N3 Infinity Faqs

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V 1.6

ENGLISH. FAQs V1.6 They are assigned at the moment that you deploy the
trooper whose profile includes the SymbioMates or
SymbioBombs is deployed.
INTRODUCTION When are Booty and MetaChemistry rolled for?
If a Combat Group only contains troopers in Hidden
Deployment or that are off-table with Airborne After the player’s Deployment Phase.
Deployment, do you have to indicate to your opponent
that you have two Combat Groups? For AD troops and similar skills, the roll will take place
after landing, as specified in the rules of these skills:
Yes. The number of Combat Groups is Open Information. After their Deployment.

Is the Combat Group of a Marker (Camouflaged,

TO Camouflaged, IMP-1, IMP-2…) Open or Private
Information? GAME SEQUENCE
Under 3rd Ed rules, how should the game terms Game
It is Open Information. Turn and Player Turn in the Campaign Paradiso rules be
Do Camouflage markers that do not represent a trooper
(Mines, Ambush Camouflage decoys ...) belong to a When the game terms “Game Turn” and “Player
Combat Group? Turn” appear in the Campaign Paradiso rule texts, you
must consider them as Game Round and Player Turn
Yes. They are considered to belong to the Combat Group respectively.
of the troops that have deployed them.


BASIC RULES Is it obligatory to declare that the ARO is delayed when
waiting for the second Skill when a troop in Camouflage
or Impersonation State is activated?
Are these two miniatures in base to base contact?
Yes, it is obligatory.

Can you delay the ARO with a trooper in Hidden


Yes, but you have to place the TO Camouflage Marker,

cancelling the Hidden Deployment state.

An Auxilia and his Auxbot declares Move as first Short

Skill of his Order. A Celestial Guard who only has LoF
against the Auxbot decides not to declare any ARO. With
the second Short Skill, the Auxilia and Auxbot Move
again, so that the Auxilia is now within the LoF of the
Celestial Guard. Could the Celestial Guard declare an ARO
against Auxilia now?

No, because the Auxilia and the Auxbot generated a

single ARO as they possess the G: Synchronized Special
Skill. Therefore, as the Celestial Guard has decided not to
declare his ARO after the first Short Skill, he has lost the
ability to declare any ARO against that Order.

Do Impetuous trooper ever consider a Piece of

Equipment, Deployable Weapon, or a Perimeter Weapon,
Yes, as their Silhouette Volumes are touching each other. like a CrazyKoala or Netrod, to be the nearest enemy
In the reactive turn, when can you measure the Zone of Control?
Following the steps of the Order Expenditure Sequence:
you declare a ZoC ARO, and in the step of resolution, is
when the players take measurements. So, is troop is in
the ZoC, resolve his ARO, but if not, the ARO is lost. COMBAT
When do AI Beacons deploy? Can a miniature throw a Smoke Grenade to protect
another figure from an attack?
AI Beacons deploy during the Deployment Phase, just
like any other troop that has no Deployment Special Skill. No. In a similar way to a Dodge, the Special Dodge
provided by throwing a Smoke Grenade can only protect
When are the Symbiomates or SymbioBombs assigned? the throwing trooper.


Can you do Speculative Fire or Guided Attack from or into If you hit an enemy trooper not in Camouflaged state and
a sealed room? there is an enemy Camouflage Marker inside the Area
of Effect of the Template, then the Camouflage Marker
No you can’t, because there is no way to trace the would be affected too. However, with an Impersonation
trajectory of the Attack. Marker you can not declare the Attack because it counts
as a friendly trooper.
How does Speculative Fire interact with enemy troops
in Targeted State? For example is the attack affected by What happens when a troop rolls a Critical with a
Camouflage or Cover? Template Weapon that affects more than one troop?

The Attack is performed without the -6 MOD for The main target of the attack suffers the Critical effects
Speculative Fire and with a MOD of +3 for being against of the Special Ammunition, weapon, or rule, for example
a troop in Targeted State. The negative MOD imposed for Normal Ammunition will cause the target to lose one
Camouflage, for example, do not apply to a Speculative Wound/Structure, bypassing the ARM or BTS Roll.
Fire and the Cover ARM/BTS bonus also does not apply
as it is an Attack with a Weapon Template. The Roll will not count as a Critical against the other
troops, instead counting as a success that can be beaten
When do you choose which point of the movement path by higher Rolls.
the BS Attack (or any other similar Skill) is performed?

In the Resolution step, when the players are about to

measure distances. In case the order of declaration is CLOSE COMBAT
important, the active player is the one who chooses who
must declare it first. How does Close Combat work against a Scenery Item?

That means that if I declare my first Short Skill while in In those scenarios in which it is allowed or required to
Cover, my opponents may declare their Attacks when destroy Scenery Items in Close Combat, they count as
this trooper is in Cover even if my second Short Skill is a enemy troops for the purposes of declaring CC Attack,
movement that takes it out of that Cover? using CC Special Skills and gaining bonuses for multiple
combatants (for example, Fireteams or Coordinated
No. The opponents will declare the Skills that they are Orders). Note that at the end of the Order, the Scenery
going to use, with all the corresponding details. But the Item will not cause any trooper to be in the Engaged
Attacks are made at the best point of the movement for state.
the one who declares the Attack.
What happens if a trooper is using Jump or Super-Jump
Can I apply the bonus of +1 to Burst for Twin Weapons, if and enters base contact with an enemy trooper while in
my troop has a Light Shotgun and has used the Special mid-air? Will they be able to declare a CC Attack while in
Skill Scavenger to get a Rifle+Light Shotgun? mid-air?

No. To be able to apply the bonus for Twin Weapons, The active trooper will automatically stop moving when
both the weapons must be exactly the same. The they enter base contact, and will then fall vertically
weapons with the symbol “+” are a combined weapon. from that position, receiving Damage from the fall if is
applicable. A CC Attack by either trooper will require
Is the Twin Weapons rule applied to Close Combat? base contact at the end of the fall.


Can you declare an Attack against pieces of Equipment DAMAGE

deployed by allied troops? When a miniature with Transmutation or Symbiont
Armor loses the last Wound of its first Troop Profile, what
No. happens first: the Guts Roll or the profile change?
Can you declare Discover + BS Attack to Discover a After the correspondent ARM/BTS rolls, the Guts Roll is
trooper but shoot at a different trooper? made and after that the change of profile is made.
Yes. How does the Guts Roll work if the trooper that triggered
it falls Unconscious in that Order?
Can you split the Burst between several troops, when you
declare Discover + BS Attack to discover a trooper and Apply the Guts rule normally.
shoot at a different trooper?

Yes. Losing the shots at the target of the Discover if the

What happens when a Direct Template Weapon in ARO
misses the target because it’s out of range? Does it
affect the other troops inside the Template or does it get COMMON SKILLS
cancelled? What happens if a miniature with a 25 mm base moves
inside a room with a Narrow Access receives a successful
The Attack is cancelled. Engage attack from a model with a 40 mm base?
Can Camouflage Markers be indirectly hit by Templates Both figures will end their movements inside the room,
Weapons? How does this interact with Impersonation? ignoring the Narrow Access.


If a trooper declares an Engage ARO, can they be Can troopers move through obstacles that do not exceed
placed “on a wall” if the active trooper ends their the height of their Silhouette Template? Then is that
move near a wall? movement considered “up and down” or does it count as
if they were always at ground level?
Troops can vault and they are considered to be moving
In a CC with the bonus to Burst applied for friendly troopers up and down.
in that combat. Can I place more than one D-Charge?
Is the Suppressive Fire state cancelled when a trooper, in
Yes. Suppressive Fire, fails its Guts Roll?

When declaring a Dodge in Reactive Turn, the movement Yes.

of the Dodge ends in the Trigger Area of a Mine. Does
this make the Mine activate? Does the declared Dodge If I declare a Suppressive Fire ARO beyond 24”, does the
Skill avoid the damage of the Mine? -3 MOD for the Suppressive Fire apply to the opponent?

Yes, a Mine is activated by an Order or ARO if enemy No. As the target is farther than the maximum Range
troops is in its Trigger Area. Following the Order value, the attack fails automatically and there is no FtF
Expenditure Sequence (pag. 31) in the Declaration of Roll so the -3 MOD of the Suppressive Fire State doesn’t
AROs it states that if movements are declared the apply.
player measures the movement distance and specifies
where the trooper would be at the end of its movement When do I choose which ammunition or fire mode is used
path, therefore the Dodge roll would a Face to Face Roll while in Suppresive Fire?
against the trooper that declared the Order and a Normal
Roll against the Mine. In the case of failing the Normal At the moment of declaring the Burst.
Roll or losing the Face to Face Roll, the Dodge movement
does not occur, so the Mine does not activate. For a trooper with more than one weapon with the
Suppressive Fire trait, must we declare which one he
Can you declare a Dodge ARO even if the Order uses to enter Suppressive Fire state or can he use any of
generating that reaction does not include an Attack? those weapons while in this state?

Yes. When entering Suppressive Fire state, you must choose

which weapon the trooper will use.
If a trooper declares a Dodge in ARO, does this “open up”
LoF to troopers behind them? Can a trooper move through allied Markers like
Camouflage, TO Camouflage and IMP Markers, or his own
No. A trooper that declares a Dodge in ARO continues to Deployable Equipment and Deployable Weapons?
block LoF during that Order.
Yes, if the trooper’s Silhouette Attribute is equal or
How do the MODs for Low/Poor Visibility Zones apply to greater.
Dodge Rolls? And to Engage?
Can I declare an Intuitive Attack against a troop that is
The MODs apply whenever a Skill, Special Skill or piece neither camouflaged nor inside a Zero Visibility Zone?
of Equipment requires LoF and is declared from, into or
through a Low or Poor Visibility Zone. Note that if the No.
trooper is within the Visibility Zone this also applies to
Dodge Rolls against template weapons from outside Can I declare two Discover skill against same marker in
LoF. So: one order?

- Any Dodge declared inside a Low/Poor Visibility Zone No.

suffers the negative MOD, even in Close Combat or if
the Dodge didn’t involve LoF. How is movement measured during a Climb?
- Any Dodge which LoF to the enemy trooper passes
into/out/through a Low/Poor Visibility Zone suffers the
When using Climb you need to measure the movement
penalty. until the trooper reaches the horizontal surface. Then,
there is a “free” placement on the horizontal surface
The negative MOD will also apply to the Engage Common after reaching it with Climb

Can I declare Change Facing if I can not gain LoF to the

Yes. Since gaining LoF is not a Requirement for this skill. Which version of Bioimmunity is the correct, the English
version or the Spanish version?
Can Motorcycles / Vehicle use stairs?
The English version. The trooper with Bioimmunity can
Yes. Motorcycles / Vehicles cannot use the Climb skill choose an ARM or BTS Roll against Attacks with the
but the stairs can be used without declaring Climb. Bio-Munitions Category.


Against an AP+Shock shot, how does Bioimmunity work If a trooper with G: Remote Presence and V: Dogged
if you choose to make the Armor Roll with the BTS enters the second level of Unconsciousness, can he use
Attribute? Dogged?
The Shock Ammunition would treated like Normal Yes, because V: Dogged can activate when the trooper
Ammunition, but is combined with AP Ammunition so it entered the Unconscious state.
is compulsory to make the Roll with the ARM Attribute,
not with the BTS. Is it the same procedure with V: No Wound Incapacitation?
Does Kinematika increase the Engage radius? Yes, because the activation is the same as V: Dogged.
Yes. Could a trooper with Sixth Sense in Engaged state react
to an Attack from outside that Close Combat?
Do Kinematika levels stack?
Yes, you can always Dodge when all the Sixth Sense
No requirements are met.
Do Booty, Kinematika or Infiltrate Special Skills grant the A reactive trooper with Sixth Sense is inside Zero
lower Levels? Visibility Zone. The active trooper moves into base
contact with their first Short Skill and then declares a
Yes, but they are not stackable. CC Attack. Can the reactive trooper declare a BS Attack?
When is the Infiltration Roll made when using Hidden No. The active trooper is only visible when they are in
Deployment? base contact. As BS Attacks cannot be declared while
in base contact, the trooper with Sixth Sense cannot
As established in the rule of “Hidden Deployment declare a BS Attack.
and Infiltration” (pag. 72) in the rulebook, the player
must write down the chosen deployment position for Troops with V: Courage and Religious, how do the V:
the Hidden Deployment troop before performing the Courage and the Religious Skills interact with each other
Infiltration Roll, and immediately after that roll for in a Guts Roll?
Infiltration to determine the effects in case of failure of
the Infiltration Roll. Troopers with both Skills can choose which one they are
going to use in a Guts Roll.
Although the troops in Hidden Deployment are
considered not to be on the table at all, for the purposes When can an Engineer detonate a D-Charge?
of the Infiltration Roll (pag.83) they are considered to be
on the table so that the roll should be made once you A trooper with the Engineer Special Skill may, in the
have written down their position. Active Turn, remotely detonate, without range or LoF
restrictions and without a Roll, a D-Charge previously
If the Infiltration Roll is a success, the troop infiltrates planted by themselves or by any other trooper from their
and does not lose the Hidden Deployment, but if the army.
user fails his Infiltration Roll, he must deploy inside his
player’s Deployment Zone and in contact with ones of In the Reactive Turn they may detonate a D-Charge if
the edges of the game table. either of the following is true:
Can a troop with the Special Skill Protheion declare an - He has Line of Fire (LoF) to a trooper being activated
Attack with this skill against an Unconscious trooper that by the Active Player.
is in Sepsitorized State and controlled by you? - Or if the trooper activates within his Zone of Control.
No. Sepsitorized troops are considered Allies even when AROs must choose the trooper activated by the Order as
Unconscious. So, it can not be the target of attacks from their target.
his own troops.
How many D-Charges can be detonated at a time?
How do V: Dogged and G: Remote Presence interact with
each other? One per Order or ARO.
When a trooper that has both skills enters the When using the Minelayer Special Skill or deploying
Unconscious state for first time, the player controlling it CrazyKoalas or MadTraps how do deployable weapons or
has to choose which to use. Equipment work during Deployment?
If the player chooses to activate V: Dogged, the trooper The deployment of weapons or deployable Equipment
will ignore the effects of the Unconscious state and enter must follow the Deployment rules.
the Dogged state. That means that the trooper will enter
the Dead state at the end of the Turn, or if the trooper They must always be within the area in which the
suffers a new wound before the Turn ends. trooper is allowed to deploy. For example, if the
Minelayer trooper lacks the Infiltration Special Skill,
If the player chooses to use G: Remote Presence, the the Deployable Weapons must be placed inside the
trooper will suffer the effects of the Unconscious state, trooper’s Deployment Zone. In the case that the trooper
but will gain a second Unconscious level before entering with Minelayer uses the Infiltration Special Skill, and this
the Dead state and it could be repaired meanwhile. trooper deployes in his own half of the table, he only
can deploy the mine inside his half of the table, never


Can you pick your AD: Parachutist location at any time During a CC Combat, can a trooper Dismount from his
during the Deployment Phase of any player? TAG, Vehicle or Motorcycle?

No. You have to choose the location during the No. When a trooper is in Engaged state at the start
Deployment Phase of the owning player. of the Order they can only declare CC Attack, Coup de
Grâce, Dodge and those Skills which specify that they
Can a Camouflage Marker prevent that an enemy can be used in CC Combat or in the Engaged state, such
trooper from reverting to the Camouflaged state? If the as Reset.
Camouflage Marker were a Mine, would prevent it too?
Can a troop Dismount from his TAG, Vehicle or Motorcycle
Yes, no matter if it is a Mine or a real trooper, as the if it is in Hidden Deployment or in a Marker state?
Camouflage trooper trying to Camouflage again doesn’t
know. Yes, but this action will reveal the TAG, Vehicle or
When a Camouflage Marker prevents an enemy troop
from reverting to the Camouflaged state, does it reveal Can a Pilot or Remote Pilot Mount any “empty” TAG?
No, they can only Mount their own TAG.
No. If the trooper was in Hidden Deployment you will
have to place the TO Camouflage Marker. A Pilot or Remote Pilot has dismounted from his TAG and
the TAG is not in a Null state. Does the TAG still generate
How does Basic Impersonation work against alien races? Orders in the Order count step of the Tactical Phase?

As stated on the rule (pag.80) in the sixth bullet point of Yes.

Effects, the trooper can never adopt the Impersonation-1
state, the trooper with this Skill will instead start What happens if a Pilot has Dismounted from a Manned
in Impersonation-2 state and when reactivating TAG and the Pilot or TAG enters Dead State?
Impersonation state they will enter Impersonation-2 state.
If the Pilot is Dead, the TAG also enters Dead state and
To discover a trooper in Impersonation-2 state, the rule is removed from the game table. If the TAG is Dead, the
states that the enemy must pass a Discover Roll that Pilot stays on the table until he enters Dead state.
applies no MODs, does that include the Range MODs?
When using the Sensor: Triangulated Fire Skill must you
The Range MODs apply normally. The only MOD apply MODs to the Burst value, such as the MODs from a
that does not apply is the -6 MOD for the previous Saturation Zone, etc?
Impersonation-1 state.
At the moment of delaying the ARO against an
Impersonation Marker, if the Marker does not reveal itself How are troopers with G: Servant and G: Synchronized
with its second Short Skill, can I declare a Discover ARO? counted for Dominating Zones of Operations, Killing and
Victory Points?
No. It works in the same way as it does against
Camouflaged troops, if the Marker does not reveal itself, Troops with G: Servant have their own cost in points and
the reactive trooper loses his right to ARO. that is the value that is used to count Victory Points,
Killing or points for Dominate a Zone. In the case of
How does the Piece of Equipment TinBot C work with troops with a G: Synchronized or G: Servant trooper
the Neurocinetics Special Skill on the Yān Huŏ 2 Missile included in their unit entry, break down the points cost
Launcher profile? for each trooper. For example, an Auxilia and its Auxbot
cost 14 points, but the breakdown of points indicates
The TinBot C allow use of the Twin Weapons bonus in that the Auxbot costs 4 points, which are part of the 14
the Reactive Turn, granting Burst 2 with Neurocinetics. points of the Synchronized Unit, so the Auxilia costs 10
points. So, if both are in the same area to be controlled,
Does the Marksmanship Lv1 Special Skill apply to the Synchronized Unit would add 14 points (not 18) and
Template Weapons? if they are in different areas you would have to count 4
points in one area for the Auxbot and 10 points (14-4) by
Yes. the Auxilia in the other area. It works in the same way
for calculating Victory Points and Killing.
When can you Mount or Dismount a troop?
Can I use G: Servant to cancel Immobilized state from his
When declaring Move as the first Short Skill of an Order, linked Engineer?
at the beginning of its movement, a troop can Mount or
Dismount. No. As the G: Servant trooper doesn’t have the Engineer
Skill it is the G: Servant’s Controller who is performing
When Mounting or Dismounting, which profile is the Engineer Skill, and this cannot be done while in
activated? Immobilized state.

The new Troop Profile is the one that is activated for the
entire Order sequence. The other profile does not count
as having been activated. CC SPECIAL SKILLS
If a troop with Special Skill: Scavenger take a Hacking
Device or a Medikit, is it considered a Specialist Troop?



A troop with Special Skill: Scavenger, if this troop take TYPES OF WEAPONS
a Hacking Device, could it be the target of a Hacking
Attacks? The rules say that a Critical with an Intuitive Attack deals
one direct wound. What happens when you roll a Critical
Yes. when laying a Mine or other Deployable Weapon with
Intuitive Attack?
If two or more troops, one with Stealth and the other
without Stealth, were activated simultaneously within Simply deploy it and don’t detonate it, the Critical affects
ZC and outside LoF of an enemy, troops without Stealth Intuitive Attack with a BS Weapon and the Mine or other
would granted to the enemy an ARO. Could the ARO be Deployable Weapon is not a BS Weapon.
declared against the troops with Stealth?
What weapons apply Dispersion under 3rd Ed rules?
No, you can only ARO against the troop without Stealth.
This does not prevent you from declaring Change Facing None. In 3rd Ed, weapons no longer apply the Dispersion
or Reset. rules.
If two or more hackable troops, one with Stealth and the What is the MOV Attribute of a Perimeter weapon?
other without Stealth, were activated simultaneously
within Hacking Area, could I declare Hacking against the 6-4”.
troops with Stealth?
Can a Perimeter Weapon declare an Idle ARO or is it
No, you can only ARO against the troop without Stealth. obligatory to declare Boost?
This does not prevent you from declaring Change Facing
or Reset. It is obligatory to declare Boost.

When performing an Attack with a Jammer, is the roll

affected by the negative MOD of ODD or Camouflage, for

No, in the case of an attack that does not require LoF,

WEAPONRY the negative MODs are not applied.
A figure declares a BS Attack with a Breaker Rifle and Does the Jammer ignore the +3 BTS granted by cover?
Marksmanship, does each impact oblige you to perform a
BTS Roll and an ARM Roll, receiving two wounds if failing Yes.
Can weapons with the Impact Template Trait and no
Yes. As stated on page 107, if the Ammunition affects value in the damage attribute be fired with allied troopes
different Attributes their effects are not combined, forcing in their area of effect? For example, a Smoke Grenade,
the target to make a separate Roll for each affected an Eclipse Grenade or a Nimbus Grenade.
How do Criticals with the Shock Special Ammunition work?

A Critical with Shock Special Ammunition causes the target

to lose 1 point directly from his Wounds/STR Attribute EQUIPMENT
bypassing the usual ARM Roll. How does the Aerocam work?
Do the Shock Special Ammunition affect those troops with It provides to the user the 360º Visor Piece of
the Lo-Tech A Special Skill or with Symbiont Armor? Equipment, being Automatic Equipment that does not
require a Roll or spend an Order to be used.
No. They count as troopers with a Wounds Attribute higher
than 1. Being a Piece of Equipment can be picked up with the
Booty Special Skill.
Do the special effects of Shock Special Ammunition affect
those troops with the Lo-Tech A Special Skill using their This Piece of Equipment does not have a profile, it is
Battle Ravaged Troop Profile, or with Inactive Symbiont not considered a target and shall be represented by an
Armor? AeroCam marker in base contact with the user.
No. They count as troops with Wounds Attribute higher than What is the angle of LoF of a Holoecho?
The same as its owner, usually 180˚.
How does Shock Special Ammunition affect troops whose
troop profile has a Wounds Attribute greater than 1 and What happens when a troop with Nanoscreen becomes
who have the Special Skills V: Dogged or V: No Wound Impetuous?
This miniature no longer benefits from the Modifiers for
It will have the same effect as Normal Ammunition in this Partial Cover, as indicated by the Impetuous rule.
situation. The Important! Box text should read:
Can I declare a BS Attack against a TinBot?
A target of Shock Special Ammunition that enters the Dead
state directly, bypassing the Unconscious state, cannot No. Because is a state Marker.
activate the Spawn-Embryo, V: Dogged, or V: No Wound
Incapacitation states.


A trooper inside the enemy Hacking Area declares that

they are placing a Sniffer or Deployable Repeater. The ADVANCED RULES
enemy declares Blackout and gets a successful Roll
and the trooper fails the BTS Roll. Does all the Comms
Equipment enter the Disabled state including the
deployed item?
No. Blackout only affects the Equipment that has not SWITCHING COMBAT GROUPS
been deployed.
When can this be done?
Can I repair troops that have the AI Beacon Piece of
Equipment? As stated by the rules, this can only be done during the
Order Count in the Tactical Phase of the Active Turn.
No. The bearer of the AI Beacon is considered a piece of
Deployable Equipment, and not a trooper. Do Unconscious models count towards the limit? Yes.
Unconscious troopers are still part of their Combat
When all the Proxies of a G: Jumper trooper are in a Null Group.
or Isolate state and the player has an AI Beacon, if the AI
Beacon changes ownership via an enemy Minesweeper, Can units that are not deployed on the table (TO, AD) be
does the enemy add one or two Orders to their Ordel moved to a different Combat Group by using a Command
Pool? Token?

One. If the original owner recovers ownership of the AI Yes, but that will inform the opponent of the existence of
Beacon, it will be add two Orders to the Order Pool, one those troopers.
for the AI Beacon and one for the G. Jumper.
Does this reveal units in Hidden Deployment? No. This
Can Nullifiers be “turned on” and “off” at will? doesn’t activate the trooper in Hidden Deployment, so
there’s no need to reveal them.
No. The Optional trait only applies to deploying the
Nullifier. Does it make the unit’s information public?

If a trooper with the Baggage Special Skill is in a Null No it doesn’t.

state, how do they interact with Retreat!, Killing and
Victory Points?
As Automatic Equipment does not work while in a If a Command Token is used to cancel Retreat! for a
Null state, the extra Army Points or Victory Points for unit does this also ignore other effects of Retreat!, e.g.
Baggage do not apply. For example an Ikadron that downgrading Camouflage to Mimetism, breaking links,
survives the game in a non-Null state is worth 29 etc?
Victory Points, but if it is in a Null state it will only be
worth 9 points for Killing. In addition, the force’s Retreat! The Token cancels all the effects of the Retreat! state for
threshold is based on the number of non-Null troopers the trooper.
with Baggage.

When an AI Beacon suffers Dispersion, the rule states

that it is destroyed if the Dispersion takes it off the game COORDINATED ORDERS
table, but what happens when the Dispersion causes
it to land in the enemy Deployment Zone? Would it be When a group of troopers activate simultaneously (using
destroyed or deployed at the edges of its Deployment a Coordinated Order or a Fireteam, for example), and they
Zone? receive an ARO from a Template Weapon, does the attack
affect all the troops that traverse the area of effect at any
An AI Beacon is only destroyed when a Dispersion time during the Order, or does the Reactive Player have to
causes it to leave the game table. If the Dispersion declare the exact moment where he places the template,
causes the landing to be in the enemy Deployment affecting only some of the targets?
Zone, the AI Beacon will deploy normally at the point
established by that Dispersion. The template affects all the troopers that get in contact with
the area of effect during this Order, as everything happening
Do the effects of multiple Deflectors stack in a Fireteam? during the Order is simultaneous.

No. You can only use the highest level of Deflector When two or more troopers activate simultaneously,
present in the Fireteam. In addition, Deflector levels do (through a Coordinated Order or Fireteam, for example) can
not stack. one of them “hide” behind the others to avoid AROs?

No. Troopers don’t block LoF while moving.

What happens when several troopers try to activate the

same mission objective through a Coordinated Order or G:

If all pass the Roll, you meet the Requirement and the
element is activated.

If all fail the roll, you do not meet the Requirement and the
element is not activated.


If some troops fail the roll and other troops pass the roll, b) Can I spend one of the TO Camo trooper’s personal
you meet the Requirement and the element is activated, Order to execute the Coordinated Order? The Coordinated
since the failure of one does not eliminate the success of Order rules talk about a “Regular Order”, and the TO
another (as would occur with Heal / Repair). Camo trooper’s one is a Regular Order
Is possible to activate more than one objective Marker No. Those Regular Orders are not added to the Order
(Antennas, Console…) at the same time through a Pool and can only be expended on the trooper that
Coordinated Order? generated it. To coordinate the troopers you would need
a Regular Order from the Order Pool.
No, because it is necessary to select the Marker as a target,
and in the Coordinated Order the target has to be the same c) If I coordinate 3 TO Camo troopers in Hidden
for all the participating troopers. Deployment in this way, will I add their Orders to the
Order Pool, lose them, or something else?
In the same way, can you destroy multiple Scenery Items?
No. These Orders can only be used to reveal and activate
No, because you have to target the same objective when the troop in Hidden Deployment. So these Orders will be
you declare an Attack. lost.
How does the Targetless trait interact with Coordinated
Orders or with increased Burst in reaction, for example when COORDINATED ORDER WITH AIRBORNE DEPLOYMENT
throwing Smoke Grenades is it necessary to target the same
point? I have some AD troops. They are all in the same group
and they are all Regular. Now:
Yes, in both cases.
a) Can I use one of their personal Orders to do a
Does the Regular Order used for a Coordinated Order need Coordinated Order?
to be from the same Combat Group as the coordinated
troopers? No. You need a Regular Order from the Order Pool.

Yes. b) If I coordinate the landing, will the Orders of the AD

troopers be added to the Order Pool or not?
Can a trooper in Isolate state take part in a Coordinated
Order? No. As those Orders can only be used to deploy the AD
trooper that generated it, the AD Orders are lost.
c) The same case as b), but with Impetuous troopers. If
Are Skills with the BS Attack label considered to be BS I coordinate the landing using a Regular Order from my
Attacks or other Skills when declaring a Coordinated Order? pool, will their Impetuous Orders be lost?
For example, could a Coordinated Order be made where one
of the members declares Surprise Shot, another Forward The Impetuous Order would be lost because you would
Observer and a third troop shoot with a rifle? have cancelled it. Remember that Impetuous Orders are
only available during the Impetuous Phase.
They are considered to be BS Attacks, so can be combined
in a Coordinated Order.

When a trooper with the G: Server or G: Synchronized ADVANCED COMBAT: HACKING

Skill is in a Null state or a Disconnected state, can his What happens when the Face to Face roll for Airborne
controller be part of a Coordinated Order? Deployment vs Hack Transport Aircraft results in a tie?
Yes. As stated in the Hacking Program, the Hacker needs to
win the roll to apply the effects of the Program. So, in the
Can I use a Coordinated Order to have several troops case of a tie, the Program doesn’t have any effect at all.
revert to different marker states? For example, Troops
with Camouflage, TO Camouflage, Impersonation or Can a Hacker that acquired the Impersonation-2 state
Holoprojector. using the Hacking Program: Cybermask declare a
Surprise Attack or a Surprise Shot?
One of the requirements of the Coordinated Order is that
all the participating troops must declare and execute Yes. As stated in the Impersonation-2 state Effects of the
exactly the same Skills, so they could not combine Skills online version (updated from the Errata file), a trooper in
like Camouflage or Holoprojector this state may use the Surprise Attack or Surprise Shot
L1 Special Skills.
COORDINATED ORDER WITH TO CAMOUFLAGE When a Hacker equipped with ODD uses the Hacking
Program: Cybermask, does his ODD turn off? When will
I have some TO Camo troopers in Hidden Deployment. the ODD turn on again?
They are all in the same group and they are all Regular.
Now: A trooper can only use or benefit from one Special Skill,
piece of Equipment or Hacking Program with the NFB
a) Are they eligible for a Coordinated Order while they Trait or Label in the same Order.
are in Hidden Deployment?
When you use Cybermask, the ODD will turn off because
Yes. this Equipment has the NFB Trait and any Special Skill
or Equipment with this Trait or Label is incompatibe with
any other Special Skill or Equipment that has the same


Trait or Label. Does the Hacking Program: Blackout cause a troop to

enter the Isolated state?
The ODD will turn on when you cancel or turn off the
effect of the Special Skill, Equipment, or in this case the No. The Hacking Program: Blackout causes the target to
Hacking Program, that produces the disconnection. enter the Disabled state.
As an example, this means a trooper cannot benefit Since a possessed TAG is considered to be an enemy, can
from the ODD and also the Surprise Shot provided by you declare an Overlord attack to take control of a TAG in
Cybermask in the same Order. Possesed state? What happens then?
Does a Remote that enters a Null state still keep any Yes. Then you would control the TAG but in Possessed
active Supportware Programs it has when it gets state (applying the corresponding Troop Profile). If the
repaired? Possessed state of a trooper is cancelled, the trooper
will return to the control of the owning player, regardless
Yes, because the Requirement of the Programs are that of who currently controls it.
the hacker doesn’t enter Disabled state, Isolate state or
any Null state or use another Supportware Program. Can you declare to the Gorgos TAG, Iguana TAG or
Anaconda TAG as valid targets of the Hacking Program:
Should the Hacking Program: White Noise have the Expel?
Special Dodge trait? And against Multispectral Visor?
No. It does not have the Special Dodge Trait, even
against troopers using a Multispectral Visor. The same Can you use the Hacking Programs Overlord or Total
applies to Pheroware Tactics: Mirrorball. Control on a TAG whose Pilot or Remote Pilot has
What volume does the Hacking Program: White Noise
create? A sphere like a Template Weapon or a zone with No.
the size of a Circular Template and with infinite height?
Every success when using the Hacker: Carbonite
The Hacking Program: White Noise generates a zone program, involves two BTS Rolls applying the effects of
with the size of a Circular Template and with infinite DT Special Ammunition. Does the target have to perform
height. two or four BTS rolls?
Does Stealth stop Hacking AROs if the Hacker doesn’t Only two BTS Rolls per success.
have Line of Fire?

Yes, it does. As stated in the rule, a trooper with Stealth

that declares a Short Movement Skill or Cautious HACKING: EQUIPMENT
Movement Skill within the Zone of Control but outside The Defensive Hacking Device rule allows use of GADGET
LoF does not grant an ARO, so that prevents the Programs Level 1 and the quick references chart of the
Hacker from using any program, because that would be Appendices allows use of GADGET Programs Level 1 and
declaring an ARO. 2. Which one is correct?
If a troop is already in Immobilized-1 state from a The Programs listed in the rule of the Device, it allows
previous Hacking Attack and suffers a second Hacking only use of GADGET Level 1.
attack and wins the Face to Face Roll with a Reset, does
this cancel the first Immobilized state? Can the bearer of an AI Beacon use the +3 PH Bonus to
Airbone Deployment provided by an EVO Hacking Device?
Yes. Any successful unbeaten Reset roll will cancel the
IMM-1 state. No.
Does a non-lethal hacking program (but without this How do enemy Repeaters extend a Hacker’s Hacking
trait) with DT Ammunition or similar, like Total Control, Area?
inflict a wound for each BTS roll failed by the target?
If a Hacker is in the ZoC of an enemy Repeater, then, in
Only the programs that state that the target loses one addition to the ZoC of the Repeater, all enemy Hackers
point of his Wounds/Structure Attribute loses wounds. on the table are inside their Hacking Area.
The types of ammunition apply the effects of the
reduction to BTS or multiple rolls, not the lethal damage.

Can the Burst increase from the Hacking Program:

Enhanced Reaction be used in CC?


Can you Split the weapon’s Burst in a Reactive Turn with

an active Hacking Program: Enhanced Reaction?



SPECIAL TERRAIN RULES In this situation, the Grenzer with Sniper Rifle with B2,
outside a Saturation Zone, divides his weapon’s Burst
How does a Saturation Zone reduce the Burst? between Fusilier A, who is outside the Saturation Zone
and Fusilier B, who is inside the Saturation Zone. He
EXAMPLE 1 allocates 1 shot to Fusilier A and 1 shot to Fusilier B.
The Burst 1 against Fusilier B remains unchanged, as a
Saturation Zone cannot modify the Burst below 1.

Can any trooper pass through a Narrow Gate in a Prone State?

Yes, because prone troopers have a Silhouette value of

0, so they fulfil the Requirements to pass through the
Narrow Gate.

When an Access Scenery Item (a door, for example)

enters Destroyed state, is the access point blocked, open
or something else?

The Access point is considered open.

A Grenzer with a Sniper Rifle with B2, inside a Saturation
Zone, declares a BS Attack with his total Burst to the Troopers using Airborne Deployment cannot deploy
Fusilier A, who is outside of the Saturation Zone. After Prone or in base to base contact with another troop,
suffering the -1 B MOD for Saturation Zone his B changes Marker, mission objective, or piece of scenery.
to 1 (2-1=1)
Does this means that a troop can not deploy on a rooftop
EXAMPLE 2 because the troop will be in contact with a piece of

You can deploy on a rooftop. When the rule says that

the troop cannot be deployed in contact with a piece of
scenery, this means that the troop cannot gain cover
from that piece of scenery.

Do Synchronized Civilians generate AROs?

The Civilians do not generate AROs. Note that a Mine

whose template affects a Civilian at any point during the
Order will not be triggered.

A Grenzer with a Sniper Rifle with B2, inside a Saturation

Zone divides his weapon’s Burst between Fusilier A, who
is outside the Saturation Zone and Fusilier B, who is also Can you choose to cancel game states that are the result
outside of the Saturation Zone. He allocates 1 shot to of an optional Skill? For example Camouflaged state or
Fusilier A and 1 shot to Fusilier B. The Burst 1 against an IMP state.
Fusiliers A and B remains unchanged, as a Saturation
Zone cannot modify the Burst below 1. No, unless the Cancellation bullet points for the game
state say that you can cancel the state voluntarily.
If you use a Command Token to cancel the Possessed
state of a TAG, when during the Tactical Phase is the
Possessed state cancelled?

Before the Order count.

Can a Fireteam member be part of a Coordinated Order?

No. Fireteam members cannot take part in a Coordinated

Order, so you would need to cancel the Fireteam or
create a new Fireteam without those troopers.


Can a Fireteam declare the special maneuver: Discover + When do I have to give my opponent my Courtesy List?
BS Attack?
You can show your Courtesy List at the end of the
Yes. Deployment phase.

Can you spend a Regular Order on a Fireteam member to Can I declare an Imetron or a Netrod as a target to
activate that trooper and leave the Fireteam? accomplish a Classified Objective?

No. You cannot activate individual Fireteam members No. The bearer of the AI Beacon is considered a piece of
with a Regular Order, so you would need to cancel the Deployable Equipment, and not a trooper.
Fireteam or create a new Fireteam without that trooper.
Do the Civilian Rules apply to High Value Targets?
Do MediKits, Forward Observer, Discover, Deactivators
and Minesweepers get the Burst Support Bonus granted Yes.
by a Fireteam? Can they be used with Triangulated Fire?
Can the Special Skill Synchronize Civilian be used in
No, because they are Skills or items of Equipment. the scenarios where the HVT counts as the Designated
How do you spend Orders on a Fireteam when using
Tactical Awareness or NCO? Yes, but remember that the enemy HVT is considered
The Tactical Awareness or NCO trooper does not need
to be the Team Leader when spending the Order on In the scenarios that grant objective points for killing
the Fireteam, but they must be nominated as the Team Specialist Troops, would the elimination of a TAG be counted?
Leader when declaring the first Skill of the Order.
No. It would be counted only if the Pilot or Remote Pilot
was killed, while dismounted.
ITS Do TAG Operators count for Zones of Operations?
In an ITS scenario, if one of the players doesn’t have any Yes. The total army points of the TAG to which
troopers left in the game. Does the game end at this this the Operator belongs will be added to the Zone of
moment or do we keep playing until the end conditions of Operations.
the scenario are met?
If a Pilot or Remote Pilot has a Supply Box, an item from
The game continues until the end conditions of the a Panoply or any Synched Civilians, what happens if the
scenario are met. Pilot or Remote Pilot Mounts his TAG again?
In an ITS scenario, in one of the game rounds we only play The TAG will have the Supply Box or item from the
one of the player’s turns. Do we consider that the game Panoply and will have any Civilians Synched to them. The
round has been played and therefore score for this round? same applies if the Pilot or Remote Pilot Dismounts from
a TAG that has a Supply Box, an item from a Panoply or
This left to the discretion of the tournament organizers. any Synched Civilians.
What are the rules to use the Classified Deck during an How is the SWC cost for Soldiers of Fortune extra applied? 1
ITS game? SWC for 0-75 points or 1 SWC for each mercenary trooper?
As described in the ITS rules: 1 SWC for 0-75 points.
“Each player must shuffle his own Classified Deck in front of When I declare Data Scan, can the target declare an ARO
his opponent and pick two random cards for each Classified other than Reset?
Objective determined in the scenario. He will be allowed
to discard one of them. The discard will take place before Any possible ARO could be declared, but only Reset
picking the next two cards for the following Classified would be a Face to Face roll against Data Scan.

If I have chosen to use my Classified Objective card as

an INTELCOM Card, can I still perform the Secure HVT
Classified Objective?
Are the Datatrackers declared in deployment order or by
No. Secure HVT replaces your Classified Objective card, another method such as initiative order or a separate die roll?
but you have already replaced it with an INTELCOM Card.
There is no possibility to replace your INTELCOM Card Datatracker is declared in Initiative order.
with Secure HVT.
Is there any effect on a Datatracker if the trooper
In what order should players reveal who has chosen to becomes Irregular (Due to Isolation, for example)?
use their Classifies Objective as an INTELCOM card?
No. Nothing happends.
Each player rolls a die and the one who gets the highest
score must make their decision first and inform their How does G: Jumper L1 interact with Datatracker selection?
A Proxy can be selected as DataTracker, but the DataTracker
doesn’t move to the other Proxies. Remember that the
DataTracker can’t be in a marker state.


If a TAG is selected as the DataTracker, what happens Decapitation – In the mission Decapitation, if my
when the Pilot or Remote Pilot Dismounts? And with the lieutenant is a camouflage marker, do I have to say that
Operator? it is a Camouflage Marker or which specific Camouflage
Marker it is?
The Pilot or Remote Pilot becomes the DataTracker
and the DataTracker marker will pass to them. When You must say which Camouflage Marker it is.
the Pilot or Remote Pilot Mounts the TAG the TAG will
become the DataTracker again. If a TAG in Locked state Supplies – When you get a successful Roll to Extract
cancels it by the Reset Skill, the TAG will become the Boxes, is it considered that the Specialist Troop has
DataTracker again. Note that Remote Pilots can become already picked up the Supplies Box or should you spend
the DataTracker even though they are Remotes. another Order to use the Pick up Supply Box Skill?

The same applies to a TAG Operator when their TAG’s If you have asuccess on the WIP Roll you get the Supply
Evacuation Device activates. Box. So, you need only one Order.

XENOTECH Highly Classified – Are the Secondary Objectives taken in

count to accomplish more Classified Objectives?
Do Xenotechs generate AROs?
Xenotechs are Civilians so do not trigger AROs. Note that
a Mine whose template affects a Xenotech at any point Hunting Party – When do you consider a Lieutenant
during the Order will not be triggered. Hunted Down?

Can I deploy the Xenotech outside my Deployment Zone At the end of the game all troopers that are in Isolated,
if I synchronize him at the start of the game with a troop Imm1 or Imm2 states and had these states applied to
deploying outside it? him while he was Lieutenant.

No. The Xenotech does not have any Special Skills that Hunting Party - Does Veteran L1 (or skills that include
allow him to deploy outside of the Deployment Zone. it such as Morat) make a trooper unable to be ‘Hunted
Down’ due to being in Isolated state?
In the scenarios in which I have to have the Xenotech in a
certain zone or in contact with an element to score, does Yes, they only can be hunted down when they are in IMM
it have to be Synchronized? state.

No. If the Xenotech is in the zone or in contact with Looting and Sabotaging - How many Objective Points do
the element and the main objective is met, (Dominate you get for dealing 4 STR to the enemy AC2?
the Sector, Control the Tech-Coffin, for example) the
Xenotech will score. 4 OP in total. 3 OP for dealing 3 STR and then 1 OP for
Destroying it.

Looting and Sabotaging - As written, D-Charges cannot

SCENARIOS be used against the AC2 because they lack Anti-Material
trait in CC mode. Is this intended?
Biotechvore – In the mission Biotechvore, do troops in
Hidden Deployment have to make the BTS roll at the end D-Charges may be used against the AC2.
of each Active Turn?
The Grid - Can an Antenna in the Damaged state still be
No. One of the effects of Hidden Deployment is that Designated?
trooper is considered not to be on the game table at all.
So, the Biotechvore doesn’t affect them. Yes.
Biotechvore - if the Confused Deployment Roll fails, will
a trooper lose the Camouflaged or Impersonation state?
And Deployable Weapons or Equipment?

Only if the Special Skill would have required a Roll, for

example if using Infiltration to deploy beyond the middle
line of the table, or Impersonation to deploy in the
enemy Deployment Zone.

ISC: Xenotech CIVIL

10-10 8 10 10 13 0 0 1 2 1

Name CC Weapon C Weapon SWC C

XENOTECH (Civil) -- --


ERRATA The blue troop does not have LoF and the green troop

In Infinity, troops have a LoF angle of 180˚, that is, they
can see targets that are at least partially in their front
arc. Players should clearly mark the limits of that arc on
their troops’ bases.

For a troop to be able to draw LoF to its target, it must

meet the following conditions:
Both troops have LoF.
• The target must be wholly or partially within the
troop’s front 180˚ arc, unless a Special Skill or piece
of Equipment ignores this restriction.

• The troop must be able to see, at least, a part of

the volume of its target with the size of the target’s
head, or a minimum size of approximately 3x3mm
(the size of the black squares on the Silhouette

• A straight line can be drawn between any point of ENGAGED STATE

the troop’s Silhouette and any point of the target’s
Silhouette, without being interrupted by scenery or The second bullet of the Engaged state the text should
models (allied or enemy). be:

The green troop does not have LoF and the blue troop At the Conclusion of an Order, the Engaged state can be
does. cancelled when all of a trooper’s adversaries are in Null
or Immobilized state. When this happens, the trooper’s
player must decide whether to keep the Engaged state,
or cancel it by separating the trooper by 1mm from the

If all of an active trooper’s adversaries are in Null or

Immobilized state the trooper can also cancel Engaged
state by declaring Move (but following the structure of
the Order) to separate from the adversaries.

The second Requirement for SymboBombs should read:
A SymbioBomb can only be assigned by its owner
to those troopers possessing Symbiont Armor and
Both troops have LoF. who are present on the game table as a model (thus
excluding troopers using Airborne Deployment, in Hidden
Deployment or Impersonation state, etc.)


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