Final Report On Ring Road Br.
Final Report On Ring Road Br.
Final Report On Ring Road Br.
c) Cash on counter:
3. Cash on counter limit (Limit Tk. 2.00 Million) exceeded in some cases which does not comply with
insurance policy. e.g.
Figure in Million Tk.
Sl. Date Counter Limit Amount in counter Excess in counter Audit Remarks
1 23.05.2018 6.61 4.61 The branch is
2 07.08.2018 7.66 5.66 advised to keep the
3 27.05.2018 2.00 Mln. 7.71 5.71 cash in counter
4 10.10.2018 8.12 6.12 within limit.
5 27.11.2018 8.10 6.10
33. The branch made entries in the Vault register once in a day though they deposit and withdraw cash
to / from the vault several times as per daily requirement.
Branch must ensure compliance of the similar nature of lapses on the other days, if any, and mention
accordingly in the compliance report.
They (Branch) are also advised to maintain cash in safe, cash on counter & ATM booth load limit within
the insured limit meticulously and follow instruction circular No: Instr./2014/BOD-015/028 dt. 23.03.2014.
3.3.3 Fake Note:
Branch management informed the audit team that they did not received any fake note over the counter
during audit period (i.e. from 23.05.2018 to 21.01.2019).
i. As per Bangladesh Bank Circular No. -ডডিডসিএম (জজালননজাট)০৯/২০১৬-৪৭৫, তজাডরিখ: ২৫-০১-২০১৬; video display of
security features of Bank’s original notes was not found with the branch.
Branch is advised to examine the defective and mutilated/torn notes carefully before paying the exchange
value there-against in order to comply the circular No: Ref/BA/CO/BOD-411/2018 dated 17.04.2018 in this
regard. They should also ensure that the notes are not counterfeit/built-up.
3. 1. 5 Stamp In Hand:
The closing balance of stamp in hand as on 21.01.2019 amounting to Tk. 43,880.00 was checked on the
following day morning i.e. on 22.01.2019 and found agreed with the Trial Balance
Branch should check the stock and record the outcome thereof in the register under the signature of Cash
In-charge and another authorized official preferably by GB In-charge or Manager Operation/HOB.
Usually a transaction process is taken place under following categories. Branch has to ensure the
processes are followed with due diligence and without negligence.
3.2.1 Observation under Cash Transactions process:
3. It was observed that in case of cash payment, teller makes posting of cheque in istelar and make
payment with single cancellation instead of joint cancellation in all cases. Similarly while receiving
cash, teller receives cash and make input in istelar system & return customer copy of deposit slip to
the depositor with single signature instead of dual signature i. e. real time checking of cheque
payment and deposit slip not ensured by the checker/Cash-In-charge/MOB. Consequently, the issue of
wrong posting or non-posting cannot be ascertained at the time of transaction which does not comply
with circular No. instr./2017/BOD-037/068 dated 20.06.2017.
33. It was appeared that cash related transactions were authorized at a time at the end of the day
without verifying supporting documents in all cases which does not comply with instruction circular
No. Instr./2017/BOD/037/068 dated 20.06.2017. For which fraud forgery may be occurred which may
hamper the interest of customers as well as Bank.
333. Tellers often leave the cash in a scattered condition and insecurely instead of keeping the same in an
organized way and under lock and key during their temporary movement.
iv. Tellers and customer service officers leave cash counter or customer service desk without log out on i-
Stelar system during their temporary movement.
3. Branch did not check cash cheque through UV Machine to ensure its genuineness in most of the cases
which does not comply with instruction circular No: Instr./2013/BOD-21/042 dated 15.06.2014. In
addition, counter wise UV machine was not found in the branch.
33. It was observed that the branch did not use the MICR cheque reader machine in some cases to make
payment of cash over the counter.
333. Foreign remittance paid on the basis of NID’s but genuineness of the NIDs was not verified by the
branch. It is also mentionable that documents for the verification of mobile number mentioned in the
money receipt were not found in the voucher.
iv. Some bundles of currency notes were found in disarray. e.g. mixture of fresh and reissue notes,
mixture of size and shape, mixture of front face and back face etc. which does not comply with
circular no. Instr./2013/BOD-035/088 dated 14.11.2013.
v. Dual display machine was found in cash counters which does not comply with Bangladesh Bank
Circular No: cwicÎ-Rvj †bvUt 01 (cwjwm)/2007/191, ZvwiLt 04/07/2007 I cwicÎ-Rvj †bvUt 01
(cwjwm)/2007/309, ZvwiLt 18/11/2007.
vi. Mutilated and torn notes exchanging register was not maintained by the branch, which does not
comply with Bangladesh Bank, DCM circular letter no. cwicÎ bs Bwnkv: 23 (cwjwm)/2013-15,
ZvwiL: 14/01/2013.
vii. Unauthorized person’s entry register in teller area was not maintained by the branch.
viii. Branch does not maintain any register for exchanging customer’s mutilated notes.
ix. While checking the cash and cash equivalents on the first day morning of the audit, i.e. on
22.01.2019, a large number of mutilated and torn notes were kept in the vault with regular notes.
Details as follows:
Sl. Denomination Quantity Amount Remarks
1. 1000 24 24,000.00The branch is advised to
2. 500 187 93,500.00 immediately contact with the
3. 100 1400 140,000.00 feeding Branch to exchange
4. 20 200 4,000.00 mutilated & torn notes.
5. 10 1700 17,000.00
6. 5 200 1,000.00
7. 2 300 600.00
Total= 280,100.00
While making clearing transaction, all the related circulars e.g. BA/CO/PSD/2017/141 dated 16.08.17;
Instr/2018/12 dated 18.01.2018; BA/CO/Inst/2012/CCD/62 dated 20.11.2012; BA/CO/CCD/04/2011 dated
24.03.2011; Instr/2016/BOD-015/035 dated 26.04.16; BB’s Circular PSD/BACH/42/2014/499 dated
14.08.14; PSD Circular No.-04/2013 dated 26.11.13 and procedure to be followed meticulously. For
example every cheque must be placed under UV machine, MICR reader machine in order to verify the
genuineness of the instrument etc. In addition, checker must ensure beneficiary’s account and others
issues as per requirements.
i) In some cases, branch official manually input cheque particulars in BACH clearing instead of e-MICR
machine to scan the clearing cheque.
ii) In some cases branch did not endorse “UV Checked” at the rear side of the Clearing cheque which is
noncompliance of circular no. BA/CO/PSD/2017/141 dated August 16, 2017.
iii) Cheque referred & return register not duly maintained.
iv) Branch did not introduce any register for receiving outward clearing Cheques. Both clearing
transaction and receiving of clearing Cheques are assigned to same/single officer.
v) Positive pay instruction not recorded in Inward mail register in all cases.
vi) Customer signature not verified by branch officials on positive pay instruction in all cases. Some
instances are given below:
Sl. Date A/C No A/C Name Chq. No. Cheque Amount(Tk)
08.01.2019 08636000037 Uddipan Smap 2419299 80,000.00
vii) 40 Number of Clearing cheque returned unpaid and found under the custody of branch official since
SL Cheque Bank Name AC No. Cheque Amount Last Date Return
Date No. in Tk of Date
1. 24.01.19 Bangladesh 0000000001101 Ga-1910705 235499 30.01.19 30.01.19
2. 24.01.19 Bangladesh 0000000001103 Ga-1919204 92152 30.01.19 30.01.19
3. 30.01.19 Dhaka Bank 2271000003238 1032956 60000 30.01.19 30.01.19
viii) As per Bangladesh Bank PSD Circular no. 04/2013 on 02.12.2013, branch must collect “mandatory
positive pay instruction” and confirm concern division (PSD) of each bank on or before 2.00 p.m each
day but branch confirmed concern division to honor all cheques without collecting written positive pay
instructions from the client’s. Branch official informed that verbal instruction was taken from the
concernd clients over phone instead of written instruction. e.g.
x) HOB/ MOB marking was not found on positive pay instruction in some cases.
The branch is advised to verify clearing cheque through UV & eMICR machine & collect written “Positive
Pay Instruction” from the client while making payment of clearing cheques. The branch is also advised to
follow due diligence in clearing trasactions & authorize transactions by ensuring/ reviewing proper
instrument & voucher.
vi) Cheque book delivered to the customer but company seal not affixed on cheque
book issue register in some cases. e.g. Sl. No. 2255, CD-694, Sl. No. 2235, CD-257, Sl. No. 2495, CD-
vii) 69 number of Cheque books delivered to customer or destroyed but still
found as prepared condition in the system. i.e.
Sl Status Date A/C No Chq. Serial Starting No. Ending No.
1 9/30/2018 08633000008 AB 6498851 6498950
2 9/10/2018 08633000065 AB 6146186 6146210
3 12/13/2018 08633000073 AB 7870376 7870475
4 2/28/2018 08633000096 AB 3119741 3119840
5 1/27/2019 08633000152 AB 8594071 8594170
6 12/3/2017 08633000193 AB 1709881 1709980
7 12/3/2017 08633000193 AB 1709981 1710080
8 12/3/2017 08633000193 AB 1710081 1710180
9 11/28/2018 08633000193 AB 7579776 7579825
10 11/28/2018 08633000193 AB 7579826 7579875
11 9/15/2015 08633000209 AA 0662871 0662920
12 10/18/2017 08633000237 AB 0971491 0971540
13 10/8/2018 08633000315 AB 6651276 6651325
14 1/11/2017 08633000358 AA 6757001 6757050
15 7/31/2018 08633000575 AB 5561771 5561820
16 12/14/2017 08633000602 AB 1918901 1919000
17 12/26/2017 08633000605 AB 2078986 2079085
18 1/4/2018 08633000609 AB 2201506 2201530
19 2/14/2018 08633000630 AB 2889616 2889665
20 1/27/2019 08633000652 AB 8594021 8594070
21 4/19/2018 08633000666 AB 4004181 4004230
22 5/3/2018 08633000676 AB 4202061 4202110
23 5/6/2018 08633000679 AB 4232961 4233010
Sl Status Date A/C No Chq. Serial Starting No. Ending No.
24 5/20/2018 08633000682 AB 4491706 4491730
25 6/12/2018 08633000692 AB 4880316 4880365
26 6/20/2018 08633000694 AB 4926856 4926905
27 7/18/2018 08633000703 AB 5370996 5371045
28 7/31/2018 08633000711 AB 5583046 5583095
29 8/8/2018 08633000712 AB 5726496 5726595
30 10/17/2018 08633000733 AB 6835681 6835730
31 10/24/2018 08633000738 AB 6955526 6955575
32 1/1/2019 08633000746 AB 8087911 8087935
33 2/15/2016 08634000115 AA 2591066 2591075
34 5/25/2016 08634000366 AA 3823356 3823380
35 2/6/2018 08634000431 AB 2730051 2730075
36 8/30/2018 08634000631 AB 5974131 5974155
37 1/9/2019 08634000728 AB 8250111 8250135
38 1/9/2019 08634000728 AB 8250136 8250160
39 1/5/2016 08634000839 AA 2025071 2025095
40 3/16/2016 08634000966 AA 3017851 3017860
41 3/28/2016 08634001085 AA 3124456 3124465
42 1/13/2019 08634001382 AB 8307076 8307085
43 1/13/2019 08634001382 AB 8307086 8307095
44 1/13/2019 08634001382 AB 8307096 8307105
45 1/10/2019 08634001677 AB 8280116 8280125
46 12/10/2018 08634001860 AB 7778411 7778435
47 12/14/2017 08634001908 AB 1904321 1904345
48 7/25/2018 08634001983 AB 5476811 5476835
49 3/21/2018 08634001998 AB 3523596 3523620
50 10/23/2018 08634002032 AB 6926061 6926070
51 4/26/2018 08634002116 AB 4137611 4137620
52 5/14/2018 08634002177 AB 4351951 4351960
53 7/8/2018 08634002234 AB 5167996 5168020
54 7/25/2018 08634002235 AB 5456621 5456645
55 9/24/2018 08634002320 AB 6393321 6393330
56 10/3/2018 08634002335 AB 6562911 6562920
57 11/8/2018 08634002368 AB 7212231 7212255
58 11/11/2018 08634002373 AB 7241836 7241845
59 11/8/2018 08634002385 AB 7241801 7241825
60 12/9/2018 08634002415 AB 7749221 7749245
61 1/13/2019 08634002433 AB 8307041 8307050
62 1/16/2019 08634002444 AB 8386671 8386680
63 9/20/2018 08636000076 AB 6348571 6348620
64 8/21/2017 08636000081 AB 0056291 0056340
65 9/24/2018 08636000092 AB 6404941 6404990
66 9/24/2018 08636000092 AB 6404991 6405040
67 1/27/2019 08636000104 AB 8594171 8594220
68 1/27/2019 08636000104 AB 8594221 8594270
Sl Status Date A/C No Chq. Serial Starting No. Ending No.
69 1/27/2019 08636000104 AB 8594321 8594370
viii) Signature of Account holder in authorization letter was not verified by Branch
SL A/C No Date of delivery
1 CD 380 01.04.2018
However, after checking, many irregularities/lapses identified from samples are as follows:
Sl. Type of A/c A/c No. Open Date Lapses, Identified & Rectified Compliance with date
a. Solvency Certificate:
i. Solvency certificate provided to account holder without obtaining clients request letter in some
cases; e.g.
Sl A/C No. Certificate Date Reference No
1 CD 253 23.11.2018 BA/Ring Road/2018
2 CD 560 14.10.2018 BA/Ring Road/2018/1035
Sl A/C No. Certificate Date Reference No
3 CD 18 14.10.2018 BA/Ring Road/2018/1034
4 CD 156 14.10.2018 BA/Ring Road/2018/1033
b. Stop payment:
i. Branch does not maintain any stop payment register.
ii. Customer’s signature not verified on stop payment application. e.g
Sl. A/C No. Cheque No. Stopped Date Amount (Tk.)
1 CD 193 AB 2784354 & AB 2784356 09.10.2018 1,530,000.00 &
iii. Payment stopped of cheque but customer’s signature not obtained in the request
letter. e.g.
Sl. A/C No. Cheque No. Stopped Date Amount (Tk.)
1 CD 325 2670867 19.08.2018 200,000.00
iv. HOB/ MOB marking not found on stop payment application. e.g.
Sl. A/C No. Cheque No. Stopped Date Amount (Tk.)
1 CD 325 2670867 19.08.2018 200,000.00
v. Execution time not mentioned on stop payment application. e.g.
Sl. A/C No. Cheque No. Stopped Date Amount (Tk.)
1 CD 697 AB 5448522 10.10.2018 200,000.00
c. Deceased account:
Branch could not provide the number of deceased account settled during the audit period as well as there
is no record of settlement of deceased account in the branch.
d. Closed Account:
While checking closed AOF on sample basis, following observations were found:
i) Clients Application for account closing not obtained. e.g.
SL Account No Account Title Account closing Date
01. 08633000571 Md. Saladin Bin Rouf 09.09.2018
02 08634000461 Kamrun Laila Eva Md. Fakhrul 06/09/2018
ii) Customer provided application to close the account and branch official also marked as close
on AOF, but till date of audit the account was found active in the system. Details as follows:
SL Account No Account closing Date Remarks
01. CD 453 30.07.2018
iii) Account closed but AOF was not marked as “ closed account”:
SL Account No Account Title Account closing Date
01. 08633000571 Md. Saladin Bin Rouf 09.09.2018
a. Initial & date column of Dispatch/Outward mail register found blank in some cases, e.g. Ref. no. 276
dated 29.07.2018, Ref. no. 313, dated 26.08.018, Ref. no. 473, 474 & 475 dated 23.12.2018, Ref.
no. 486 dated 02.01.2019.
b. Initial of the recipient with dates & times of incoming mail register found blank in some cases, e.g. Sl.
no. 659 & 660/18 dated 02.12.2018, Sl. no. 672/18 dated 03.12.2018, Sl. no. 673, 674, 675/18 dated
04.12.2018, Sl. no. 1780, 1781, 1782/18 dated 20.12.2018.
c. Branch did not record customer’s application/request in inward mail register in some cases. i.e. fund
transfer application, Positive pay, RTGS, BEFTN, Request for statement, Solvency certificate etc.
The branch is advised to record all sort of incoming and outgoing in the respective mail registers by
mentioning date and time properly.
3.3.3 Customer Complaint Box.
A complaint/suggestion box was found placed in the customer service area of the branch. The keys of the
complaint box were lodged to our ‘Central Compliant Unit’ at corporate office. The branch management
informed verbally to the audit team that no complain was lodged by the customers during audit period.
The branch is advised to monitor the complaint/ suggestion box regularly and meticulously comply with
the BOD circular no. Instr./2015/BOD-12/2015 dated 03.02.2015.
3. 3. 4 Calendar of Return:
No calendar of returns maintained by the branch. Branch is advised to maintain Calendar of Return and
submit all required reports to the specified authorities in due time.
ii. Asset identification numbers were not affixed on the fixed assets.
iii. Physical verification on fixed assets was not conducted.
iv. List of obsolete items was not maintained by the branch.