Certificate For Conversion of Percentage Into CGPA

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1. Based on the aggregate of marks obtained through internal assessment and external For non-credit courses ‘Satisfactory’ or “Unsatisfactory’ shall be indicated instead of the
assessment, each student is awarded a final letter grade at the end of letter grade and this will not be counted for the computation of SGPA/CGPA.
the semester, in each Course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points, as A student is considered to have successfully completed a course and earned the credits if he /
recommended by UGC, are as follows: she secured a letter grade other than F or Ab or I in that course. A letter grade F or Ab or I in
any course implies a failure in that course.
For UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAME & M.Sc. A course successfully completed cannot be repeated.
Letter Grade Grade Normalized Mark range 2. Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point
Points Average (CGPA)
O (outstanding) 10 90-100 (i) The SGPA will be calculated according to the formula
A+ (Excellent) 9 80-89
A (Very Good) 8 70-79 SGPA =
B+ (Good) 7 60-69 Where Ci = credit for the ith course, (GP)i = the grade point obtained for the ith
B(Above 6 50-59 course, n = total number of courses and the sum is over all the courses taken in
Average) that semester, including those in which the student has secured F grades.
C (Average) 5 40-49
D (Pass) 4 35-39 (ii) For the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) following formula is used:
F (Fail) 0 <35 Failure due to insufficient marks in the course
OR Failure due to non-appearance in examination CGPA =
For M.Sc. : <40 Failure due to insufficient marks where Si = Sum of credits in ith semester, (SGPA)i = Semester Grade Point
in the course OR Failure due to non-appearance Average earned in ith semester and r = number of semesters and the sum is
in examination (Ab-Absent)
over all the semesters under consideration.
I (Incomplete) 0 Failure due to insufficient attendance in the
course./ Not submitted Term work (iii) The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in
For POST GRADUATE PROGRAME the transcripts.
3. Conversion of grades into percentages and Equivalent Class/Distinction
Letter Grade Grade Points Normalized Mark range
Formula for conversion of equivalent percentage of CGPA as follows :
O (outstanding) 10 95-100
A+ (Excellent) 9 90-94 Percentage marks = (CGPA - 0.5) X 10
Category CGPA Class / Distinction
A (Very Good) 8 80-89 Students who successfully Below 5.5 Pass
B+ (Good) 7 70-79 complete 5.5 and above Second Class
the programme. 6.5 and above First Class
B(Above Average) 6 60-69
7.1 and above First Class with Distinction
C (Pass) 5 50-59
4. For all Courses, where duration of the course is more than 2 years, the degree
F (Fail) 0 <50Failure due to insufficient marks in the shall be awarded to the student on the basis of CGPA (Cumulative Grade
course OR Failure due to non-appearance
Point Average) of last four semester’s performance in the exams.
in examination (Ab-Absent)
I (Incomplete) 0 Failure due to insufficient attendance in the
course/ Not submitted Term work

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