Smart Cards
Smart Cards
Smart Cards
Future Life………
Santosh Khadsare
Aim of my ppt is to just give you a brief
idea about the smart card technology
being one of the best steps towards the
advancement of science and technology ,
making our life faster and obviously
Plastic Cards
Visual identity application
Plain plastic card is enough
Magnetic strip (e.g. credit cards)
Visual data also available in machine readable form
No security of data
Smart Card First Patent in Germany and later in
France and Japan.
Mass usage in Pay Phones and Debit Cards.
Smart Card based Mobiles Chips & Sim Cards.
(Card Number / Name / Validity, etc.)
Smart Cards devices
Clock Varun Arora |
[email protected] |
What’s in a Card?
K Vcc
Varun Arora |
[email protected] |
Electrical signals description
VCC : Power supply input
RST : Either used itself (reset signal supplied from the
I/O : Input or Output for serial data to the integrated circuit inside the card.
AUX1(C4): Auxilliary contact; USB devices: D+
AUX2(C8) : Auxilliary contact; USB devices: D-
Dedicated terminals
Usually with a small screen, keypad, printer,
often also have biometric devices such as thumb
print scanner.
Terminal/PC Card Interaction
The terminal/PC sends commands to the card
(through the serial line).
The card executes the command and sends back
the reply.
The terminal/PC cannot directly access memory
of the card so
data in the card is protected from
unauthorized access. This is what makes the
card smart.
Why Smart Cards?
Memory cards
2500 3325
500 925 960
925 960
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Smart Cards in
everyday life…
Health card
Smart Poster
Contact Smart Cards
Requires insertion into a
smart card reader with a
direct connection
This physical contact
allows for transmission of
commands, data, and card
status to take place
Contactless smart card:-
Contactless Smart Cards
a. Interface.
c. Electrical interface.
d. Operating distance.
Dual interface smart cards.
Also called Combi card.
Two chips.
One with contact interface.
to make the Digital Life safe and enjoyable
Ease of Use
to enable all of us to access to the Digital World
to respect each individual’s freedom and intimacy
Biometric techniques
Finger print identification.
Features of finger prints can be kept on the card
(even verified on the card)
Photograph/IRIS pattern etc.
Such information is to be verified by a person. The
information can be stored in the card securely
Smart Card Readers
Dedicated terminals
Computer based readers
Usually with a small
Connect through USB or
screen, keypad, printer, COM (Serial) ports
often also
have biometric devices
such as thumb print
Terminal/PC Card Interaction
The terminal/PC sends commands to the card
(through the serial line).
The card executes the command and sends back
the reply.
The terminal/PC cannot directly access memory
of the card
data in the card is protected from unauthorized
access. This is what makes the card smart.
Communication mechanisms
Communication between smart card and reader is
ISO 7816 standard
Commands are initiated by the terminal
Interpreted by the card OS
Card state is updated
Response is given by the card.
Commands have the following structure
Varun Arora |
[email protected] |
Cryptographic verification
Terminal verify card (INTERNAL AUTH)
Terminal sends a random number to card to be hashed
or encrypted using a key.
Card provides the hash or cyphertext.
Terminal can know that the card is authentic.
Card needs to verify (EXTERNAL AUTH)
Terminal asks for a challenge and sends the response to
card to verify
Card thus know that terminal is authentic.
Primarily for the “Entity Authentication”
Varun Arora |
[email protected] |
Biometric techniques
Finger print identification.
Features of finger prints can be kept on the card
(even verified on the card)
Photograph/IRIS pattern etc.
Such information is to be verified by a person. The
information can be stored in the card securely.
Data storage
Data is stored in smart cards in E2PROM
Card OS provides a file structure mechanism
MF File types
Binary file (unstructured)
Fixed size record file
DF EF Variable size record file
File Naming and Selection
Each files has a 2 byte file ID and an optional 5-bit
SFID (both unique within a DF). DFs may
optionally have (globally unique) 16 byte name.
OS keeps tack of a current DF and a current EF.
Current DF or EF can be changed using SELECT
FILE command. Target file specified as either:
DF name
File ID
SFID(Short File Identifier, 1 byte)
Relative or absolute path (sequence of File IDs).
Parent DF
Basic File Related Commands
Commands for file creation, deletion etc., File size
and security attributes specified at creation time.
Commands for reading, writing, appending records,
updating etc.
Commands work on the current EF.
Execution only if security conditions are met.
Each file has a life cycle status indicator (LCSI),
one of: created, initialized, activated, deactivated,
Access control on the files
Applications may specify the access controls
A password (PIN) on the MF selection
For example SIM password in mobiles
Multiple passwords can be used and levels of
security access may be given
Applications may also use cryptographic
An example scenario (institute ID
card) What happens
Read: ifFree
the user
Select: P2 Write:
forgets his upon
Security verification
verification EF1 (personal data) by K1, K2 or K3
Solution1: Add supervisor
Name: Varun Arora
PF/Roll: 13 password
Should be modified only by
MF Read: Free
the DOSA/DOFA/Registrar
Solution2: Allow
EF2 (Address) Write: Password to
Readable to all (P1)
#320, MSc (off) modify EF3
475, SICSR (Res) EF2:
Solution3: Allow both to
Card holder should be able
to modify
EF3 (password) EF4 (keys)
EF3 (password) K1 (DOSA’s key)
P1 (User password) Read: Never
P1 (User password) K2 (DOFA’s key)
P2 (sys password) Write: Once
K3 (Registrar’s key)
Read: Never
Write: Password
Verification (P1)
An example scenario (institute ID
EF1 (personal data) Library manages its
own keys in EF3
EF2 (Address)
under DF1
EF3 (password)
Institute manages its
EF4 (keys) keys and data under
Modifiable: By admin
DF1 (Lib) MF staff. Read: all
EF2 (Privilege info) Thus library can
EF1 (Issue record)
Max Duration: 20 days develop applications
Max Books: 10 independent of the
Bk# dt issue dt retn Reserve Collection: Yes rest.
EF3: Keys
Bk# dt issue dt retn
K1: Issue staff key
K2: Admin staff key
Bk# dt issue dt retn Modifiable: By issue
Bk# dt issue dt retn staff. Read all
How does it all work?
Card is inserted in the terminal
Card gets power. OS boots up.
Sends ATR (Answer to reset)
ATR negotiations take place to
set up data transfer speeds,
capability negotiations etc.
HealthCare cards
Loyalty cards
eTicketing Retail
Smart Card Applications
Government programs
Banking & Finance
Mobile Communication
Pay Phone Cards
Electronic Tolls
Electronic Cash
Retailer Loyalty Programs
Information security
Banking and finance
Driver’s license
failure rate
probability of breaking: keeping in wallets may
damage the chip on the card.
malware attacks: active malwares on systems
may result in modifying the transactions.
OS Based Classification
Smart cards are also classified on the basis of their Operating System. There
are many Smart Card Operating Systems available in the market, the main
ones being:
1. MultOS
2. JavaCard
3. Cyberflex
4. StarCOS
5. MFC
Smart Card Operating Systems or SCOS as they are commonly called, are
placed on the ROM and usually occupy lesser than 16 KB. SCOS handle:
• File Handling and Manipulation.
• Memory Management
• Data Transmission Protocols.
Proven to be more reliable than the magnetic stripe card.
Can store up to thousands of times of the information than the magnetic stripe card.
Reduces tampering and counterfeiting through high security mechanisms such as
advanced encryption and biometrics.
Can be disposable or reusable.
Performs multiple functions.
Has wide range of applications (e.g., banking, transportation, healthcare...)
Compatible with portable electronics (e.g., PCs, telephones...)
Evolves rapidly applying semi-conductor technology
Smart cards used for client-side identification and
authentication are the most secure way for eg. internet banking
applications, but the security is never 100% sure.
In the example of internet banking, if the PC is infected with
any kind of malware, the security model is broken. Malware
can override the communication (both input via keyboard and
output via application screen) between the user and the
internet banking application (eg. browser). This would result in
modifying transactions by the malware and unnoticed by the
user. There is malware in the wild with this capability (eg.
Trojan. Silentbanker).
Banks like Fortis and Dexia in Belgium combine a Smart card with an unconnected card reader to
avoid this problem. The customer enters a challenge received from the bank's website, his PIN and
the transaction amount into the card reader, the card reader returns an 8-digit signature. This
signature is manually copied to the PC and verified by the bank. This method prevents malware from
changing the transaction amount.
Future Aspects
Soon it will be possible to access the data in Smart cards by the use of Biometrics.
Smart card Readers can be built into future computers or peripherals
which will enable the users to pay for goods purchased on the internet.
In the near future, the multifunctional smart card will replace the
traditional magnetic swipe card.
Smart Card is not only a data store, but also a programmable, portable,
tamper resistant memory storage.
The Smart card success story
Microprocessor Smart Cards Shipments ( Millions of units )
4000 295
225 580
Telecom (SIM)
205 +22%
2500 Banking - Retail
2000 Identity & others
1500 3000
+27% 2600
1000 2040
2007 2008 2009
By 2020 …