7th Pay Revised UGC Pay Scale
7th Pay Revised UGC Pay Scale
7th Pay Revised UGC Pay Scale
No.DHE/BUDGET/ Revision-UGCI 400 12017 I 185 Dated Kahilipara, the 7'h Sep,201 8
The Registrar of Universities i
Principal ofGovt. and Provincialised Colleges of Assam.
With reference to the Govt. Notification on the subject cited above, I have the
honour to enclose herewith the Govt. Notification No.FPC.60/2017152, Dated 4th September
2018 of 7th Pay Revised UGC Pay Scale to the teaching and Non{eaching staff under UGC pay
scale in the Universities, Govt. and Provincialised Colleges of Assam to fix the pay in respect of
teaching and Non-teaching staff who are under UGC Pay Scale.
You are, therefore, requested to submit necessary proposal showing the additional
requirement of fund for financial implication as per Format enclosed herewith to this Office on
Yours faithfull v
g l (
Director ol Hi gher Educati sanl,
Kahilioara. Guwaha -19
l) The Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Finance Department, Dispur, Guwahati-06 for
lavour of kind information.
Sl. No Category of Existing Pay No. of man in Total pay per Proposed pay Net increase Net increase or
post Band & Grade position month at per month after per month financial
pay present revision involvement for
12 months
1 2 4 5 6 7 8
Total A Rs.....
Sl. No. Category of No. of man in D.A. H.R,A M.A. Special Other Total
post position Allowance Allowance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total B Rs
N.B.: Other allowances includes CCA, HILL ALLOWANCES, Remote Area Allowance etc
where admissible.
No'FPC'60/2017l52 Dated Dispur, the 4u sept. 2018.
The Govemment of India vide their rener No. r-7l201s-u.u(l)
dated 02.11.20r7
allowed revision of pay scales of-teachers in the Higher
Educational lnstitutions under the
purview of the UGC and vide their le$er No.1-ltzots-i.ll1z1,dated
02.11.20ti c*".,,-*t or
hdia has also allowed to revise the pay scares of the olhcers of rhe
central u"i""oity
Cenaally funded Deemed to be flniversiiies -a
In pursuance of decision of the state Govemment and in exercise
conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution
of powers
of Indi4 trr" Cor.*oi oiassam is
pleased to extend the benefit of revised UGC pay
scales to thc Teachers of the Universitiev
Gov-ernment Degr- ee collegev r1o}ncia]r-sea corrJg"JEn"it
and Univenities irf the State w.e.f 01.04.2016 as shivn
tr der UGC scale
Name of post Existing scale Academic Revised Acade Remarks
Grade pay Pay mic
I Principal, Diphu 37,400-67,000 10,000 (Plus 1,M200- l4 Special
Govt Collcge/ Special. 2,t8200 Allowance
Haflong Gol't Allowance of of
College./ IC(H Govt Rs.2000/-) Rs.2000/-
Sanskrit College/
Kokrajhar Gow
College/ Govt. Law
College and
Principals of
CollegeV Deficit
De Colleges
1 Associate Professor 37,400-67,000 9 000 1,31,400 - l34'
3 Assistant Professor 15,600-39,100 8,000 79,8@. 12
4 Assistant Professor 15,600-39,r00 7,000 68,900- 1l
5 Assistant Plofessor 15,600-39100 6,000 5.7't,00- 10
I 8 400
I fr-
il I
scale mic
Pay emic
(c). uNr\ERsrTY.
Name of post Existing Acade Revised Aca Remarks
scale mic Pay dem
Grade ic
Lpav level
I Vice- 75,000/- 2,10,000t- Rs. 50001 as Special
Chancellor (fixed) (frxed) Allowance
2 Registrar and 37,400- 10,000 1,44,200- l4 The posts of Registrar/
equivalent 67,000 2,1 8,200 and equivalent posts shall
post. I
continue to be filled
through direct recruitment
as per the existing
| : Deputl, 37,400- 8,700 1,18,500- 13 lFor the incumbents who I
I equivalent l
I service as on 01.04.2016.1
I o*'
4 Deputy 1s,600- 7,600 78,800- t2 (For directly recruited or
Registrar and 3 9,100 2,1 i ,500 incumbents who have not
equivalent I
completed 5 years of
post. I
service as on 01.04.2016.
" it4hs
5 Assistant 15,600- 5 400 56,100-
Registrar and 39, t 00
l0 Incumben ts shall be
I,77 ,500 I
eligible for the hisher
post. Level Il after g ]ears of
servrce provided, as I
currently required, thev
have participated in two
training programmes on
Administration, each of
I approximately four weeks
duration and their
performance appraisal
reports areas per the
benchmark scores/ grades
rn UGC regulations/
guidelines. The higher
Level II shall be
restricted, as at present, in
the case of promotion to
senior scale of these
posts, to 50% of
strength of
Registrars or equivalent
I grades, as the case may
6 Professor 37,400- I
10,000 1,44,200- l4
67,000 I 2,18 ,200
3 eg*-
\ I 7 I t&
t1 Deputy 15,600- 8,000 79,800- 12
Librarian 39,100 2,t I,500
9,000 1,3 1,400 - 134'
(Academic level of 13,{
for those who had
completed 3 years in pre-
revised scale on
12 Assistant 15.600- 7,000 68,900- 1 1
Librarian 39,100 2.05,500
l, Assislant 15,600- 6,000 s7,700- 1 0
Librarian 39,100 1,82,400 i
l0 6,000 2 r .600
1l 7,000 25,790
t2 8,000 29,900
r34' 9, 000 49,200
l4 10,000 53,000
l5 67.000
I) For fixation of pay of the emproyees in the pay lr4a.,ix as on l'r April, 2016,
the existing
la1 (l1r in PB + AGP) in the pre-revised structure as on 3r'r'March,2o1i rt"ir u"
multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the
Ievel corresponding to the employees pB and AGp in the new pay Matrix. If a cell
identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Academic Level,
cell shall be revised pay otherwise the next higher cell in that acaaemic Level shall be
the revised pay ofthe employees. If the figure irrived in this manner is less than
the first
cell in that academic level, then the pay shall be fixed at the firct cell of that academic
If a situation arises whenever more than 1\+o stages are bunched together, one additional
increment equal to 3%o may be given for every 2 (two) stages bunched, and pay fixed in
the subsequent cell in the Pay Matrix.
There shall be only three designation in respect :f teachers in universities and colleges
nameiy, Assistant Professors, Associate Prolessors and professors. Also, there shall be no
change in present designation in respect of Library and physical E ucation persorurel at
various levels.
a) The annual increment is given in the Pay Matrix at 3%, with each cell being higher by
3Yo over the previous cell in the same level, rounded off to nearest 100. The annual
increments to each employee would move uF in the same academic le'zel, with an
employee moving from the existing in the academic level to the immediate next cell in
the same academic level.
b) There shall be only one date of increment i.e lst July ofevery year.
When an individual gets a promotion, his new pay on promotion would be fixed in the
Pay Matrix as follows:
on the promotion, he would be given a notional increment in his existing Academic level
of Pay, by moving him to the next irighcr cetl at that level. The pay shown in this cell
would now be located in the new Academic level conesponding to the post to which he
has been promoted. If a cell identical with that pay is a'zailable in the new level, that cell
shall be the new pay; otherwise the next higher ccll in that level shall be the new pay of
the employee. If the pay arrived at in this manner is le:s than the hrst cell in the new
level, then the pay shall be fixed at rhe first cell of that level.
\'/ 4fdrc
this letter as well as Regulations to be framed by UGC and amendments thereof in this
a) The revised Pay and revised rates ol Deamess Allowance under this Scheme shall be
effective from 01.04.2016 on the basis ot the existing pay as on 31.03.2016.
b) An undertaking shall be taken from every beneficiary under this Scheme to the effect that
any e).cess payment made on account of inoorrect fixation ofpay in the revised pay Level
or grant of inappropriate Pay Level and Pay cells or any other excess payment made shall
be adjusted against the future payrnent due or othei.wise to the beneficiary.
(M) Edtication Department of Govemment of Assam will move Government of India for
releasing 50% share of the arrear amount for the period faom 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2019.
Accordingly, 50% share of the total arrear will be released only on receipt of the same
from Government of India.
Principal Secretary to the Co'vt. of Assam,
Finance (PRU) Department
Memo No.FPC.6 ol2ol7 /52 -A Dated Dispur the 4th Sept. 2018.
Copy to :-
l. Accountant General (A&E), Assam, Beltola, Ghy -29.
2. The Secretary to the Hon'ble Govemor of Assam, Rajbhawan, Guwahati-29.
3. P.P.S to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Assam, Dispur.
4. P.S to the Hon'ble Minister, Financc Dcpartment etc.
5. P.S to the I{on'ble Minister, Educatron Department.
6. P.S to Chief Secretary, Assam, Dispur.
7. The Commissioner & Secretary 10 rhe Golt. of Assam, lligher Education Department,
Dispur, Ghy-6.
8. All Administrative Department./ All Heads of Department, Assam.
9. Directorate of Higher Education, Assam.
10. All Treasury Officers/ Sub-Treasury Officers.
1 1 . Director, Aisam Golt. Press, Bamunimaidam, Ghy-21 for publication of the Notification
By order etc.
Under Secrdtary,