Nepf Lesson Plan Prep
Nepf Lesson Plan Prep
Nepf Lesson Plan Prep
Standard 1: Learning Purpose and Connections tudents will use Google Slides to go over the letter sounds and
a) S
a) What strategies will help students make connections to names to refresh their memory.
previous learning? b) I will create a Voki to explain to the students why it is important to
b) How will students know the purpose and relevance of the know the letter sounds to be able to start to read sight words.
lesson? c) Students will take a Kahoot quiz to test how well they can sound
c) How will students build their current knowledge? out sight words by knowing their letter sounds.
Standard 2: Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands a) The students will experience building skills, level 2, from already
a) What Depth of Knowledge [Level 1: Recall; Level 2: knowing their letter sounds and blending them together to create a
Building Skills; Level 3: Strategic Thinking; Level 4: Extended word.
Thinking] levels will students experience in the learning tasks? b) Students will watch a Powtoon to show that sight words are all
b) How will students be supported to experience deeper around us and to look for them when they are out and about.
learning? c) Students will choose a quiz on sight words using Quizizz to see
c) How will students be challenged to advance their thinking how much the known on their own.
and skills?
Standard 3: Engagement a) Students will be in groups and choose 3 sight words and use
a) How will students develop their skills in argumentation, Google Slides to show the pronunciation of those words.
explanation, and critique, using logic/evidence to support or refute b) Students will use SketchPad to write the different sight words we
a claim or position? are learning to help them visualize them.
b) How will students use multiple representations of concepts c) I will provide students with different activities, videos, quizzes, and
in their thinking? (i.e., graphic organizers, visuals, drawings, assignments on Google Classroom to help further their knowledge of
concept maps, videos, simulations, data formats) sight words.
c) What opportunities will students have to use their personal d) Students will use Padlet to post their own knowledge and how they
experiences and knowledge to connect to the new concepts and learn the sight words to help other students if they are struggling.
d) How will students collaborate with each other?
Standard 4: Student Understanding of and Responsibility for a) I will create a Canva to put up in the classroom on how many sight
Learning words we will learn that week.
a) How will students know the learning goals, the performance b) I will create a Google Sheet and put in all the sight words each
criteria and purpose of the lesson? student learns to show how many they learn by the end of the year.
b) How will students share their progress? c) I will use Google Classroom to go back and see which assignments
c) How will students be supported in revising their learning the students are struggling with and go over them as a class.
strategies based on their progress?
Standard 5: Assessment Integrated Into Instruction a) Students will take various Kahoots to help me see where everyone
a) How were student pre-assessments or work samples used is at and what I need to reteach and what to focus on first.
to plan this lesson? b) Students will use Canva to categorize the sight words we have
b) What evidence of student learning will be generated during learned so far with a partner.
the lesson? (i.e., writing one-on-one conferencing, discussion with c) I will create Google Docs and write down which sight words that
peers, instructional tasks) students know, which ones they are having trouble with and any tips
c) How will students receive formative feedback? to help them learn their sight words.
d) How are instructional adjustments based on students’ d) I will use Flipsnack and the students can create their own flip book
results from their formative assessments? on which words they need to improve on so they can have to look
back on.