Sustainability at Work Place and Achieving Financial Target
Sustainability at Work Place and Achieving Financial Target
Sustainability at Work Place and Achieving Financial Target
There are different ways we can help reduce our carbon foot print of our organisation and achieve our
financial target through applying different ideas. Here are some of the examples we can implement in
our organisation practically for our better future and sustainability of our environment.
One way we can achieve financial target through environment management is to use less paper. In this
modern technological world, we use emails, online storage for the communications inside and outside
the organisation. Not using paper and less printing where unnecessary will help support the
Most of all drink coffee when we are in our work place, so to reduce the environmental footprint of
our organisation, all the staff can bring their recyclable coffee cups for coffee/tea and also recyclable
containers for the our lunch.
In an effort to help our environment from pollution, we encourage staff to use public transport to work
instead of using their cars as means of transport to work. It will keep you healthy through walking to
and fro from home and work. Thus, help environment from air pollution from cars and traffic
congestion in the roads.
It is advised for all the staffs to turn off the lights and put their device in power saving mode when
you are not actively using it. This act will help reduce our organisations power bills and also help in
sustainability of our energy system.
We all use water in our office and at home, if you are not using water please do turn off the tap. Don’t
run the water continuously and think about our environment. You can also save the water after use to
gardening instead of draining it in the washroom.
Task 3:
b. Steps of strategy
2. Analyse the information to find out what is causing the problem or issue. Identify areas where
improvements could be made.
3. Decide on action that will solve the immediate problem and prevent future substandard
performance by making changes to processes and systems.
4. Make sure the changes have had the desired result by further measurement and analysis of data.
If managers do not comply with the steps they will be issued with the warning letter for certain time
and training will be provided in specific required areas to improve.
Task 5.