List of Important Topics For NEET PG by Dbmci

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

Dear Students,

Please find attached the list of Important Topics for each Subject that everybody should

Please remember this is only a suggested list and you can get question from any topic in
the exam however these are some topics which are very frequently asked and one
should make judicious use of time during preparation.

Though we have taken the help of Faculty Members, Students, Toppers and Co-
ordinators to prepare this list but it is only a suggestion from our side.

Please use this list judicially in planning your subject and not as the only list for

Academics Team - DBMCI

Cranial nerve nuclei & nerves Diaphragm (openings & development)
Dural sinuses Peritoneum
Deep cervical fascia Perineum
TMJ Liver, kidney, ureter, supports of uterus
Brainstem & syndromes Peripheral nerve & injuries
Pathways (auditory, visual, MLF etc) Embryology - general, pharyngeal arches, neural
Anatomy Floor of ventricles crest
Cerebellar cortex & peduncles derivatives, cardiovascular & urogenital
Areas in brain (image based) Histology - lining epitheliums, lymphoid system &
White matter of cerebrum (v. imp) GIT
Coronary circulation
Bronchopulmonary segments
Nerve muscle physiology-muscle Reflexes-bainbridge, baroreceptor, herring breur,
spindle, ref period, receptors-types, bezoldjarish, Cushing, vasomotor centre
recruitment, EC coupling Exercise physiology, Stewart-Hamilton law,
EEG - normal sleep, disease patterns, Bernauli’slaw
sleep stages Oxy dissociation curve, Msfp, BP measurement, JVP,
Klüver Bucy syndrome, Role of Rbtypes, Fick’s law
hippocampus- Ltp, Ptp, Ltd, memory,
habituation Respiratory Physiology
Patch clamp, pain control areas, self J reflex, regulation of resp-Apneustic/pre Bot
stimulation, dominant Vs non complex, central/ peripheral chemoreceptors
Physiology dominant hemisphere, Gating
Ascending &descending fibres with Others
functions Plasma memb, lipid raft
ANS - receptors & special supply GIT - secretions-cells
GFR - calculation, counter current mechanism
Ponselle’s equations numerical,
volume of distribution numerical
PV curve, cardiac cycle and
corresponding ECG, JVP, PV changes

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

Must know topics:

Molecular Biology
IEM: Amino acid metabolism, sphingolipidoses, mucopolysaccharidoses, glycogenoses,
monosaccharide metabolism

High Yield topics:

Location, rate limiting enzymes of all pathways
Glycolysis and the different energetics
Mitochondrial DNA: Properties and diseases
Lesch Nyhan Syndrome & hyperuricemia, with causes
Nucleotide chemistry, sources of atoms in rings
Vit. B1,B2 & B3
Biochemistry cofactors, coenzymes list, metabolic syndromes, storage disorders
Amino acids-chemistry, metabolism & disorders (urea cycle-v.v. imp)
Structure of proteins, seperatorytech of proteins (AIIMS & PGI mainly)
Collagen structure, synthesis & disorder. Protein folding & degradation (PGI & AIIMS)
Immuno globins
Mechanism of enzyme action (Michealisconstant), enzyme inb., isoenzymes, enzymes as markers
of organelle & membranes
Carbohydrates-MPS, glucose transporters, metabolism
Lipids - sphingolipidoses& metabolism
Fuels of different organs in fed and fasting
Lipoproteins & dyslipoproteinemia
Vitamins - deficiency states with functions
Porphyrias with heme synthesis with Hb structure
Metabolism of Alcohol
Enzyme inhibition, types and their Lineweaver Burk plot or double reciprocal plot
Clinical Trials
Most important topics: Anti Glaucoma Drugs
Anti diabetic Beta Blockers
TB drugs Thyroid Disorder Drugs
Antiviral Drugs For Osteoporosis
Anti epileptics Drug Deaddiction
Anti hypertensive Pharmacodynamics Of Antibiotics
Gonadal hormonal drugs Anti Fungal
Drugs for breast cancer and ALL Classification Of Anti Cancer
Anti platelets and anti coagulants
First and zero order kinetics Less important topics:
Indications of antibiotics Parasympatholytics
Anti anginal drugs Ergot derivatives
Drugs for psychiatric disorder Diuretics
Anti arrhythmic
Important topics: Neurodegenerative disorders
DRC Pharmacokinetics
Classification of antibiotics
Anti protozoal
Anterior and posterior pituitary
Hormonal drugs
Side effects of anti cancer drugs

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

Kidney, Liver, GIT, breast, pap smears

Onco. Hemat, rbc disorders, immunity, Systemic pathology
inflammation, Genetics, Neoplasia. CVS
Emphasis on Images. Stains and fixatives CNS
General path + Hematology (must know) Endo.
Cell injuries GIT
Inflammation Kidney
Neoplasia Musculoskeletal (Sx+ Patho + Med-Integrated Study)
Leukemias& lymphomas
Coagulation &Hemodynamics

Sterilization in detail
Bacteriology: Staph, Strep, Neisseria, Clostridia, Enterobacteriaceae
Virology: General characteristics and classification. Herpes and Retrovirus in detail
Mycology: Classification and Visual identification, Dermatophytosis, Special characteristics of
Systemic Fungi
Parasitology: Protozoa, Nematodes , Infections in immunosuppressed people

IPC for injury, sexual offences, criminal abortion, negligence, consent, sexual harassment.
Acts - MTP, Transplantation of human organ act, Mental health act, PCPNDT act
Injuries (most imp)
Civil & criminal negligence.
Various Indices for identification.
Sexual offences
Organo phosphate, alcohol, heavy metal, Datura poisoning and sub stance abuse..
Trace evidences- blood and semen.
Infant autopsy.
Infanticide chapter-test for live births
Index for race and sex, algor Mortis, post-mortem staining, rigid mortis, brain death, firearm
injuries, neck injuries in compression of neck, lividity, eye changes, adipocere, mummification,
Forensic maceration
New rape laws, crpcipc sections
Medicine Firearm injuries
Drowning, hanging, blast injuries
Time of fusion of bones table, age determination
Snake bite
Blood & semen tests
Autopsy techniques

Interpretation of rinnes, Weber’s tests. Visual anatomy of lateral nasal wall and its
Impedance audiometry, typography openings
Last 20 pages of Dhingra (Quick revision part) Epistaxis
Ear anatomy and physiology in detail Throat and Oral cavity
CSOM Larynx anatomy
ENT Meniere’s, Glomus tumour, Acoustic neuroma Ca larynx
Facial Paralysis in detail Vocal cord paralysis
Sinusitis acute and chronic Tonsillitis
Atrophic rhinitis Zenker’s diverticulum
Sleep apnoea
Salivary gland tumours

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

Lens Lacrimal
Cataract Epiphora, Dacryocystitis Treatment
Ectopia lentis Retina
Cornea Diabetic Retinopathy
Keratitis ARMD
Congenital Anomalies of Cornea Retinoblastoma
Cornea Degeneration Retinitis Pigmentosa
BEST, Stargardt Disease
Conjunctiva Coats Disease
Conjunctivitis Retinoscopy
Trachoma Ophthalmoscope
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis ROP
Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis
Glaucoma Criteria, Definitions and Types of Refractive
Secondary Glaucoma Surgeries
Surgeries and Drugs Contact Lens

Orbit Neuro -Ophthalmology

Blunt Trauma Pathway
Orbit Fracture Reflex
Chalcosis Papillitis
Orbit Tumors Papilledema
Toxic Amblyopia
Eye Lid Squint
Blepharitis, Chalazion
Stye, Tumor, Entropion and Ectropion Community Ophthalmology
Surgeries, Ptosis (Measurement and Causes) NBCP
Vision 2020
New vaccines such as Rotavirus, PCV etc, new programs such as NHM, NSSK, Changes in RNTCP,
Statistics, screening test problems
Updates + national health programmes

PSM Environment & health –recent data from Park’s (V.V.Imp)

Health planning & management (esphealth care in India)
Vivek Jain Annexure
Biomed waste Mx
Mother & child (preventive obs, paeds& Geriatrics)
Small diary for all imp recent data (to be frequently revised)
CVS + Rheumat., hypertension new guidelines
CNS + Endo. (Diabetes is must)
Hemat with Patho
Medicine Infections covered in (PSM & Micro)
Special attention to emergency medicine & critical care medicine (for protocol oenextbest step in
Fluids and electrolyte balance
If time permits-Harrison’s table

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

Tumor and trauma must

Paediatric surgical conditions
Types and classification of Wounds, Thyroid malignancy, Renal stones, Testicular malignancy, peptic
ulcer disease, colorectal cancer
GI : Liver and Gall bladder, Pancreas, Intestinal obstruction, Hernia eponyms
GU : Renal calculi, Congenital renal anomalies, Wilms tumour, Bladder Ca, BPH and
Surgery Ca Prostate, Penile Ca, Testicular torsion and tumours, General
Burns in detail
Head and neck lesions including salivary glands
Trauma and shock
Skin grafts
Instrument identification, Colour coding of Foleys, IV cannulas etc.

Physiological changes in pregnancy

Cancer staging with treatment
Menstrual physiology with abnormalities specially p. amenorrhea
Molar pregnancy, ectopic, abortions
Down’s syndrome
Gynaecology & C. sec, Ventouse, Forceps
Obstetrics GDM, liver disease, heart disease in pregnancy
Twin pregnancy, Rh incompatibility
PIH, Antepartum & postpartum haemorrhage
Stages of labor, portogram
Mx of neglected shoulder
Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology
USG in pregnancy

Basic Interpretation of chest X-ray, ct scan images

Basics of radiography, USG, CT, MRI, nuclear scans & PET Scan
Radiation units and side effects
Contrast agents
Anatomical structures on radiological images in cross sections
Radiology Neuroradiology
Named radiological signs
list of radiosensitizers, radioactive substances used, their half lives,
Radiological images of various disorders and signs predominantly given in Harrison, Davidson,
bailey Maheshwari and any other standard undergraduate books.

Anaesthesia basic concepts & laws

General Anaesthesia
IV anaesthesia
Inhalation agents
Skeletal muscle relaxants
Local anaesthesia
Anaesthesia CPR guidelines, circuits &equipments& airway instruments
Anesthetic-s/c, disorders, mishaps
Images of instruments,
Inhaled n injectable anaesthetics,
Muscle relaxants

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

General Pediatrics: Respiratory Disorders Hematology

Resuscitation of New Born, Asthma ALL
Neonatology, Pneumonia AML
Breast Feeding, PAP (Pulmonary IDA
SAM (Including Parameters to know Alveolar Proteinosis) Megaloblastic
Malnutrition Severity), Cystic fibrosis Sickle
Growth and Developmental Milestones, Bronchiolitis Thalassemia
ADHD, Pica, Nocturnal Enuresis, Croup
Autism, Childhood Tumor
Neonatal Jaundice, pneumonia Wilms Tumor
HIE, HMD, TTNB, Neuroblastoma
RDS, CNS Disorders
Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Meningitis Metabolic Disorders
National Immunization Schedule (latest) Cerebral palsy Hyper and
new vaccines Hydrocephalus Hypothyroidism
Epilepsy Congenital Adrenal
Congenital Heart Disorders Anencephaly Hyperplasia (Most
Pediatrics VSD, ASD, TOF Craniosynostosis Important)
TGA, TAPVR, Eisenmenger Complex Pediatric brain Diabetes
Ebstein Anomaly tumors Lysosomal Storage
RHD (latest criteria) Neural tube defects Disorders
Urea Cycle Defect
Gastro Intestinal Disorders Disorders
Diarrhea(Treatment) Genetic Disorders Von Gierke Disease
CHPS Pedigree Chart Canavan, Alexander
Intussusception Krabbe Appearance on
Hirschsprung Disease Renal Disorders MRI
Reye Syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome
Cholestasis VUR Infectious Diseases
Congenital cystic HIV
disorders of kidney Tuberculosis
AGN and Nephrotic Measles, Mumps
syndrome Rubella

Interpretation of case n coming to a diagnosis

Schizophrenia and depression in detail
Dementia ( from medicine )
Psychiatry Cyclothymia, dysthymia
Cluster personality disorders
Pharmacotherapy in psych
ECT and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

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(List of Important Topics) All Subjects – By Team DBMCI

List of splints, tractions, terminology of various fractures, Bone Tumors

Interpretation of common fractures on X-ray Osteomyelitis
Potts Spine
Fracture (Types and Management) – Upper Limb
Shoulder Dislocation Other Important Topics
Fracture Humerus (All Types) Rickets Scurvy
Monteggia’s Hemophilia
Galeazzi Osteoarthritis
Colles RA
Smith Osteoporosis
Barton Osteopetrosis
Rolando Paget Disease
Orthopedics Boxer
Scaphoid Pediatrics Orthopedics
Fracture (Types and Management) – Lower Limb SCFE
Hip Dislocation CTEV
Pelvis Fracture DDH
Neck of Femur and Inter-Trochanteric Fracture Coxa VaraandValga
Shaft Femur Epiphyseal Injuries
Tibia Fracture
Spinal Injuries Splints and Cast
Spinal Injuries Mechanism Osteochondritis
Disc Prolapse (Signs Seen at Various Levels) Avascular Necrosis
Most Important Topics Ichthyosis
Vitiligo Atopic /contact Dermatitis
Psoriasis Gonorrhea
Lichen Planus Epidermolysis Bullosa
Pityriasis Rosae Pityriasis Alba
Pityriasis Versicolor Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Pemphigus SJS Syndrome
Bullous Pemphigoid TEN
Darier Disease Erythema Multiforme
Hailey Hailey Disease
Leprosy Less Important Topics and
Cutaneous TB Neurofibromatosis
Syphilis Erythema Nodosum
STD Tuberous Sclerosis
Molluscum Contagiosum Drug Induced Eruptions
Dermatology Urticaria pigmentosa Angioneurotic Edema/urticaria
Tinea capitis Scabies
Anogenital warts Malignant melanoma
Acne BCC
Alopecia areata Impetigo
Herpes Zoster
Important Topics
Layers of Skin Least Important Topics
Cells of Skin Lichen Nitidus
Type of Glands present in Skin Acanthosis Nigricans
Nail Connective Tissue Disorders like SLE,
Hair Sarcoidosis
Hyper-Pigmentation Actinitic Keratosis
Hypo pigmentary disorders Seborrheic keratosis
Wood Lamp Examination

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