Patient's Medical Chart PDF
Patient's Medical Chart PDF
Patient's Medical Chart PDF
-Contains fields for subjective and objective findings • Patient Medication Profile: a comprehensive
assessment and plan, and diagnostic plus therapeutic written summary of all regular medicines taken by a
information and planned date for review. patient
VITAL SIGNS RECORD - Contains fields for subjective and
objective findings assessment and plan, and diagnostic plus PATIENT MEDICATION PROFILE
therapeutic information and planned date for review. ➢ Standing Medications – current medication list of the
• Temperature patient
• Pulse rate ➢ Stat Medications – drugs for emergency purposes
• Respiratory rate ➢ Intravenous Medications – current IV therapy of the
• Blood pressure patient
Medication and Administration Record - report that serves
as a legal record of the drugs administered to a patient at a
facility by a health care professional.
DISCHARGE SUMMARY - contains final instructions for the
-Summation of all activities during the patient’s course of
-Updated health summary contains fields for allergy, current
past medical history, current medications, and lifestyle risks.
Referral Form
➢ To direct to a source for help or information
➢ To submit (a matter in dispute) to a medical
specialist/s for arbitration, decision, or examination.
Surgical Form
➢ Pre-operating diagnosis
➢ Procedure/s to be done
➢ Findings
➢ Details
➢ Recommendation
Fluid Intake and Output Chart
➢ Intake is any measurable fluid that goes into the
patient's body.
- fluids (such as water, soup, and fruit juice).
- "solids" composed primarily of liquids (such as ice
cream and gelatin)
➢ Intake is any measurable fluid that goes into the
patient's body.
- fluids that are introduced through IV
➢ Output- measurable fluid that comes from the body.
- urine, drainage, vomitus (matter vomited), and
stools (fecal discharge from the bowels).
Medication and Treatment Sheet
➢ Documented by the nurse on duty to properly
identify the time of administration.
• Consultations: notes from specialized diagnosticians
or care providers.
• Consents: includes permissions signed by patient for
procedures, tests, or access to chart. May also
contain releases, such as the release signed by the
patient when leaving the facility against medical
advice (AMA).