Pipe Stress
Pipe Stress
Pipe Stress
ABSTRACT. Pressurized piping items in power plants may experience combined torsion and
bending moments during operation. Currently, there is a lack of guidance in flaw evaluation
procedures for combined loading modes of pressure, torsion and bending loads. Recently,
collapse bending moments for pipes under torsion moments were analysed by finite element
modelling. Equivalent moments defined as the root of the sum of the squares of the torsion and
bending moments are shown to be equal to pure bending moments for various diameter pipes
containing circumferentially part-through cracks. This paper focuses on behaviour of plastic
collapse moments for pipes with circumferential through-wall cracks using finite element
analysis, and describes the behaviour of the equivalent bending moments for flaw evaluation
procedures, referring part through cracked pipes.
Piping items in power plants may experience internal pressure, bending and torsion
loads during operation. When cracks detected in piping items are assessed by using
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI [1] or JSME S NA1-2008 [2].
These Codes provide evaluation procedure for predicting plastic collapse loads for
cracks in pipes subjected to internal pressure and bending moment under fully plastic
conditions. Torsion load is not included in these Codes.
A guidance including the torsion moment is currently developed for pipes with
circumferential part-through wall cracks. It is reported that combined bending and
torsion moments at collapse can be estimated by pure bending moments, when the
combined bending and torsion moments are given by the equivalent moment defined as
the root of the sum of the squares of the torsion and bending moments [3-5].
An evaluation method for predicting plastic collapse moments for pipes with local
wall thinning is also developing by authors. The plastic collapse bending moment under
torsion moment can be estimated by pure bending moment within certain sizes of local
wall thinning [6].
This paper focuses on combined torsion and bending moments at collapse for pipes
containing circumferential through-wall crack, and shows validity of the equivalent
moment at plastic collapse for circumferential through-wall crack, referring the
equivalent moment for part- through wall cracks.
Combination of bending and torsion moments for a pipe with a circumferential part-
through crack was performed by FE (finite ekement) analyses. The equivalent collapse
moment Meq is defined as,
= + (1)
where MB is the bending moment and MT is the torsion moment at collapse, respectively.
The equivalent moment Meq is almost constant for a part through cracked pipe subjected
to torsion stress less than 20% of flow stress, where flow stress is given by the average
of yield stress and ultimate tensile strength. The Meq is equal to pure bending moment at
collapse for a pipe with a part-through crack.
In order to obtain the equivalent moment Meq for through-wall cracked pipes, plastic
collapse bending moments with torsion moments are analysed by FE analysis, as below.
Analytical Conditions
Plastic collapse bending moments for
24-in. schedule 80 straight pipes with
circumferential through-wall cracks were
calculated under the condition of torsion D0 Mb
moment and internal pressure by FE
analysis. The model is illustrated in Fig. 1.
The pipe outer diameter D0 is 609.6 mm 8D0
and the wall thickness t is 30.9 mm. The Mt
length of the pipe is eight times larger than Fig. 1 Model of a cracked pipe receiveing
the outer diameter. The crack is located at bending moment and torsion moment
the centre of the pipe length. All of the under internal pressure.
positions at one end of the pipe are fixed,
and the torsion and bending moments are
applied at the other end of the pipe.
Internal pressure of 8 MPa is also applied
for the pipe, where 8 MPa correspond to
hoop stress of 74.9 MPa.
The crack is located in tensile stress
side during the bending load. The crack
depth and angle are a, and 2 , where
through-wall crack depth is a = t. Fig. 2 FE mesh break dwon of a
circumferential cracked pipe.
Pure torsion moment under internal pressure of 8 MPa was also calculated for
circumferentially cracked pipe. Torsion moment was applied at the end of the pipe end,
and the applied moment-torsion angle and the maximum torsion moment were obtained
by FE analysis.
Calculation conditions for the FE analysis are tabulated in Table 1. The FE analysis
was conducted by ABAQUS standard v.6.7-4. Large deformation formulation is
invoked in order to obtain plastic collapse moment accurately under large deformation.
The material employed in this paper is elastic-fully plastic stress-strain curve with the
yield strength of 372 MPa, which is identified with the flow stress of the material.
Sequence of Loading
The sequence of the loading is; first pressurizing the pipe to the pressure of 8 MPa,
then applying the given torsion moment MT on the pipe end, and finally the bending
moment was imposed by incremental rotation of the moment of the remote end, as
illustrated in Fig. 1. The applied torsion moment is calculated from the corresponding
shear stress . The relation between the nominal torsion moment MT and shear stress
not taking account of the crack is expected by =2 , where R is the pipe mean
radius. The crack is located such that its center coincides with the plane of the
maximum tensile stress due bending.
bending moment corresponds to the plastic moment MB. The plastic moments MB
decrease with increasing the torsion stresses .
The relationship between the applied bending moment and bending angle for
through-wall cracked pipe were obtained by FE analysis. Figure 4 shows the load-
displacement curves for pipes with circumferential through-wall cracks of 2 = 90o. The
plastic bending moment MB decreases with increasing torsion stress , as the same
behaviour of Fig. 3. In case of through-wall cracks, the values of collapse bending
moments MB are small and the values of bending angles b are large, compared with
p = 8 MPa
Bending moment, Mb (kN-m)
τ/σf = 0.0
2000 0.2
1000 Do = 609.6 mm
t = 30.9 mm
0.4 a/t = 0.75
2θ = 90°
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Bending angle, θb (rad)
Fig. 3 Load-displacement curves for pipes with part through cracks of 2 = 90o.
p = 8 MPa
t/sf = 0.0
Bending moment, Mb (kN-m)
2000 0.1
1500 0.2
Do = 609.6mm
t = 30.9mm
500 0.3
a/t = 1.0
2q= 90o
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Bending angle, qb (rad.)
Fig. 4 Load-displacement curves for pipes with through-wall crack of 2 = 90o.
those in Fig. 3.
t/sf = 0.2
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Collapse torsion moment, MT (kN-m)
Fig. 5 Plastic collapse bending moment MB and equivalent moment Meq for
pipes with crack of a/t = 0.5 and 2 = 90o.
t/sf = 0.2
Collapse bending nmoment, MB, Meq
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Collapse torsion moment, MT, (kN-m)
Fig. 6 Plastic collapse bending moment MB and equivalent moment Meq for
pipes with cracks of a/t = 0.75 and 2 = 90o.
moments MT for pipes with part through cracks of a/t = 0.5 and 0.75. Figure 7 shows the
relationship between MB and MT for pipes with through-wall cracks. When MT = 0, the
bending moment is a pure bending moment, that is MB = MB0. When MB = 0, the
moment is a pure torsion moment MT0, which was obtained by FE analysis under the
conditions of the same material properties and crack sizes.
Meq(kN-m )
t/sf = 0.2
B or
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Collapse torsion
Collapse torsion moment, MT(kN-m)
moment, MT (kN-m)
Fig. 7 Plastic collapse bending moment MB and equivalent moment Meq for pipes
with cracks of a/t = 1.0 and 2 = 90o.
eq (kN-m)
t/sf = 0.2
M eqM(kN -m )
MBB, or
m om ent,M
1500 Meq
C ollapse
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Collapsetorsion moment,
torsion moment, MT M T (kN-m)
Fig. 8 Plastic collapse bending moment MB and equivalent moment Meq for pipes
with cracks of a/t = 1.0 and 2 = 135o.
Pure bending moment MB0 at collapse for a cracked pipe can be estimated by limit
load criteria provided by ASME Section XI and JSME Codes [1, 2]. In addition, there
are lots of experimental data of MB0 performed by bending tests. The moments MB0
obtained in this calculations are not compared with those obtained by the limit load
criteria and experimental data. This is because the calculation herein employed the
elastic full- plastic stress strain curve.
Plastic collapse bending moment MB for pipes with part through cracks of a/t = 0.5
and 0.75 decreases with increasing torsion moment MT, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. It is
also obtained that the MB for pipes with through-wall cracks of 2 = 90o and 135o
decreases with increasing MT, as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The decreases of the MB
between the part through and through-wall cracks are resemblance, although the values
of the MB are different.
Equivalent moments Meq given by Eq. 1 are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 for part through
cracked pipes with a/t = 0.5 and 0.75 and 2 = 90o. The moments Meq are almost flat,
but slightly decrease, when the MT are small. When MT is large, the Meq becomes small.
In case of through-wall crack, the Meq were obtained as shown in Figs. 7 and 8, for
pipes with a/t = 1.0 and 2 = 90o and 135o. The value of the Meq for through-wall
cracked pipe is small, compared with those for part through cracked pipes with the same
crack angle of 2 = 90o as, shown in Figs. 5, 6 and 7. The Meq for the pipes with
through-wall crack of 2 = 90o and 135o are almost constant in the entire range of MT.
The torsion moments in power plants are generally small at many positions in piping
systems. Based on plant design stress survey, it is sufficient to limit the torsion stress
up to 20% of the flow stress f. The plant torsion actual range is illustrated in Figs. 5 to
8, as / f = 0.2.
The Meq for pipes with part through and through-wall cracks retains almost constant
with increasing the torsion moment MT in the range of torsion stress of / f = 0.2, where
the difference of the equivalent moment Meq against pure bending moment MB is within
10 % of the pure bending moment. That is, the Meq is almost equal to MB0. This means
that combined bending and torsion moments at collapse can be estimated by pure
bending moment for through-wall cracked pipes, as the same manner with part through
cracked pipes.
Plastic collapse moments for pipes with through-wall cracks subjected to combined
bending and torsion moments in the presence of internal pressure were investigated by
FE analyses.
As the results of the FE analysis, plastic collapse bending moments decrease with
increasing torsion moments for through-wall cracked pipes. Equivalent moments are
almost constant against the torsion moments in the torsion stresses of actual plant range.
This means that the plastic collapse bending plus torsion moments together with internal
pressure can be estimated by the pure bending moment for circumferentially through-
wall cracked pipes, as the same with part through cracked pipes.
1. ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI (2010), American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, New York.
2. JSME Code S NA-1-2008, (2008), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,
3. Li, Y., Hasegawa, K., Hoang, P., and Bezensek, B., (2010), ASME PVP2010-25101.
4. Li, Y., Ida, W., Hasegawa, K., Hoang, P., and Bezensek, B., (2010), ASME
5. Hoang, P., Hasegawa, K., Bezensek, B, and Li, Y., (2010), ASME PVP2010-25283.
6. Hasegawa, K., Li, Y., Bezensek, B., and Hoang, P., (2012) ASME PVP2012-78736.