Excerpt List of Figures: Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of The Study Figure 2: Motives For Students To Use Facebook
Excerpt List of Figures: Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of The Study Figure 2: Motives For Students To Use Facebook
Excerpt List of Figures: Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of The Study Figure 2: Motives For Students To Use Facebook
List of Figures
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study
Above all, I would like to express the help of God in my entire life journey and in completing the research project
and the grace, blessing as well as giving me strong muscles and mental stability to bring out this piece of work in to the
light. My heartiest thanks go to my advisors Dr. Shimelis Z., Tagay F. (MBA), and Sarfaraz K. (MBA) for their
considerable contribution to the topics and direction of this project and their invaluable guidance, conversations,
stretched patience, encouragement and support of various kinds through some difficult times. Without them this
journey would never have reached this destination.
Also, my special thanks go to Wollega University Registrar Office employees for providing me all necessary information
and all the study participants who have given their time to fill the questionnaires and to many people who have helped
me with financial, material and moral support up to the completion of my thesis work.
Finally, yet importantly, I am very grateful to all my family who always stand in my right hand in cases where difficulties
arise. Their moral support is always recognizable with great love and thanks.
Today Facebook is considered as one of the most popular platforms for online social networking among youth,
and - as many researches show – university students. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of social
networking sites i.e. Facebook on students’ academic performance. The study was carried out in Wollega University with
regular undergraduate students in focus. A questionnaire was designed to assess impact of Facebook usage on Student
and was administered to 384 students’ selected using stratified sampling technique. Variables identified are time spent
on Facebook, addiction to Facebook and academic performance. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
was used to examine the relationship between addiction to Facebook and time spent on Facebook and students’
academic performance. Furthermore, a multiple linear regression was carried out to determine the relative contribution
of addiction to Facebook and time spent on Facebook to students’ academic performance. An analysis of the results was
carried out using the SPSS software package. And the findings of this study shows that time spent on Facebook and
addiction to it negatively and significantly affects students’ academic performance.
Key words: Academic performance, Facebook, and Social networking Sites
- Social Media: they are forms of electronic communication which facilitate interactive base on certain interests.
Social media include web and mobile technology. Boyd & Ellison (2008) defined Social Media as a group of internet
based application that allows the creation and exchange of user generated content.
- Social Networking: the use of internet to make information about yourself available to other people especially
people you share an interest with to send messages to them.
- Social Networking Sites: a website where people put information about them and can send to others.
- Facebook: simply Facebook is a most popular free social networking website that allows users to create
profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
The Social Networking in general and Facebook in particular offers significant advantages for its users, for
example, sharing and collecting information, searching for jobs, communication, and entertainment. Vast quantities of
information of different types are stored on the Internet. Usually, the information on the Internet is free of cost and is
available 24 hours a day. In addition, the Facebook provides its users with the latest news of the world and most of the
newspapers are available on the Internet, which are periodically or immediately updated with the latest news (Rice,
2006). Thus, Facebook users can almost instantaneously learn about news events, read news articles or opinions about
world events, and share this information and their own thoughts with others like themselves.
People around the world can now quickly communicate with each other through the Facebook using a range of
applications: chatting, Wall post, and helps to download some books. The Facebook also provides different types of
entertainment. For instance, users can play games with other people in any part of the world, watch movies and listen
to music. Above all it helps users to form new relationships on this site (Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe, 2007; Whitty&
McLaughlin, 2007).
Beside the benefits of Facebook use, negative impacts of its use have also been identified, including: impaired
academic performance, health problems, personal relationship problems and social dysfunction. For example, a number
of studies have reported the ways in which Facebook usage impairs students‟ lives. Scherer (1997) found that 13% of his
respondents reported difficulties in their academic work and professional performance due to their Facebook use.
Nalwa and Anand (2003) found that Facebook addictive users used for long sessions, resulting in personal behavioural
problems and neglect of important work responsibilities. Chou and Hsiao (2000) explored Facebook Addiction among
college that result in more negative consequences in their studies than non-addicts. This conclusion parallels a study by
Young (1996), who found that Internet addicts experienced personal, family, occupational problems, and academic
difficulties, causing poor grades and eventually expulsion from universities.
Thus, this chapter provides a fully detailed account of the research methodology, the reasons that the various
research strategies were selected and the rationale for the sample selection process. It also deals with the issues of why
the particular survey instrument was selected as being appropriate for the current study. To start with, the study site
were introduced, followed by a presentation of research design, the sample selection, and data collection process, the
data collection tool and further more a description of how the data will be analyzed.
As stated above the target population for this study were regular students enrolled in undergraduate program at
Wollega University in main campus. Accordingly, the regular students of this campus are about 10,255
(Wollega University Registrar office, 2014).
From the total population of 10,255 regular program students, sample of 384 students’ were included in the
investigation by using Yamane (1967) formula to calculate sample size: