result in capillary plugging and micro-thrombi. This
although tubular cell injury and expression of markers leads to production of reactive oxygen species and induc-
such as KIM-1 are common, inflammation and apoptosis tion of nitric oxide synthase, which may further damage
are also playing a role.89 90 These data fit with the evolving the endothelial barrier and the glycocalyx,97‑99 leading

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Table 4 | Animal models used in investigation of sepsis associated acute kidney injury (AKI)
AKI model Animals Model description Strengths/limitations

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Direct endotoxin Mammalian but Purified endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide Easier and cheaper than surgical models, but animals often
administration predominantly murine from outer membrane of Gram need high dose of lipopolysaccharide to produce shock.
negative bacteria) is directly injected Lipopolysaccharide concentrations in these models may be
intraperitoneally or intravenously 10-200 times the concentrations found in human sepsis.
Additionally, cardiovascular response shows earlier cytokine
release and hypodynamic cardiovascular response than human
sepsis. Value of this model has been questioned despite its
convenience and reproducibility91
Direct bacterial All mammals but Live bacteria can be delivered to host Like lipopolysaccharide model, it allows for varied route of
administration frequently used in (intravenously, intraperitoneally, infection as well as varied administration (bolus v continuous).
larger mammals subcutaneously, or directly into organ This allows for reproducibility in follow-up studies, but
(porcine and ovine) and (eg, lung)). Can use Gram negative and host response to whole microbe can be variable (as with
also in zebrafish Gram positive bacteria lipopolysaccharide). Additionally, sudden administration of
single strain does not model all forms of human sepsis
Cecal ligation and Mammalian but Peritoneal cavity is accessed and either Easy, but does not mimic non-abdominal infectious sources.
puncture or intra- predominantly murine cecum is perforated or stool is directly Sepsis is often polymicrobial, which may be case in humans,
abdominal fecal implanted resulting in abdominal but large degree of variability exists in severity of sepsis and
implantation sepsis. Similar model uses colon resultant acute kidney injury. This variability stems from
ascendens stent, which allows feces to differences in surgical techniques as well. Can be enhanced with
leak from bowel to peritoneum biotelemetry
Bacterial implantation Mammalian but Bacterial impregnated substance (most Replicates hyperdynamic response of human sepsis, but single
models predominantly murine commonly fibrin clot) is implanted organism has same limitations as direct bacterial administration.
in desired locations (intraperitoneal, Dose and timing can be altered to maximize effects, but whether
intravascular). it justifies increased costs of surgical procedure (compared with
direct bacterial administration) remains unclear

to both structural and functional changes in the setting management.104‑106 However, excessive administration
of SA-AKI (fig 1). and accumulation of fluids in an attempt to treat hypoten-
These structural and functional changes may not sion or oliguria after AKI is common and harmful.
work in sync. In an ovine model, no association was In a randomized trial of a conservative versus a liberal
seen between early SA-AKI and histopathologic lesions fluid strategy in 1000 patients with acute respiratory
on renal biopsy.90 Septic animals (n=10) had increased distress syndrome (ARDS), the patients in the conserva-
mesangial expansion on electron microscopy compared tive fluid arm not only had more ventilator-free and
with non-septic animals, but no significant structural dis- ICU-free days but had a non-significant trend toward
turbances were found compared with controls (n=5).90 less AKI needing RRT than those in the liberal fluid arm
Although surprising, these findings may be valid given (10% v 14%; P=0.06).107 Additional analysis of this trial
that larger animals better mimic the human cardiovas- and other studies of fluid management have also shown
cular response in sepsis.90 100-102 More specifically, ovine the harms of excess fluid during and after the develop-
autoregulatory responses in untreated shock and shock ment of AKI.108‑110 Postulated mechanisms driving this
treated with vasoactive drugs are similar to those in p­henomenon include cardiac overload with falling
human kidneys with AKI.100 101 103 Increased investiga- cardiac output, resultant renal venous hypertension,
tion of the interplay of the inflammatory cytokines and increasing resistance, and decreased renal perfusion
infiltrating cells and apoptosis will further our knowledge pressures.
on the effect of these factors on the renal histology and Separately, edema driven rises in intra-abdominal pres-
the macrocirculation and microcirculation. sure may inhibit renal venous drainage, further exacer-
bating the elevation of renal vascular pressure.43 111 112
Prevention and medical treatment High quality resuscitation care of the patient with sepsis
In this section, we will explore prophylactic and thera- includes an initial modest bolus of resuscitation fluid
peutic interventions in the setting of developing and (30 mL/kg within the first three hours) followed by a
established SA-AKI. This will include considerations in frequent assessment with dynamic measures of fluid
the general care of the patient with sepsis that have been responsiveness to determine whether additional fluids
shown to affect the incidence or severity of AKI, as well or vasoactive drugs are indicated.113 Over-resuscitation
as therapies specifically targeted to the injured kidney. and under-resuscitation have both been associated with
adverse outcomes in the setting of shock. Recent s­tudies
Resuscitation have shown that protocolized resuscitation strategies did
Inflammation in sepsis leads to endothelial failure and not improved outcomes, but a minimal degree of resusci-
consequent loss of veno-motor tone and barrier function. tation is needed to mitigate the risk of adverse outcomes.
The resultant reduction in the mean systemic pressure Finally, clear evidence shows that in addition to the
and relative hypovolemic state, paired with decreased risks of under-resuscitation, in the setting of AKI, vol-
systemic vascular resistance, results in hypotension.8 ume overload from aggressive over-resuscitation is also
Prompt resuscitation of the circulation with administra- harmful, creating a J or U shaped curve for resuscitation
tion of intravenous fluids is a key component of sepsis and m­ortality.104-106 114

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Selection of resuscitation fluids several large scale multicenter trials.103 131-135 In the set-
An equally important emerging literature suggests that ting of SA-AKI, traditional agents such as norepinephrine

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the type of resuscitation fluid may affect sepsis and SA- (noradrenaline), epinephrine, vasopressin, and dopa-
AKI outcomes. Perhaps the most definitive and consistent mine, as well as more novel agents such as angiotensin
finding pertains to the use of hyperoncotic starch solu- II and levosimendan, have been investigated.
tions. These solutions should be avoided in sepsis and in Norepinephrine has been a mainstay of treatment of
all other patients at risk for AKI, as multiple studies have septic shock, showing the ability to increase mean arte-
shown that hydroxyethyl starches are associated with rial pressure (MAP) and improve renal perfusion. Nor-
increased risk of AKI and need for RRT compared with a epinephrine has been generally regarded as the first line
variety of crystalloid solutions.115‑119 agent for septic shock on the basis of many clinical tri-
Other researchers have studied the effect of crystal- als suggesting either better outcomes or fewer adverse
loid solutions versus other, non-hyperoncotic starch col- events than with other vasoactives.131 136-139 However,
loids such as albumin in the setting of sepsis with risk ovine data suggesting that norepinephrine may exacer-
for SA-AKI. In the SAFE trial, 1218 patients with severe bate renal medullary hypoxia as the kidney attempts to
sepsis were prospectively randomized to receive either preferentially shunt blood flow to the cortex in SA-AKI
albumin (n=603) or saline (n=615). Patients receiving have led some researchers to revisit other agents in the
albumin had higher central venous pressures over the setting of septic shock and SA-AKI.100 140 Vasopressin is of
first three days and a non-significant trend to decreased particular interest, as the Vasopressin and Septic Shock
mortality but no difference in RRT rates across the two Trial (VASST) comparing norepinephrine with vasopres-
groups (18.7% v 18.2%; P=0.98).120 Subsequent stud- sin showed similar outcomes and no increased adverse
ies of albumin have also found modest improvements events across all study patients and a survival benefit in
in outcomes such as hemodynamic variables but have subgroup analysis of patients with less severe shock.141
not shown improvements in AKI or mortality.121‑124 This The VANISH trial was a prospective, double blind,
high quality literature has not shown significant benefit randomized clinical trial with a two by two (vasopressin
to albumin containing regimens, so their use cannot be or norepinephrine, hydrocortisone or placebo) factorial
recommended over less costly crystalloid solutions. design in the setting of septic shock.131 Patients were ran-
More recently, multiple studies have compared out- domly allocated to vasopressin (titrated up to 0.06 U/min)
comes between balanced and hyperchloremic crystalloid and hydrocortisone (n=101), vasopressin and placebo
solutions, with some but not all suggesting that hyper- (n=104), norepinephrine and hydrocortisone (n=101),
chloremic solutions may be associated with increased AKI or norepinephrine and placebo (n=103). No difference
and mortality.125‑128 One retrospective cohort of 60 734 by vasopressor was seen in the development of AKI in
adults with septic shock found that patients receiving patients who survived (vasopressin group 57.0%, norepi-
exclusively isotonic saline had higher inpatient mortality nephrine group 59.2%), in AKI-free days among patients
than those who were co-administered balanced solutions who died in the hospital (vasopressin group 33.3%, nor-
(20.2% v 17.7%; P<0.001).124 Two large prospective trials epinephrine group 29.4%), or in serious adverse events.
have recently added to this literature.129 130 A pragmatic, These data may suggest that vasopressin is a viable first
cluster randomized, multiple crossover trial at a single line alternative to norepinephrine.
center with 15 802 patients showed no difference in the However, not all vasoactive agents have performed so
primary endpoint of hospital-free days but did show that favorably. During norepinephrine shortages from 2008 to
balanced solutions were associated with a lower rate of a 2013 (≥20% decrease from baseline usage), a retrospec-
composite endpoint of major adverse kidney events (all tive cohort study of 26 US hospitals showed an increase
cause mortality, need for RRT, and doubling of serum cre- in inpatient mortality to 39.6% during the shortage com-
atinine from baseline) within 30 days (14.3% v 15.4%; pared with 35.9% with typical norepinephrine use, rep-
P=0.01).129 Subset analysis of patients with sepsis also resenting an odds ratio of 1.15 (1.01 to 1.30; P=0.03).133
showed that balanced crystalloids were associated with Phenylephrine and dopamine were the most common
an even greater reduction in major adverse kidney events, agents used in place of norepinephrine during the short-
as well as the 30 day mortality component of the com- age. Paired with other trial data, many people have sug-
posite endpoint.130 Additionally, among the patients who gested that phenylephrine and, to an even greater extent,
derived the most benefit in these trials were those who dopamine should be avoided as first line treatment of sep-
had developed some degree of hyperchloremia and kid- tic shock.132 136 138 139
ney injury before enrollment in the study.129 130Although Angiotensin II, a hormone in the renin-angiotensin-
the relatively low volumes of resuscitation fluid (approxi- aldosterone system, is a novel agent recently investi-
mately 2 L over the first three days) in these trials likely gated in the setting of shock.103 135 In the Angiotensin II
differ from practice, they add to a mounting body of for the Treatment of High Output Shock (ATHOS-3) trial,
data suggesting that balanced crystalloid solutions may 344 patients with vasodilatory shock (259 of whom had
improve renal outcomes and survivorship in non-selected sepsis) who were receiving 0.2 µg/kg/min (or equiva-
and septic critically ill patients. lent) of a vasopressor were randomized to receive either
angiotensin II or placebo.135 Angiotensin II led to a sig-
Vasoactive drugs nificant increase in the MAP from baseline within the first
The selection of the ideal vasopressor in the setting of three hours of infusion. MAPs were increased in 69.9%
shock (regardless of AKI status) has been the source of of patients in the angiotensin II arm compared with

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23.4% of the placebo arm (odds ratio 7.95, 4.76 to 13.3; incidence of need to increase vasoactive drugs (34.8%
P<0.001). An improvement was also seen in the cardio- v 28.3%; P=0.03) in the recruitment and titrated PEEP

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
vascular SOFA score, with scores decreasing a mean of group who had significantly higher plateau pressures.151
–1.75 points for patients in the angiotensin II arm com- However, these findings have not been consistent across
pared with –1.28 in the placebo arm (P=0.01). No differ- all trials. An RCT of high versus low PEEP in 767 patients
ence was seen in inpatient mortality.135 A small subgroup with ARDS did not show a difference in the rate of kid-
analysis of patients treated with RRT showed that those ney injury, although the rates were low in both groups.152
receiving angiotensin II needed less RRT, were more likely Furthermore, neither tidal volume nor PEEP had a modi-
to survive through day 28 (53% v 30%; P=0.012), and fying effect in a patient population with a low percent-
were more likely to be alive and RRT free by day 7 (38% age of ARDS in the meta-analysis showing the threefold
v 15%; P=0.037) compared with placebo. If these results increased risk in AKI with mechanical ventilation.145
are validated in larger cohorts, angiotensin II may repre- Mechanical ventilation probably also induces both neu-
sent a novel treatment for SA-AKI.103 rohormonal and inflammatory changes that potentially
Levosimendan is a calcium sensitizing drug with ino- increase the risk for AKI. Both mechanical ventilation
tropic properties that has been used to treat decompen- and the ventilator strategy of permissive hypercapnia are
sated heart failure, with small studies showing its ability known to induce sympathetic tone and the renin-angio-
to increase creatinine clearance and urine output com- tensin system, decreasing renal blood flow, redistributing
pared with dobutamine.134 142 Unfortunately, in a large renal flow to the medulla, and decreasing GFR.146‑148 Addi-
scale, double blind, randomized trial investigating the tionally, mechanical ventilation at any volume or pressure
addition of levosimendan (compared with placebo) in has consistently been shown to create a cascade of inflam-
adults with sepsis (MAKE-28), no difference was seen in mation including multiple interleukins, tumor necrosis
renal outcomes.134 Thus, no data support its use in the factor α, and Fas ligand that may contribute to AKI.148
treatment of SA-AKI. In aggregate, these mechanical, neurohormonal, and
Norepinephrine and vasopressin remain consen- inflammatory effects of mechanical ventilation predis-
sus first line agents for the treatment of septic shock, pose to AKI. However, mechanical ventilation is una-
although treatment should be tailored to the individual voidable in many patients, and the ventilation strategy
patient. Although previous studies have shown that is largely dictated by the effect on oxygenation and overall
MAP targets higher than the 65 mm Hg recommended survival. Whether a given strategy would potentially pro-
in sepsis guidelines decreased the rate of RRT in patients tect the kidney independent of and without sacrificing
with hypertension, this did not translate to improved the support of the respiratory system is not clear. High
survival.143 A higher MAP should be targeted only with tidal volumes and high intrathoracic pressures seen with
active surveillance to evaluate for adverse effects from recruitment maneuvers are likely best avoided. Permis-
these potentially harmful agents. sive hypercapnia offers a potential benefit as a ventilator
strategy, but it is not without its pitfalls, and clinicians
Mechanical ventilation must use this technique with caution in patients with
Critically ill patients with sepsis and septic shock often right heart failure and increased intracranial pressures
need mechanical ventilation with positive pressure (PPV) among others.147 Finally, alternatives to invasive mechan-
to provide support with oxygenation, ventilation, and air- ical ventilation such as high flow oxygen systems, helmet
way protection in the setting of organ failure. PPV has non-invasive ventilation, and face mask non-invasive
long been known to have potentially deleterious effects ventilation may confer a different risk, but insufficient
on kidney perfusion and function.144 More recently, a data are available to recommend that one or the other
high quality systematic review and meta-analysis of modality should be used on the basis of consideration of
studies reporting a relation between the use of invasive the risk for AKI.145 153 154
mechanical ventilation and the subsequent onset of AKI
or comparing high and low tidal or positive end-expir- Drug treatment strategies for SA-AKI
atory pressure with the development of AKI found that The prophylactic use of diuretics, specifically furosem-
the pooled odds ratio for development of AKI in the set- ide, to prevent AKI has been shown to be unsuccessful
ting of mechanical ventilation was 3.16 (2.32 to 4.28), and potentially harmful in critically ill patients.155 156
with similar findings in a subset that allowed multivariate Similarly, diuretics have not been shown to ameliorate or
analysis (3.48, 1.85 to 6.92).145 attenuate AKI once it is established.157 Thus, the routine
Work from animal models and clinical trials suggest use of diuretics for the prevention or treatment of SA-AKI
that the mechanism is likely multifactorial. PPV increases cannot be recommended. However, their utility in regulat-
intrathoracic pressure, reducing venous return, car- ing and maintaining fluid balance fosters their continued
diac output, and renal perfusion.146‑149 This proposed use in the setting of critical illness despite their inability
mechanical mechanism is supported by several land- to improve renal outcomes.
mark clinical trials of ARDS. In a randomized controlled In preclinical and small clinical studies, systemic
trial (RCT) of low tidal volume ventilation in ARDS, renal administration of alkaline phosphatase has shown pro-
failure was seen less often in patients in the lower tidal tection in SA-AKI.158‑160 Alkaline phosphatase has been
volume intervention arm.150 A more recent RCT of lung thought to be effective through the direct dephospho-
recruitment and titrated positive end-expiratory pressure rylation of endotoxin leading to attenuated inflamma-
(PEEP) did not report renal outcomes but noted a higher tion and organ dysfunction and improved survival rates.

For personal use only 8 of 17


Table 5 | Therapies in sepsis associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI): previous efforts and novel ongoing investigations
Agent Mechanism of action Comments

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Traditional agents that have not shown benefit in SA-AKI
Statins (hydroxymethyl Anti-inflammatory properties, cardiovascular risk reduction, Did not reduce AKI risk in patient with pneumonia associated sepsis166; meta-analysis of seven RCTs
glutaryl coenzyme A pleotrophic effects showed no effect on mortality across statin agents and several dosing ranges167
reductase inhibitors)
N-acetyl-cysteine Potent scavenger of reactive oxygen species, improves Wealth of animal data support its ability to prevent AKI in sepsis models,168 169 but no human data support
glutathione stores its use in SA-AKI or other AKI settings170 171
Tight glucose control Theoretically decreases oxidative stress and endothelial Large scale prospective RCT of surgical ICU patients showed 41% reduction in AKI requiring RRT with
dysfunction blood sugar between 80 and 110 mg/dL,172 but this effect was not validated in several follow-up studies
including investigation specifically in patients with sepsis (although this was a 2×2 design that included
pentastarch).115 Follow-up studies in ICU patients showed no renal effects and perhaps signal for
increased mortality with blood sugar 81-108 mg/dL173
Erythropoietin Hematologic growth factor with anti-inflammatory and anti- Most investigation of erythropoietin and AKI has occurred in cardiac surgery patients, but two large
apoptotic effects trials investigating its use in mixed ICU populations failed to show improvement in AKI outcomes.174 175
However, <20% of patients in both these studies had sepsis/septic shock.
Steroids (glucocorticoids Classes of hormones that work to control carbohydrate and Role of steroids remains controversial in setting of sepsis, but two recent studies showed limited effects
and mineralocorticoids) protein metabolism (glucocorticoids) and control electrolyte on SA-AKI. APROCCHSS trial, which looked at hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone, showed no difference
and fluid balance (mineralocorticoid) with anti-inflammatory in need for RRT between patients who did and did not receive steroids (27% v 28.1%).176 ADRENAL trial
properties showed no difference in use of RRT (30.6% in hydrocortisone group; 32.7% in placebo group; P=0.18),
and no difference in number of days spent alive and RRT free (P=0.29)177
Promising novel agents that need further investigation
Alkaline phosphatase Will dephosphorylate endotoxins, perhaps leading to weakened In a prospective, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial (n=36), intravenous infusion of
inflammatory response alkaline phosphatase improved endogenous creatinine clearance and was associated with lower
biomarkers of renal tubular injury, with no reduction in RRT rates.178 A recent multicenter international
trial was not successful in replicating these improved AKI rates but did show improved 28 day mortality in
setting of SA-AKI161
Thiamine Thiamine deficiency is associated with anaerobic metabolism In secondary analysis of a single center randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial of 70 patients
and increased lactates. Ensuring thiamine repletion may with septic shock, those randomized to receive intravenous thiamine (200 mg twice a day for 7 days) had
improve mitochondrial function in setting of sepsis less severe AKI and fewer patients receiving RRT179
AKI=acute kidney injury; ICU=intensive care unit; RCT=randomized controlled trial; RRT=renal replacement therapy.

A recent international, randomized, double blind, pla- dose, timing, and modality of RRT in the broader popula-
cebo controlled, dose finding adaptive phase IIa/IIb study tion of ICU patients needing RRT.185‑189 However, several
included 301 adults with SA-AKI.161 In the dose finding investigations have focused on patients specifically with
portion of the trial, 120 patients were randomized to SA-AKI, and these are discussed below and summarized
receive recombinant alkaline phosphatase in a dose of in table 7.
0.4, 0.8, or 1.6 mg/kg of the drug or placebo, with 1.6 The sepsis and SA-AKI specific data around the timing
mg/kg being determined to be the optimal dose. Then of RRT point to potential harm with earlier initiation. In a
82 patients received 1.6 mg/kg of alkaline phosphatase recent multicenter, randomized controlled trial, patients
compared with 86 receiving placebo. Although the study with early stage septic shock who had RIFLE-failure
did not show a decrease in the primary endpoint of time AKI (table 1) were randomized to receive RRT within 12
corrected AUC of creatinine clearance for days 1 to 7, it hours of meeting entry criteria (early) or after a 48 hour
did show decreased mortality in patients receiving alka- delay (if possible and if needed—delayed arm).190 In this
line phosphatase. More stage 3 AKI occurred in patients French trial, which was stopped early for futility, 58%
receiving alkaline phosphatase (11/111; 9.9%) than (138/239) of the early group and 54% (128/238) of the
in those receiving placebo (5/116; 4.3%).161 However, delayed group had died (P=0.38). Additionally, 93 (38%)
given the decreased 28 day mortality (17.4% in patients patients in the delayed arm never needed RRT. In addition
receiving 1.6 mg/kg compared with 29.5% of those in the to this SA-AKI specific large scale study, evidence suggests
placebo group), some possibility exists that although it is that starting RRT early in patients with sepsis may not
not a treatment for SA-AKI, recombinant alkaline phos- be beneficial.
phatase may play a role in the treatment of sepsis itself. In a prospective, randomized, multicenter French trial,
A large body of preclinical work has investigated several 80 patients received either 96 hours of hemofiltration (25
pathways to potentially intervene and prevent or treat SA- mL/kg/h) or conservative management within 24 hours
AKI, and although this work has focused on molecules such of any sepsis induced organ failure (including non-renal
as the caspase and interleukin inhibitors, to date it has not organs, with a baseline serum creatinine of 188 µmol/L).
translated into human investigations of SA-AKI.162‑165Table This early start, sometimes in the absence of SA-AKI,
5 summarizes several clinical trials that have investigated led to increased adverse outcomes including worsening
novel and traditional agents in the setting of SA-AKI. Addi- organ failure.191 Then, in a recent post hoc analysis of the
tionally, table 6 provides information about clinical trials AKIKI (Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney Injury) trial
found on that are actively recruiting in 174 patients in each arm with septic shock, no differ-
patients with SA-AKI. ence in 60 day mortality was seen between the early and
delayed arms. A significant increase was seen in renal
Renal replacement therapy recovery, as measured by urine output, in patients in
Much of the data around the use of RRT in the setting of the delayed arm.197 These findings, suggesting benefits
SA-AKI are informed by larger trials that have investigated of delayed RRT, were not replicated by a recent trial

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Table 6 | Trials that are actively recruiting patients with sepsis associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI) as of autumn 2018
Agent/intervention Mechanism of action Study population Study design

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Reltecimod180 Peptide that binds CD28 co-stimulatory receptor and Adult ICU patients (n=120) with Phase II randomized, placebo controlled, multicenter study assessing
modulates immune response underlying abdominal infection ability of reltecimod to achieve recovery from abdominal SA-AKI
and stage 2/3 AKI
Adsorptive filter181 Use of PrismafleX eXeed (Hospal) using ST150SET Adult ICU patients (n=110) with Prospective, multicenter, randomized trial assessing cytokine
copolymer of acrylonitrile and sodium methylsulfonate SA-AKI requiring dialysis concentrations and patient outcomes using absorptive filter
(AN 69) with polyethylenimine treated surface
Balanced crystalloids versus Balanced solutions (Ringer’s acetate) have been Adult ICU patients (n=236) Prospective, double blind, single center, parallel assignment trial of
0.9% normal saline182 shown to improve AKI and MAKE outcomes in ICU with sepsis normal saline or Ringer’s acetate to determine incidence and severity of
patients AKI in patients with sepsis
L-carnitine183 Has been shown to enhance glucose and lactate Adult ICU patients (n=272) with Prospective, double blind, placebo controlled, multicenter trial
oxidation and improve smooth muscle and cardiac sepsis/septic shock investigating effect of L-carnitine on short and long term outcomes in
function in setting of critical illness patients with septic shock
Peripheral arterial tonometry/ Measurement of residual kidney function in pediatric Pediatric and young adult (<24 Prospective, cross sectional, control-cohort study. Patients with SA-AKI
renal plasma flow/blood patients and young adults with SA-AKI to determine years old) (n=45) with severe will be monitored after discharge for formal measurement of glomerular
pressure measurement and effect on host and long term development of kidney sepsis filtration rate, renal plasma flow, and peripheral arterial tonometry to
renal function assessment184 disease determine long term effect of SA-AKI on renal function
AKI=acute kidney injury; ICU=intensive care unit; MAKE=major adverse kidney event.

in­vestigating timing of RRT in ICU patients (32% with The use of extracorporeal therapies to remove circulat-
severe sepsis).186 One large scale, non-SA-AKI specific ing endotoxin has been studied in the setting of septic
trial is recruiting participants to further investigate the shock. In several, predominantly Japanese, trials using
optimal timing of RRT.198 polymixin B hemoperfusion, these techniques have
Dose of RRT has been extensively studied in the s­etting shown a mortality benefit.202 Similarly, the EUPHAS
of SA-AKI, with several studies showing no benefit to the (Early Use of Polymxyin B Hemoperfusion in Abdomi-
increased dosing of RRT (table 7).193‑196 Much of the dos- nal Septic Shock) trial showed that patients randomized
ing guidelines stem from two large scale multicenter ran- to receive two sessions of polymyxin B hemoperfusion
domized controlled trials; however, these two trials were (n=34) (compared with conventional therapy, n=30) had
not exclusively done in the setting of SA-AKI. The Veterans improved MAPs, lower critical illness scores, and lower
Administration-NIH Acute Renal Failure Trial Network 28 day mortality (32% v 53%; P=0.01). Importantly, not
enrolled 1055 patients, 579 (54.9%) of whom had sepsis; all of these patients had AKI or the need for RRT (n=19),
the Randomized Evaluation of Normal versus Augmented as enrollment was based solely on the presence of sep-
Level (RENAL) Replacement Therapy Trial studied 1465 tic shock.203 In a follow-up study (Evaluating the Use of
patients, 723 (49.3%) of whom had severe sepsis. Their Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion in a Randomized controlled
combined results have shown that if continuous RRT trial of Adults Treated for Endotoxemia and Septic shock;
is needed, the recommended delivered dose should be EUPHRATES), 450 eligible patient with documented
20-25 mL/kg/h, with close attention being paid to all endotoxemia and shock were enrolled and randomized
drug dosing.187 188 Clinicians should remember that the to potentially receive two hemoperfusion treatments
delivered dose is often lower than the prescribed dose, 24 hours apart (or placebo).204 However, polymyxin B
so in the setting of SA-AKI the dosing of continuous RRT hemoperfusion was not associated with a significant dif-
should be at least at the 30-35 mL/kg/h range to ensure ference in mortality at 28 days, with 37.7% mortality in
adequate delivery.187 Finally, as these two large scale the treatment group and 35.5% mortality in the sham
studies and smaller ones specific to SA-AKI have shown, cohort (P=0.49). In fact, 10.8% of the treatment group
higher doses (for example, 70 mL/kg/h) of continuous had a worsening of their sepsis compared with 9.1% of
RRT do not improve patients’ survival.187 188 194 the sham group.204 Not enough evidence exists to recom-
Limited data suggest a benefit with any specific RRT mend the use of hemoperfusion in the setting of septic
modality. An RCT randomized 77 patients with AKI shock or SA-AKI.24
needing continuous RRT to receive either 35 mL/kg/h of
continuous veno-venous hemofiltration or continuous Renal recovery and other long term outcomes
veno-venous hemodialysis (63 (82%) of whom had sep- Recently, several reviews on renal recovery following AKI
sis).189 The results showed no difference in renal recovery have been written, but no formally accepted definition of
or 60 day mortality (56% v 55%).189 Finally, no data sup- renal recovery exists.205 206 For the past decade, several para-
port the use of intermittent hemodialysis over continu- digms of AKI recovery have been hypothesized.24 207 208 Pro-
ous RRT (or vice versa) in the setting of SA-AKI. Although posed definitions range from total recovery (return of serum
several studies have investigated this question, meta- creatinine to baseline) to persistent AKI requiring RRT which
analyses and large RCTs have shown no difference.199‑201 becomes end stage renal disease (ESRD). Importantly, serum
Thus, physicians should start an RRT modality that they creatinine is not ideally suited to accurate measurement of
are comfortable with and that can achieve the guideline renal reserve and may not be the best biomarker to quantify
recommended dose of a Kt/V of 3.9 per week in the setting recovery, especially given the effect of muscle wasting on
of intermittent dialysis and a delivered dose of 20-25 mL/ serum creatinine in critical illness. Most recently, ADQI pro-
kg/h in continuous RRT, as well as one that will achieve posed the concept of acute kidney disease, which separated
the desired clearance and ultrafiltration for each specific out the first seven days of AKI (as per the KDIGO guidelines),
patient.7 calling this first week AKI but differentiating days 8-90 as

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Table 7 | Summary of trials of timing and dose of renal replacement therapy (RRT) in sepsis associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI)
Indication for

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Study study Comparison No of patients with sepsis Outcome and comments
Barbar et al190 Timing of RRT Early stage septic shock patients with RIFLE- All 488 patients had septic shock This study, which was stopped early owing to futility, found no
failure randomized to starting RRT immediately difference in 90 day mortality between patients in early arm
versus delayed start after 48 h if needed (58%) and delayed strategy arm (54%). Additionally, 38% in
delayed arm did not go on to receive RRT
Payen et al191 Timing of RRT CVVH at 25 mL/kg/h versus usual care started All 76 patients had sepsis; 37 randomized to No improvement in outcomes with early continuous RRT. No
within 24 h of first organ failure (including non- CVVH and 39 to usual care arm difference in 28 day mortality (54% in CVVH group; 44% in usual
renal organs) care group; P=0.10)
Guadry et al192 Timing of RRT Patients with acute tubular necrosis and stage 250/311 randomized to early start and No difference in 60 day survival (P=0.79). Patients randomized to
3 AKI randomized to immediate start of RRT 244/308 to delayed arm delayed strategy were more likely to have increased urine output
versus delayed strategy requiring metabolic or (1 L/day off diuretics or 2 L/day with diuretics). More patients
respiratory derangement to start RRT in early initiation arm had infections (10% v 5%; P=0.03) and
hypophosphatemia (22% v 15%; P=0.03)
Zhang et al193 Dose of RRT Patients were randomly assigned to receive 50 All 280 patients had sepsis, with 139 receiving No difference in 28 (57.4% v 58.3%) or 90 (59.6% v. 63.3%)
or 85 mL/kg/h of hemofiltration 50 mL/kg/h and 141 receiving 85 mL/kg/h day survival in this cohort of patients with sepsis and a traditional
indication for RRT (P>0.05 for both)
Joannes- Dose of RRT Patients with septic shock and at least a All 138 patients had septic shock, with 71 No difference in 90 day mortality (56.1% v 50.7%; P=0.53),
Boyau et al doubling of creatinine or 12 hours of oliguria receiving 35 mL//kg/h and 66 receiving 70 nor in ventilator, ICU, or hospital-free days at 90 days. Despite
(IVOIRE)194 randomized to receive 35 or 70 mL/kg/h mL//kg/h supplementation, more hypophosphatemia occurred in high
dose group (P<0.01)
Park et al195 Dose of RRT Patients with sepsis and at least a doubling of All 212 patient had sepsis, with 107 in 40 mL/ No difference in 28 day mortality (64.5% v 65.7%; P=0.50) or
creatinine or 12 hours of oliguria randomized kg/h arm and 105 in 80 mL/kg/h arm 90 day mortality (74.8% v 78.1%; P=0.60). No difference in
to receive 40 or 80 mL/kg/h renal survival or cytokine concentrations between groups. No
difference in electrolyte disturbances (potassium, phosphate, or
magnesium) between groups
Chung et al Dose of RRT Burn patients with septic shock and AKI (<20 All 37 patients had sepsis, with 14 in control No difference in 28 day mortality (36% v 22%; P=0.45) or renal
(RESCUE)196 mL/h of urine for 24 h or increase in serum arm and 23 in 70 mL/kg/h arm recovery among survivors. No difference in adverse events or
creatinine of 2.0 mg/dL in men or 1.5 mg/dL in electrolyte disturbances between groups
women) randomized to receive 70 mL/kg/h of
CVVH for 48 h or usual care
AKI=acute kidney injury; CVVH=continuous veno-venous hemofiltration; ICU=intensive care unit; RIFLE=risk, injury, failure, loss, end stage kidney disease.

acute kidney disease. This period serves as a framework for ery are lacking. In a prospective observational cohort
defining recovery and the potential progression to chronic of 1753 critically ill patients with AKI, SA-AKI (n=833)
kidney disease (CKD)/ESRD (fig 2).24 was associated with increased risk of inpatient mortality
Given the lack of consensus for definitions of recov- but was also associated with a trend toward lower serum
ery from all cause AKI, data specific for SA-AKI recov- creatinine (median 106 (interquartile range 73-158) v
121 (88-184) µmol/L; P=0.01) and dependence on RRT
(9% v 14%; P=0.052) at hospital discharge (n=920).31
These differences were at least in part due to patients
&RPSOHWH 3DUWLDO &RPSOHWH 3DUWLDO with non-septic AKI having more CKD before admis-
sion. This potential association between SA-AKI and
improved renal function at the time of discharge is in
contrast to a recent study defining patterns of recovery
in 16 968 critically ill patients with stage 2 or 3 AKI.208
Early reversal, defined as no longer meeting KDIGO stage
6$$., 1RUHFRYHU\ 6$$.' 1RUHFRYHU\ &.'(65' 1 criteria within seven days, was subcategorized into sus-
tained reversal, relapse with subsequent recovery, and
'LDJQRVHG relapse without recovery. Sepsis was associated with an
YLD.',*2 increased risk of relapse compared with patients with
6HSVLV FKDQJHLQ early sustained reversal (odds ratio 1.34 (1.18 to 1.52);
6&URU823 P<0.001).208 A retrospective study also showed that dia-
ELRPDUNHUV betes makes recovery from SA-AKI less likely (41.1%
in non-diabetic SA-AKI versus 60% in diabetic SA-AKI;
$., $.' &.'(65' P<0.001).209 Given the size and observational nature of
   these datasets, further investigation of SA-AKI associated
'D\VDIWHULQMXU\ renal recovery is needed.
Evidence in settings other than sepsis shows that inpa-
Fig 2 |  Potential outcomes in the setting of acute kidney injury (AKI) and acute kidney disease tients with AKI are more likely to be readmitted within
(AKD). The figure shows the potential progression through the various stages of sepsis 30-90 days.210‑212 Specific data on SA-AKI are lacking.
associated AKI (SA-AKI). AKI may occur over the first 7 days, when it can lead to persistent
However, Americans aged 50 years or older with a his-
injury and become SA-AKD. During AKI, patients may have complete or partial recoveries, but
some may have persistent injury without recovery. Longitudinally, this lack of recovery may tory of severe sepsis have been shown to be 2.5 times
become chronic kidney disease (CKD) or its most severe form end stage renal disease (ESRD). more likely to be readmitted to hospital for AKI within
UOP=urine output; SCr=serum creatinine. Adapted and modified from Chawla et al 201724 and 90 days than comorbidity matched patients without
Forni et al 2017205 sepsis.213 In addition to readmission, some evidence

For personal use only 11 of 17


Box 3 | Summary of management strategies for sepsis GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS

associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI) ADQI—Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.k4891 on 9 January 2019. Downloaded from on 13 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Screening and diagnosis AKI—acute kidney injury
• Closely monitor both urine output and serum creatinine in AKIN—Acute Kidney Injury Network
patients with sepsis ARDS—acute respiratory distress syndrome
• Given limitations of urine output and serum creatinine, AUC—area under the curve
consider adoption of emerging risk scoring systems or CKD—chronic kidney disease
serum biomarkers
ESRD—end stage renal disease
Supportive care GFR—glomerular filtration rate
• Use best practice strategies for patients with sepsis ICU—intensive care unit
––Early administration of appropriate antibiotics IGFBP7—insulin-like growth factor binding protein-7
––Achieve control or removal of source of infection KDIGO—Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
––Adequate resuscitation with intravenous fluids while KIM-1—kidney injury molecule-1
avoiding over-resuscitation
MAP—mean arterial pressure
––Use norepinephrine, vasopressin, or both as initial
NGAL—neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin
vasoactive drug(s)
PEEP—positive end-expiratory pressure
Avoid further kidney injury
PICARD—Program to Improve Care in Acute Renal Disease
• Avoid potentially nephrotoxic drugs when possible
PPV—positive pressure ventilation
• Avoid potentially nephrotoxic contrast loads when possible
RAI—renal angina index
• Do not use hydroxyethyl starches
RBF—renal blood flow
Treatment of SA-AKI RCT—randomized controlled trial
• Early initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT) has RIFLE—risk, injury, failure, loss, end stage kidney disease
not been shown to be superior to conventional timing of
RRT—renal replacement therapy
initiation of RRT
SA-AKI—sepsis associated acute kidney injury
• The delivered dose of continuous RRT (CRRT) should be
20-25 mL/kg/h, which often requires dosing CRRT at 30-35 SIRS—systemic inflammatory response syndrome
mL/kg/h TIMP2—tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2
• Higher dose RRT (70-85 mL/kg/h) has not been shown to
be superior to lower dose RRT (35-50 mL/kg/h) Guidelines
Both the KDIGO and National Institute for Health and
points to increased risk for the development of post-AKI Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for AKI are high quality
CKD, although limited supporting prospective data are reviews, but neither focuses specifically on AKI in criti-
available.214‑218 The Assessment, Serial Evaluation, and cally ill or septic patients.7 221 One high quality multi-soci-
Subsequent Sequelae of AKI (ASSESS-AKI) study is fol- ety guideline covers AKI in critically ill patients generally
lowing several hundred critically ill patients with and and offers guidance for several subsets of ICU patients,
without SA-AKI to determine its impact on long term but does not cover SA-AKI specifically.222
renal function in those who survive their index hospital
admission.219 In the future, biochemical (such as those Conclusion
discussed in table 3) or functional biomarkers such as Despite progress in our understanding of the factors that
renal functional reserve (for example, monitoring the drive the pathobiology of SA-AKI, it remains a common and
kidney’s ability to hyper-filter in the setting of a protein highly morbid complication of a common critical illness.
load)220 may play a role in determining which patients Epidemiologic data suggest that population change and the
with SA-AKI recover function and which progress to per- continued march of intensive medical interventions are likely
sistent AKI and eventual CKD and ESRD disease. to increase its burden. Vigilance for risk factors for SA-AKI
• Is there an ideal intravenous fluid and vasoactive drug to A 62 year old man with a previous history of postoperative
prevent or ameliorate early sepsis associated acute kidney sepsis associated acute kidney injury (SA-AKI) who had a
injury (SA-AKI)? hospital limited course of renal replacement therapy four
years ago with the subsequent development of post-AKI
• What is the best way to identify acute kidney injury at its
chronic kidney disease accepted an invitation to review the
manuscript as a patient reviewer for The BMJ. He reviewed
• Does removing endotoxin or endogenous cytokines via the paper in its entirety, providing suggestions on which
continuous renal replacement therapy or adsorption in the sections were most and least relevant to his personal history.
setting of SA-AKI have clinical utility? As a result of this input, we emphasized the effect of SA-AKI
• Can pairing biomarkers of renal injury with early on the potential development of chronic kidney disease
interventions (therapeutic or pharmacologic) prevent as well as the limited treatment options in the setting of
SA-AKI? AKI. The patient asked us to emphasize the importance
• How do outcomes of SA-AKI differ from those of other forms of continuing to work to discover and validate treatment
of acute kidney injury? options in the setting of acute kidney injury (and chronic
• Does the paradigm of acute kidney disease accurately kidney disease) and to remind people of the importance of
reflect the clinical course of SA-AKI? nephrology care in the setting of kidney disease.

For personal use only 12 of 17


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