Rohde Cms 50

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März 2002 8:59 08

Options and their applications Option cannot be used

Option already included in basic model
Extensions for basic model
Option Order No. Specifications
OCXO Reference Oscillator CMS-B1 0840.9406.02 see time base
For long-term stability Aging 2x10−7/year
OCXO Reference Oscillator CMS-B2 1001.6809.02 Specs same as CMS-B1,
For extremely high long-term stability except for aging ≤1x10−7/year
Duplex Modulation Meter CMS-B59 1032.0990.02 Specs see basic model,
Allows operation of RF frequency counter CMS54
except residual FM (does not
and modulation meter independent of RF sig- apply to CMS54, since ≤10 Hz
nal generator (two-port measurements, also CMS-B9 is already built-in)
on frequency-converting modules); provides
tracking generator and cable fault finder
Duplex Modulation Meter CMS-B9 0840.9506.02 Specs see basic model,
Same as CMS-B59, plus adjacent-channel CMS50 CMS54
specs for ACP-meter and harmonic measurements please refer
power meter, harmonic measurements to page 13
10-MHz Reference Frequency Input/Output CMS-B22 1001.6750.02 Output TTL levels, Zout ≈ 50 Ω,
External synchronization for measuring sys- f=10 MHz
tems Input level >1.5 Vpp, Zin ≈ 50 Ω,
f=10 MHz ± 500 Hz
100-W RF Power Meter CMS-B32 1001.7905.02 Max. input power: 100 W for 3 min, then 10 min power off;
Measurement of high RF input power continuous power: 80 W, max. output level and measurement
sensitivity at input 1 reduced by 3 dB; additional error
≤0.15 dB (P >40 mW, AM=0%)
13-dBm Output CMS-B34 1032.1350.02 Additional power output for off-air measurements
IEC/IEEE-Bus Interface CMS-B54 1032.0748.02 Optional for CMS50;
CMS54 CMS57 interface to IEC625-1/IEEE488 with listener/talker function

Protection for Input 2 CMS-B60 1075.5006.02 BNC connector with exchangeable fuse

Carrier Bag for CMS CMS-Z40 1065.5603.02 Bag for basic unit CMS and accessories

Signalling units for models with Duplex Modulation Meter CMS-B9 or CMS-B59
Option Order No. Specifications
Signalling Unit for Cellular Radio CMS-B53 1032.0890.02 Simulation of base station for testing cellular mobile phones, e.g.
NMT 450 (SIS), NMT 450I, NMT 900 (SIS), call setup, call cleardown, channel and power change
POCSAG CMS-B26 1031.9993.10 Testing of POCSAG radiopaging receivers
For CMS-B53

Extensions in conjunction with control interfaces

Option Order No. Specifications

300-Hz Lowpass Filter CMS-B33 1032.0290.02 fcutoff =200 Hz, attenuation >50 dB for frequencies above
For CMS-B5/-B55; fast frequency and devia- 300 Hz
tion measurement of subaudio tones with
simultaneous audio modulation
Adapter for VSWR Measurements CMS-Z37 1) 1065.4907.02 Connection of Insertion Units NAS-Z1, -Z3, -Z5, -Z6, -Z7 with
In conjunction with CMS-B5 or -B39 direct reading of VSWR as well as forward and reflected

CMS-B5 or CMS-B39 required for Insertion Units NAS-Z1/-Z3/-Z5/-Z6/-Z7.

16 Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS Seite 17 Mittwoch, 6. März 2002 8:59 08

Optional Control Interfaces 1)

Order No. 0841.0502.10 1032.0790.02 0841.1209.02 1032.0090.02
Decoding of DTMF dual tones and
DTMF Decoder • • • •
VDEW direct dialling
CCITT Filter • • • •
C-Message Filter — — — —
Centronics Interface • • • • Direct printer connection
Switching relays with max. 1 W switch-
Relays 8 — — 4
ing power, Vmax =30 V, Imax =0.1 A
TTL Input/Output 12 — — 8 Outputs: 25 mA driver power
Voltage measurement
Range 0 to ±30 V
Resolution 0.1 mV to 100 mV
Error ±1% + resolution
DC Ammeter/Voltmeter, floating — — • —
Current measurement
Range 0 to ±10 A
Resolution 1mA to 100 mA
Error ≤4% ± 3 mA
Output impedance of AF generator and
input impedance of AF voltmeter switcha-
ble to 600 Ω ± 10%
600-Ω AF Transformers — — — •
Frequency range: 100 Hz to 6 kHz
Output level: 10 µV to 2.5 V
Max. output current: 4 mA
300-Hz Lowpass Filter CMS-B33 CMS-B33 — — see option CMS-B33
Adapter for VSWR Measurements CMS-Z37 — — CMS-Z37 see option CMS-Z37

Choice of one option.

Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS 17 Seite 18 Mittwoch, 6. März 2002 8:59 08

Specifications (Base Unit) Transmitter measurements

RF power meter
Frequency range 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz
Valid for all models; values in bold enclosed by brackets refer to CMS50 Measurement range 5 mW to 50 W 3) (100 W optionally)
Error (P >20 mW, AM = 0%) ≤0.4 dB of rdg + resolution
Timebase Resolution 1 mW, P <100 mW
1%, P ≥100 mW
Selective level measurement in frequency range 1 MHz to
Temperature effect 0 to 35°C ≤1 x 10−6
1000 MHz
Aging ≤1 x 10−7/day
Level range −60 dBm to +47 dBm without weight-
≤1 x 10−6 /month
ing filter, −80dBm to +47 dBm with
≤2 x 10−6 /year
2-kHz resonance filter
RF frequency counter
Options CMS-B1 and -B2
Frequency range 0.5 MHz to 1000 MHz
Temperature effect 0 to 50 °C ≤1 x 10−7
Input level range 5 mW to 50 W 3)
Aging ≤5 x 10−9/day after 30 days of
Resolution 10 Hz, 1 Hz
Error same as timebase + resolution
≤2 x 10−7/year (CMS-B2: ≤1 x 10−7)
Warmup time (25 °C) approx. 10 min
Frequency deviation meter
Operating modes +PK, −PK, ±PK/2, PK HOLD, RMS,
Receiver measurements RMS√2
Signal generator Input level range 5 mW to 50 W 3)
Frequency range 0.4 MHz to 1000 MHz RF frequency range 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz
CMS54, CMS 57 usable from 100 kHz Deviation measurement range 0 to 100 kHz (0 to 50 kHz)
Frequency resolution 10 Hz AF frequency range 20 to 20 kHz (20 to 15 kHz)
Frequency error same as timebase (DC-coupled at demodulator output)
Level Resolution 1 Hz, ∆f <1 kHz
FM, ϕM, CW −134 dBm to 0 dBm 1%, ∆f ≥1 kHz
AM −134 dBm to −3 dBm (depending on Residual FM (CCITT, RMS)
modulation depth) 0.4 to 250, 500 to 1000 MHz ≤10 Hz
Level resolution 0.1 dB 250MHz to 500 MHz ≤5 Hz (≤10 Hz)
Fine variation of level Error 2) ≤5% + resolution + residual FM
FM, ϕM, CW 0 to −19.9 dB, non-interrupting
AM 0 to −4.9 dB, non-interrupting Phase deviation meter
Level error ≤2 dB (for levels −128 dBm to Operating modes +PK, −PK, ±PK/2, RMS, RMS√2
−3 dBm, f >1 MHz) 1) Input level range 5 mW to 50 W3)
Harmonics ≤−25 dBc RF frequency range 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz
Nonharmonics ≤−50 dBc Phase deviation measurement range 0.001 rad to 5 rad
(>5 kHz from carrier, level −3 dBm) AF frequency range 300 Hz to 6 kHz
Residual AM (CCITT, RMS) ≤0.03% (≤0.1%) Resolution 0.001 rad, ∆ϕ ≤0.1 rad
Residual FM (CCITT, RMS) 1%, ∆ϕ >0.1 rad
0.4 to 250, 500 to 1000 MHz ≤10 Hz (≤10 Hz) Error 2) same as frequency deviation meter +
250 MHz to 500 MHz ≤5 Hz (≤10 Hz) 2% frequency response
Phase noise ≤−110 dBc/Hz (20 kHz from carrier)
AM depth meter
Modulation Operating modes +PK, −PK, ±PK/2, RMS, RMS√2
Frequency range 0.4 MHz to 1000 MHz Input level range 20 mW to 50 W 3) (PEP)
AM modulation depth 0 to 99% RF frequency range 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz
Resolution 0.5% AM depth measurement range 0.01% to 99%
Mod. frequency range DC to 10 kHz, (15 Hz to 10 kHz) AF frequency range 50 Hz to 20 kHz (50 Hz to 10 kHz)
f <8 MHz; Resolution 0.01%, m <0.1
DC to 20 kHz, 0.1%, m ≥0.1
f ≥8 MHz Residual AM (CCITT, RMS) ≤0.03%
Mod. distortion (m <0.8) 1) ≤2%, fAF = 1 kHz Error (m ≤0.8) 2) ≤7% + resolution + residual AM
Mod. error (m <0.8) 1) ≤5% + resolution + residual AM, (fAF = 0.3 to 3 kHz)
fAF = 300 Hz to 3 kHz
FM deviation 0 to 100 kHz (50 Hz to 50 kHz) Distortion meter, SINAD meter,
(fRF = 250 to 500 MHz, 0 to 50 kHz) AF frequency counter see transmitter and receiver measure-
Resolution 1 Hz, ∆f <100 Hz ments
1%, ∆f ≥100 Hz
Mod. frequency range 20 Hz to 20 kHz (suitable for RF spectrum monitor for CMS50 (for CMS 54/CMS57 see page 13)
POCSAG) Frequency range 1 MHz to 1000 MHz
Mod. distortion ≤1% (fAF = 1 kHz; ∆f = 10 kHz) Reference level +47dBm to −47 dBm (input 1)
Mod. error ≤5% + resolution + residual FM Display dynamic range >60 dB (for reference level >−7 dBm
ϕM deviation (internal) 0 to 10 rad at input 1)
(fRF = 250 to 500 MHz, 0 to 5 rad) Span 0 (zero span) to 50 MHz
Resolution 1 mrad, ∆ϕ <0.1 rad Filters (3-dB bandwidth) 150 Hz, 6/16/50/300 kHz
1%, ∆ϕ ≥0.1 rad (coupled to span)
Mod. frequency range 100 Hz to 6 kHz Error <3 dB + resolution
Mod. distortion ≤1% (fAF = 1 kHz; ∆ϕ = 1 rad) Resolution 0.4 dB
Mod. error ≤5% + resolution + residual ϕM
Tracking generator (with CMS-B59/-B9)
Modulation modes internal (single-tone/two-tone), Frequency range 400 kHz to 1000 MHz
external, internal + external Reference level −27 dBm to −67 dBm
AF voltmeter Display dynamic range 50 dB (1 MHz to 500 MHz)
Frequency range 50 Hz to 20 kHz 45 dB (500 MHz to 1000 MHz)
Measurement range 0.1 mV to 30 V Span 0 (zero span) to full span
Resolution 100 µV, V <10 mV Filters (3-dB bandwidth) 150 Hz, 6/16/50/300 kHz,
1%, V ≥10 mV 1/3 MHz (coupled to span)
Error 2) <5% + resolution Error <3 dB (relative measurement
Input impedance approx. 1 MΩ <0.5 dB)
Resolution 0.4 dB
Distortion meter, SINAD meter, Output level 0 to −128 dBm
AF frequency counter see transmitter and receiver measure- Frequency offset 0 to ±999 MHz (depending on span
ments and center frequency)

18 Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS Seite 19 Mittwoch, 6. März 2002 8:59 08

Transmitter measurements at 2nd RF input

Selective call coder/decoder
Measurement of RF frequency, modulation (AM, FM, ϕM), modulation fre- Tone sequences ZVEI1/ZVEI2/CCIR/EIA/EEA/
quency and RF spectrum (level) of small RF signals, e.g. in off-air or module EURO/ NATEL/CCITT/VDEW/
measurements, for input levels from approximately DTMF/user-defined sequences (DTMF
RF frequency counter 30 µV (select. counter with presetting) decoding see control interface)
CMS54, CMS57 –40 dBm to +7 dBm (without preset- CDCSS coder entry of 3-digit code number of mo-
ting) bile radio, setting the times for turn-off
Modulation meter 5 µV (IF narrow) code and RF level drop, setting the
1 µV (IF narrow, select. measurement) data deviation
Selective level measurement −75 dBm to −35 dBm without weight-
ing filter, −100 to −35 dBm with Audio monitor (loudspeaker) demodulated signal, AF signal, beat
2-kHz resonance filter (frequency offset)

Transmitter and receiver measurements General data

Modulation generator I and II IEC/IEEE bus (optional for CMS50) interface to IEC 625-1/IEEE 488 with
Frequency range 20 Hz to 30 kHz (usable from 1 Hz) listener/talker function
(20 Hz to 20 kHz) Rated and operating
Frequency resolution 0.1 Hz temperature range 0 to +50°C
Error same as timebase + 1/2 resolution Storage temperature range −40 °C to +70°C
Output level range 10 µV to 5 V, fAF =20 Hz to 20 kHz Environmental resistance
10 µV to 2.5 V, fAF =20 Hz to 30 kHz Temperature complies with IEC 68-2-1 and IEC
Resolution 10 µV, V <1 mV 68-2-2
1%, V ≥1 mV Climatic (damp heat) +25°C/+40°C cyclically with 95%
Error ≤5%, V >1 mV rel. humidity; complies with IEC
Output impedance ≤4 Ω 68-2-30
Max. output current (peak) 20 mA Mechanical resistance
Distortion ≤0.5% Sinusoidal vibration 5 Hz to 150 Hz, max. 2 g at 55 Hz,
0.5 g at 55Hz to 150 Hz
Distortion meter Standards complied with IEC 68-2-6 and IEC 1010-1 as well
Frequency 100 Hz to 5 kHz (100 Hz to 3 kHz) as MIL-T-28800D class 5
(in 10-Hz steps) Random vibration 10 Hz to 300 Hz, acceleration 1.2 g rms
Input level range 100 mV to 30 V Shock 40 g shock spectrum
Measurement range 0.1% to 50% Standards complied with MIL-STD-810C and MIL-T-28800D
Resolution 0.1% class 3 and 5
Inherent distortion ≤0.5% EMC complies with EMC directive of EU
Weighting bandwidth ≤12 kHz (89/336/EEC) and German EMC
Error ≤5% + inherent distortion regulations
Safety complies with EN 61010-1
SINAD meter Power supply (100/120/220/240) V AC ±10%,
Frequency 100 Hz to 5 kHz (1 kHz ±10 Hz) 47 Hz to 420 Hz or
±10 Hz 11 V to 32 V DC (50 W)
Measurement range 1 dB to 46 dB Dimensions (W x H x D) 320 mm x 175 mm x 375 mm
Input level range 100 mV to 30 V (12.6“ x 6.9“ x 14.8“)
Resolution 0.1 dB Screen size approx. 210 mm x 100 mm (9“)
Weighting bandwidth ≤12 kHz Weight approx. 13 kg (28.6 lbs) without
Error ≤1 dB + inherent distortion options
approx. 15 kg (33 lbs) with options
AF frequency counter
Operating modes demodulation, AF, beat (frequency
offset), external
Frequency range 20 Hz to 500 kHz (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
(superimposed RF) Ordering information
Input level range 10 mV to 30 V, f <20 kHz
Resolution 1 Hz/0.1 Hz
Error same as timebase + resolution Radiocommunication Service Monitor
CMS50 0840.0009.50
Oscilloscope CMS54 0840.0009.54
Bandwidth DC: DC to 20 kHz CMS57 0840.0009.57
AC: 10 Hz to 20 kHz
Horizontal deflection 20 ms/div to 0.1 ms/div Accessories supplied power cable, spare fuses, manual
Vertical deflection scaled in kHz (FM), rad (ϕM),
% (AM), mV/V (AF) Options see pages 16 and 17
Input level range 0 Vp to 40 Vp
Input impedance approx. 1 MΩ Recommended extras
Memory Card 32 Kbyte CMS-Z1 0841.1609.02
AF filters Memory Card 128 Kbyte CMS-Z2 0841.1509.02
Highpass fcutoff = 300 Hz, attenuation at 19" Adapter ZZA-99 0839.5775.00
200 Hz typ. 40 dB Transit Case ZZK-011 1013.9543.00
Lowpass fcutoff = 3.4 kHz, attenuation at Service Manual 0840.8616.24
10 kHz typ. 40 dB Carrier Bag CMS-Z40 1065.5603.02
Bandpass broadband highpass + lowpass
narrowband 50 Hz to 5 kHz (100 Hz to 3 kHz) 1
) Fine variation of level 0 dB.
in 10-Hz steps, attenuation typ. 40 dB 2
) Without weighting filters.
for 0.8f and 1.2f 3 ) Input level max. 30 W for any RF output level, max. 50 W for RF output
Notch filter 100 Hz to 5 kHz (100 Hz to 3 kHz)
in 10-Hz steps, attenuation typ. 40 dB level <−26 dBm.
CCITT filter see options CMS-B5 or CMS-B20

Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS 19 Seite 20 Mittwoch, 6. März 2002 8:59 08

0302 (Bi bb)

Printed in Germany
PD 0757.1031.24 ⋅ Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS ⋅ Trade names are trademarks of the owners ⋅ Subject to change ⋅ Data without tolerances: typical values
Certified Environmental System Certified Quality System

ISO 14001 ISO 9001

REG. NO 1954 DQS REG. NO 1954

ROHDE&SCHWARZ GmbH & Co. KG ⋅ Mühldorfstraße 15 ⋅ 81671 München ⋅ Germany ⋅ P.O.B. 8014 69 ⋅ 81614 München ⋅ Germany
Telephone +49894129-0 ⋅ ⋅ CustomerSupport: Tel. +491805124242, Fax +4989 4129-13777, E-mail: [email protected]

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