Concept of Swaraj and Mahatma Gandhi: A Critical Analysis: Dhananjaya Kumar Rout
Concept of Swaraj and Mahatma Gandhi: A Critical Analysis: Dhananjaya Kumar Rout
Concept of Swaraj and Mahatma Gandhi: A Critical Analysis: Dhananjaya Kumar Rout
Odisha Review October - 2015
had a pivotal role. He used non-violent direct an integral revolution that encompasses all spheres
action Satyagraha as a technique of protest. The of life. At the individual level Swaraj is vitally
Indian freedom movement led by Mahatma connected with the capacity for dispassionate self-
Gandhi which used non-violent direct action assessment, ceaseless self-purification and
Satyagraha as a technique of struggle, won growing swadeshi or self-reliance .(5) From
general acclaim for the pioneering role it played political point of view Swaraj is self-government
in sharpening and hastening the process of and not good government . For Gandhi, good
dismantling the classical forms of colonialism and government is no substitute for self-government.
imperialism.4 The middle part of the century Swaraj means continuous effort to be
witnessed post-colonial transformation in the independent of government control, whether it is
newly independent Afro-Asian states. There was foreign government or whether it is national.
a massive attempt for presumption of the states Furthermore, it is sovereignty of the people based
as an effective mediator in improving the on pure moral authority. From economic point of
conditions of the weaker and poorer sections of view Purna Swaraj is full economic freedom for
people. For the purpose of ensuring social justice the toiling millions. According to Gandhi,
and equality, the liberator of the oppressed wanted "Swaraj of the people meant the sum total of the
to work an engine of growth and development Swaraj (self-rule) of individuals and so he
that would usher in a new civil order based on clarified that for him Swaraj meant freedom for
progress and prosperity and confer rights to life the meanest of his countrymen. And in its fullest
and liberty, equality and dignity, on the people at sense, Swaraj is much more than freedom from
large .5 However the independent states faced all restraints, it is self-rule, self-restraint and could
some disillusionment and demystification. The be equated with moksha or salvation. 6
state initiated her expectations of the positive and Gandhiji had serious attention on how
interventionist role. And the people presumed to realise Swaraj. He has pointed out that
alliance between the state and the masses have Swaraj will not drop from the cloud and it would
been completely belied. be the fruit of patience, perseverance, ceaseless
CONCEPT OF SWARAJ: toil, courage and intelligent appreciation of the
Mahatma Gandhi was a unique freedom environment . He also observed that Swaraj
fighter. The anti-colonial freedom struggle means vast organising ability, penetration into the
launched by Gandhi for the liberation of India was villages solely for the services of the villagers, in
unique from many points of views. That it was other words, it means national education i.e.,
predominantly a non-violent and his struggle for education of the masses .7 In the Gandhian
the liberation of India was based on non-violence. discourse, mass education is conscientisation,
Gandhiji s role in freedom movement was mobilisation and empowerment, which makes
multidimensional. He was not limited with one aim people capable and determines their power to
only to end the British rule in India. Of course, stand up. He pointed out that, Real Swaraj will
ending of British domination was his important come, not by the acquisition of authority but by
agenda. His goals were greater and more the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist
ambitious. One of his important goals was to authority when it is abused. In other words,
achieve Swaraj, Purna Swaraj or complete Swaraj is to be attained by educating the masses
independence. The word Swaraj means self-rule. to a sense of their capacity to regulate and control
However, for Gandhi, Swaraj is the content of authority .8
October - 2015 Odisha Review
Political liberty was an essential the people politically for it. But it was not prepared
precondition of the Swaraj. It is the first step to to take up constructive work. So, Gandhiji
realise the goal of Swaraj. For political founded voluntary organisations to carry out
independence of the people Gandhi had valuable his constructive program. The All India Spinners
contributions and for that he worked with and Association (AISA) and All India Village
through the Indian National Congress. Of course, Industries Association (AIVIA), the Harijan
there were serious philosophical and ideological Sewak Sangh, the Leprosy Foundation etc.,
differences between Gandhi and other prominent are the best voluntary organisations. Through
leaders of the Congress, particularly Jawaharlal these organisations, Gandhi launched a massive
Nehru. Gandhiji visualised a model of Swaraj programme of rural reconstruction to empower
and that model was developed and enunciated in the downtrodden people. These organisations
his Hind Swaraj. It was his manifesto. But his were primarily stressed on social transformation
strategy of Swaraj was unacceptable to Nehru through their voluntary actions at the grassroots
and other Congress leaders. They dismissed it as level. Their thrust was mainly social. However it
completely unreal. But his vision presented in does not mean that they were against political
Hind Swaraj was ideal for the realisation of self- development. On the other hand, they developed
rule and political independence. Even he had what later came to be known as people s politics
devoted his life for that. He wanted to reconstruct and basic politics, which in turn helped in the
India which was more essential to end the British stabilization of lokshakti or peoples power. Of
Colonial Rule in India.9 course, constructive workers were abstaining from
India was a colonial nation. But British direct political struggles. But on crucial occasions
domination was not the only form of subjugation Gandhi enlisted their services for political
suffered by her. India was the victim of many mobilization. For instance, the seventy nine
drawbacks which were her own making. For that volunteers of Gandhi in the Dandi salt march team
foreign colonialism may not be blamed. Hence were all constructive workers. When Gandhiji
Gandhi wanted an internal reform mainly through launched the Individual Satyagraha there was the
self-motivated voluntary action in the form of most prominent constructive worker Vinoba,
constructive work. He dovetailed them into his whom he selected as the first Satyagrahi. Gandhi
freedom movement. Swaraj of his dream was to had vision of constructive work as a training
be built from grassroots level. For Gandhi it meant programmer for non-violent resisters or
the elimination of all forms of domination, satyagrahies. He advocated the extensive use
oppression, segregation and discrimination. The of constructive programme for preparing a
Swaraj could eliminate the active use of non- favorable environment for launching
violence. It could be achieved through the Satyagraha.10
economic regeneration of rural India through Gandhiji wanted to transfer the Congress
programmers like the revival and propagation of from political organisation to a constructive work
khadi and other related villages industries. For organisation. He proposed to rename the
translating these constructive programmers into Congress as Lok Sewak Sangh to mobilise the
reality, organisations were necessary. In this regard people to work and struggle for Swaraj.
the Indian National Congress had vital role. The However Congressmen of the party-political
Congress was chiefly concerned with the question disposition had no heed to the advice of the
of political independence. It believed in mobilising Mahatma. After Gandhi s assassination the
Odisha Review October - 2015
constructive workers, under the leadership of the same time enslaved to it. Hence he thought it
Vinoba Bhave, set up the Sarva Seva Sangh at necessary to evolve a mechanism to achieve the
the national level and Sarvodaya Mandals at the twin objectives of empowering the people and
regional state levels to carry on Samagra Grama empowering the state. It was for this that he
Seva(integrated village service) to fulfill the goal developed the two pronged strategy of resistance
of Swaraj. Subsequently two major non-violent to the state and reconstruction of the state through
movements for socio-economic and political voluntary and participatory social action.
revolution in India namely the Bhoodan- Socio-political growths in the post-
Gramdan Movement under Vinoba and the Total colonial world paralleled with the Gandhian
Revolution movement under Jayprakash forecast. The post-colonial Indian state started
Narayanan were established under the aegis of showing signs of becoming authoritarian under the
the Sarvodaya Movement. However it could be pretext of becoming an adequate instrument of
observed that the constructive work organisations serving the people. Since erstwhile colonies had
founded by Gandhi and the Sarvodaya Mandals to overcome their under- development due to
and Sarva Seva Sangh are precursors and role colonial exploitation and develop in order to catch
models of people s movement, Voluntary up with the west. Post-colonial societies were
organisations and some of the Non-Government urged to give their states enormous power in every
Organisations which are launched in various parts domain. There are struggles which held around a
of India at present.11 variety of issues that are different but inter
Gandhi had very clear ideas about the connected. The theatres of struggles are also
role to be played by the constructive work equally varied. The actors are disparate and
organisations. He had importance on the Lok sometimes even conflicting. At a glance, they
Sevak Sangh in the reconstruction of India. He appear almost kaleidoscopic. But there are certain
did not hesitate to use non-violent direct action characteristics that stand out. The most
against the new government headed by Nehru. predominant, he supposes is the convergence and
Gandhi made it unequivocally clear that mass alliance of actors in each struggle. Most of these
Satyagraha was required to launch against the struggles are localised and single-issue based and
landlords for persuading them to end their take place in remote and inaccessible places.
oppression and exploitation for the historic Therefore during the early years of these struggles,
struggle for justice. He criticised the state as the as the issues were not properly reported in the
most organised and concentrated form of violence. media, the action groups found it difficult to hold
He called it an impersonal entity, a soulless on against their adversaries who were formidable.
machine that satisfied individuality, which lay at But as a result of organised and concerted effort
the root of all progress. The state is that it is an the situation changed gradually. As the action
instrument of serving the people. But Gandhi had groups could succeed in publicising the
feared that in the name of molding the state into a seriousness of the problem and the consequences
suitable instrument of serving people, the state thereof, most of the theatres of struggle now attract
would abrogate the rights of the citizens and a chain of actors. At the base are, of course, the
arrogate to itself the role of grand protector and direct and immediate victims, but on these
demand abject acquiescence from them. This converge people from media, professionals like
would create a paradoxical situation where the researchers, technologists, doctors, professors,
citizens would be alienated from the state and at and human rights activists including lawyers and
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also writers and theatre artistes, and students from People s Movements, though nothing concrete,
different levels.12 Some of the fights have attracted capable of making a dent countrywide, has arisen
support even from foreign. yet. But an important and crucial political question
This kind of meeting of worried and hitherto ignored or marginalized by mainstream
alerted people strained from dissimilar gaits of life political parties and political critics have been
and numerous areas of concentration has assisted pushed into the vortex of modern political
those at the base line of the deed to obtain discourse by the Actions.
truthfully correct data and claim their case An important trend that has started
additional methodically and persuasively. It has developing with the fights that effort to resist and
also shaped a new sense of cohesion and group opposite globalisation is the rank given to positive
evocative of the days of the historic anti-colonial activities, Act Groups that were concerned with
fight. Freshly when a designated team of chiefly to anxiety and were betrothed in mobilising
Satyagrahies of the N.B.A. obvious to do jail people only for fight, have achieved an alteration
Samarpan, i.e. offering themselves as detriment in their location by joining positive work also into
in the rising waters of the river Narmada and their praxis. There was a time when attention in
declined to leave their post,, many sympathizers, and persistence on positive work was fleecy aside
strained from several parts of the country, as a Gandhian fad, but now, the number of
obtainable to drown with the Satyagrahies. And Actions and Groups that allocate a key role to
they continued with them in neck deep waters the building up of models of other initiatives and
defying the risk of being washed away by the structures, are on the increase as they have
state-created flood. This is one of the oddest understood the substantive and planned meaning
protests of harmony that can be read as a very of these programmers. The role of pacifism in
comforting sign of hope by all those who stand these fights is of course a moot question. As
and scrap for the superior common good. previously stated, while some actions and groups
have openly spoken their condemnation of
One of the significant consequences pacifism as a technique of fight, others have
attained by the fights is that they prospered in emphasised the need to give up ferocity and
starting a thoughtful dissertation and chat within option to non-violent means. Though these groups
and among the Action Groups and People's do not follow to Gandhi s location on pacifism,
Actions on another growth example. This has i.e., accepting pacifism as an article of faith and
helped the Action Groups in insertion the whole creation in the central organizing code of life, they
range of fights in viewpoint and in developing an are persuaded more than ever before that pacifism
agreement on what is destined by maintainable has to be putative as perfect if a just social order
development, the standards that motivate it, the is to be translated into reality. For them, fairness
mechanisms that establish it and the practice that is vital worth and they know that ferocity in any
would interpret it into repetition. The discourse form and in any grade quantities to a rejection of
on other development model has thus tapering fairness. So, they emphasise peace, taking
depressed the philosophical coldness between concord as one form and appearance of pacifism.
actions. It has also highlighted the need to change It is really revealing of developing tendency
other politics. Deliberations on various aspects among Act Groups of giving up fierce approaches
of the developing people s politics which remains and slowly moving towards pacifism. Certain
distinguished from party politics, are galore in organisations claim to be peaceful. However, a
Odisha Review October - 2015