Complete Medical Terms
Complete Medical Terms
Complete Medical Terms
-osmia Smell Anosmia – absence of the sense of smell
-pnea Breathing Dyspnea – difficulty in breathing
Hyperpnea – increase in the rate of breathing
with increased depth. Also known as the
Tachypnea – rapid breathing with normal
Bradypnea – slow breathing
Eopnea – normal breathing
Apnea – absence of breathing
-ptysis Spitting Hemoptysis – spitting of blood
-sphyxia Pulse Asphysia – absence of pulse due to interference
of respiration
-thorax Pleural cavity, chest cavity, thoracic cavity Chylothorax – chylle in
AP Anteroposterior
ETH Ethambutanol
ETT Endotracheal
GA General anesthesia
HCO3- bicarbonate
IC Inspiratory capacity
INH isoniazid
NG nasogastric
NT nasotracheal
O2 oxygen
PA postanterior
PS Pulmonic stenosis
RIF rifampicin
RR respiratory rate
RV residual volume
SCM sternocleidomastoid
TV tidal volume
VC vital capacity
V/Q ventilation-perfusion
Ankyl/o Crooked, bent, fused Ankylodactyly – fusion of two or more
fingers. (aslo syndactyly)
Ankylosis – abnormal condition of fusion
of joints secondary to disease process
Arthr/o Joint Arthrodesis – stiffening of a joint by
operative means, (-desis means binding
Arthrocentesis – aspiration of fluid from a
Arthroscopy – visual examination of the
Hydrathrosis – abnormal condition of
water in the joint
Burs/o Bursa (sac or fluid that protects the bony Bursopathy – any disease of the bursa
prominences from excessive friction and pressure) Bursitis – inflammation of the bursa
Calc/o Calcium Calcipenia – insufficient amount of calcium
Calci/o in the tissue of the body.
Hypocalcemia – decreased calcium in the
Chondr/o Cartilage Chondroplasty – surgical repair of the
Chondrogenesis – formation of cartilage
Kyph/o Humpback (posterior curvature in the thoracic Kyphoscoliosis – lateral and posterior
region) curvature of the spine (scolio-means
Lamin/a Lamina (anterior part of the vertebra; arch) Laminotomy – incision of the lamina
Laminectomy – removal of the lamina
Lord/o Bending backward swayback (anterior curvature in Lordscoliosis– lateral and anterior
the lumbar region) curvature of the spine
Lumb/o Lower back, part of the back and sides between the Lumbocostal – pertaining to the lower
ribs and the pelvis back and the ribs
Lumbosacral – pertaining to the lumbar
and sacral area
Lumbodynia – pain in the lumbar area, low
back area, (also called lumbago)
Myel/o Bone marrow Myelography – radiographic examination
of the bone marrow cell, not found in the
blood except in the presence of a disease
My/o Muscle Myotomy – incision in the muscle
Myoma – benign tumor of muscular tissue
Orth/o Straight Orthognathia – study of malpositions in the mandibular
bones. (-gnathos means jaw)
Oste/o Bone Ostealgia – pain in the bone. (also osteodynia)
Ostectomy – surgical removal of a bone.
Osteoarthropathy – bone and joint disease
Rachi/o Spine Rachicentesis – surgical puncture to the spine. (also lumbar
Rachiopelgia – spinal paralysis
Rheumat/o Watery flow Rheumatoid – resembling rheumatoid disorders
Rheumatologist – specialist in rheumatoid disorders
Scoli/o Crooked, bent (lateral Scoliosis – lateral curvature of the spine
Spondyl/o (used to make Vertebrae Spondylosis – abnormal condition of the vertebra usually
words about conditions associated with degeneration.
of the structure)
Spondylolysis – degeneration of the pars interarticularis.
Spondylolisthesis – anterior slippage of vertebra. (-listhesis
means slippage)
Synov/o Synovial membrane Synovectomy – removal of the synovial membrane
Synovitis – inflammation of the synovial membrane.
Ten/o Tendon Tenolysis – breakdown of the tendon
Tendin/o Tendinoplasty – surgical repair of the tendon.
Vertebr/o (used to Vertebra Vertebral – pertaining to the vertebra
describe the structure)
CT Computerized tomography
Fx Fractures
IC Intercostal space
IM Intramuscular
IV Intravenous
LE Lower extremity
OA Osteoarthritis
OR Operating room
RA Rheumatoid arthritis
SCM Sternocleidomastoid
UE Upper extremity
Parts of the GI Tract
Choledoch / o Common bile duct Choledochoplasty – surgical repair of the common bile
duct (plasty – means surgical repair)
Choledochitis – inflammation of the common bile duct
Col / o Colon, large intestine Colonogram – record of the movements of the colon (gram
Colon / o – means record)
Colotomy – incision to the colon or large intestine
Colostomy – opening in the colon (stomy – means opening)
Dent / o Dental teeth Dentia – process or development of tooth (ia – means
Dentillingual – pertaining to the teeth and tongue
Duoden / o Duodenum Duodenoscopy – visual examination of the duodenum
(scopy – means visual examination)
Duodenitis – inflammation of the duodenum
Enter / o Intestines, usually small Enterocele – intestinal hernia (cele – means hernia)
intestine Gastroenteritis – inflammation of the stomach and the
small intestine
Esphag / o Esophagus Esophagodynia – pain in the esophagus (also esophagalgia)
Esophagogastrectomy – removal of the esophagus (lower
portion) and stomach (proximal part)
Faci / o Face Facioplegia – paralysis of the face (plegia – means
Prosop /o paralysis)
Prosopagnosia – inability to recognize familiar faces (gnosis
– means recognition)
Prosopectasia – enlargement of the face (ectasia – means
dilatation, enlargement)
Gastr/o Stomach Gastrocolostomy – opening in the stomach and the colon
Gastrodynia – stomach ache
Gastroenenterocolitis – inflammation of the stomach and
the intestine
Gingiv / o Gums Gingivostomatitis – inflammation of the gums and oral
mucous membrane
Gingivosis – abnormal condition of the gums, usually
chronic gingivitis
Gloss / o Tongue Glossopharyngeal – pertaining to the tongue and the
Lingu / o pharynx
Hypoglossal – below the tongue (hypo – means below,
decreased. In this term, it is more appropriate to use the
first meaning)
Sublingual – under the tongue
Hepat / o Liver Hepatocarcinoma – malignant tumor of the liver
Hepatography – radiography of the liver
Hepatocyte – liver cell
Ile / o Ileum Ileocecal sphincter – pertaining to the sphincter between
the ileum and cecum (Sphincter is a muscular structure
that guards an opening of a lumen or duct. Also called the
ileocecal valve)
Ileocolitis – inflammation of the ileum and colon
Ileocecostomy – anastomosis (communication) between
the ileum and the cecum
Jejun / o jejunum Jejunostomy – anastomosis between two portions of the
Gastrojejunitis – inflammation of the stomach and the
Choledochojejunostomy – anastomosis between the
common bile duct and jejunum
Lapar / o Abdomen Laparomyositis – inflammation of the abdomen muscle
(myo – means muscle)
Laparoscope – instrument used for visual examination of
the stomach (scope – means instrument)
Mandibul / o Lower jaw, mandible Submandibular – pertaining to the area under the
mandible, lower jaw
Odont / o Teeth Orthodontist – teeth specialist concerned with the
correction and prevention of the irregularities of the teeth
(Orth/o means straight)
Peridontist – teeth specialist concerned with the study of
normal tissues and treatment of diseases affecting the
Endodontist – teeth specialist concerned with the internal
structures of the teeth
Or / o Mouth Oronasal – pertaining to the mouth and nose
Stomat / o Stomatitis – inflammation of the mouth
Palat / o Palate Palatoplegia – paralysis of the sof palate
Palastoschisis – clef palate (schisis – means fissure)
Pancreat / o Pancreas Pancreatogenic – formed in the pancreas
Pancreatogrpahy – radiographic examination of the
Pharyng / o Pharynx , throat Pharyngocele – diverticulum(growth) in the throat or
Peritone / o Peritoneum Peritoneoscopy – visual examination of the peritoneum
Proct / o Anus and rectum Proctitis – inflammation of the rectum (also rectitis)
Rect / o
Pylor / o Pylorus, pyloric sphincter Pylorogastrectomy – removal of the pylorus and the
Pyloroplasty – surgical repair of the pyloric sphincter
Sial / o Saliva sialorrhea – uncontrollable flow/discharge of saliva.
Sialaden / o Salivary gland sialadenitis – inflammation of the salivary gland (-adeno
means gland)
Sigmoid/o Sigmoid colon Sigmoidoscopy – visual examination of the sigmoid colon.
Amyl/o Starch Amylogenesis - formation of starch (-genesis
means formation, development)
Amylase-enzyme responsible for digestion of
starch (-ase means enzyme)
Bil/i Gall,bile Biliuria-presence of bile in the urine (-uria
means urine)
Bilirubin/o Bilirubin (bile pigment) Bilirubinemia-presence of bilirubin in the
blood (-emia means blood condition)
Chlohydr/o Acid Hyperchlohydeia-excessive hydrochloric acid
in the stomach
Achlorhydria-absence of gastric juice
(hydrochloric acid) associated with gastric
Gluc/o Glucose Glucolysis-breakdown of sugar (also
Glyc/o Sugar Hypoglycaemia- decreased sugar in the
Glycogen/o Glycogen, animal starch Glycogenesis-formation of the glycogen
Lip/o Fat, lipid Liposuction-removal of fats through
Steat/o Fat Steatorrhea-discharge of fats, usually found
in feces
mEq Milliequivalent
NG Nasogastric
NT Nasotracheal
Oz Ounce
Sup Suppository