Certificate For Conversion of Percentage Into CGPA
Certificate For Conversion of Percentage Into CGPA
Certificate For Conversion of Percentage Into CGPA
1. Based on the aggregate of marks obtained through internal assessment and external For non-credit courses ‘Satisfactory’ or “Unsatisfactory’ shall be indicated instead of the
assessment, each student is awarded a final letter grade at the end of letter grade and this will not be counted for the computation of SGPA/CGPA.
the semester, in each Course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points, as A student is considered to have successfully completed a course and earned the credits if he /
recommended by UGC, are as follows: she secured a letter grade other than F or Ab or I in that course. A letter grade F or Ab or I in
any course implies a failure in that course.
For UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAME & M.Sc. A course successfully completed cannot be repeated.
Letter Grade Grade Normalized Mark range 2. Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point
Points Average (CGPA)
O (outstanding) 10 90-100 (i) The SGPA will be calculated according to the formula
A+ (Excellent) 9 80-89
A (Very Good) 8 70-79 SGPA =
B+ (Good) 7 60-69 Where Ci = credit for the ith course, (GP)i = the grade point obtained for the ith
B(Above 6 50-59 course, n = total number of courses and the sum is over all the courses taken in
Average) that semester, including those in which the student has secured F grades.
C (Average) 5 40-49
D (Pass) 4 35-39 (ii) For the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) following formula is used:
F (Fail) 0 <35 Failure due to insufficient marks in the course
OR Failure due to non-appearance in examination CGPA =
For M.Sc. : <40 Failure due to insufficient marks where Si = Sum of credits in ith semester, (SGPA)i = Semester Grade Point
in the course OR Failure due to non-appearance Average earned in ith semester and r = number of semesters and the sum is
in examination (Ab-Absent)
over all the semesters under consideration.
I (Incomplete) 0 Failure due to insufficient attendance in the
course./ Not submitted Term work (iii) The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in
For POST GRADUATE PROGRAME the transcripts.
3. Conversion of grades into percentages and Equivalent Class/Distinction
Letter Grade Grade Points Normalized Mark range
Formula for conversion of equivalent percentage of CGPA as follows :
O (outstanding) 10 95-100
A+ (Excellent) 9 90-94 Percentage marks = (CGPA - 0.5) X 10
Category CGPA Class / Distinction
A (Very Good) 8 80-89 Students who successfully Below 5.5 Pass
B+ (Good) 7 70-79 complete 5.5 and above Second Class
the programme. 6.5 and above First Class
B(Above Average) 6 60-69
7.1 and above First Class with Distinction
C (Pass) 5 50-59
4. For all Courses, where duration of the course is more than 2 years, the degree
F (Fail) 0 <50Failure due to insufficient marks in the shall be awarded to the student on the basis of CGPA (Cumulative Grade
course OR Failure due to non-appearance
Point Average) of last four semester’s performance in the exams.
in examination (Ab-Absent)
I (Incomplete) 0 Failure due to insufficient attendance in the
course/ Not submitted Term work