Accelerating Through A Resonance On A "Washboard" Road: 2.1 Quick Estimate
Accelerating Through A Resonance On A "Washboard" Road: 2.1 Quick Estimate
Accelerating Through A Resonance On A "Washboard" Road: 2.1 Quick Estimate
on a “Washboard” Road
Kirk T. McDonald
Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
(December 13, 2009; updated July 22, 2013)
1 Problem
Estimate the minimum horizontal acceleration a of a car such that it can pass through the
resonance without significant excitation of (damped) vertical oscillations when it drives on
a “washboard” road whose height yR varies with horizontal position x according to yR =
A sin(2πx/λ). The car can be approximated as a mass m at height y that can oscillate
vertically at natural (angular) frequency ω 0 subject to a velocity-dependent damping force
−γm d(y − yR )/dt.
2 Solution
2.1 Quick Estimate
If the resonance (angular) frequency for vertical oscillations of the car is ω 0, and the hori-
zontal period of the “washboard” road is λ, then the oscillations will be maximally excited
when the car has horizontal velocity v = f0λ = ω 0λ/2π.
If the oscillations are damped by a velocity-dependent frictional force −γm d(y − yR)/dt,
then the damping time is 1/γ, which is the characteristic time required for oscillations to
build up (or die out). Also, the range of frequencies for which the oscillations are excited
to at least half the maximum amplitude is roughly ω 0 − γ < ω < ω 0 + γ. Hence, the car
must pass through this range of frequencies in time much less than 1/γ to avoid significant
excitation of the resonance.
If the car has acceleration a, then its velocity is v = v0 + at, and the angular frequency
ω of the force of the “washboard” road on the car is
2π 2π
ω= v= (v0 + at). (1)
λ λ
The time T required for ω to pass through the resonance of width Δω ≈ 2γ is
T = , (2)
which must be small compared to the damping time 1/γ. Altogether, the acceleration must
a . (3)
Apparently, shock absorbers on cars have γ ≈ 0.5, so if the period of the “washboard”
is λ = 10 m, the acceleration must be large compared to 10/4π ≈ 1 m/s2 = 0.1 g, where g
is the acceleration due to gravity. Thus, the acceleration must be a substantial fraction of g
for the car to pass through the “washboard” resonance with little noticeable effect.
2.2 Further Details
Suppose the car moves in the +x-direction with initial speed v0 when at time t = 0 it
encounters a washboard road that occupies the region x > 0. Thereafter, the car accelerates
with constant acceleration a for time T , during which its horizontal position is x = v0t+at2/2.
The height yR of the surface of the washboard road is
yR = A sin , (4)
so the height yr (t) of the road at the position of the car varies as
2π(v0t + at2/2)
yR (t) = A sin . (5)
Approximating the car by a mass m at position (x, y) that is connected to a spring of
constant k and rest length L, such that the spring only exerts a vertical force, the equation
of vertical motion is
mÿ = −k(y − yR − L) − mg − γm (y − yR ), (6)
assuming a velocity-dependent frictional force proportional to the vertical velocity of the car
relative to the road. Clearly, the equilibrium height of mass m is y0 = L − mg/k. In the rest
of the problem we measure height y relative to y0, so the equation of motion can be written
α2 + iαγ − ω 20 = 0, (11)
such that
iγ 2
± ω 0 − γ 2 /4 .
α=− (12)
Hence, the general solution to the homogenous equation (9) can be written as
y=e y1 cos ω 20 − γ 2 /4 t + y2 sin ω 20 − γ 2 /4 t , (13)
Finally, the vertical motion of the car (for fixed ω) is given by
A 3 −γt/2
y(t) = 2 ω γ e cos ω 20 − γ 2/4 t − cos ωt (21)
(ω 0 − ω 2)2 + γ 2 ω 2
⎡ ⎤⎫
ω 2ω(ω 20 − ω 2) + γ 2 ω 3 /2 ⎬
− ⎣ 0 e−γt/2 sin ω 20 − γ 2/4 t − [ω 20(ω 20 − ω 2 ) + γ 2 ω 2 ] sin ωt⎦ ,
ω 20 − γ 2 /4
We see that the motion has very nearly reached its full amplitude after Q = ω 0 /γ = 16
cycles. This confirms the argument in sec. 2.1 that the acceleration of the car must be
sufficient that the angular frequency ω of the driving force due to the washboard road must
be within ±γ of ω 0 only for a time small compared to 1/γ, i.e., for a time much less than Q
ω 20 sin ωt
y(t) = A , (22)
ω20 − ω 2
according to eq. (14). Nonzero energy,
kA2 ω 40
Uosc = k y(t)2 = , (23)
2 (ω 20 − ω 2)2
is associated with these oscillations. If the car simply coasted onto the washboard road with
initial velocity v0 (and no oscillations), conservation of energy implies that it would slow
down to velocity v given by
mv02 mv 2
= + Uosc . (24)
2 2
If we take a view that ignores the tranverse oscillations and emphasizes only the longitudinal
velocity of the car, we might say that when on the washboard road it has effective mass m
related by
mv02 mv 2
= , (25)
2 2
and hence,
2Uosc 2Uosc
m =m+ 2 = m+ 2
. (26)
v mv0 − 2Uosc
In language more common to quantum theory, we might say that the car has become a
“quasicar” with effective mass m. The “quasicar” has been “given” (additional) mass by its
interaction with the washboard road, which is a kind of a “background field.”
In the quantum realm, we say that the Higgs background field “gives mass” to otherwise
massless elementary (quasi)particles by a mechanism somewhat analogous to the case of a
car on a washboard road. See, for example, [1].
[1] K.T. McDonald, A Simplified View of the Higgs/Yukawa Mechanism (July 17, 2013),