Siprotec 7ke85 Profile

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Fault Recorder

Powerful fault recorders with integrated measurement of
synchrophasors (PMU) in accordance with IEEE C37.118
and power quality measurement in accordance with
IEC 61000-4-30. Due to the great flexibility of trigger func-
tions, the SIPROTEC 7KE85 is ideally suited for monitoring
the entire energy value added chain, from generation to
distribution. The powerful automation and flexible config-
uration with DIGSI 5 complements the range of functions.

Main function Fault Recorder SIPROTEC 7KE85 Device with Expansion Module

Inputs and 4 predefined standard variants with up to

outputs 40 analog channels, 43 binary inputs, • Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)
33 binary outputs
Hardware Flexibly adjustable and expandable I/O DIGSI 5 permits all functions to be configured and com-
flexibility quantity structure within the scope of the bined as required.
SIPROTEC 5 modular system
• Up to 40 analog channels
Housing width 1/3 to 1/1 x 19"
• Fast-Scan Recorder
Applications • Up to 2 slow-scan recorders
• Detection and selective 3-pole tripping of short cir- • Up to 5 continuous recorders and 2 trend recorders
cuits in electrical equipment of star networks, lines
with infeed at one or two ends, parallel lines and • Power quality recordings in accordance with
IEC 61000-4-30
open-circuited or closed ring systems of all voltage
levels • Sequence-of-events recorder for continuous recording
of binary status changes and IEC 61850 GOOSE mes-
• Detection of ground faults in isolated or arc-
suppression-coilground power systems in star, ring, or
meshed arrangement • Usable as Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) in accord-
ance with IEEE C37.118 protocol
• Protection data communication over different dis-
tances and physical media, such as optical fiber, two- • Transmission of the records and triggering via
wire connections, and communication networks IEC 61850 GOOSE messages

• Backup protection for differential protection devices • Distribution of the mass storage of 16 GB to the vari-
of all kind for lines, transformers, generators, motors, ous recorders by the user as desired
and busbars
Efficient and modular

• Intelligent monitoring routines of the storage medium • Data transmission over IEC 61850 of fault messages in
ensure a high level of availability and completeness accordance with COMTRADE 2013, 1999 standard and
for the archived data continuous recording in accordance with IEEE Std
• Lossless data compression
• Reliable data transmission via PRP and HSR redundan-
• Time synchronization via PTP Protocol IEEE 1588 pro-
cy protocols
tocol, IRIG-B, DCF77, and SNTP
• Extensive cyber security functionality, such as role-
• Routing of the measured values to the individual re-
based access control (RBAC), protocolling security-
corders as desired
related events or signed firmware
• Combination of the measuring groups for the power
• Simple, quick and secure access to device data via a
calculation as desired standard Web browser – without additional software
• Quality attributes for representing the instantaneous • Up to 4 pluggable communication modules usable for
signal quality in the time signal view
different and redundant protocols
• Trigger functions of a function block are fundamental
• Intelligent terminal technology enables prewiring and
component value, RMS value, zero-sequence, positive-
a simple device replacement
sequence, negative-sequence system power, frequen-
cy power, Σ active power, Σ reactive power and Σ ap- Benefits
parent power
• Clearly organized documentation and focused analysis
• Level trigger and gradient trigger for every trigger of power system processes and failuresData security
function and transparency over the entire lifecycle of the plant,
saving time and money
• Flexible cross trigger and system trigger, manual trig-
ger Creation of independent trigger functions with • Purposeful and easy handling of devices and software
the graphic automation editor CFC (continuous func- thanks to a user-friendly design
tion chart)
• Powerful communication components warrant safe
• Trigger functions via a combination of single-point, and effective solutions
doublepoint indications, analog values, binary signals,
Boolean signals and GOOSE messages • Full compatibility between IEC 61850 Editions 1 and 2

• Consistent monitoring concept • Siemens supports the interface in accordance with

IEC 61850-9-2 for process bus solutions
• Auxiliary functions for simple tests and commissioning
• Highest availability even under extreme environmen-
• Special test mode for commissioning tal conditions by “conformal coating“ of electronic
• Integrated electrical Ethernet RJ45 for DIGSI 5 and
IEC 61850 (reporting and GOOSE)

For all products using

security features of
OpenSSL, the
Siemens AG following shall apply:
Energy Management Division This product includes
Freyeslebenstraße 1 software developed
91058 Erlangen, Germany by the OpenSSL
Project for use in the
SIPROTEC 7KE85 Profile V7.8.docx OpenSSL Toolkit
Printed in Germany | © 09.18 Siemens AG cryptographic soft-
ware written by Eric
E-Mail: [email protected] Young
Tel: +49 180 524 70 00 ([email protected])
and software devel-
oped by Bodo

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