Complete Medical Terms

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PREFIXES ultra- beyond, excess


ad- toward, near -algia, -dypnia pain
ambi- around, on both sides, about -assay to examine, analyze
amphi- around, on both sides -cele hernia, swelling
ana- up, backward, against -ectasis dilation, expansion
ante- before, forward -emesis vomiting
anter/o front -emia blood condition
anti- against -genesis formation
apo- away, separation -gram written record
cata- down, under -graph instrument for recording
ciricum- around -graphy process of recording
contra- against, opposite -iatry treatment
dextro/o right -iasis abnormal condition
dia- through, throughout -ism condition
dis- apart, to separate -itis inflammation
dist/o distant -lith stone, calculus
ec-, ecto- outside, out -logist specialist in the study of
en-, endo- inside, within -logy study of
epi- above, over, upon -malacia sofening
eso- within -megaly enlargement
ex- out away from -meter instrument for measuring
exo- outside, outward -metry process of measuring
extra- outside -oid resembling
fore- before, in front -oma tumor, neoplasm, growth
hyper- above, excessive, beyond -opsy to view
hypo- under, deficient, below -osis abnormal condition, increase
infra- below, beneath (used primarily with blood cells)
inter- between -para to bear (offspring)
juxta- near -paresis slight paralysis
later/o side -pathy disease
levo- lef -penia decrease, deficiency
medio- middle -phagia eating, swallowing
meso- middle -phasia speech
para- alongside, near, beyond, abnormal -philia attraction to
per- through, throughout -phobia fear
peri- around, surrounding -plasia formation, growth
post- afer, behind -plegia paralysis
poster/o behind towards the back -poiesis formation, production
pre- before, in front of -ptosis prolapsed, downward
pro- before Displacement
pros/o forward, anterior -scope instrument for visual
proxim/o near examination
re- back, again -scopy visual examination
retro- behind, backward -spasm involuntary contraction,
sinistr/o lef twitiching
sub- under, beneath -stasis control, to stop
super- above, beyond -therapy treatment
supra- above, beyond -tome instrument for cutting
tele- distant, end, complete -toxic poison
trans- across -trophy development, nourishment


angi/o Blood vessel  angiopathy – any disease of the blood vessels (also angitoris)
vascul/o  angiopasm – involuntary muscle contraction of the blood
vessel (also vasospasm)

 vasoconstriction – narrowing blood vessels (constriction

means narrowing of lumen)

aorta/o aorta  aortography – radiographic imaging of the aorta and its


 aortosclerosis – hardening of the aorta

arteri/o Artery  arterioatony –abnormal relaxation of heart muscles
arteriol/o Arterioles (small arteries) (sclerosis means hardening)

 endarterectomy – removal of the inner lining of the artery

(endo- means inner)

 arteriomalacia – sofening of the artery

 arteriolitis – inflammation of the arterioles

Ather/o atheroma  Atheroma – fatty deposits in arteries due to excessice

 Atheroembolism – dislodged atheroma (embolus is a

dislodged thrombus)
Atri/o Atrium, upper heart chamber  Atriomegaly – enlargement of the of the atrium

 Atriotomy – incision of the atrium

 Atrioventricular – pertaining in the atrium and ventricle

Brachi/o Arm  Brachiocephalic - pertaining to both arms and head

 Brachium – pertaining to the arm (plural brachia)

Cardi/o Heart  Cardiodynia – pain in the heart

 Myocarditits – inflammation of the myocardium (heart


 Cardiomegaly –enlargement of the heart

 Cardiomyopathy – any disease involving the heart muscle

Cholesterol/o Cholesterol (a lipid substance)  Cholesterolemia – presence of cholesterol in the blood (also

 Hypocholesterolemia – excessive cholesterol in the blood

(also hypercholesteremia)
Cyan/o Blue  Cyanosis – bluish discoloration of the skin
Myx/o Mucus  Myxoid – resembling a mucus
 Myxopoiesis – production of the mucus
 Myxoma – mucus-like benign in the atrium, particularly the
Ox/o Oxygen  Anoxia – absence of oxygen
 Hyperoxia – excessive oxygen
Pericardi/o Pericardium  Pericardiectomy – excision of a portion of the pericardium
 Pericardiostomy – opening into the pericardium
Phleb/o Vein  Phleboplasty – surgical repair of the vein
Ven/o  Phlebolith – a calcific deposit in the vein
 Venogram – tracing of the venous system
 Venosclerosis – hardening of the vein
Steth/o Chest  Stethomyositis – inflammation of the chest muscles (also
 Stethoparalysis – paralysis of the chest muscles
 Stethoscope – instrument for chest auscultation (to
ausculate is to listen)
Thromb/o Blood clot, coagulation  Thrombocytopathy – any disorder of the coagulating
mechanism due to dysfunction in the platelets
 Thrombosis – presence of the thrombus
Valvul/ Valve  Valvulotomy – incision of the valve (also valavotmy)
Valv/o  Valvulitis – inflammation of the valve
 Valvoplasty – surgical repair of the valve (also valvuloplasty)
Ventricul/o Ventricle, lower heart chamber  Ventriculoscopy – visual examination of the ventricles
 Ventriculography – radiographic examination of the
 Ventriculoatrial – pertaining to the ventricle and atrium
-cardia Heart  Bradycardia – slow heart beat (brady means slow)
 Tachycardia – fast heartbeat (tachy means fast, rapid)
AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm
ABG Arterial blood gas
ABO ABO blood typing
ACA Anterior cerebral artery
ACLS Advanced cardiac life support
AF Arterial fibrillation or afebrile
AI Aortic insufficiency
AICD Automatic implant cardiovascular disease
ARB Angiotensin II receptor blocker
AS Aortic stenosis
ASCVD Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASD Atrial septal defect
AV Atrioventricular
A-V Arteriovenous
aVF, aVL, aVR Limb leads, ECG
A-VO2 Arteriovenous oxygen
BBB Bundle branch block
BLS Basic life support
bpm beats per minute
BT Bleeding time
CABG Coronary artery bypass graf
CAD Coronary artery disease
CBC Complete blood count
CBG Capillary blood gas
CHD Congenital heart disease
CHF Congestive heart failure
CI Cardiac index
CK Creatine kinase
CO Cardiac Output
COA Coarctation of the aorta
CPK-1, CPK-BB Creatine phosphokinase in brain and lungs
CPK-2, CPK-MB Creatine phosphokinase in heart
CPK-3, CPK-MM Creatine phosphokinase in skeletal muscle
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CR Cardiac rate
CREST Calcinosis cutis, Raynaud, esophageal motility disorder, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia
CT Clotting time
CVP Central venous pressure
CVS Cardiovascular system
DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DNR Do not resuscitate
DOE Dyspnea on excertion
DVT Deep venous thrombosis
ECG, EKG Electrocardiogram
EF Ejection fraction
Epi Epinephrine
EPS Electrophysiologic study
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
G-6-PD Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GSW Gunshot wound
Hct Hematocrit
HDL High density lipoprotein
Hgb Hemoglobin
HJR Hepatojugular reflex
HR Heart rate
HTN Hypertension
ICA Internal carotid artery
ICS Intercostal space
IHD Ischemic heart disease
IHSS Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
IJV Internal jugular vein
ITP Idiopathic thrombocytic purpura
IVC Inferior vena cava (or intravenous cholangiogram)
JNC Joint National Congress
JVD Jugular venous distention
JVP Jugular venous pulse
KVO Keep vein open
LA Lef atrium
LAD Lef anterior descending or lef axis deviation
LAE Lef atrial enlargement
LAP Lef atrial pressure (ore leukocyte alkaline phosphate)
LBBB Lef bundle branch block
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
LDL Low density lipoprotein
LV Lef ventricle
LVEDP Lef ventricular end diastolic pressure
LVH Lef ventricular hypertrophy
MAP Mean arterial pressure
MAST Military antishock trousers
MBT Maternal blood type
MCA Middle cerebral artery
MCH Mean cell hemoglobin
MCHC Mean cell hemoglobin concentration
MCL Midclavicular line
MCV Mean cell volume
MI Myocardial infarct or mitral insufficiency
mmHg millimeters Mercury
MS Mitral stenosis (or multiple sclerosis, or morphine sulfate)
MVP Mitral valve prolapsed
NPO Non per orem (nothing by mouth)
NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSR Normal sinus rhythm
P P wavem ECG
PAC Premature atrial contraction
PaO2 Peripheral aterial oxygen content
PAP Pulmonary artery pressure
PAT Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
PCA Posterior cerebral artery
PCWP Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
PDA Patent ductus aretiosus
PDR Physicians Desk Reference
PI Pulmonary insufficiency
Plt Platelet
PMI Point of maximum impulse
POF Pentalogy of Fallot
PP Pulsus paradoxus (or postprandial)
PR Pulse rate
PRBC Packed red blood cells
PS Pulmonic stenosis
PSL Parasternal line
PT Prothrombin time (or physical therapy)
PTCA Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTT Partial thromboplastina time
PVC Premature ventricular contraction
PVD Peripheral vascular disease
PWP Pulmonary wedge pressure
QRS QRS comples, ECG
RA Right atrium (or rheumatoid arthritis)
RAD Right atrial deviation or right axis deviation
RAE Right atrial enlargement
RAO Right atrial pressure
RBBB Right bundle branch block
RBR, rbc Right blood cell
RDW Red cell distribution width
Rh Rhesus factor
RRR Regular rate rhythm
RV Right ventricle
RVH Right ventricular hypertrophy
S1, S2, S3, S4 Heart sounds
Sa Sinoatrial
SBE Subacute bacterial endocarditis
SEM Systolic ejection murmur
ST ST segment, ECG
SV Stroke volume or sinus venosus
SVC Superior vena cava
SVT Supraventricular tachycardia
T T wave, ECG
TCVS Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery
TOF Teralogy of Fallot
TOGV Transposition of great vessels
V1-V6 Pericordial leads, ECG
VLDL Very low density lipoprotein
VSD Ventricular septal defect
WB Whole blood
WBC, wbc White blood cell
aden/o Gland  Adenoid – glandlike structure (also pharyngeal
 Adenoiditis – inflammation of the adenoids.
Alveoli/o Alveolus, air sac  Alveolitis –inflammation of the alveoli (-clasis means
 Alveobronchitits – inflammation of the bronchioles
and alveoli.
Broncho/o Bronchi, bronchial tube  Bronchoconstriction – narrowing of the bronchial
 Bronchodilation – widening of the bronchial tubes
(also bronchodilation)
 Bronchial – pertaining to the bronchial tube
 Bronchogenic carcinoma – malignant tumor of the
Bronchiol/o Bronchiole, small bronchus  Bronchiolopulmonary – pertaining to the
bronchioles and the lungs.
 Bronchiolectasis – dilation of the bronchioles
Capn/o Smoke, vapor (carbon dioxide)  Hypocapnia – decreased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
arteries (also hypocarbia)
 Acapnia – absence of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
Coni/o Dust  Coniofibrosis – fibrosis caused by dust, usually found
in the lungs
 Coniosis – abnormal condition caused by dust.
(pneumoconiosis – coniosis in the lungs)
Cyan/o Blue  Cyanosis – bluish discoloration of the skin due to the
deficiency of oxygen
Laryng/o Larynx, voice box  Laryngography – radiographic examination of the
voice box of larynx
 Laryngoplegia – paralysis of the laryngeal muscles
 Laryngopharyngitis – inflammation of the larynx and
 Laryngopharyngitis – inflammation of the larynx and
Lob/o Lobe of the lung  Lobar bronchi – division of the bronchi that
branches to the lobes of the lungs
 Lobectomy – removal of a lobe of a lung.
Mediastin/o Mediastinum  Mediastinotomy – incision into the mediastinum
 Mediastinopericarditis – inflammation of the
meiastinum and the pericardium
Nas/o Nose  Nasopharyngeal – pertaining to the nose and the
 Nasotracheal tube – tube inserted to the trachea
through the nose
Ortho/o Straight, upright  Othopnea – ease of breathing in the upright
position, thus difficulty breathing in the recumbent
position. (-pnea means brething)
 Orthopneic – characterized by orthopnea
Ox/o Oxygen  Anoxia – absence of oxygen
 Hypoxia – deficient of oxygen
 Hyperoxia – increased amount of oxygen
Pharyng/o Pharynx, throat  Pharyngectomy – removal of the throat, pharynx
 Pharngoscopy – visual examination of the pharynx.
Phon/o Voice, sound, speech  Phonopathy – any disease affecting the vocal
 Hyperphonia – excessive voice production
 Dysphonia – difficulty in voice production
Phren/o Diaphragm  Phrenoplegia – paralysis of the diaphragm
 Phernoptosia – abnormal sinking of the diaphragm
(-ptosis means falling)
Pleur/o Pleura  Pleuraigia – pain in the pleura. (also pleurodynia)
 Pleuorocentesis – surgical puncture to the pleural
cavitiy. (also thoracentesis)
 Pleurolith – stone in the pleural cavity
Pneum/o Air , lung  Pneumothorax – air in the thorax (-thorax means
 Pneumocyte – lung cell
 Pneumonorrhaphy – suture of the lungs
 Pneumonopathy –lung disease.
Pulmon/o Lung  Pulmonology – study of lungs
Py/o Pus, suppuration  Empyema – pus in the thoracic cavity (also
rhin/o Nose  Thinodynia – pain in the nose (also rhinalgia)
 Rhinophinoa – nasalized speech
 Rhinorrhea – discharge from the nose.
 Rhinoplasty – surgical repair of the nose
Sinus/o Sinus, cavity  Sinusotomy – incision of the sinus
 Sinusitis – inflammation of the
Spir/o Breathing, respiration  Spirography – process of measuring the depth and rapidity of
 Spirometer – device used in the measure respiratory flows and
Tel/o Complete  Atelectasis – incomplete dilation of the entire or part of the lung
Thorac/o Chest  Thoracostomy – opening into the chest or thoracic cavity
 Thoracostenosis – narrowing of the chest
Tonsil/o Tonsils  Tonsillitis – inflammation of the tonsils.
Trache/o Trachea, windpipe  Tracheostomy – opening into the trachea, windpipe
 Tracheobronchial – pertaining to the trachea and bronchial tubes
 Tracheomegaly – enlargement of the trachea

-osmia Smell  Anosmia – absence of the sense of smell
-pnea Breathing  Dyspnea – difficulty in breathing
 Hyperpnea – increase in the rate of breathing
with increased depth. Also known as the
 Tachypnea – rapid breathing with normal
 Bradypnea – slow breathing
 Eopnea – normal breathing
 Apnea – absence of breathing
-ptysis Spitting  Hemoptysis – spitting of blood
-sphyxia Pulse  Asphysia – absence of pulse due to interference
of respiration
-thorax Pleural cavity, chest cavity, thoracic cavity  Chylothorax – chylle in

A-a gradient Alveolar to arterial gradient

ABG Arterial blood gas

AFB Acid-fast bacilli

AOB Alcohol on breath

AP Anteroposterior

ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome

A-VO2 Arteriovenous oxygen

BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine

BPS Bronchopulmonary segment

BS Breath sounds (or bowel sounds)

C&S Culture & Sensitivity

CBS Clear breath sounds

CO2 Carbon dioxide

COLD Chronic obstructive lung disease

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure

Cpm cycles per minute

CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CVP central venous pressure

CXP chest x-ray

DAT diet as tolerated

DNR do not resuscitate

DOB difficulty of breathing

DOE Dyspnea on exertion

DPL diagnostic peritoneal lavage

DVT deep venous thrombosis

ERV Expiratory reserve volume

ET Endotracheal

ETH Ethambutanol

ETT Endotracheal

FEV Forced expiratory volume

FEV-1 Forced expiratory in one second

FEV-3 Forced expiratory volume in three second

FNAB Fine needle aspirations biopsy

FRC Functional residual capacity

FOU fever of unknown origin

FVC forced vital capacity

GA General anesthesia

GSW Gunshot wound

HCO3- bicarbonate

H2CO3 Carbonic acid

IC Inspiratory capacity

ICU Intensive care unit

IMV Intermittent mandatory ventilation

INH isoniazid

IPPB Intermittent positive pressure breathing

IRV Inspiratory reserve volume

LLL Lower lef lobe

LLLF lower lef lobe field

LRL lower right lobe

LRLF lower right kung field

MDI metered dose inhaler

MLLF middle lef lung field

MRLF middle right lung field

NG nasogastric
NT nasotracheal

O2 oxygen

PA postanterior

PAH pulmonary arterial hypertension

PaO2 peripheral arterial oxygen content

PAO2 alveolar oxygen

PAP pulmonary artery pressure

PGWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

PE pleural effusion or pulmonary embolus (or physical exam)

PEEP Positive and expiratory pressure

PEFR Peak expiratory flow rate

PFT’s pulmonary function tests

PI pulmonary insufficiency disease

PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

PPD purified protein derivative

PS Pulmonic stenosis

PTB pulmonary tuberculosis

RDS respiratory distress syndrome

RIF rifampicin

RLL right lower lobe

RML right middle lobe

RR respiratory rate

RT respiratory therapy (or radiation therapy)

RUL right upper lobe

RV residual volume

SCM sternocleidomastoid

SOM shortness of breath

TCVS thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

TLC total lung capacity

TV tidal volume

TVC total vital capacity

ULL upper lef lobe

ULLF upper lef lobe field

URI upper respiratory infection

URL upper right lobe

URLF upper right lobe field

URTI upper respiratory tract infection

VC vital capacity

V/Q ventilation-perfusion
Ankyl/o Crooked, bent, fused  Ankylodactyly – fusion of two or more
fingers. (aslo syndactyly)
 Ankylosis – abnormal condition of fusion
of joints secondary to disease process
Arthr/o Joint  Arthrodesis – stiffening of a joint by
operative means, (-desis means binding
 Arthrocentesis – aspiration of fluid from a
 Arthroscopy – visual examination of the
 Hydrathrosis – abnormal condition of
water in the joint
Burs/o Bursa (sac or fluid that protects the bony  Bursopathy – any disease of the bursa
prominences from excessive friction and pressure)  Bursitis – inflammation of the bursa
Calc/o Calcium  Calcipenia – insufficient amount of calcium
Calci/o in the tissue of the body.
 Hypocalcemia – decreased calcium in the
Chondr/o Cartilage  Chondroplasty – surgical repair of the
 Chondrogenesis – formation of cartilage
Kyph/o Humpback (posterior curvature in the thoracic  Kyphoscoliosis – lateral and posterior
region) curvature of the spine (scolio-means
Lamin/a Lamina (anterior part of the vertebra; arch)  Laminotomy – incision of the lamina
 Laminectomy – removal of the lamina
Lord/o Bending backward swayback (anterior curvature in  Lordscoliosis– lateral and anterior
the lumbar region) curvature of the spine
Lumb/o Lower back, part of the back and sides between the  Lumbocostal – pertaining to the lower
ribs and the pelvis back and the ribs
 Lumbosacral – pertaining to the lumbar
and sacral area
 Lumbodynia – pain in the lumbar area, low
back area, (also called lumbago)
Myel/o Bone marrow  Myelography – radiographic examination
of the bone marrow cell, not found in the
blood except in the presence of a disease
My/o Muscle  Myotomy – incision in the muscle
 Myoma – benign tumor of muscular tissue
Orth/o Straight  Orthognathia – study of malpositions in the mandibular
bones. (-gnathos means jaw)
Oste/o Bone  Ostealgia – pain in the bone. (also osteodynia)
 Ostectomy – surgical removal of a bone.
 Osteoarthropathy – bone and joint disease
Rachi/o Spine  Rachicentesis – surgical puncture to the spine. (also lumbar
 Rachiopelgia – spinal paralysis
Rheumat/o Watery flow  Rheumatoid – resembling rheumatoid disorders
 Rheumatologist – specialist in rheumatoid disorders
Scoli/o Crooked, bent (lateral  Scoliosis – lateral curvature of the spine
Spondyl/o (used to make Vertebrae  Spondylosis – abnormal condition of the vertebra usually
words about conditions associated with degeneration.
of the structure)
 Spondylolysis – degeneration of the pars interarticularis.
 Spondylolisthesis – anterior slippage of vertebra. (-listhesis
means slippage)
Synov/o Synovial membrane  Synovectomy – removal of the synovial membrane
 Synovitis – inflammation of the synovial membrane.
Ten/o Tendon  Tenolysis – breakdown of the tendon
Tendin/o  Tendinoplasty – surgical repair of the tendon.
Vertebr/o (used to Vertebra  Vertebral – pertaining to the vertebra
describe the structure)


Acetabul/o Acetabulum (hip socket)  Acetabuloplasty – surgical repair of the acetabulum or the hip
Calcane/o Calcaneus (heel bone)  Calcaneal – pertaining to the calcaneus or the heel bone
Carp/o Carpals (wrist bones)  Carpocarpal – pertaining to two adjacent wrist bones or carpal
Clavicul/o Clavicle (collar bone)  Supraclavicular – above the clavicle or the collar bone. (supra-
means above, superior)
Cost/o Ribs (true ribs, false ribs,  Costoclavicular – pertaining to the first rib and clavicle
and floating ribs)
 Chondrocostal-pertaining to the cartilage that attach
the ribs to the sternum
crani / o Cranium (skull bones)  Craniomalacia – sofening of the bones of the skull or
 Craniomeningocele – protrusion of meninges through
the skull
femor / o Femur (thigh bone)  Femorotibial – pertaining to the femur and tibia (leg
fibul / o Fibula (smaller lower leg bone)  Fibulocalcaneus – perataing to the fibula and the heel
humer / o Humerus (upper arm bone)  Humeroradial - pertaining to the humerus and radius
(lateral forearm bone)
ili / o Ilium (upper and largest part of the  Ilioinguinal – pertaining to the ilium and the groin
pelvic bone)
isch / o Ischium (posterior part of the pelvic  Ischiodynia – pain in the ischium (also ischialgia)
malleol / o Malleolus (bony process on each side  Malleotomy – incision in the malleolus
of the ankle)
mandibul / o Mandible (lower jaw bone)  Mandibular – pertaining to the mandible
maxilla / o Maxilla ( upper jaw bone)  Maxillectomy – surgical resection of the upper jaw bone
metacarp / o Metacarpals (hand bones)  Metacarpophalangeal – pertaining to the hand and
finger bones
metatars / o Metatarsals (foot bones)  Metatarsalgia – pain in the foot bones
patell / o Patella (knee cap)  Infrapatellar – below the patella
 (infra – means below; inferior)
pelv / o Pelvis (hip bone)  Pelviscopy – visual examination of the pelvis
perone / o Fibula (lateral leg bone)  Peroneotibial – pertaining to the fibula and tibia
phalang / o Phalanges (finger bones)  Phalangitis – inflammation of the finger bones
pub / o Pubis ( anterior part of the pelvic  Pubovesical – pertaining to the pubis and the bladder
bone) (vesico – means bladder)
radi / o Radius (lateral forearm bone, thumb  Radiocarpal – pertaining to the radius and the carpal
side) bone
scapul / o Scapula ( shoulder blade)  Scapulodynia – pain in the scapula
stern / o Sternum (breast bone)  Sternotomy – incision in the breast bone or sternum
tars / o Tarsals (bones of the hindfoot)  Tarsectomy – removal of the tarsal bone
tibi / o Tibia (shin bone, medial leg bone)  Tibiofemoral – pertaining to the tibia and femur
uln / o Ulna (medial forearm bone, little  Ulnohumeral – pertaining to the ulna and the humerus
finger side)
-blast Immature precursor cell Chondroblast – immature cartilage cell
-clast To break into pieces Osteoclast – bone cell that absorbs and remove bone tissue
-clesis To bind, tie together Tenoclesis – binding the tendons for stabilization of joints
-listhesis Slipping Retrospondyiolisthesis – posterior slipping of the vertebra
-malacia Sofening Chondromalacia – sofening of the cartilage
-porosis Pore, passage Osteoporosis – formation of pores in the bone thereby
decreasing its bone mass
-stenosis A narrowing stricture of any canal or Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the spinal formation

AKA Above the knee amputation

BKA Below the knee amputation

CP Cerebral palsy or chest pain

CREF Closed reduction, external fixation

CRIF Closed reduction, internal fixation

CT Computerized tomography

CVA Costovertebral angle

CXR Chest X-ray

DIP Distal interphalangeal joint

DJD Degenerative joint disease

DTR Deep tendon reflexes

DVT Deep venous thrombosis

EMG Electromyogram, electromyelogram

FEP Full, equal pulses

Fx Fractures

GSW Gun shot wounds

ID Incision and drainage

IC Intercostal space

IM Intramuscular

IV Intravenous

IVD Intervertebral disk

LE Lower extremity

LLE Lef lower extremity

LOM Limitation of movement

LUE Lef upper extremity

MMT Manual muscle testing

MVA Motor vehicle accident

NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NCV Nerve conduction velocity

OA Osteoarthritis

OR Operating room

OREF Open reduction, external fixation

ORIF Open reduction, internal fixation

POP Plaster of paris

PT Physical therapy (or prothrombin time)

RA Rheumatoid arthritis

R/O Rule out

ROM Range of motion

RLE Right lower extremity

RUE Right upper extremity

SCM Sternocleidomastoid

TMJ Temporomandibular joint

UE Upper extremity
Parts of the GI Tract

Parts of the GI Tract Meaning Terminology / Meaning

An / o Anus  Anorectal – pertaining to both the anus and the rectum
Append / o Appendix  Appendicectasis – dilatation of the appendix (ectasis –
Appendic / o means dilatation)
 Appendectomy – surgical excision of the appendix (also
Bucc / o Cheek  Buccocervical – pertaining to the cheek and neck
Cec/ o Cecum  Cecorrhaphy – suture of the cecum
Typhl / o  (rrhaphy – means suture)
 Typhilitis – inflammation of the cecum (aka Cecitis)
Celi / o Belly , abdomen (rarelu used  Celiac – pertaining to the abdomen
combining form of  (iac – means pertaining to, referring to)
Chell / o Lip  Chellophagia – biting of the lip
Labi / o  Cheilotomy – incision into the lips
Chil / o  Labiograph – instrument used for recording movement of
the lips speaking
Cholecyst / o Gallbladder  Cholecystopexy – fixation of the gallbladder to the
abdominal wall (pexy – means fixation)
 Cholecystolithiasis – presence of gallstones in the
gallbladder (litho – means stones, calculus)

Choledoch / o Common bile duct  Choledochoplasty – surgical repair of the common bile
duct (plasty – means surgical repair)
 Choledochitis – inflammation of the common bile duct
Col / o Colon, large intestine  Colonogram – record of the movements of the colon (gram
Colon / o – means record)
 Colotomy – incision to the colon or large intestine
 Colostomy – opening in the colon (stomy – means opening)
Dent / o Dental teeth  Dentia – process or development of tooth (ia – means
 Dentillingual – pertaining to the teeth and tongue
Duoden / o Duodenum  Duodenoscopy – visual examination of the duodenum
 (scopy – means visual examination)
 Duodenitis – inflammation of the duodenum
Enter / o Intestines, usually small  Enterocele – intestinal hernia (cele – means hernia)
intestine  Gastroenteritis – inflammation of the stomach and the
small intestine
Esphag / o Esophagus  Esophagodynia – pain in the esophagus (also esophagalgia)
 Esophagogastrectomy – removal of the esophagus (lower
portion) and stomach (proximal part)
Faci / o Face  Facioplegia – paralysis of the face (plegia – means
Prosop /o paralysis)
 Prosopagnosia – inability to recognize familiar faces (gnosis
– means recognition)
 Prosopectasia – enlargement of the face (ectasia – means
dilatation, enlargement)
Gastr/o Stomach  Gastrocolostomy – opening in the stomach and the colon
 Gastrodynia – stomach ache
 Gastroenenterocolitis – inflammation of the stomach and
the intestine
Gingiv / o Gums  Gingivostomatitis – inflammation of the gums and oral
mucous membrane
 Gingivosis – abnormal condition of the gums, usually
chronic gingivitis
Gloss / o Tongue  Glossopharyngeal – pertaining to the tongue and the
Lingu / o pharynx
 Hypoglossal – below the tongue (hypo – means below,
decreased. In this term, it is more appropriate to use the
first meaning)
 Sublingual – under the tongue
Hepat / o Liver  Hepatocarcinoma – malignant tumor of the liver
 Hepatography – radiography of the liver
 Hepatocyte – liver cell
Ile / o Ileum  Ileocecal sphincter – pertaining to the sphincter between
the ileum and cecum (Sphincter is a muscular structure
that guards an opening of a lumen or duct. Also called the
ileocecal valve)
 Ileocolitis – inflammation of the ileum and colon
 Ileocecostomy – anastomosis (communication) between
the ileum and the cecum
Jejun / o jejunum  Jejunostomy – anastomosis between two portions of the
 Gastrojejunitis – inflammation of the stomach and the
 Choledochojejunostomy – anastomosis between the
common bile duct and jejunum
Lapar / o Abdomen  Laparomyositis – inflammation of the abdomen muscle
(myo – means muscle)
 Laparoscope – instrument used for visual examination of
the stomach (scope – means instrument)
Mandibul / o Lower jaw, mandible  Submandibular – pertaining to the area under the
mandible, lower jaw
Odont / o Teeth  Orthodontist – teeth specialist concerned with the
correction and prevention of the irregularities of the teeth
(Orth/o means straight)
 Peridontist – teeth specialist concerned with the study of
normal tissues and treatment of diseases affecting the
 Endodontist – teeth specialist concerned with the internal
structures of the teeth
Or / o Mouth  Oronasal – pertaining to the mouth and nose
Stomat / o  Stomatitis – inflammation of the mouth
Palat / o Palate  Palatoplegia – paralysis of the sof palate
 Palastoschisis – clef palate (schisis – means fissure)
Pancreat / o Pancreas  Pancreatogenic – formed in the pancreas
 Pancreatogrpahy – radiographic examination of the
Pharyng / o Pharynx , throat  Pharyngocele – diverticulum(growth) in the throat or
Peritone / o Peritoneum  Peritoneoscopy – visual examination of the peritoneum
Proct / o Anus and rectum  Proctitis – inflammation of the rectum (also rectitis)
Rect / o
Pylor / o Pylorus, pyloric sphincter  Pylorogastrectomy – removal of the pylorus and the
 Pyloroplasty – surgical repair of the pyloric sphincter
Sial / o Saliva  sialorrhea – uncontrollable flow/discharge of saliva.
Sialaden / o Salivary gland  sialadenitis – inflammation of the salivary gland (-adeno
means gland)
Sigmoid/o Sigmoid colon  Sigmoidoscopy – visual examination of the sigmoid colon.

Amyl/o Starch  Amylogenesis - formation of starch (-genesis
means formation, development)
 Amylase-enzyme responsible for digestion of
starch (-ase means enzyme)
Bil/i Gall,bile  Biliuria-presence of bile in the urine (-uria
means urine)
Bilirubin/o Bilirubin (bile pigment)  Bilirubinemia-presence of bilirubin in the
blood (-emia means blood condition)
Chlohydr/o Acid  Hyperchlohydeia-excessive hydrochloric acid
in the stomach
 Achlorhydria-absence of gastric juice
(hydrochloric acid) associated with gastric
Gluc/o Glucose  Glucolysis-breakdown of sugar (also
Glyc/o Sugar  Hypoglycaemia- decreased sugar in the
Glycogen/o Glycogen, animal starch  Glycogenesis-formation of the glycogen
Lip/o Fat, lipid  Liposuction-removal of fats through
Steat/o Fat  Steatorrhea-discharge of fats, usually found
in feces



-ase Enzyme  Fibrinogenase-enzyme responsible for
forming fibrin, a clotting factor
-chezia Defacation, elimination of waste  Dyschezia-difficulty in defacation
-lasis Abnormal condition  Choledocholithiasis-abnormal condition of
stone in the common bile duct
-prandial Meal  Postprandial-afer a meal

a.c. Ante cebum (before meals)

AGE Acute gastroenteritis
ASIS Anterior superior iliac spine
BE Barium enema
BS Bowel sounds
CBD Common bile duct
CCK Cholecystokin
Chole Cholecystectomy
C&S Culture and Sensitivity
CT Computerized tomography
DSW Dextrose in water (5%)
ERCP Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESWL Extracorporeal shockwave lithostripsy
ET Endotracheal
ETT Endotracheal tube
GI Gastrointestinal
GIT Gastrointestinal tract
gt, grt Gutta (drops)
HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV Hepatitis __ virus
HCL Hydrochloric acid
HID Hepatobiliaryiminodiacetic acid
HJR Hepatojugular reflex
h.s. Horasomni (at bedtime)
HM Hepatosplenomegaly
IBS Inflammatory bowel syndrome
Lap Laparotomy
LES Lower esophageal sphincter
LGI Lower gastrointestinal
LGIS Lower gastrointestinal series
LLQ Lef lower quadrant
LUQ Lef upper quadrant
Mcg Microgram

mEq Milliequivalent

Metz Metzenbaum scissors

MVI Multivitamin injection

NABS Normoactive bowel sounds

NG Nasogastric

NPO No per orem (nothing by mouth)

NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NSS Sodium chloride solution (0.9% NaCl in water)

NT Nasotracheal

Oz Ounce

PCT Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

p.c. Post cibus (afer meals)

p.o./PO Per orem (by mouth)

p.r.n Pro re nata (as needed)

PUD Peptic ulcer disease

RDA Recommended daily allowance

RLQ Right lower quadrant

SBP Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

STAT Emergency; priority

Sup Suppository

TPN Total parenteral nutrition

UGI Upper gastrointestinal

UGIS Upper gastrointestinal series



Amni/o Amnion  Amniography-radiography of the amniotic
 Amniorrhexis-rupture of the amnion
 Amniotic-inflammation of the amnion
Cervic/o Cervix, neck  Cervicoscopy-visual examination of the
 Cervicotomy-incision into the cervix
 Cervicitis-inflammation of the cervix
Chori/o Chorion  Choriocarcinoma-a malignant neoplasm
of the chorion
Colp/o Vagina  Hematocolpos-bleeding in the vagina
Vagin/o  Colposcopy-visual examination of the
 Colpostenosis-narrowing of the vagina
 Vaginois-abnormal condition of the
 Vaginomycosis-fungal infection of the
vagina (also colpomycosis)
 Vaginopexy-fixation of the vagina
Culd/o Cul-de-sac  Culdotomy-incision into the cul-de-sac
 Culdocentesis-process of aspirating fluid
rectouterinespace through the apex of
the vagina wall
 Culdoscopy-visual examination of the cul-
Episi/o Vulva  Episiotomy-surgical incision in the
Vulv/o perineum and vagina to allow for
clearance during the birthing process
 Episiorrhaphy-suturing of the vulva afer
 Vulvodynia-pain in the vulva
 Vulvuvaginitis-inflammation of the vulva
and the vagina
Galact/o Milk  Galactopoiesis-production of milk (also
Lact/o lactogenesis)
 Galactorrhea-white discharge from the
nipple; incontinence of milk (mothers)
(also lactorrhea)
 Lactose intolerance- a GI disorder
resulting in abdominal cramping and
diarrhea afer consumption of food
containing milk
Gynec/o Woman, female  Gynecoid-resembling a woman n form and
 Gynecology-medical specialty which deals
with the diseases the female reproductive
and genital tracts
 Gynecomastia-abnormal enlargement of
the breast of males
 Gynephobia-fear of women
Hyster/o Uterus, womb  Hysterodynia, hysteralgia-pain in the
Metr/o uterus (also merodynia, metralgia,
Uter/o uteralgia)
 Hysterectomy-surgical removal of the
 Metrorrhagia-bleeding in the uterus
 Metrorrhea-discharge of mucus or pus
from the uterus
 Metrosalpingitis-inflammation of the
uterus and the ovary
 Uteroscopy-visual examination of the
uterus (also hysteroscopy, metroscopy)
 Uterolith-uterine calculus
Maam/o Breast  Mammography-radiographic examination
Mast/o of the breast
 Mammoplasty-surgical repair of the nerast
 Mastectomy-surgical removal of the breast
 Mastodynia-pain in the breast
 Mastoplasia-enlargement of the breast
Men/o Menses, menstruation  Menometrorrhagia-excessive bleeding
during menstruation
 Menorrhalgia-painful menstruation (also
 Amenorrhea-absence of menstruation
 Menorrhagia-excessive menstruation
o/o Egg, ovum  Oocyte-egg cell
 Oogenesis-development of the egg cell
Oophor/o Ovary (phoro-means to bear)  Oophoritis-inflammation of the ovary (also
Ovary/o ovaritis)
 Oophorectomy-surgical procedure
wherein both ovaries are removed
 Oophorotomy-incision into the ovary
 Ovariocentesis-surgical puncture of an
 Ovariocyesis-ovarian pregnancy
Perine/o Perineum  Perineoplasty-repair of the perineum
 Perineorrhaphy-surgical suturing of the
perineum done to repair a laceration
Salping/o Fallopian tube, uterine tube  Salpingectomy-removal of the fallopian
 Salpingloma-tumor of the fallopian tube



-arche Beginning  Menarche-first menstrual period
 Pubarche-onset of puberty
 Thelarche-beginning of development of the
-cyesis Pregnancy  Pseudocyesis-false pregnancy
 Paracyesis-ectopic pregnancy
 Polycyesis-multiple pregnancies
 Hypercyesi-presence of two foetuses in the
womb,otherhtan twins
-gravida Pregnancy  Nulligravida-no pregnancy
 Primigravida-first pregnancy
 Multigravida-mulitple pregnancies
-parous To bear,bring  Nulliparous-no childbirth
 Primiparous-a female who has given birth
for the first time
 Multiparous-multiple childbirth
-tocia Labor,birth  Dystocia-difficult labor
 Oxytocia-rapid childbirth



Ante- Before, forward  Anteversion-turning forward
 Antepartum-before labor or childbirth
Retro- Backward  Retroversion-turning backward


Andr/o Male  Androgen-any hormone that promotes
male characteristics
 Android-resembling a male
Balan/o Glans penis  Balanoplasty-surgical repair of the
glans penis
 Balanitis-inflammation of the glans penis
 Balanoposthitis-inflammation of the glans
penis and prepuce
 (posth/o means prepuce)
Crypt/o Hidden  Cryptorchidism- the failure of one or both
testes to descend to the scrotum (also
Epididym/o Epididymis  Epididymoplasty-surgical repair of the
 Epididymitis-inflammation of the
 Epididymectomy-surgical removal of the
Hydr/o Water,fluid  Hydrocele-accumulation of serous fluid
which is usually in the testis
Orch/o Testis,testicles  Orchitis,orchiditis-inflammation of the
Orchid/o testis
 Orchiectomy,orchidectomy-surgical excision
of one or both sexes
Prostat/o Prostate gland  Prostatodynia-pain in the prostate gland
 Prostatolith-prostate gland calculus
 Prostatomegaly-enlargement of the
prostate gland
Sperm/o Spermatozoa  Spermatogenesis-development of
Spermat/o spermatozoa
 Aspermia-absence of sperm cells
Terat/o Monster  Teratoma-monster-like tumor in the
testis,usually malignant
 Teratospermia-malformed sperm in the
Varic/o Varicose vein  Caricocele-varicosity o the spermatic veins
found in the scrotum
Vas/o Vessel, duct (referring to the vas  Vasectomy-surgical excision of a portion or
deerens) all of the vas deferens
 Vasovasostomy-reconnection of the cut vas


AFP Alpha fetoprotein

AOG Age of gestation

ASCUS Abnormal squamous cells of undetermined significance

AUB Abnormal uterine bleeding
BF Breastfeeding
BH Baxton-Hicks (contractions)
BPP Biophysical profie
BPS Biophysical score
CPD Cephalopelvic disproportion
CS, C/S Cesarian section
CST Contraction stress test
CVS Chronic villus sampling (also cardiovascularsystem)
D&C Dilatation and curettage
DEXA Dual enzyme x-ray absorptiometry
DPO Days post ovulation
DR Delivery room
DRE Digital rectal examination
DUB Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
EDC Expected date of confinement
EDD Expected date of delivery
ELISA Enzyme-;inked immunosorbent assay
ERT Estrogen replacement therapy
FBS Fasting blood sugar
Fe Iron
FH Fundic height
FHR Fetal heart rate
FHT Fetal heart tone
FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
FTA-ABS Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
G Gravida
GBS Group B strep (also Guillain-Barre syndrome)
GD Gestational diabetes
HGSIL High-grade squamous intraepithelial dysplasia
GnRH Gonadotropin releasing hormone
GYN Gynecology
HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
HELLP Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes
HPV Human papilloma virus
HRT Hormone replacement therapy
IE Internal examination
IgG Immunoglobulin G
IUD Intrauterine device
IUGR Intrauterine growth retardation
KOH Potassium hydroxide
LGA Large for gestational age
LGSIL Low-grade squamous intraepithelial dysplasia
LH Luteinizing hormone
LMP Last menstrual period
LNMP Last normal menstrual period
LOA Lef occiput anterior
LOP Lef occiput posterior
LR Labor room
MBT Maternal blood type
MLE Midline episiotomy
MLER Mediolateral episiotomy and repair
MMR Measles, mumps, rubella
MVI Multivitamin injection
NFP Natural family planning
NST Non-stress test
OB Obstetrics
OCP Oral contraceptive pill
P Para
Pap Papanicolaou
PCOS Polycystic ovarian syndrome
PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
PIH Pregnancy-induced hypertension
PMDD Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
PMP Past menstrual period
PMS Premenstrual period
PROM Premature rupture of memebranes
PUBS Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
SBE Self-breast examination
SGA Small for gestational age
SROM Spontaneous rupture of membranes
STD Sexually transmitted disease
TAHBSO Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral
TRH Thyrotropin releasing hormone
TRUST Toluidine red unheated serum test
TVUS Transvaginal ultrasonography
US/UTZ Ultrasound
VBAC Vaginal birth afer caesarean
VDAC Vaginal delivery caesarean
VDRL Venereal disease research laboratory
VIP Vasoactive intestinal peptide
VSGA Very small for gestational age

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