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Modul 1: Teachers and Learners in The 21st Century

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Modul 1 Teachers and learners in the 21st century

Here is the century of technology. We know that education must be able to motivate the
learners to cover the progress of technology and integrate them in their learning; however, why
should teachers and learners concern with this? why should teachers comprehend the details of
characteristics and the reality of 21st century not only for themselves but also for the learners?
What are the characteristics for both of them?


In my opinion technological progress has implications for the development of educational

services, so we know that education must be able to motivate the learners to cover the progress
of technology and integrate them in their learning towards a knowledge society demand the
world community to master 21st century skills, namely being able to understand and utilize
information and communication technology (ICT Literacy Skills). Education plays a very
important and strategic role in building knowledgeable people who have the skills: (1)
technology and media literacy; (2) make effective communication; (3) critical thinking; (4) solving
problems; and (5) collaborating.
Today, information no longer manifests in the form of knowledge that is densely documented
like printed goods, but has turned into digital. The digitization process takes place in various
aspects of life humans, which of course have implications for changes in values, perspectives,
and patterns of community behavior as well as learning in the school environment. This includes
the application of the 2013 curriculum which also encourages ICT-based learning processes, so
that the penetration of new media in the world of education is increasingly intensive and
This new phenomenon became known as the mediation of learning, where the media appeared
so strong and decisive, and finally the learning activities were not merely using the media but
more than that following the logic of the media that had consequences for changing patterns
and modes of learning in internet and web-based schools .
In the present era, the 21st century, teachers must be able to utilize digital technology to design
creative and innovative learning so as to foster students' interest in learning. Therefore the
characteristics of teachers in the 21st century include:
First, the teacher as well as a facilitator must also be a motivator and inspiration. The ability of
the teacher in the position as a facilitator, this means having to change the way of thinking that
the teacher is the center (teacher center) being a student is the center (student center) as
required in curriculum 13. This means that the teacher needs to position himself as a learning
partner for students, so that the teacher is not know everything because the learning resources
in the digital era are numerous and scattered, and easily accessible to students through the
internet network connected to the device.
Second, one of the most important prerequisites for teachers to be able to transform
themselves in the era of cyber pedagogy or the digital era, is the high interest in reading. So far,
various research results have shown that reading interest among teachers in Indonesia is still
low, and even lacks the motivation to buy or collect books. Therefore, teachers must continue to
increase reading interest by adding a collection of books. Every time there is a learning
problem, the teacher needs to increase knowledge through reading books, both print and digital,
which can be accessed via the internet. Without high reading interest, the teacher in the current
era of cyber pedagogy will miss the knowledge of his students, which will reduce the credibility
or authority of the teacher.
Third, teachers in the 21st century must have the ability to write. Having a high reading interest
is not enough for the teacher, but must have the skills to write. In other words, teachers in the
current information age, when involved in the internet, are not just downloading, but also
uploading their written works that can contribute ideas to efforts to improve the quality of
Fourth, 21st century teachers must be creative and innovative in developing learning methods
or seeking solutions to learning problems, so as to improve the quality of ICT-based learning.
So a teacher must be able to apply a learning model for example that uses a hybrid pattern
(hybrid learning), because the learning process in the 21st century is not only conventional in
face to face in class, but also online through the learning site. The main objective is to expand
learning opportunities, improve the quality of the learning process, foster equal opportunities
among students, and various other possibilities.
Fifth, the characteristics of 21st century teachers amid the rapid development of the digital
technology era, however, must be able to carry out cultural transformation. Thus a cultural
transformation is needed from a principled learning model in the direction, top-down, and
position students as passive parties, towards constructivist learning models that are oriented
towards students.
According to Bernie Trilling and Charles Fadel (2009), in his book entitled 21st Century Skills:
Learning for Life in Our Times, identifying there are several skills that must be possessed by
21st century generations including values and behaviors such as high curiosity, confidence, and
courage. In 21st century skills and skills cover three main categories, namely:
1. Learning and innovation skills: critical thinking and problem solving in collaborative and
innovative communication and creativity. In this era of progress, students must have creative
and innovative characters. The creative industry era demands a variety of products which are
mainly produced by creative thoughts or ideas, not physical skills.
2. Digital literacy skills: new media literacy and ICT literacy. Students in the 21st century are
those who have the ability to recognize, use technically, and utilize learning activities.
3. Life and career skills: having the ability of flexible initiatives and adaptive initiatives, and
social self-skills in intercultural interactions, productive and accountable leadership skills, and
responsibility. relating to life skills that are not just passive just taking things. However, it is
necessary to always take initiative in various learning activities, so that it continues to be
adaptive to the development of increasingly sophisticated new technologies
Modul 1 KB 2
In the 21 st century teaching, the role of media, technology and technique of literacy are
completely very important. Why should be like this and how do you integrate these into
your contextual English language teaching?
Dalam pengajaran abad ke-21, peran media, teknologi, dan teknik literasi sangat penting.
Mengapa harus seperti ini dan bagaimana Anda mengintegrasikan ini ke dalam pengajaran
bahasa Inggris kontekstual Anda?
In the teaching process of the 21st century, digitalization has been widely adopted by
education circles both by teachers and students. Learning can be done anywhere and
anytime by using computer-based technology as a source of learning by students. This
is in accordance with the role of technology and media in 21st century learning, namely
as Interactive tools and interacting with others (Smaldino, S. E., dkk (2015: 7-11)).
Interactive tools are the use of wireless devices by students both inside and outside the
school environment so as to obtain information related to extensive learning material
using computer-based technology. In addition, these wireless devices can be used as an
additional source of knowledge through digital newspapers and so on. Whereas
interacting with others intends as an intermediary for students in searching for internet-
based information utilizing video / voice and animation messages that are connected to
various parts of the world. Students can take advantage of media chat and e-mail and
exchange information with learning communities throughout the world by using the web,
blogs, wikis and podcasts. This makes it easy for students to use information technology
and become one of the most up-to-date sources of literacy. Like the example of students
using the web in finding information related to the issue of natural disasters that occur in
the world in the 1-year trimester. As a teacher, I will integrate the use of technology
media and make it a literacy technique that can trigger the attractiveness of students in
finding technology-based information. According to Smaldino, S. E., et al. 2012: 7-9,
suggested several abilities that teachers could develop to show their potential related to
their duties and roles in the digital era. For example, in contextual learning related to the
topic That's What Friends Are Supposed to Do by using interactive instruction by
displaying music videos that have been downloaded previously because basically my
area in charge does not have a good signal to support the use of internet-based media,
which can attract students' interest in learning. The music video is presented directly or
presented in the form of a PowerPoint that has integrated audio-visual by utilizing digital

Dalam proses pengajaran abad 21 ini, digitalisasi sudah diadopsi secara meluas oleh kalangan
pendidikan baik itu oleh guru maupun pelajar. Pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dimanapun dan
kapanpun dengan menggunakan teknologi berbasis komputer sebagai sumber belajar oleh para
pelajar. Hal ini sesuai dengan peran teknologi dan media dalam pembelajaran abad 21 yaitu
sebagai Interactive tools dan interacting with others. Interactive tools yaitu penggunaan
perangkat nirkabel oleh pelajar baik di dalam maupun diluar lingkungan sekolah sehingga
memperoleh informasi terkait materi pembelajaran yang luas menggunakan teknologi berbasis
komputer. Selain itu perangkat nirkabel tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber ilmu
pengetahuan tambahan melalui koran digital dan sebagainya. Sedangkan interacting with
others bermaksud sebagai perantara pelajar dalam mencari informasi berbasis internet
memanfaatkan pesan video/suara dan animasi yang terhubung ke berbagai belahan penjuru
dunia. Pelajar dapat memanfaatkan media chat dan email serta bertukar informasi dengan
komunitas belajar di seluruh penjuru dunia dengan memanfaatkan web, blog, wiki dan podcast.
Hal tersebut memudahkan pelajar dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan menjadi salah
satu sumber literasi yang paling mutakhir. Seperti contoh pelajar menggunakan web dalam
menemukan informasi terkait isu musibah bencana alam yang terjadi di dunia pada trimester 1
tahun. Sebagai seorang guru saya akan mengintegrasikan pemanfaatan media teknologi dan
menjadikannya sebagai teknik literasi yang dapat memicu daya tarik siswa dalam menemukan
informasi berbasis teknnologi. Sebagai contoh dalam pembelajaran kontekstual terkait topik
That’s What Friends are Supposed to Do dengan menggunakan interactive instruction dengan
menampilkan musik video yang sudah diunduh sebelumnya karena pada dasarnya daerah saya
bertugas tidak memiliki sinyal yang bagus demi mendukung pemanfaatan media berbasis
internet, yang dapat menarik minat pelajar dalam pembelajaran. Musik video tersebut dalam
disajikan secara langsung ataupun disajikan dalam bentuk powerpoint yang sudah
mengintegrasikan audio-visual dengan memanfaatkan informasi digital.

What to do to face issues on Teaching in the 21st century in terms of integrating Media,
technology, and digital literacy in your teaching activities?
Expert's quotations will be much more scientific to support your points!
Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menghadapi masalah tentang Pengajaran di abad ke-21 dalam
hal mengintegrasikan Media, teknologi, dan literasi digital dalam kegiatan pengajaran Anda?
Kutipan pakar akan jauh lebih ilmiah untuk mendukung poin Anda!

Explained by Smaldino, SE, et al. (2015: 7-11) that learning activities in the digital era are
conducted inside or outside the classroom where computer-based technology is a
component of learning that is easily accessible and can be used to find learning
resources. Digital devices and connections expand students' abilities that come from
various directions.
Effective use of technology and media demands that teachers be more organized in
carrying out their learning tasks. Beginning to think about the learning objectives, then
changing the daily routine of the classroom as needed, and finally evaluating to
determine the impact of instructions used on mental abilities, feelings, values,
interpersonal skills, and motoric skills of students. There are National Education
Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) which provide five basic guidelines for
becoming digital teachers (Smaldino, S. E. et al. (2015: 9))
Standards: Facilitating and Inspiring Student Learning and Creativity.
Description: Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and
technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and
innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
Standards: Designing and Developing Experience and Digital-Age Learning Assessment.
Description: The teacher designs, develops, and evaluates authentic learning
experiences and assessments that combine contemporary tools and resources to
maximize content learning in contacts and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes
identified in NETS-S.
Standards: Digital-Age Work and Learning Models.
Description: The teacher shows knowledge, skills and work processes that represent
innovative professionals in a global and digital society.
Standards: Promoting and Digital Citizenship Models and Responsibilities
Description: Teachers understand local and global social problems and responsibilities
in digital culture that develop and demonstrate legal and ethical behavior in their
professional practice.
Standards: Engaging in Professional Growth and Leadership.
Description: Teachers continually improve their professional practices, model lifelong
learning, and showcase leaders in their school communities and professionals by
promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
Basically, almost part of Indonesia has reached the internet network. But in reality in the
area where I am in charge, the existing internet network is not sufficient in implementing
technology media and digital literacy directly. So that in the teaching that I have applied, I
use digital media that has already been downloaded elsewhere, after that it is only
included in the learning design related to the topic. The same is true of digital literacy
activities that utilize the web, blogs, wikis and podcasts, which must be downloaded first
before being applied in the learning that has been designed. But that is not an obstacle
for me as a teacher to integrate media, technology and digital literacy in my learning
activities in accordance with 21st century learning.

Dijelaskan oleh Smaldino, S. E., dkk (2015: 7-11) bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran di era digital
dilakukan di dalam atau di luar kelas dimana teknologi berbasis komputer merupakan
komponen pembelajaran yang mudah diakses dan dapat dipakai untuk menemukan sumber
belajar.Perangkat dan koneksi digital memperluas kemampuan siswa yang datang dari
berbagai arah.
Penggunaan teknologi dan media yang efektif menuntut agar para guru lebih terorganisir di
dalam menjalankan tugas pembelajarannya. Diawali memikirkan tujuan pembelajaran,
kemudian mengubah rutinitas kelas sehari-hari sesuai kebutuhan, dan akhirnya mengevaluasi
untuk menentukan dampak dari instruksi yang digunakan pada kemampuan mental, perasaan,
nilai, interpersonal skill, dan keterampilan motoric siswa. Terdapat Standar Teknologi
Pendidikan Nasional untuk Guru (National Educational Technology Standards for
Teacher/NETS-T) yang memberikan lima pedoman dasar untuk menjadi guru digital (Smaldino,
S. E., dkk (2015: 9))
Standar: Memfasilitasi dan Menginspirasi Pembelajaran dan Kreativitas Siswa.
Deskripsi: Guru menggunakan pengetahuan mereka tentang materi pelajaran, pengajaran dan
pembelajaran, dan teknologi untuk memfasilitasi pengalaman yang memajukan pembelajaran
siswa, kreativitas, dan inovasi baik di lingkungan tatap muka dan virtual.
Standar: Merancang dan Mengembangkan Pengalaman dan Penilaian Pembelajaran Digital-
Deskripsi: Guru merancang, mengembangkan, dan mengevaluasi pengalaman belajar otentik
dan penilaian yang menggabungkan alat dan sumber daya kontemporer untuk memaksimalkan
pembelajaran konten dalam kontak dan mengembangkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan
sikap yang diidentifikasi dalam NETS-S.
Standar: Model Kerja dan Belajar Digital-Age.
Deskripsi: Guru menunjukkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan proses kerja yang mewakili
profesional inovatif dalam masyarakat global dan digital.
Standar: Mempromosikan dan Model Digital Citizenship dan Tanggung Jawab
Deskripsi: Guru memahami masalah dan tanggung jawab sosial lokal dan global dalam budaya
digital yang berkembang dan menunjukkan perilaku hukum dan etika dalam praktik profesional
Standar: Terlibat dalam Pertumbuhan Profesional dan Kepemimpinan.
Deskripsi: Guru secara terus-menerus meningkatkan praktik profesional mereka, memodelkan
pembelajaran seumur hidup, dan memamerkan para pemimpin dalam komunitas sekolah dan
profesional mereka dengan mempromosikan dan mendemonstrasikan penggunaan alat-alat
digital dan sumber daya secara efektif.
Pada dasarnya hampir sebagian wilayah Indonesia sudah terjangkau jaringan internet. Akan
tetapi pada kenyataannya di daerah tempat saya bertugas, jaringan internet yang ada tidak
cukup memadai dalam mengimplementasikan media teknologi dan literasi digital secara
langsung. Sehingga dalam pengajaran yang saya terapkan memanfaatkan media digital yang
sudah diunduh terlebih dahulu ditempat lain, setelah itu baru dimasukkan dalam rancangan
pembelajaran terkait topik. Begitu pula halnya dengan kegiatan literasi digital yang
memanfaatkan web, blog, wiki dan podcast, yang harus diunduh terlebih dahulu sebelum
diterapkan dalam pembelajaran yang sudah dirancang. Tetapi itu tidak menjadi halangan bagi
saya sebagai guru untuk mengintegrasikan media, teknologi dan literasi digital dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran saya sesuai dengan pembelajaran abad 21.

In the 21 st era, our students now are supported to be critical thinkers, symphatetic
collaborators, good networking doers, and communicative performers. How do you
develop such a lesson plan which can cover those all? Design the model of your lesson
Di era ke-21, siswa kami sekarang didukung untuk menjadi pemikir kritis, kolaborator simpatik,
pelaku jaringan yang baik, dan pemain komunikatif. Bagaimana Anda mengembangkan
rencana pelajaran yang dapat mencakup semuanya itu? Rancang model rencana pelajaran

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